Republic of China 1927

Chapter 32 Public Trial Assembly

() The battle against Phoenix Mountain went more smoothly than expected. Perhaps when a small number of defeated soldiers from Daguan Town fled back to Phoenix Mountain, the smart people started to pack their bags and run away.In addition, Wang Baichuan and Liu Dongming were accidentally captured by the villagers, and the dragons on the mountain had no leader. Seeing the army gathered outside the mountain, especially the thousands of zhengfu troops (which made a lot of noise), they simply resisted and then surrendered.

The Security Regiment and the Cavalry Regiment, who were the main forces to eliminate the bandits in Phoenix Mountain, naturally gained quite a lot.Hu Dahai, who only got a small part of the property on the mountain, was already ecstatic. He not only agreed to leave all the prisoners, guns, and ammunition captured in the two wars to the security regiment, but also reserved two platoons of cavalry for Du Yan to guard the prisoners. Maintain order in Daguan Town.As for the harvest of the security group, in addition to the large amount of property and [-] prisoners on the surface, the more important thing is that after this bloody battle, the security group has taken another big step towards the elite troops.

For the captured prisoners, Du Yan still adopted the usual method, only punishing the chief criminals, not asking the subordinates.The old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and their family members will be sent away with certain travel expenses; those who are strong and have no evil deeds will be recruited after the expansion of the security regiment. Those who have minor evil deeds but are not guilty of death will be sent to small coal mines to dig coal, and those who have committed serious crimes will be executed. To serve as a warning to others.Five or six gang leaders, including Wang Baichuan, Liu Dongming, and Yang Zhirong, who are notorious both inside and outside Yishan and even in southern Shandong, are planning to hold a public trial meeting for a public trial.

On the afternoon of April 1927, 4, the square in the south of Linqu County was crowded with people. Villagers from Linqu County, Yishui County, Ju County, Boshan, and even Mengyin and Anqiu surrounded the place. Most of them were Those who rushed over overnight wanted to see with their own eyes what would happen to this gangster who had plagued Yishan for more than ten years.Originally, the location of the public trial was going to be held in Daguan Town, but Governor Jiang of Linqu County and Commander Liu of the garrison also wanted to make some credit and face, so they came to Daguan Town to negotiate in person.Based on the principle of being kind to others and not seeking fame, Du Yan readily agreed to this request.

In order to ensure the orderly conduct of the entire trial, Commander Liu of the garrison dispatched three companies to maintain order in the venue, and two cavalry platoons temporarily under Du Yan's command were also borrowed to cruise around the periphery.Governor Jiang and Head Liu were guest judges of this trial, sitting in the central position of the venue, with professional judges drawn from surrounding counties sitting on both sides.Du Yan was not interested in participating in the trial, but just hid in the crowd as a spectator.The main targets of today's trial are Wang Baichuan, a bandit in Central and Southern China who has been in trouble for Lu since the early years of the Republic of China, his dog-legged military strategist Liu Dongming, and pistol captain Yang Daming.

At the public trial meeting, the representatives of the villagers first charged the crimes of several principal criminals on the spot. The police chief of the county, who was temporarily arrested, also investigated Wang Baichuan and others according to the interrogation and investigation of the Daguan Town Security Team a few days ago. He made a general exposition of the numerous crimes, and then one by one the parties who experienced the tragedies personally accused a specific crime.These emotional narrations thoroughly infected thousands of people at the scene, especially when the only survivor of the Cuiting massacre, 16-year-old Han Ergouzi, cried out in tears that more than [-] people in Tingxia Village were wiped out overnight. When the audience burst into tears.This Tingxia village was slaughtered by bandits under Wang Baichuan three years ago, and it was also one of the most serious crimes committed by Wang Baichuan's troops, second only to the siege of Yishui County a few years ago.

After the representatives of the villagers complained, several bandits were taken to the meeting place, and the audience was excited all of a sudden, and the suffering villagers wished to eat the flesh of these people raw.

"Kill them, kill them!" Someone yelled, and some villagers who lost their minds actually crossed the police line and tried to get close to a few people, but they were quickly dragged down by the soldiers in charge of the police, but the rotten eggs , Broken shoes, and gravel kept flying out of the crowd, hitting several people all over their bodies.

"Report your name and age!" Governor Jiang shouted loudly as he looked at the bandit leaders who had already lost their demeanor yesterday.

"Xiaomin Liu Dongming!" Liu Dongming, who had turned gray overnight, agreed like a chicken pecking rice. It was hard for everyone present, including Du Yan, to believe that this gray-haired old man with a gloomy expression was actually a tough guy from Yishan. The mastermind of the bandit Wang Baichuan's tribe, all the bad things Wang Baichuan has done in these years cannot do without his schemes.

"Report your name!" Seeing that Wang Baichuan didn't respond, the potbellied head Liu shouted loudly, and the guards around him also repeated.

"Hmph, you people don't have the right to deal with me at all!" Wang Baichuan still acted stubbornly, looked at the county magistrate and head Liu with disdain and said, "I have been recruited by Marshal Zhang as brigade commander, why don't you let me go quickly?" I!"

"Haha, so you have become my chief." Commander Liu said with a sneer. He had also heard about the recruiting of Wang Baichuan, and he was very dissatisfied with it. Dangdang, these evil bandits became their own superiors in a flash.But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and he can't change Shangfeng's meaning. Now that the bandit leader has been wiped out without adaptation, it is an out-and-out joyous event.

