() On a spring night in April, the sky is high and the sky is far away, and a crescent moon hangs quietly in the southwest sky.The cold moonlight shone down on the earth, it was so gloomy, but the stars of the Milky Way became more and more brilliant.In the dense and boundless sorghum, corn, and millet fields, the chirping of spring insects echoes one after the other, and the grasshopper occasionally adds a few accompaniments, like the ground weng intermittently blowing cold eggplants.Willows hang their branches quietly by the roadside and riverside, and the shadows cover the winding path of weeds.

Suddenly, two figures appeared in the forest, one tall and one short walking along the path, one front and one behind, the one in front walked steadily and steadily, while the one in the back was panting and slowed down.

"Master, wait for me!" Lai Fu hurried all the way but still fell behind Du Yan.

"Laifu, it seems that I'm going to give you a special training for the devil when I go back." Du Yan had no choice but to stop. I don't know how many times I stopped and stopped along the way. If it wasn't for Laifu's dragging down, it would be almost time to return to Daguan Town. It's still a mile or two away.

"Young master, I really can't move anymore." Laifu trotted up and said out of breath, "I have to rush back in such a hurry. I should have rested overnight in Linqu city, and I'll be back early tomorrow morning."

"It's too late to go back tomorrow. You forgot that the security team will conduct a confrontation drill tomorrow." Du Yan patted Laifu on the shoulder and said, "Everyone including me must participate!" Originally, two days ago It's time to go back to Daguan Town, but Mr. Xiao won't let Fei keep him to stay with two more people.

"Team leader, won't you let me participate?" Lai Fu was stunned for a moment and begged, "I really can't move anymore." After depositing the horse in Linqu County, they walked dozens of miles on foot.

"Of course you have to participate, unless you don't want to be in the security regiment anymore." Du Yan said without refutation. them.

"Go over there and have a rest." Looking at Lai Fu's listless look, Du Yan pointed to a big tree that could be seen faintly under the moonlight and said, "I will consider making you a little easier buddy then."

"Okay, the young master will take care of me." Lai Fu said with relief.

The two walked to the big tree in about ten steps. The big tree had lush branches and well-developed root system. Under the tree was a small open space with few weeds. The master and servant found a clean place to sit on the root of the tree. Come down and chat quietly.

"Laifu, what stage have you reached with the big girl from Zhou's rice shop in the east of the town?" Du Yan lit a cigarette, handed another to Laifu, and asked.

"That big girl?" Laifu also lit a cigarette and took a puff beautifully, pretending to be stupid and said in a daze, in his opinion, the big girl of Zhou's rice shop seemed to be so interesting to him.

"You brat still wants to hide it from me. You're not interested in other girls. Why do you run to the rice shop every now and then? When did our Du family owe your rice noodles?" Du Yan teased: "If you don't like her, I will I went to help Du Fei propose a marriage, that kid also has some interest in the Zhou family girl."

"Don't mind Young Master, I admit it's not enough!" Lai Fu became anxious when he heard this, and said hastily.

"Then tell the young master how far you have gone, don't deceive other girls' feelings." Du Yan continued to tease Lai Fu, "I heard that you even kissed her on the mouth!"

"No, no, it's just holding hands a few times." Lai Fu hurriedly denied, "I don't know who has pink eye disease, and chewed his tongue in front of the young master."

"The Zhou family's parents know?" Du Yan said solemnly: "You are not young, if you succeed now, I will help you propose marriage."

"Thank you, young master. The parents of the two families know about it and are quite satisfied." Laifu said gratefully, "It's just that my mother told me to wait." So he moved out of the Du family and set up his own business. Over the years, with the help of the Du family, he has also bought a lot of properties, which is completely worthy of a small business like the Zhou family.And because of the relationship of the Du family, the Zhou family is still very concerned about this marriage.

"Wait, what is there to wait for?" Du Yan asked in surprise, "Aunt Lu is not in a hurry to have a grandson? You are the only child of the Lu family!"

"My parents said, after the young master gets married, our family will take care of it." Lai Fu also said solemnly: "The Zhou family also agrees."

"Why bother! You can't wait for me, you know the situation at Xiao's house." Du Yan said emotionally: "It will take a year or so. I will talk to Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu when I go back. Get your wedding done."

If Du Yan hadn’t passed away two months before Du Yan’s return to China, the old man of Xiao’s family (Xiao Jian’s grandfather) might have arranged the marriage between Du Xiao and his family. up.But the old man's departure will have to be postponed for at least a year and a half, which is also a good thing for Du Yan, and he also needs time to convince himself to fully accept this marriage.

