
Chapter 61 The Gate of Life and Death

Chapter 61 The Gate of Life and Death

"Li Fan, you are the smartest person among us." Fengyinglou stared at the brother in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "But at the same time, you are also the stupidest and most curable idiot among us!"

With so many people present, who doesn't know that if they immediately break through with all their strength, they will be able to break out of the encirclement when the base terrorists have not gained a firm foothold and are still fighting with the anti-tower alliance army. Technology and the actual combat experience honed slowly, in this Tora Bora mountainous area, isn't the sky high enough for birds to fly, and the sea for fish to swim freely?

But Li Fan chose to stay. He exhausted all his tricks, even using himself as a bait, just to pursue the one percent chance of winning. From this point of view, he is not a redeemable idiot, what is he? ? !

Listening to Fengyinglou's evaluation of himself, Li Fan's eyes suddenly became a little blurred, "Fengyinglou, do you still remember the sand table we saw in the ground command center on the first day we entered the school nine years ago?" ?"[

Fengyinglou nodded vigorously. Who among them students can forget that the sand table of the Krem Palace, which was made by Principal Lei Zhen, the founder of the Fifth Special Forces, was filled with too much concentration and enthusiasm, and written by him on the On the wall, the sonorous and passionate passage written, is it really a call to arms that is full of magnanimity, magnanimity and regret? !

"At that time, I really couldn't figure it out. If in that turbulent era, the Soviet Union really brazenly used nuclear weapons against us and blew open the gate of China, millions of mechanized troops that had already gathered at the border would have driven straight in and put Ignition was introduced into our land of China. Why did Principal Lei Zhen know that under such circumstances, no matter how elite and fearless the soldiers of the Fifth Special Forces were, they would rush thousands of miles to attack the Klimt Palace surrounded by huge city walls? It is a battle that must be defeated, must be lost, and must die. Why does he still do this, and use a posture like moths to a flame, wasting all the most precious military talents on the battlefield in a foreign country? ... just want to splash the blood of Chinese soldiers directly on the square in front of the Kremlin Palace!"

Li Fan stared at the mountain in front of him, which had already been occupied by the enemy layer by layer. He had to use the corpses and blood of soldiers to move forward step by step. He raised his head slightly, "But now I finally understand! Principal Lei Zhen After experiencing the War of Resistance Against Japan, he knows better than anyone that once a strong enemy invades and the mountains and rivers are broken, even if all the people can become soldiers, even if we finally win the final victory after a long struggle, our country's technology will be knocked back. Before liberation, if that was the case, even if we try to catch up, within 100 years, we will never be able to catch up with the western countries!"

Speaking of this, Li Fan's eyes suddenly burst into a fiery flame, and he hissed wildly: "At that time, all the people in China were soldiers, and the whole country was preparing for war, preparing to drag the enemy into the 'ocean of the people's war'. But what Principal Lei Zhen thinks and does is to lead the soldiers of the Fifth Special Forces to raid the enemy's base camp before the war breaks out and the enemy smashes our mountains and rivers, and use his own hands to create China's future , to win the greatest miracle in modern military history for the [-] million compatriots in China at that time!"

Please imagine from afar, if three or 40 years ago, the Fifth Special Forces led by Principal Lei Zhen, using various methods, really succeeded in breaking through the periphery of the Krem Palace. For those former Soviet fighters who sit in gorgeous offices and think that they are the sky and the earth, that God is the ruler, and that they can use a superior attitude to decide the fate of China, let the bright five-star red flag be used for the sake of the enemy. Flying in the sky above the base camp, happy cheers sounded like a storm from the land of 960 million square kilometers in China. At that moment, everyone was looking forward to it!

Their grandfather was a soldier, and their father was a soldier. They have formed an inseparable whole with their motherland and their political party since they were born.During the nine years of training at the school, they not only mastered the most outstanding killing skills, but also, under the influence of what they heard and saw, and the instructor's rumors and deeds, they even unconsciously fell in love with their motherland so deeply and sincerely!

