() Jiuwuxiang and Xia Liao heard Chen Yan's call, quickly followed Chen Yan, and walked cautiously behind him.

Without talking all the way, they entered the Wenyuan Hall. Prime Minister Jiuwu and Xia Liao consciously sat on both sides. Chen Yan walked up to the upper futon and sat down, saying, "Xiang'er, you two, you both worship me as your teacher." , I have never bestowed any treasures, I took the time to refine two spirit treasures a few days ago, but they are worth using, and today I just give them to you two!"

Jiuwuxiang and Xia Liao were filled with joy, and immediately stood up and knelt down: "The teacher's kindness to his disciples is as great as a mountain..."

"Come on slowly" Chen Yan didn't wait for the two of them to continue, he stretched out his hand to stop them from continuing to speak, and waved again, showing twelve gold medals with death engraved on them and a roll of copybooks floating in mid-air, pointing to 'Twelve Ways' The gold medal' said to Xia Le: "Well, the twelve-faced gold medal is a karmic treasure cultivated for the teacher, and its power is unparalleled, but it is a one-off, there are only twelve chances, you should use it carefully !"

Xia Liao kowtowed immediately, saying: "Yes, disciple thanked the teacher!" Then respectfully received the twelve gold medals.

Chen Yan pointed at the copybook again, turned his head and said to Jiuwu Xiang: "Xiang'er, I will give you the 'Wenyuan Palace Secret Sticker'. You can explore the magical effect of this treasure by yourself!"

Prime Minister Jiuwu also kowtowed three times first, and said: "The disciple thanked the teacher for the treasure!"

Chen Yan nodded and said, "The two of you are leaving now!"

"Disciple farewell!" Xia Liao and Prime Minister Jiuwu said in unison, and then they left the hall under Chen Yan's signal, and first went to explain some things to Bai Ling, and then they both went to the passage between the two worlds.

And Chen Yan himself immediately retreated in Wenyuan Hall.

Besides, in the human world, after Han Rong, the chief general of Fanshui Pass, found out that Ji Chang had hired Jiang Ziya to make him Prime Minister of You Lingsheng, he hurriedly wrote a memorial and ordered him to send it to Chaoge.

But in a few days, the memorial arrived at Yabigan's desk. Bigan knew that Jiang Ziya was a great talent, and now he was assisting the Zhou family, so he had to report it, and rushed to the Zhaixing Tower to meet Di Xin.While the monarchs and ministers were discussing, Chonghou Hu came to report that the deer platform supervised by him had been built. Emperor Xin was overjoyed. It had been two years and four months since he ordered Chonghou Hu to supervise the construction of the deer platform. Xin couldn't wait to see it, so he hurriedly asked Daji to take Bigan and Chonghouhu to Lutai for sightseeing, and then ordered people to play music and have a banquet.

While eating and drinking, Di Xin suddenly remembered that Daji once said that after the deer platform was built, there would be immortals coming to the world, so he asked Daji, and Daji just presented the blueprint of the deer platform to frame Jiang Ziya because Jiang Ziya killed the jade pipa spirit. What fairy?But when Daji rolled his eyes, he immediately responded: "Immortals and fairies are pure and righteous people. They must wait for the moon to be perfect, the brilliance bright and clear, and the blue sky to be clear before they are willing to come here." Di Xin thought about it, too. It is said that in another four or five days, it will be the fifteenth day of this month, and the moon will be complete at that time, and then the immortals will be invited.

That night, Daji sneaked out of the palace and ordered the nine-headed pheasant Jing to take the little fox that changed in the cave to become a fairy on the fifteenth day, go to the deer terrace for a feast, and then quickly return to the palace.

On the fifteenth day, Di Xin ordered the palace people to set up a banquet, and Xuan came to Bigan to accompany the wine. When the night was in the middle of the sky, all the immortals from Xuanyuan's grave had arrived. Di Xin glanced through the embroidered curtain, I saw those immortals wearing green, yellow, red, white, and black, including those wearing fishtail crowns, nine-raised scarves, one-character scarves, top-dressed ones, and double buns; , Immortal Fairy.I don't mention the joy in my heart.