"Of course, but as long as you let me go right away, I can forget the past." Wang Baichuan said triumphantly after hearing this: "Leading the army together in the future, I will support you a lot."

"Dream your daydream! Greet this lifeless bandit well." Commander Liu said with a ruthless expression, and the guards under him beat him up for a while.The joke is that Marshal Zhang wants to recruit you because he likes three or four thousand bandits under your command. Now that you are a bare-handed commander, who will pay you back. <Qiu Dameng, next witnesses appeared one by one to testify against the crimes of the bandits. The bandits were also allowed to argue a few words from time to time, and the last complete public trial record and confession were thrown in front of the two of them.The bandits signed without even looking at it. They might have thought that a better attitude of pleading guilty would save them from death.

It lasted until the sun went down, and the big trial was basically over. Several bandits pleaded guilty in court, and now only the final sentence is left. The venue of thousands of people suddenly became silent, waiting quietly. .

"After the trial, it was found that the bandits headed by Wang Baichuan who were entrenched in Phoenix Mountain fled back to southern Shandong in the fourth year of the Republic of China..." Governor Jiang read aloud: "Finally, after a collegial discussion, the verdict is as follows..." At this moment, the stationmaster of Linqu Telegraph Station quickly walked up with an urgent telegram, and whispered a few words in the county governor's ear.Governor Jiang frowned, and then handed the telegram to Head Liu who was beside him. Head Liu was also taken aback, and the two whispered a few words before resuming the sentence:

"Sentence Liu Dongming to death and execute immediately!"

"Sentence Yang Daming to death and execute immediately!"


Immediately there were enthusiastic cheers and Liu Dongming's powerless begging for mercy on the field.

"The bandit leader Wang Baichuan committed a heinous crime and sent him to Jinan to be dealt with by the provincial government." As soon as Governor Jiang's words fell, there was an uproar on the scene, and Wang Baichuan's remarks earlier made people feel that Marshal Zhang really intended to protect this big bandit.Among the senior officers of the Zhi-Shandong Allied Army, quite a few were from bandits, not many Wang Baichuan!What's more, it was rumored that this Wang Baichuan was an old acquaintance with Zhang Dashuai when he was in the northeast in his early years.

"This is the end of today's trial meeting." Following the voice of the host of the meeting, the trial ended in this afternoon. The villagers were talking about it, but the fact is already like this, and they can't change it. They just hope that Jinan will also This gangster can be severely punished.

"Governor Jiang, Commander Liu, what's going on!" Feeling being tricked, Du Yan stopped the two presiding judges who were about to leave, and asked with an unhappy face, "Didn't you agree to execute Wang Baichuan on the spot?" ?"

"Regimental Commander Du calm down, brother Du calm down, we wanted to discuss with you before passing the sentence." Governor Jiang said apologetically, "It's just that we couldn't find you for a while, and everyone at the scene waited..."

"Brother Du, you have wronged me and Governor Jiang. By chance, a telegram came from the last provincial capital. You can read it for yourself!" Captain Liu took out a telegram from his pocket and said, the young man in front of him is not important. Light, with a militia group of 200 people, in just three months, they suppressed two groups of bandits in a row, and captured such a well-known bandit as Wang Baichuan alive.

"Wang Baichuan escorted Jinan, and shot the rest of the bandit leaders on the spot!" The telegram was only about ten characters long, but it was inscribed below by the headquarters of the Zhi-Shandong Allied Army.

"So that's how it is. Du mistakenly blamed the two seniors." Du Yan saw that it was indeed the intention of the provincial government, and he couldn't be too harsh on the two highest military and political officials in Linqu.

"Brother, are you worried that this piece of salted fish, Wang Baichuan, will turn over?" Seeing Du Yan's worried expression, Head Liu patted Du Yan's shoulder and said, "If that's the case, you don't need to worry too much!"

"Head Liu, what do you say?" Du Yan was stunned. He was really worried about this kind of thing. Zhang Zongchang would not be able to do anything. It is not difficult to pull up a team with the prestige of Luzhongnan Lulin.

"Dashuai Zhang is having a headache for the Southern Army who is preparing to cross the river to the north. He recruited people like Wang Baichuan to the front line as cannon fodder. Now that Wang Baichuan has even taken over his old nest, there is still some use for it." Commander Liu Laughing and cursing: "I guess this Wang Baichuan was sent to Jinan and sacrificed to the flag!"

"That's right, now you're an unrefined commander and you're afraid he's an idiot!" Du Yan was right after thinking about it, he was worrying too much.It's just that Wang Baichuan once caused too much danger to Daguan Town, and it was almost doomed.

The later development of the matter was really guessed by Head Liu. Zhang Dashuai ordered Wang Baichuan to be escorted to Jinan not for reuse.It was because several newspapers in the Tianjin Concession reported that the Zhilu coalition forces were unfavorable in appeasement, resulting in bandits everywhere in Zhilu and Shandong provinces, especially in the central and southern mountainous areas of Shandong.These reports have had a very negative impact on the image of the Zhilu coalition army as a "justice division". In order to fight back against such "false" words, the Zhilu coalition army urgently needs to do something, but now that the Northern Expedition army is pressing down on the border, there is no extra force to suppress it. bandit.Just at this time, news came that Wang Baichuan, one of the biggest bandits in southern Lunan, was wiped out, and he himself was captured alive, so there was the previous telegram.

m. to read.

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