With the lives of the eight of them, they will gamble on the long-term stability of China on the anti-terrorist battlefield, and give a blow to those East Turkistan terrorists who have been arrogant in China for ten years and have split their hearts in China. Dormant, even if it is a moth to the flame, even if it is a car with a mantis' arms, Fengyinglou and the others ask themselves, the answer is exactly the same... let's fight!

With the lives of the eight of them, they will gamble on the long-term stability of China on the anti-terrorist battlefield, and give a blow to those East Turkistan terrorists who have been arrogant in China for ten years and have split their hearts in China. dormant.For all of this, even if moths are thrown into the flames, even if it is a chariot with the arms of a mantis, even if it is shrouded in horse leather, even if the entire army is wiped out, what does it matter?

At least, in their young lives, they have lived, hated, and loved. They have trusted comrades-in-arms who live and die together in battle. In the heavenly kingdom of heaven, the martyrs of the past dynasties watched with smiles, and their names will be engraved on the steles of heroes belonging to the Chinese soldiers, allowing future generations to comment.For the rest of their lives, the grass and trees fall vigorously and vigorously. After doing all of this, their lives are short, but compared to living for hundreds of years, they achieved nothing and finally died on the hospital bed. Why can't they fight to regret? !

At the same time, Hai Qingwu, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly shook her whole body. If it wasn't for her overly stubborn personality, she had self-control far beyond ordinary people, and her tears might not be able to control herself. Even more inexplicably rushing out of the eyes.

Perhaps, it is the "lover's button" that Hai Qingwu wove together with her own hair and red silk rope that really possesses mysterious power. The wind and rain, still deep in my heart, reserved for each other a piece of the purest sky that will never be occupied by others. Two people who are in love, their hearts actually crossed each other, that long space, in the dark In the dark, Hai Qingwu heard such a deep and regretful sigh from Fengyinglou: "Farewell...my love!"

Under Lei Hongfei and Zhou Yuqi's amazed gaze, in just three years, they have led all of them to create a sky in the field of international mercenaries. Hai Qingwu's hands were trembling slightly, and the red and blue two-color pencil she held in her hand was pinched into several pieces by her unknowingly, and the sharp sawdust pierced it. The skin on her palm oozes a few strands of bright red blood.


Just when the pencil was broken and Hai Qingwu let out a painful whine from the palm of Hai Qingwu's hand, Yang Liang, who had already been lurking at the foot of the mountain and didn't know how long he had locked onto the target, suddenly pulled the trigger of the sv Dragunf sniper rifle in his hand .The heavy machine gunner who was sitting on the third line of defense with his hands resting on the handle of the heavy machine gun, as long as he pressed his fingers hard, the high-level dual-purpose heavy machine gun in front of him would be condescending and suppress the firepower of the entire battlefield. An extremely sharp and extremely cold pain suddenly pierced through his forehead. Before he could hear the sound of his skull being pierced by the quilt, the quilt completely destroyed his brain.

Gorgeous blood spray, mixed with milky white brains, sprayed two or three feet away from the machine gunner's forehead, and poured fiercely on the heavy machine gun that had already been loaded in front of him. , came into contact with the cold metal, and immediately raised a steaming heat.

This heavy machine gunner, with his own death, once again verified the heavy machine gunner. In modern warfare, the death rate is as high as 80.00%. Such a terrible law of death!

The bloody mist had just risen from the mountain peak, and Fengyinglou had already jumped up. He raised the automatic rifle in his hand and shouted wildly: "Those who want to survive, rush with me!"

Fengyinglou and the others exchanged theaters with the anti-Taliban coalition forces, but they want to capture a mountain that is defended layer by layer by dozens of members of the terrorist leader's pro-guards. The war leaders inspired are those who can’t even be called boy scouts. They are forced to join the army just because they live in poverty and want to fill their stomachs. They have no sense of honor at all, let alone the consciousness of giving up their lives for the country and the people It is impossible for the anti-Taliban coalition soldiers to do it!