"Master, this is also my decision, so don't worry about it." Lai Fu said with a firm face, "You know my father's temper."

"Then I will wrong you, but I will solve my personal problems as soon as possible." Du Yan said with a wry smile. It is strange that Xiao Yun's little sister is also strange. He realized that his little face was flushed red, and he always bowed his head shyly, basically saying nothing.

"It's nothing, the young master can hold it back, and I can hold it too." Laifu said with a smirk. In Qingzhou City, he was looking forward to the young master taking him to the place of fireworks, but he didn't mention it at all in the past week. This stubble.

"Shut up, hide behind the tree!" Suddenly Du Yan woke up, quickly extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand and pulled Laifu to hide behind the big tree.At this time, six or seven black figures on the small road they had walked ran forward lightly.

"What do these people do?" Du Yan thought quickly, judging by his figure, he was by no means an ordinary pedestrian.

"Where is the target?" There is only Daguan Town nearby, especially to the south.

"Laifu, you immediately detour to the camp of the security regiment in the south of the town, let the two or three brigades stay behind, and the rest of the troops immediately enter the town to occupy a favorable place to defend." Du Yan ordered in a low voice as soon as he saw the black shadow disappearing into the night.

"What about you, young master..." Before Laifu had time to ask, Du Yan chased him out along the path, but Laifu had no choice but to go west as instructed, taking a detour to Zhennan.

After chasing him for less than half a mile, Du Yan caught up with the group of men in black who passed by in front of him, but he didn't know the real intention of the other party, so he had no choice but to follow at a distance.And this group of men in black also fumbled forward from time to time, as if they were afraid of meeting passers-by.In fact, this place was originally a remote path leading to Daguan Town. If Du Yan and the others hadn't been in a hurry to go back, they wouldn't have walked here.

Not more than half a mile away from Daguan Town, the group of men in black suddenly stopped and gathered together to discuss something in a low voice.In front of it, you have to leave the small road and walk on the only road leading to Daguan Town.

"Checkpoint, their target must be the checkpoint!" Du Yan's heart was shocked, and he suddenly understood, and quickly checked the equipment on his body quietly.

The checkpoint in the north of this town was set up by Zhu Qigui Company stationed in Daguan Town. Since the security regiment became an army, in order to prevent conflicts between the two, the defense of Daguan Town was divided into two. The north of the town faces Linqu County. Responsible, the south of the town facing Yishan is in charge of the security team.In comparison, the defense of Zhenbei is much easier than that of Zhennan, as long as the main intersection in Zhenbei is guarded, and the possibility of encountering enemies in the direction of Zhenbei is very small.

The checkpoint in the north of the town is located on a small highland in the north of the town. This small highland just guards the road from the North Road into the town. On weekdays, suspicious people coming and going to Daguan Town are checked, and tolls are randomly collected, so Zhu Qigui is more Pay attention to the defense of this place. Generally speaking, there is a squad of soldiers stationed here. At night, two soldiers take turns to stand guard on the side close to the main road.

"You two go there first, and kill the sentries at the checkpoint." Captain Lu had already figured out this place in advance, and he had enough six people to deal with a squad of "two guns" soldiers from the Zhilu coalition army.The key is to take down this checkpoint quietly and welcome the main force led by Wang Baichuan into the town. Otherwise, once there is a commotion in the dark night, even though the number of our own side has a large advantage, we will not get much benefit.

Seeing two figures jumping out of the men in black, Du Yan also followed them lightly from another angle, lurking under the edge of the checkpoint.

"Squad officer, I seem to have seen two black shadows on the road just now." Sentinel A who was wandering on the post rubbed his eyes and said to the squad officer who was sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette.

"That's right, why didn't I see it." The class assistant stood up and shook the oil lamp in his hand to look around, but the road was empty.

"You must be delusional, kid. Hold the lamp, I'm going to piss." The squad deputy handed the lamp to the sentinel, and walked into the grass by himself.

"Ah!" But as soon as he took out the tool, two black shadows rushed out, and the squad deputy died without reacting at all, and the body was dragged directly to the depths of the woods.

"Squad deputy, squad deputy..." Sentinel A, who was carrying the oil lamp, hadn't seen the squad deputy back for a long time, and exchanged in a low voice, not paying attention to the person approaching behind him at all. By the time he found out, it was too late, and the other party's sharp knife had already penetrated him chest.

Immediately after two crisp grasshopper sounds, Captain Lu who was lurking on the opposite side of the road quickly sneaked over with the remaining four people. The next step was to deal with the remaining people hiding in the two huts.Seeing that the timing was about right, Du Yan quietly followed, a secret battle was imminent.

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