Fengshen Daxian

Chapter 42 Jichang Shizi (It’s okay if you don’t need to read this chapter

() Three days later, Chen Yan simply calculated the formation and the way of chess, and deduced a little bit about it. At this time, it was time to preach, and he went out immediately. , Sit directly until the upper futon shows your figure.

When the disciples below saw Chen Yan coming, they quickly shut their mouths and sat up straight. Chen Yan didn't talk nonsense, and opened his mouth and said: "Heaven's destiny is xing, being straightforward is Tao, and cultivating Tao is teaching. Also, you can’t leave it even for a moment; if you can leave it, it’s not the way. Therefore, a gentleman is cautious about what he doesn’t see, and fears what he doesn’t hear. Nothing can be seen or hidden, nothing can be seen or seen, so a gentleman should be careful about his independence... …

To serve the father is to serve the mother, and the love is the same; to serve the father is to serve the king, and the respect is the same.Therefore, the mother takes her love, and the king takes her respect, and the father takes both.Therefore, if you serve the emperor with filial piety, you will be loyal, and if you serve the elders with respect, you will be obedient.Loyalty and obedience are not lost, and the first thing is to do things first, and then you can protect your salary and position, and keep your sacrifices.The filial piety of Gai Shi...

I use the world's use for use, I rule the world's system as a system, revise my orders, clarify my punishments and rewards, so that the world has no food without agriculture, and no income without war, so that the people raise their arms to fight for agriculture and war, and the world is invincible Yeh...

In the human world, it is said that Jiang Ziya escaped from Di Xin's pursuit by using water to escape, and returned to Songjiazhuang. He packed his luggage and was about to go to Xiqi. He refused no matter how much he persuaded him, and in the end he even asked Jiang Ziya for a letter of divorce and went home to change the festival. Jiang Ziya watched and shook his head and sighed: "The green bamboo snake's mouth, the hornet's tail is needled, both are free, the most poisonous woman People's hearts!"

Immediately, he drank and said goodbye to Song Yiren. When passing Lintong Pass, he met seven or eight hundred people who had fled from Chaoge because Emperor Xin started to build Lutai, but Zhang Feng, the general officer of Lintong Pass, refused to let him go. But Feng asked someone to cross him out. Seeing this, the people outside burst into tears. Jiang Ziya couldn't bear it when he saw it, so he used the technique of earth escape and took the people four hundred miles to pass Lintong Pass and Tongguan Pass. , Chuanyunguan, Jiepaiguan, Sishuiguan, to Jinjiling, Jiang Ziya bid farewell to all the people, and went to live in seclusion in Fenxi, Weishui alone, waiting for the day when he came out of the mountain.

Besides, it has been seven years since Ji Chang was imprisoned by the emperor in Xinyili. The eldest son Bo Yikao was worried about his father and wanted to go to Chaoge to atone for his father. Others stopped him and went to Beijing with three ancestral treasures.

After walking for a month, Bo Yikao and others arrived at Chaoge, and the next day they met Ya Bigan outside the Meridian Gate. star building.

After Bo Yikao entered the building, he kowtowed first, and Emperor Xin asked him what he was offering as a tribute. Bo Yikao hurriedly listed the effects of the seven incense carts, sobering felts, white-faced apes and other treasures.Later, he showed misery again, avenged his father's grievances, and was extremely sincere, which moved Di Xin a bit, and gave Bo Yi Kao Ping.Daji, who was in the bead curtain, saw that Yi Kao was handsome and beautiful, so she charmed Di Xin, saying that everyone said that Bo Yi Kao was unparalleled in piano skills, and he didn't know whether it was true or not, so he wanted Boyi Kao to play a piece face to face.Di Xin couldn't bear the charm of this old fox, so he told Bo Yi Kao Yan that if he played strangely, he would let his father and son go back to the country.