Although this group of anti-Taliban alliance soldiers were well equipped, they were not much different from bandits in their bones. They all knew what would happen if they gave up resistance and fell into the hands of terrorists on the battlefield.Listening to the roar of Fengyinglou, watching him rush out of the battle line for the first time, a group of people rushed out of the bunker in a panic after being stunned for three seconds, followed behind Fengyinglou, and launched an attack against the mountain. The first wave of charge. [

There are no levels, no ladders, no reserves, and no heavy weapons for coordinated fire suppression. In this case, Fengyinglou and the others will come out in full force.Faced with this bandit-like charge that can be called sheep herding, the members of the pro-guards of the terrorist leader who had experienced many battles and possessed unique skills on the mountain couldn't help but widen their eyes, but they quickly reacted and took up the weapons in their hands. There was a burst of shooting down the mountain.

Dense bombs hit the head and face like rain. It wasn't until this time that Fengyinglou knew why there was no commander who was willing to put the special forces directly into regular ground warfare.

The sound of gunfire above the head became one, light machine guns, automatic rifles, carbines, rifles, pistols, all kinds of seeds were mixed together, their calibers were different, their powers were different, the sounds when firing were different, the flying speeds of the bullets were different, and the shooting angles were even more different. From time to time, a few gun grenades, one or two rocket launchers are added in the middle. Facing such a hodgepodge, facing this, there are flying everywhere, and the scythe of the god of death is slashing left and right everywhere. What kind of mobile military dodge Actions, what to judge, what to send later, unless you have a Pentium PU installed in your brain, otherwise, it is all nonsense!

If you want to survive, the only way is to bite the bullet and rush forward. As for whether you will be locked by a sniper before you rush to the dead end of the machine gun fire at the foot of the mountain, you can easily take it with a light snap of your finger. Your life, or whether you will be hit or not depends on whether your character is good enough, whether you have accumulated virtue in your previous life, and whether there has been smoke from your ancestral grave in this life!

As soon as the gunshot rang out on the mountain, four or five people who were chaotically following Fengyinglou fell down.

In domestic TV dramas, especially police and gangster movies shot in Hong Kong, some superhuman scenes often appear.As long as the protagonist snatches a gun from the enemy, there will be endless bullets in it. Putting on a protective clothing, it is like being possessed by the merciful and compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and the Virgin Mary looks at her eyes and becomes immortal. Even if you don't have a protective suit, you can hold a pistol at close range with the enemy's big boss, and shoot seven or eight shots at each other. It depends on who gets hit, and looks tougher, more bearable, and more powerful. like a man.

But as long as anyone who has actually been on the battlefield understands clearly, this kind of picture is all nonsense within nonsense!

What's wrong with wearing a protective suit?

Within a range of 100 meters, an automatic rifle can punch through a one-centimeter-thick steel plate. Compared with a one-centimeter-thick steel plate, those anti-wear with special ceramic pieces inside can be stronger?

As for the anti-helmet... The long-distance flow can also use the appearance that conforms to the laws of physics to directly open it, but at close range, the only consequence of being hit head-on by the K rifle is that the helmet is shattered, and the people inside He was shot dead on the spot!

Looking at the "comrades in arms" rolling on the ground in pain, with blood constantly oozing from under the protective clothing, looking at a protective helmet whose quilt was smashed open, and the fragments flew four or five meters away, and the owner of this protective helmet, the quilt With his face blown to pieces, the momentum of the anti-Taliban coalition soldiers who were following behind Fengyinglou, barely launching a charge, could not help but stagnate severely.Perhaps even they didn't expect that the standard equipment of the US special forces would be so vulnerable on the battlefield, right? !

True veterans know what it means to them to hesitate and to slow down when charging an enemy position.They just hesitated for a moment, and three more people knelt down on the ground with pale faces.There were two of them, the guns didn't directly penetrate the protective clothing, but the distance between the two sides was too close. The impact of the bullets was three times the speed of sound, and the kinetic energy formed after smashing the special gasket in the protective clothing did not dissipate. Shengsheng broke the ribs in front of their chests.

"Da da da……"

At this mortal moment, a series of light machine guns suddenly came from behind these anti-Taliban coalition soldiers and hit them hard.It was Yang Liang who was shooting a squad of light machine guns at their feet non-stop!

