
Chapter 44 The Fox of the Jungle

Chapter 44 The Jungle Fox

Of course, Chen Bubu knew that it was dangerous to lead a small army of students to march through the mountains under the heavy rain.

The impact of mountain rain makes the already rough and uneven road surface more slippery, and you will be injured if you are not careful.And those huge rocks that usually seem to be impregnable may also roll down the hillside with the power of heaven and earth at the most terrible time. The most terrifying thing is that the terrain here is steep, and no one can guarantee whether it will form Small-scale flash flood impact!

But Chen Bubu had no choice at all.

Six years ago, he stepped on the Fengying Building, and with the brilliance of successfully defeating a "seed" student, he got the teachers and instructors of various departments to look at him differently. Having received too much favor, he has become the target of public criticism as an "alternative", and has won the respect and recognition of the whole class. [

Since then, Chen Bubu and Fengyinglou have never had the chance to shake hands. Chen Bubu dared to bet with his own head that Fengyinglou could sweat profusely on the training ground every day like a pervert with masochistic tendencies. After six years, which is impossible for normal people to bear, he, Chen Bubu, has contributed a lot!

What Chen Bubu didn't expect the most was that under the seemingly impossible circumstances, Fengyinglou, a salty fish, turned over!And once it is turned over, it is a shocking reversal. If he can't suppress Fengyinglou again today and let Fengyinglou officially leave the Fifth Special Forces, then he may never have another chance in his life, and he will even form a relationship that may never be able to survive. The Enemy of Mediation!


In the deafening bang, another blue lightning slashed through the hazy sky, showing the greatest and most mysterious power of nature incisively and vividly in the twists and turns.Looking at the lightning that soared through the sky like a radiant dragon with absolute arrogance and presumptuousness, for some reason, a sentence appeared in Chen Bubu's mind so clearly and abruptly: "Is the golden scales soaring?" The thing in the pool will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm!"

"Da da da……"

Almost at the same time, in the dense forest in front of them, there was suddenly the sound of Squad firing three bursts of light machine guns.

It is the "Utimas" mk3 squad light machine gun, known as the world's lightest squad light machine gun with the highest shooting accuracy!

Chen Bubu, who had already been prepared for a sneak attack, fell to the ground almost at the same time as the gunshots rang out.Although his movements were too violent, he just jumped into a small puddle and swallowed a mouthful of the smelly, slippery and greasy thing mixed with mud and rotten leaves, but Chen Bubu's face was full of excitement. A relieved smile appeared.

Maybe others have forgotten the "Utimas" mk3 class light machine gun, but Chen Bubu did not forget it.He remembered more clearly that after Fengyinglou chose this squad to use a light machine gun, he only took a drum.Taking out this last weapon, knowing that it is impossible to win, he still turned around and fought to the death. This has clearly shown that after the battle between Fengyinglou and Dragon King, he was seriously injured, and it is impossible to use a single weapon like before. The high flexibility and maneuverability of human combat, and they fought guerrilla warfare in the mountains.

The members who can be selected by Chen Bubu to join this special operations team are of course the top soldiers with the best test scores and the best military skills in the class.

They all reacted quickly and were quick-witted. The fact that the entire army of the Dragon King was wiped out made them feel full of arrogance. Li Fan, the leader of the assault team that Chen Bubu relied on as his right-hand man, even gave a direct order to all the team members: "From this moment on, forget that in school, no matter how bullying you are, you will never say a word. During the competition assessment, you are like a piece of plasticine that can be kneaded at will. If you still want to win, each of you, You must treat Fengyinglou as an instructor-level opponent!"

Treat it as an instructor-level opponent!

Facing an opponent at the instructor level, the war machine composed of eighteen best students from the Fifth Special Forces officially launched!

The assault team led by Li Fan still stayed with Captain Chen Bubu, as a reserve, ready to go into battle at any time.The scouts in a group of two expanded to both sides in a "V" shape. Behind them, two fire support teams equipped with squad light machine guns, automatic rifles and semi-automatic grenade launchers were about 15 meters away from them. They moved forward in coordination at the same position, and formed a situation of outflanking and pinching left and right against Fengyinglou who was sniping at them with mk3 light machine guns.

As long as they use the double-arrow combat formation most commonly used by special forces when they are outnumbered, they can establish fire support points on the left and right sides of Fengyinglou to form a crossfire network. At that time, Fengyinglou will be destroyed Two squad light machine guns, four automatic rifles, and two semi-automatic grenade launchers fought so hard that they couldn't raise their heads, and the assault team who stayed by Chen Bubu's side on standby could take the opportunity to launch a frontal attack on Fengyinglou!

Listening to Fengyinglou still staying at the original position, firing three bursts, constantly sniping and trying to suppress their attack, Li Fan, the leader of the assault team, shook his head lightly.In this world, no one can single-handedly resist a joint attack from three directions by a well-trained and well-coordinated special forces team.Even if instructor Long Jianhui is invited over, it won't work!

When the fire support teams on the left and right wings finally opened fire, Chen Bubu had a winning smile on his face, and he snorted softly: "It's just a dying struggle! Fengyinglou, I really want to see now, you have already Trying my best, even a big explosion like a small universe burning, but still have to face failure, still have to pack up and go home, what kind of expression will appear on the face. You know, a once high-spirited 'seed' 'Students, even though they have been favored by so many instructors, they still have to leave as eliminated in the end. This is really a wonderful tragedy and comedy in life!"