These fox spirits rely on the magic of changes, and they are all fearless, but they don't want their own body odor to change. Abigan, who is sitting down, saw the clues, and thought to himself: "The gods are the six pure bodies, why? It's filthy!" Then he sighed again: "Today, there is no way, and monsters come out, which is not good for the country." At this time, Daji ordered Bigan to toast, but Bigan was helpless, Daji was already the queen at this time, so he had no choice but to All 39 seats got up to offer a toast.Daji saw that Bigan was better at drinking, so she asked him to toast again. After the second round of drinking, some foxes with poor drinking capacity couldn't hold it anymore and turned into fox prototypes. Daji rushed Bigan out.

But Bigan had already seen it, regretted it in his heart, and secretly complained, thinking that he was in a high position, but he kowtowed when he saw the monster, he was ashamed!Passed the inner court unhappy, went out to the Meridian Gate and rode a horse, and met Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu on the way. After telling this, Huang Feihu understood in his heart, that is, he asked Bigan to go back to the mansion, and he cares about himself.

After Bigan left, Huang Feihu ordered the four generals Huang Ming, Zhou Ji, Long Huan and Wu Gan to say: "The four of you each take twenty healthy soldiers and scatter in the east, south, west and north; The door, track its lair, and must return the truth." The four generals led the order and left.King Wu Cheng went back to the mansion first.

As Huang Feihu expected, at five o'clock, these fox spirits had wine in their stomachs, and they were so drunk on the deer platform that they couldn't even resist the evil wind, so they barely got out of the south gate.And Huang Feihu's general Zhou Ji followed from a distance, seeing those so-called Taoists and fairies, after walking to the Xuanyuan Tomb 35 miles outside the city, they all climbed into a stone cave next to them, and hurried back.

The next day, Huang Feihu heard Zhou Ji's report, and immediately ordered Zhou Ji to take three hundred generals, bring firewood, block the entrance of the stone cave, set fire to it, and Zhou Ji led away.At this time, Ya Bi Gan happened to be here, and when Huang Feihu said this, Bigan immediately felt relieved, and the two then discussed state affairs while drinking.

In the afternoon, Zhou Jilai reported that the fire had been extinguished. Huang Feihu and Bigan went to see each other. They used a long hook to draw out a nest of fox corpses. Bigan suggested that the unburned fox fur be peeled off and made into a jacket for Di Xin. , King Wucheng agreed, and the two returned to the mansion, drank and drunk and broke up.

And when it came to the harsh winter, Bigan took advantage of the time when Di Xin and Daji were admiring the snow, and brought a fur coat made of fox fur to go to the admonition.

Di Xin and Daji were enjoying the snow at the deer terrace, when the driving officer said: "Your Majesty, Yabi Gan is waiting outside." Di Xin replied, "Go and announce Bigan to the stage."

Wait until Bigan takes the stage to salute.Di Xin said: "Six flowers are mixed, and the snow is dancing. The emperor is not drinking wine in the mansion to keep out the cold. What is the memorial, and the snow is here?"

Bigan reported in a calm and unhurried manner: "The deer tower is high to meet Xiao Han, and the snow is severe in winter. I worry about your majesty's dragon body getting cold, so I specially present a robe and jacket to protect your majesty from the cold and drive away the cold. I will do my best to show my respect."

Di Xin was a little moved, and said: "The emperor's uncle is old, and he should have kept it for his own use, but today he offered it to me, which is enough to prove the emperor's loyalty! Take it and show it to me."

Bigan stepped down immediately and held the red plate high. Di Xin saw that the leather jacket was bright red on the outside and wool on the inside.Bigan shook it off with his own hands, and waited for Di Xin to put it on.Di Xin Dayue: "I am the son of heaven, rich in the world, but I really lack this robe to keep out the cold. The achievements of the emperor's uncle today are the greatest in the world!" Di Xin immediately passed on the decree: "Give wine and enjoy the deer platform."

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