Republic of China 1927

Chapter 19 1 Year After 1 Year

() In the afternoon of the 16th day of January, the 27th year of the Republic of China, and the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month in the Dingmao year of the lunar calendar, after using the pots and pans left by the bandits and finishing lunch, the security team led the bandits who had just been remodeled and had nowhere to go. Rou Piao and the others carried part of the belongings looted from Guding and walked towards Daguan Town through the snow.

The smug leader Du walked at the end of the team, and he was the one who gained the most from this trip.In one night, he took down the top of a mountain guarded by hundreds of people, rescued dozens of hostages, lost only four people killed in battle, three people were seriously injured, and more than ten people were slightly injured. , I am afraid that it has also established a prestige inside and outside Yishan; the seizure of a large number of firearms and property is enough to expand the security regiment several times.

"Captain, wouldn't it be a pity to burn this Taiping Gu, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack?" After leaving Taiping Gu, Wu Chengzhi lost his bandit-like toughness and regained his elegance. He said without regret: "It's better to leave a few on the mountain for now, maybe it will be useful in the future."

"Haha, Brother Wu, you are trying to make me become a bandit!" Du Yan smiled and refused, "But even if it is a bandit, I can't choose this place. It's too unlucky." Tiandi just manages his own security team well. In the future, a colonel leader should not be able to escape if he gets mixed up in the police.

"That's true, but it took half a year for the two big masters to die. It's not peaceful at all!" Wu Chengzhi also smiled slightly, and let him pass the past, and the years of revenge and gratitude should come to an end. Just follow the new owner towards a new life!

Wu Chengzhi is far from the only one who wants to start a new life. More than 100 bandits survived. In addition to the 30 people who were selected first, Du Yan later selected some of them to join the security team, and finally the rest settled in Daguan Township Then send it to the mine.It turned out that among the meat tickets captured by the bandits, there were also nearly twenty homeless or humiliated women (women who had been insulted), and these people will also temporarily settle down in Daguan Town with the main force.Maowo Village was basically destroyed, and it is obviously impossible for the remaining people to stay on the mountain for the winter, and they will all be moved to the town, so there will be nearly 300 people going back and forth to the town.

Since there were more than a dozen vehicles in the team, the mountain road was steep and the road was slippery after snow, the team walked very slowly and did not return to the town until it was dark. late at night.And just after that, another convoy quietly flashed out of the back door of Du's mansion and headed towards Taipinggu under the cover of night.The leader of the team is still our young master Du. This kind of thing can only be done by the most trusted people. Now the brothers in the security team really can't believe it.

The remaining money, guns, and ammunition in the cellar under the stone house on the roof must be transferred out as soon as possible without leaking information.So this time, except for Du Fei and Lai Fu, the rest of the people who came to transfer the property were from the shop and family in Du's town.These people don't know the origin of this batch of property, and they are right to regard it as the property hidden by the Du family outside.

If the security team had been established for a year or so, Du Yan wouldn't need to be so troublesome at all. With his wrist and the strength of the Du family, he would have managed to run the team well, just pick some reliable brothers and bring them back directly. But now the so-called security group has only been established for more than half a month, except for the family members of the original Du family and some people in the business group, it is difficult for others to be counted as their own.Seizing so much property at this time can directly cause the security team to fall apart. Even if it is divided by population, it is not a small fortune. If you have money, who will give you your life!If you want to monopolize it, it's even more impossible, and even the members of the Du family may turn against you.After all, not everyone can compare with Laifu and Du Fei. Laifu is Du Yan's youngest and long-term follower, and the closest family member. Du Fei is his mother's son, who can be regarded as half brother. Everyone grew up drinking water from the Du family, eating food from the Du family, and studying in the private school of the Du family.

Gold bars, jewelry and jade, antique calligraphy and paintings are all good, they are very small in size and weight. When Du Yan came back in the afternoon, most of them had been quietly brought back with two carts of mountain goods, without attracting any attention from others.But the modern ocean in that room is not so easy to move, counting the few miles, the weight of one hundred thousand oceans is five or six thousand catties.It has been busy for two nights before transferring these discoveries back to Du's house.This night attack on Taiping Gu came to a relatively perfect end.

With sufficient cash in hand, Du Yan directly started the second expansion plan of the security regiment, and before the expansion, the first thing to do was to summarize, commend, and provide compensation for the previous battle.

