() In the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed, and Chen Yan has already recovered the cultivation level of the later generations, and even slightly surpassed it.In the past few years, Chen Yan also discovered the origin of the "Avenue Map" and the magical effect of essence. This "Avenue Map" was a corner that fell from Tiandao when the great god Pangu accidentally split it when he opened the sky. Yes, it turned into a treasure map, which was picked up by the patriarch Shanyuan Guanyi. Unfortunately, that patriarch had eyes and did not recognize real treasures, so he actually asked him to help new disciples quickly enter samadhi, which is really overkill.

The "Da Dao Tu" allows people to freely enter the realm of the unity of nature and man, which is rare for ascetics, and the deduction of exercises in the unity of nature and man is a hundred times better than others. Chen Yan knows that the exercises in the door are really not good Therefore, he specially created a "Zuo Wang Sutra" that is most suitable for him by combining the Hidden Dragon Sleeping Alchemy Kung Fu written by the ancestor Chen Tuan when he became a Taoist, combined with the Taoist scriptures, exercises and spells that later generations have read. It is a bit similar to the method of enlightening the saints in dreams. Practicing this function allows people to enter the realm of harmony between man and nature from sleep and realize the Tao, so as to forget everything outside the body.When refining alchemy, refining weapons, or defending against enemies, as long as you use the exercises, you will immediately discard all distracting thoughts and deal with everything with the most rational side.It's a pity that because of his lack of knowledge and insight, he could only reach the realm of immortality. Chen Yan is not greedy. In the past few years, he has been refining alchemy, refining weapons, and indulging in mountains and rivers.

The old man who saved his life passed away a few years ago, leaving behind a grandson, both of whom are illiterate. Chen Yan named his grandson Shi Kun. Shi Kun has no qualifications to cultivate immortals, so Chen Yan named Baji Teach him boxing, don't think it's just boxing and look down on it. Bajiquan is known as "swinging your arms to the sky, stomping your feet to shake Kyushu", and there is a saying that "Taiji does not go out for ten years, and Baji kills people in a year". Although it is useless to the immortal family, as long as he practices to a high level, he can dominate the mortal world.

Two years later, one day, Chen Yan was looking for spiritual materials in the mountains and forests, when he saw a 'White Deer' coming from afar, he didn't want to pay attention to it, but the 'White Deer' saw that it was a practitioner, Thinking about the nourishing flesh and blood of the practitioners, he was greedy for a moment, and cast a spell, causing a flood of water to rush towards Chen Yan.Chen Yan was furious seeing him so ignorant, and took out a treasure bag and a Tie Ruyi from the treasure bag. This Tie Ruyi had a name called 'Bengshan Ruyi'. Chen Yan smelted it with 30 jin of iron ore. It is like the magic pestle, the treasure of the Taoist Tianzun. It is as light as gray grass in his hand, and it is as heavy as Mount Tai when it is hit on a person. It’s nothing more than other wonderful uses of the pestle, and the bag is also a treasure. It was woven by Chen Yan from ten thousand-year-old silk. It looks as big as a palm, and it can hold a mountain with its mouth open.At this time, the flood called by the 'White Deer' was already in front of his eyes. As soon as Chen Yan chanted the mantra, the ten-thousand-year silk bag rose into the air, and the mouth of the bag opened, and the flood was sucked in.Seeing this, the 'White Deer' immediately regained consciousness. Although it has been in the world for more than a hundred years, it has no orthodox skills and only one innate supernatural power. Seeing that his innate supernatural power was restrained by Chen Yan, he hurriedly fled. As if knowing what it was thinking, Chen Yan tossed Tie Ruyi, and the baby swelled into a length of ten feet in the air, and then fell towards the small hill next to it.

