Fengshen Daxian

Chapter 58 1 Going to Kunlun

Seeing that Qu Jing was fooled, he felt relieved. He didn't just think that Zhang Guifang was loyal so he couldn't bear to kill him. Qu Jing and Zhang Guifang were his masters. He especially remembered that Jiuwu said to him when he descended to the mortal world: "Jing'er, when you go to assist Xiqi this time, you must keep in mind that you should try not to kill the general if you can. Many of these merchants will be included in the list of gods and officials in the heavenly court in the future. If they are made to hate my Wen Dao deeply, I am afraid that the cause and effect will be difficult to understand! Don’t try to be quick, and ruin my Wen Dao plan , do you remember?"

"Yes, disciple, remember!"

When he came back to his senses, he saw Zhou Ji, Huang Feibiao, and Huang Feibao following Huang Feihu and Nan Gongshi to toast Qu Jing, Qu Jing quickly got up and picked up the wine bottle, Huang Feihu said: "This time, I want to thank the prime minister for saving my life! "

Qu Jing frowns, pretending to be unhappy, and said, "What's the reason for the generals? I'm a court minister, and I'm supposed to help each other and benefit each other. How can I be so disobedient? Could it be that the generals will see me die when I'm in danger?"

Huang Feihu and Nangong Shi hurriedly shook hands and said: "The Prime Minister misunderstood, the Prime Minister misunderstood, I'm just waiting..."

"Haha, don't worry, general, I'm just joking with you, don't talk about this, come and drink!" Qu Jing interrupted them, raised his wine bottle and said with a smile.

Seeing that Qu Jing was joking, Huang Feihu, Nan Gongshi and the other five breathed a sigh of relief. In their eyes, Qu Jing had supernatural powers and was a first-class immortal. Let them die.Hastily raised the wine bottle and offered a toast to Qu Jing, and then drank it down.

When King Wu and all the officials were having a banquet, a guard suddenly came to report: "My lord, the prime minister: there is a Taoist boy asking to see him, saying that he is the nephew of Prime Minister Zuo."

Jiang Ziya was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the teacher has something to order? Otherwise, why would he send his nephew to find me?"

At this time, King Wu asked Jiang Ziya: "Father Shang, is that Daotong your nephew?"

"Report to the king: I don't know which nephew the old minister is, but you can summon him into the palace first!" Jiang Ziya came back to his senses, sat on his seat and bowed his hands to King Wu.

"En, pass it on!" King Wu nodded and ordered to the guards.

After a while, I saw a seven-year-old boy wearing a Qiankun circle on his head, a huntian silk around his arms, a hot wheel on his feet, and a pointed gun in his hand, walking into the entrance of the hall. As soon as the child entered the hall, he walked up to Jiang Ziya and said: "The disciple has met the uncle!"

Jiang Ziya didn't know any of the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao, so he immediately asked, "Which brother is my nephew under? Did the teacher ask you to come to me today?"

Nezha knew this early on, and replied: "Uncle Master: My disciple is an apprentice of Master Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave, Qianyuan Mountain. I ordered to go down the mountain and listen to my uncle's instructions."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed, even though he already had Qu Jing, a sage of literature and morals, it was impossible to order him to do things, he was still his own apprentice, and his nephew and nephew could use him easily.At this time, Huang Feihu came out to salute and said: "The lower official is here to thank Xiantong for his rescue!"

It turns out that Huang Feihu turned away from Dashang. After persuading his father Huang Gun to leave at Jiepai Pass, he was arrested by the guard of Sishui Pass, Han Rong's seven generals Yu Hua, and was sent to Chaoge Road by Nezha. saved.At this moment, when he saw Nezha, he remembered it, and hurriedly got up to thank him.

Nezha hurriedly said: "You don't need to be polite!" Then he asked Jiang Ziya: "Master, who is attacking Xiqi now?"

Jiang Ziya stroked his white beard and said with a smile: "Zhang Guifang from Qinglongguan came to fight with arrogance. He didn't want to be humiliated by Qu Jing, a great scholar of literature and Taoism. Come, my uncle will introduce you, and then I will meet King Wu!"