After playing a song, he was really good at playing the piano, and Di Xin was so happy to hear that, he was about to release Boyi Kao, father and son, but he didn't want Daji to see Boyi Kao's face like a full moon, handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary appearance, Its style is curling and moving.Seeing that King Zhou was old and frail, he was ambiguous and unattractive, so he moved his mind and wanted to leave him behind Luanfeng and turned him upside down, so he told Di Xin that he wanted to learn piano from Boyi, and Di Xin Also approved.

Daji immediately got Di Xin drunk, and deliberately teased him while Boyi was taking the piano test, but Boyi Kao was an upright gentleman, and he resolutely refused, and in the end he couldn't bear to be harassed, so he taught Daji a lesson and made Daji thoroughly ashamed With red ears, he ordered people to drive away Bo Yi Kao, secretly hating him.

When Emperor Xin asked about it the next day, Daji beat her up, saying that Bo Yikao had something wrong with him and flirted with her.Di Xin was furious, and declared him to go to the temple, but it was not easy to punish him, so Daji asked Bo Yikao to call the white-faced ape who was offered to play songs.Unexpectedly, although the monkey is psychic, it is still a beast and has not yet become a demon. After entering the hall, he saw a fox sitting above him.Daji stepped away, and Di Xin punched the white ape to death.

Di Xin was about to ask someone to send Bo Yi Kao into the pot and feed the snakes and scorpions, but was stopped by Daji. The celebrity Daji nailed Boyi Kao's hands and feet with nails, chopped them up with a knife and axe, and told Di Xin to kill Bo Yi Kao. Yi Kao made meatloaf and gave it to Ji Chang to eat. If he ate it, he would let it go, and if he didn't eat it, he would kill him immediately. Di Xin was so charmed by the old fox that he didn't know where to go, so he nodded in agreement immediately.

At this time, Ji Chang, who was imprisoned in Yuli City, was playing the piano. He suddenly felt murderous in the sound of the piano, and hurriedly took out the money to do a fortune telling. In my own words, I suffered such a disaster!If I don't eat my son's meat today, I will be killed, and if I eat my son's meat, I will feel unbearable pain in my heart!Make your heart feel like a knife, and dare not cry.If you vent this opportunity, your life will be in danger!

Ji Chang didn't dare to speak out, but held back his tears in grief.Not long after, an attendant of the emperor sent a meal box and told Ji Chang that this was the venison that Di Xin had killed today. Ji Chang knew that it was his son's meat, so he held back the grief in his heart, thanked Di Xin first, and then opened it. The food box ate three pieces of meatloaf in a row, managed to pull himself together and thanked Emperor Xin, the servant saw that Ji Chang ate it, so he went back and returned to his life.

Besides, Di Xin wanted to let Ji Chang go when he heard the return from his servant, but Fei Zhongyouhun, who was on the side, started slandering him again, which made Di Xin suspicious and refused to let him go.

But Boyi Kao knew that after Boyi Kao was chopped into meatloaf by Emperor Xin, he hurried back to Xiqi. The general Nan Gongshi was furious, and advised Ji Ji to rebel, but was stopped by San Yisheng, who told Boyi again Kao didn't listen to Ji Chang's message and went to Beijing, and he failed to manage, so this time he was hit by a disaster.Immediately, Tai Dian and Hong Yao were sent to Shang Chaoge to present gifts to Fei Zhongyouhun.

The second general took the order, entered Wuguan in the starry night, pretended to be a merchant, and secretly entered Chaoge.Fei Zhongyouhun and the two accepted the gift but they also went about their business, and they talked sweetly in front of Di Xin, saying that Di Xin thought Ji Chang was a loyal minister, and immediately ordered someone to go to Yuli City to release Ji Chang.

As soon as Ji Chang left Yili City, not only the residents of the city sent him off, but also Weizi, Jizi, Bigan, Weiziqi, Weiziyan, Maiyun, Maizhi, Huang Feihu and eight admonishing officials all came to see Xibohou.Ji Chang persuaded the residents to leave with good words, and went to Longde Hall with all the officials to meet Emperor Xin.

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