The 'White Deer' was so frightened that his heart jumped wildly, he hurriedly landed on all fours, and said: "Great Immortal, forgive me, Great Immortal, forgive me, the little demon has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and ran into your old man. You don't remember the fault of the villain, please forgive the little one." Demon once, the little demon can roll as far as he can, and will never show up in front of your old man again to spoil your eyes." After saying that, he kowtowed again and again.

Chen Yan was also angry at this time, seeing it like this, he said: "You little monster is so ignorant, Pindao doesn't want to kill you because of the virtue of good life, but you want to eat me, if Pindao doesn't have enough mana , wouldn’t it be eaten by you for nothing? Now you want to get out of your body, what’s the reason for that, huh?”

Seeing what Chen Yan said, the 'White Deer' burst into tears: "Great Immortal, the little demon has practiced for more than a hundred years, and he just came out of the mountain today, so he doesn't want to run into your old man here, please take pity on the little demon's hard practice and let me go. Here, the little demon kowtows to you." The kowtow became even louder.Chen Yan was unmoved, and just about to kill it, suddenly saw that its head and body looked like a white deer, but its head had four horns, and remembered that it could call the flood just now, so he immediately changed his mind, but he didn't know After stepping on its heel, he said: "Come on, you little monster looks a little bit of a showman, but you can ride with me for a thousand years, and then give you back your freedom, do you want to?"

The 'White Deer' was secretly staring at Chen Yan's face, and was taken aback by his sudden words. After hearing what Chen Yan meant, he was overjoyed: "The little demon has seen the master, and I wish the master will become an immortal soon " Then he hurriedly ran towards Chen Yan, don't look at other monster kings and monster saints, in fact, what these little monsters look forward to most is to guard the gate or serve as mounts for monks with great supernatural powers. They have nothing but inheritance. Cultivation techniques, spells, but how many little demons have inheritance?Most of them are some wild monsters, if they leak some points from their masters, it will be enough for them to enjoy endlessly.Look at the Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King, who was originally the mount of the Tongtian Sage, and became the head of the Seven Great Sages of the Monster Race when he stepped down. This is a typical example.

Seeing that the 'White Deer' had arrived, Chen Yan took out a wooden card from the treasure bag. Wherever that monster goes, just a single thought can knock its soul out of its wits.Immediately, the index finger pointed towards the forehead of 'White Deer', and a drop of essence blood burst out of the skin immediately, 'White Deer' dared not resist and let it be taken away.I saw Chen Yan opened his mouth and spit out a handful of three-flavored real fire, dripped the essence blood into the center of the wooden sign, and then moved the wooden sign into the real fire. After practicing the tactic, he sucked back the Sanwei Zhenhuo, and saw that the wooden sign was shining golden, with the appearance of the 'White Deer' on the back, the runes were kept around, and two Taoist words 'Fu Zhu' were written on the front, it was really beautiful, it turned out This 'white deer' is the descendant of the ancient mythical beast 'Fuzhu', like the white deer, but with four horns.Call for floods.

Chen Yan hung the animal control card on Nafu Zhu's neck, and rode back, but Na Fuzhu suddenly turned his head and said, "Does the master have a dojo? If there is no little demon, I would know a first-class blessed place." " Oh, but it's true?" Chen Yan said happily: "Where is the blessed land, quickly lead me there, if it is true, the poor will reward you." "Yes, yes, wait a moment, sir, this is going 150 miles to the east That’s the Tianzhu Mountain.” Fu Zhu was also overjoyed, but when he heard Chen Yan’s reward promise, he immediately summoned a wave, stepped on it and ran towards Tianzhu Mountain.

Chen Yan was also quite uneasy at the moment, "Could it be that today's poor luck is strong, and it's nothing more than finding spiritual materials and encountering such a good-looking mount as Fuzhu, and he even carries a paradise that I have been thinking about day and night. , Could it be that this is the legendary 'buy one get one free'?"

"Master, we're here." A sudden voice interrupted his fantasy.

"Fuzhu, is this the Paradise of Paradise you mentioned?"

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