The family members of the four people who died in battle received 250 oceans of pension from Du Yan, and were promised to receive no less than 150 oceans of pension every year.In this era, the standard is quite high, and Du Yan, who has made a fortune, dares to do it. You must know that the Zhilu coalition army, not to mention ordinary soldiers, even if they die in battle at the level of a platoon leader, they will not receive a few dollars. benefits, not to mention additional benefits each year.

The three people who were seriously injured also received a disability compensation of two hundred oceans. After they recover from their injuries, they will arrange their way out or receive a certain amount of subsidies every month according to their recovery; Eighty oceans; those who participated in the sneak attack at night, regardless of their official titles, injuries and illnesses, each received a reward of 25 oceans, and the one or two squadrons who came to reinforce each received five oceans. Each of the four squadrons also received an ocean allowance.In this way, everyone in the security team is full of fighting spirit, wishing that this year will pass quickly, and next year they will go up the mountain to suppress bandits and earn a lot of money.

This time, the security team seized nearly 400 long and short guns on Taipinggu. In addition to the placement of prisoners and villagers, the total cost is about 70 oceans. In this way, the remaining funds are more than 100 oceans. Even if the town, chamber of commerce, and Du's family do not subsidize a piece of money, it can basically be done according to the standard of [-] guns. It lasts for about three months, in other words money is not a problem.So the only remaining problem is the number of soldiers. According to Du Yan's new staffing plan, there is a shortage of more than [-] people. Six to [-] people can be recruited from the original bandits in Taipinggu, and another ten people from Maowo Village will be recruited. Three or four of the hostages rescued on the mountain also joined in, so there is still a shortfall of more than [-] people, and can this small Daguan Town have so many qualified soldiers?

Speaking of Du Yan, he still doesn't understand this era. In this era, everything is lacking, the only thing that is not lacking are bankrupt farmers, jobless vagrants, wandering deserters, precarious bandits, especially the generous treatment of the security team. After word spread of the team and security regiments, applicants flocked from Linqu, Juxian, Yishui, and even as far away as Mengyin and Zhucheng in Yishan to compete for places, and even Zhu Qigui's regular army Many people were tempted.If it weren't for the fear of taking too many steps, at least double the number of people could be recruited.

After recruiting soldiers, Du Yan made appropriate adjustments to the original organization: the squadron was increased from ten to 12 people, and each squadron still governed four squadrons, with one chief and one deputy squadron leader each. Such a squadron was increased to 50 people. At the same time, the fifth squadron was added on the basis of the original four squadrons. The squadron leader was the newly joined Wu Chengzhi. The search and guard teams directly under the brigade were greatly expanded, and a new machine gun team ( Two Taisho Type III heavy machine guns), changed the logistics team into a baggage train, and invited two or three quack doctors (the official western medical county may not have one) to set up an infirmary.After such an adjustment, the number of security corps has increased from 182 to 383. Although it is still far from the first level of the regiment, the organizational structure is almost catching up with or even surpassing the battalion-level troops of the Zhishan Allied Army, and its strength may even surpass that of Daguan Town. He belonged to the Linqu County militia, and it should be more than enough to guard Daguan Town, not to mention that Zhu Qiguilian still has a hundred people in the town.Nowadays, many counties in Central Shandong are only a battalion of troops.

Pensions, rewards, recruiting, building training facilities, resettling villagers; greeting the treasurer of the Du family, arranging the New Year's events, welcoming and sending off celebrities, the newly created security team, and the newly taken over housework of the Du family. , Young Master Du is dizzy.Fortunately, it was the security regiment's business. Zhu Yunfu, a Baoding military student, helped a lot. Li Yunshan's legs are also good. After the year, he can return the training of the Jingwei. Wu Chengzhi has both civil and military skills (Ye Luzi) The Fifth Squadron was also managed submissively, and Ye Jun, Laifu, Du Fei and others were also busy with their own responsibilities; Wang Donglou and Qin Xifeng shared more than half of the housework at home, and the old man and Aunt Fang were also busy from time to time. Let me remind you that everything is orderly and busy.

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, the Du Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the hall was full of guests and voices. The security team, important figures and family members of the Du Mansion had all taken their seats, and they were waiting for the head of Du and Young Master Du to come to the banquet. Now He became the central figure of the Du family and Daguan town.

"Young master, everyone is waiting for you to start the banquet!" Laifu said in a low voice standing outside the study, this is the third time he came to remind.

"It'll be ready soon!" Du Yan put down the pen in his hand, closed the notebook in his hand, stared at the flickering lights, and felt in a daze. It's been a month, and I'm still at a loss as to how to go in the future.All that can be done at present is to manage the business of the small Daguan Town and Du's family well, as for the following things, they can only play by ear.

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