But Zhang Guifang was wounded by Qu Jing, and hurriedly retreated ten miles away from the city. Knowing that Qu Jing was there, he would definitely not be able to get in. After thinking about it, he had to send someone to pass the military report to Grand Master Wen Zhong.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya thought in the mansion that although Qu Jing had injured Zhang Guifang, he might not be able to bear it if the big class came over in the future.Then he went to bid farewell to King Wu, and told Nezha and Wuji Haosheng to guard the city, not to go out to fight, and wait for him to come back to care about it.Immediately, he used the method of earth escape and came to Kunlun Mountain.

It is said that Jiang Ziya used soil to escape to the foot of Qilin Cliff in Kunlun Mountains, dispersed the soil and walked up the mountain.When he arrived at Yuxu Palace, he didn't dare to trespass without authorization, so he had to wait in front of the palace. After a while, he saw Boy Baihe come out.Jiang Ziya hurriedly said: "Baihe Tonger, tell the teacher quickly with me."

Baihe Tongzi smiled slightly and said, "Brother Ziya, the master just announced you into the palace." Jiang Ziya did not dare to neglect, and followed Baihe Tongzi into Yuxu Palace.

Arriving under the gossip stage of Yuxu Palace, Yuan Yuan Tianzun was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, Jiang Ziya prostrated himself and said: "Disciple Jiang Ziya wishes the teacher a long life without bounds!"

Yuanshi Tianzun slowly opened his eyes and said, "Ziya Tuer, it's just right for you to go up the mountain today. This time, it's a catastrophe for the gods of the Three Realms, but you are the one who is destined to be a god. You can go to Qishan to create a god." Hang up the 'Banquet of Conferred Gods' on the stage, and wait until the Conferred Gods are completed!" Then he turned his head to Boy Baihe and said, "Go ask your Nanji Senior Brother to give Ziya the list of Conferred Gods."

Only now did Jiang Ziya have a chance to speak, and he hurriedly said: "Teacher, the great merchant has generals like Zhang Guifang who know heresy and heretical techniques to attack Xiqi, but his disciples are weak and unable to conquer Xiqi. Although there are experts in literature and morality to help this time, But when manpower is limited, I hope the master will show mercy and promote disciples."

Yuan Shi said expressionlessly: "How can a poor man manage everything in the world. Xiqi is a virtuous person who sits and guards, so why not be afraid of being sidelined. When things are in danger, there are experts to help. This Don't ask me anything, just go." Jiang Ziya was helpless, and when he was about to get up and leave, Yuanshi Tianzun said again: "When you go, if someone calls your name, you must not answer him. If you answer him, there will be more The 36th army is attacking you. There is still one person waiting for you in the East China Sea, so be careful, you go.”

Only then did Jiang Ziya leave, and the Antarctic fairy sent Jiang Ziya the list of gods, and told him: "God has a fixed number, and it can't be moved. It's just that someone calls you, don't answer him, it's really important! I can't send you far away." You." Jiang Ziya nodded and agreed holding the "Fengshen Bang", just as he walked to Qilin Cliff, he was about to drive away on the dirt, but he heard someone shouting in the back of his head: "Jiang Ziya!"

Jiang Ziya remembered the instructions of Yuanshi Tianzun and Nanji Xianweng, and said to himself: "If someone really calls me, don't answer him." Leave alone.

Don't want to call again: "Mr. Ziya!" Jiang Ziya didn't respond either.

The man called again: "Prime Minister!" Jiang Ziya still didn't answer.

He barked three or five times, but he didn't respond when he saw Jiang Ziya.The man shouted: "Jiang Shang, you are too ruthless. You are now a prime minister in the mortal world, an extremely human minister. I don't want me to learn Taoism with you in Yuxu Palace for 40 years. Today I call you several times. You should or should not! You really forget the old days!" Hearing such words, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to turn around and saw a group of people.

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