After making such a declaration of victory, Chen Bubu waved his hand lightly, and said to Li Fan, "Li Fan, go and help me dig out the garbage from that garbage, I really can't wait to see his face."

"Trash in the trash?!"[

Hearing Chen Bubu's order and meditating on the above words in his mouth, Li Fan suddenly had an extremely weird expression on his face.

"Before I entered the Fifth Special Forces, my dad once told me to respect the opponents I have to do my best to defeat..." Li Fan looked at Chen Bubu meaningfully, and said in a deep voice: "It's respect Own!"

After saying this, before Chen Bubu could answer, Li Fan waved his hand, and like a tiger out of its box, he led the assault team to launch a frontal charge against the position guarded by Fengyinglou.

Seeing that under the leadership of Li Fan, the assault team kept throwing smoke and grenades, protected by the smoke formed by waves of explosions, and under the protection of each other, they used stepped firepower to suppress them and moved forward cautiously. Chen Bubu's hands suddenly couldn't move. He restrained himself from trembling slightly, and even the smile on his face became a little stiff and weird.He clearly felt that his commanding charm, as well as his authority among the students of the same age in the whole grade, seemed to be shaken at this time with the counterattack of Fengyinglou!

Maybe it's because all the shots have been shot, or maybe it's suppressed by the firepower from the left and right sides and it's impossible to look up. I don't know when, Fengyinglou stopped firing back.But Li Fan did not rush forward, he was still taking every step, still being cautious, and strictly implementing his judgment on Fengyinglou... Treat him as an instructor-level opponent!

Three minutes later, the entire team of 3 people poured out at least 18 shots at the hidden position of Fengyinglou. Li Fan finally led his assault team and broke through the defense of Fengyinglou.

Looking at Fengyinglou who was still standing there quietly, holding the mk3 class light machine gun in his hand, the expressions of several other team members changed, only their captain Li Fan slowly raised a smile on his face.He nodded lightly, and said in a low voice: "You were able to single-handedly wipe out the entire Dragon King's army, and play the killer tricks of several heavyweight instructors, Fengyinglou, you really didn't let me down!"

Standing there, attracted all their attention, and shot at least five hundred shots for it, making everyone startled, it was just a "scarecrow" casually made by Fengying Studio.

No, to be exact, a stump man!

"Don't go there!"

Li Fan uttered a sound to stop a subordinate who wanted to go up to check. He looked up and down the stump man with eyes like admiring a work of art.

Of course, Fengyinglou didn't have the time to build a "scarecrow" in the heavy rain. He didn't have the time, nor did he have enough materials.But he was able to adapt to local conditions, found a small tree, smashed it to the height of a person with a saber, and chopped off the excess branches to make it into a "ya" shape.

Fengyinglou put on the military uniform on his body. In order to increase the camouflage effect of this "stump man" and make it look more like a real person, he conveniently squeezed the cut branches into a ball and stuffed them into the military uniform. Sex, the military uniform stretched out a person's outline.In the end, Fengyinglou simply buckled his helmet to the top of the little tree again.In this way, a "stump man" with rough workmanship, but strong and durable, able to withstand the recoil of repeated firing of light machine guns, and not to be blown down by strong wind and rain, is considered a success.

But what surprised Li Fan the most was the fire operation "system" of the stump man pulling the trigger of the light machine gun used by the mk3 squad.

"Awesome, amazing, high!" Li Fan sighed softly, and said, "Fengyinglou, you are the seed student selected by instructor Mo Tian, ​​and other instructors have taught you some unique skills in private. The guide of the classics, instructor Mo Tian, ​​is of course even less likely to lag behind others. I think the set of things you created is probably instructor Mo Tian. He has accumulated countless actual combat experience in a life-and-death confrontation with enemy special forces in the tropical rainforest. , A tactical trap that has been researched, right?!"

Fengyinglou used a rope to tie it to the trigger of the light machine gun used by the mk3 squad, then stretched the rope tightly and tied it to another small tree that was only as thick as an egg and had moderately tough branches.As long as the small tree is bent by someone, it will drive the rope tied to the trunk, and the light machine gun used by the mk3 squad will be fired directly.

At this time, this set of firepower operation "system" is still dead, and the addition of Fengyinglou to it is like a finishing touch, a stone.

According to Li Fan's visual inspection, the stone weighs about eight kilograms. Fengyinglou tied the stone to a small tree with a rope.When the group of them, led by Chen Bubu, chased them all the way up, Fengyinglou raised the stone and threw it on the ground. With the force of the falling stone, it slammed the branch of the small tree.

A small tree as thick as an egg is impossible to completely resist the violent pull of the falling stone, and suddenly bends into a bow. With this force, it directly rang the MK3 squad light machine gun in the hand of the "stump man".

The most wonderful design full of Mo Tian's combat wisdom, this is the real beginning!

The small tree was pulled into a bow shape, and the force of the falling stone had been completely consumed, and the trunk, which was no longer obstructed, suddenly straightened. The force was strong enough to carry the stone back up, and at the same time, it also loosened the already pulled To the bottom of the LMG trigger, and then, without question, the stone dropped again.

The stone falls, the tree bends, the gun is fired, the tree straightens, and the stone is pulled up.Stones fall, trees bend...[

This set of firepower operating system looks like a "perpetual motion machine" that can continuously convert kinetic energy and potential energy in physics. In repeated cycles, the mk3 squad uses light machine guns in the drum, Three rounds, three rounds are launched.

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