Their captain, Fengyinglou, rushed to the forefront. In this kind of frontal assault where the fight is all about the number of people, and the fight is all about consumption. He was the default son-in-law of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and he was shot to death in the end. There was no other possibility!

Seeing that a dozen people turned their heads to stare at him because of his shooting from behind, and seeing the group of boy scouts in front of him who were fighting for their achievements and bloody battles, the battle started less than half a minute ago, and it was only the first wave of charge. Being beaten so demoralized, Yang Liang jumped out of the bunker and pulled open his skirt, revealing a row of high explosives strapped to his body. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he actually pulled the fuse. Amidst the beating gunpowder and the rolling smoke, he screamed wildly: "Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run forward for me!! Whoever dares to turn back, whoever dares not to use the strength of breastfeeding to move forward Run, I will finish with him in my arms!!!”

Yang Liang was really going crazy. At this moment, he even forgot that the boy scouts in front of him were all Afghans, and none of them could understand Chinese, but his movements, his tone, and his eyes were full. The blood has turned red, the eyes that are almost ready to swallow someone, and the row of high explosives that have been ignited around his waist are the most common in the world without language at all. Strong warning.Seeing that Yang Liang really jumped out of the bunker and rushed towards them with a pack of smoking explosives, a group of boy scouts from the anti-Taliban alliance, like a hornet that had blown up its nest, fired at the machine guns of the terrorists at the base. Run forward desperately.

At this time, Fengyinglou had already rushed to the foot of the mountain single-handedly. With the inertia formed by his body's high-speed sprint, Fengyinglou's right arm suddenly swung round. A grenade was thrown hard.At the moment when the grenade was thrown, Fengyinglou threw himself on the ground recklessly. Needless to say, it was a frightening action like a hungry dog ​​grabbing food. The light machine gun that came over just scratched his scalp and flew over Fengyinglou's head.

The absolute fiery heat formed by the head tearing through the air at high speed, and the fright of death passing by, made Fengyinglou's heart shrank involuntarily, and then suddenly expanded outward.And the 360 ​​five hairs all over his body stood upside down at the same time.The chest was hit by the edge of the protruding stone on the ground, making it feel like a cramping pain, and after scratching through a few inches of snow, the hands were ground bloody by the rough ground, but the corner of Fengyinglou's mouth suddenly raised a Big smile.

The fragmentation-type high-explosive grenade thrown by him with all his strength drew a long arc in the air. After flying more than 70 meters in a stunned way, it finally spun and hit the ground hard. On the mountain peak, there is an open area that is not guarded at all.

The grenade is different from the grenade. It has no wooden handle. In terms of the throwing distance of the grenade, Fengyinglou, which has already exerted all its energy, may rank among the top [-] in the world even if it is not on the list. !

Seeing that the grenade landed in an area where there was no one to defend it, even if it exploded, it would not cause any effective damage. The terrorists on the mountain had just raised a mocking smile on their faces when they suddenly heard At the foot of the hill, the companion who set the landmine with a mousetrap shouted: "Not good!" [



The grenade finally spun and hit the ground, a cloud of gunpowder smoke mixed with a large number of pieces just splashed around at subsonic speed, a roar that could almost temporarily deafen human ears suddenly sounded, and the whole mountain was followed by a second big explosion There was a violent tremor, that is, in the tremor like a magnitude [-] earthquake, twenty or thirty carefully placed, extremely sensitive mousetraps jumped up almost at the same time when they were hit by the shock wave.

Fengyinglou laughed and took a deep breath.Although he has studied booby trap design technology with Mo Tian for several years, frankly speaking, due to the limitation of actual combat experience, he is still in the imitation stage in booby trap design, and he can't combine his creative thinking with booby traps. weapons combined.But today, the terrorist on the mountain who used mousetrap as a booby trap can be said to have taught him an out-and-out shocking education lesson.

There are two types of mousetrap used by the opponent.One is a double steel clip. This kind of mouse trap has two fans made of iron wire. When using it, they are separated from the left and right. Once the mouse steps on it, the two steel sheets will close together suddenly, like a pair of scissors. , sandwiching the mouse directly in the middle.The biggest feature of this structure of mousetrap is that the two steel sheets can be joined together only by moving [-] degrees each. Once a mouse steps on it, even with their agility, they can't escape.

The expert booby trap designer borrowed the characteristics of this mousetrap and used it to directly detonate the grenade with the safety plug pulled out. As long as he misses this kind of trap, even the most rigorously trained professional soldier like Fengyinglou will have no trouble. Impossible to react anymore.The most important thing is that the sensitivity of this kind of booby trap made of mousetrap is too high, and it will explode when stepped on.

The second type of mousetrap is single-leaf.For this kind of mouse trap, the whole set of machine springs is installed on a long strip of wood. After the fan made of iron wire is pulled apart and fixed, once the mouse trap is opened, the fan needs to rotate 180 degrees in the air, and the mouse will Step into the trap, or avoid it.Hmm... The working principle of this kind of mousetrap, you can imagine the most commonly used trebuchets in Hollywood movies, those medieval siege battles, and you should be able to understand.

But in the hands of the booby trap design master, the most terrifying thing is this mousetrap with a simpler structure!

He really used this mousetrap as a trebuchet!

The master designer of booby traps directly placed the grenade on the fan, the mouse clip spring collapsed, and the fan suddenly swung out, and the whole grenade was able to fly three to four meters high.Dozens of mouse traps were opened together in the big explosion. Fengyinglou was lying on the hillside, and it could be clearly seen that more than [-] grenades were launched at the same time, which faintly formed the difference that could only be had when a platoon of artillery bombarded it. !

Can put a grenade on a mousetrap and make it into a directional flying mine. With the help of the simplest props and the most basic war weapons, this technology can be combined into the most powerful war weapons, and the practical military theory of "simplicity is beauty" , applied to the limit, it really gave Fengyinglou a feeling of astonishment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Dozens of grenades exploded at the same time, and there was a sudden crackling sound on the huge rock in front of Fengyinglou. hot.Fengyinglou subconsciously reached out to wipe off the blood oozing from his face, when his eyes subconsciously lowered, an absolute cold pierced Fengyinglou's heart in an instant.

On the pure white snow surface, a few small steel balls are lying there quietly, if Fengyinglou's judgment is correct.The other party directly glued the steel ball with a diameter of only one millimeter to the surface of the grenade with latex or something like that.Just now dozens of grenades were thrown into the air by the mousetrap and were directly detonated. At the same time, at least five or six thousand of these small steel balls, relying on the kinetic energy formed by the explosion of the grenade, carried out a differential coverage attack within a radius of 100 meters.

If they are within the killing range of their firepower... no matter who it is, the final outcome is inevitable!

Although the two sides are only fighting for the first time, and it should be the last time in their lives, Fengyinglou can't help but give a thumbs up to the master of booby trap design in his heart, "You are awesome!"

The master of booby trap design hidden on the mountain peak looked at the gunpowder smoke rising from the sky below the mountain peak. At this moment, his expression was really gloomy, and he hummed softly, "Boy's eyes are poisonous!"

The booby traps he designed were deliberately placed outside in a big way, and it was not for people to step on them at all.

The mountain they are on was formed tens of thousands of years ago by the pulse of ground water in the Tora Bora Mountains, and there are still clear water marks on the rocks.For these booby trap design masters, it is easy to find the weak point of the entire mountain's crust. Just install a proper amount of high explosives at this position, and the mountain will vibrate like an earthquake, triggering an artificial earthquake .

As long as Fengyinglou and the others didn't destroy all the mousetraps, once he rushed to the mountain, he would use the remote control device to detonate the explosives directly, and dozens of grenades with steel balls stuck to them would explode in mid-air, completely annihilating Fengyinglou and the others!For this reason, he deliberately hid a few mouse traps and grenades under the snow layer, but he really didn't expect that the death trap he had carefully arranged for a long time was separated by Fengyinglou 70 meters away, as if eating a lot of energy. Like a pill, a grenade was directly thrown in, and it was detonated directly in advance.

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