Republic of China 1927

Chapter 45 Xuzhou City Defense Commander

Du Yan served as the commander of Xuzhou city defense, and the order to govern the various ministries in Xuzhou was issued early the next morning, which immediately aroused heated discussions inside and outside the city.There are those who are envious, those who are jealous, and those who gloat. The general saying is that Mr. Du dug a hole and buried himself in it.The ministries that received the retreat order were secretly thankful, and most of the ministries that were left in Xuzhou were in mourning, jumping up and down to find a way, trying to escape from the dangerous place of Xuzhou.However, the independent division is quite calm and even many people are secretly happy. Commander Du has become the commander. Is it still far away for them to be promoted?

If Marshal Zhang didn't arrange for the independent division to be terminated, Mr. Du might have tolerated it. Anyway, sooner or later he would go back to his hometown to develop, and it didn't matter if he went early or late.But Lao Zhang and the others have decided to let the independent division be responsible for the rear end, and they can only withdraw after the various ministries have withdrawn to Shandong.In this way, Master Du is not very happy, but he can't say it out of face. After all, what he said is also reasonable. Your independent division is strong and strong, and General Zhang is very kind and loving. I will let you stand up at the critical moment. You want It seems so disrespectful not to agree!Besides, returning to Shandong with Zhang Dashuai, it might not be so easy to sneak back to Yishan base camp alone.

But Mr. Du is not the one who is willing to suffer. If you want to play, you can play the big ones, and even if you die, you will have to back yourself up.What's more, after Fu Yisheng raided Zhuozhou City, he was able to defend for two or three months with a division of less than 4 people under the siege of more than five times the Feng army. How can it be a month for Du Guanghua to rely on a strong city like Xuzhou with [-] or [-] horses? Can't hold on?

Of course, knowing the bottom line is only one of them. The mountains of materials in Xuzhou City and the heavy artillery battalion of Marshal Zhang are the targets that Commander Du covets. Therefore, Du Yan's first order when he became the city defense commander was to mobilize the teaching team to take over the city. Material warehouse, and took over the command of the heavy artillery battalion.

"The first regiment controls the north gate, the third regiment controls the east gate, the cavalry battalion guards the west gate, the teaching regiment controls the city, and the second regiment serves as a reserve team to deal with possible accidents." In the Xuzhou City Defense Command, Du Yan gave orders to his subordinates.In addition to the remaining ministries in Xuzhou, the Zhilu army has already begun to retreat to the Shandong headquarters. This afternoon, the last group left Xuzhou with Zhang Dashuai.

"Brother Hu, you need to worry about things tonight!" Finally, Du Yan said to Hu Dayan who was sitting opposite him: "Don't leave anyone who should be invited."

"Guanghua, don't worry, we still have a bit of a face in this army." Hu Dayan patted his chest and said: "I promise not to let them get away!"

"I hope they can understand the current affairs, and we can also have a drink to release the military power." Du Yan said in a sad manner, but in fact he has made up his mind to solve it by force, otherwise he would not have made so many arrangements.

"It's good to be aware of the current affairs, otherwise our old Hu's waist is not a vegetarian!" Hu Dayan stood up and patted the pistol on his waist and roared, the awe of Mr. Du in his heart rose to another level.Master Du didn't tell him his intentions, but he was not a fool, and this posture was obviously ready to fight.The nearly [-] troops said they would swallow it, and even Hu Dayan, who was licking blood with a knife, shuddered.However, as the deputy commander of the independent division, he approved of Mr. Du's arrangement with both hands and feet. Taking a step back, Mr. Du didn't have such courage, courage, and skills. Why should Hu Dayan hang around with a young boy!

Du Yan waved his hands and sighed, "It's better not to use force if you can. I just want to straighten out the command system, so that we don't want to eat people!"

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Hu Dayan nodded and said, how can Master Du let him participate in this matter? If you mess up, I'm afraid you can only be a bench for a lifetime.

As soon as Hu Dayan left, the adjutant Han Gang walked in quickly and whispered in Du Yan's ear: "Mr. Dong is here."

"Invite him to come in." Du Yan smiled and said, "If he doesn't come, I'll go find him."

Soon Dong Chunke came in with a gloomy face, and he didn't speak after he came in, but just sat down on the sofa opposite Du Yan.

"Brother Dong, what's the matter!" Du Yan stood up and made a cup of tea for Commander Dong and said, "Who is making you unhappy again?"

"Who else could it be but you?" Dong Chunke said angrily, "You kicked me out without saying anything about such a big matter!"

"What do I think it is? This matter makes Brother Dong so angry." Du Yan said lightly: "It is indeed I who suggested that the Fifth Army be withdrawn to Shandong with Zhang Dashuai. Brother Dong, you have such a family background. It’s not easy to come from.”

Dong Chunke's expression softened a little, he took a sip from his teacup and said, "Don't talk about the four 5000 guns, even my Dong Chunke's life was not saved by you? You still see me outside, and that's what makes me angry!"

"Brother Dong misunderstood, I just don't want to put all the eggs in one box." Du Yan quickly explained: "After all, Xuzhou is a powder keg today, and I don't dare to imagine what it will be like."

"What can my 5000 people do if I withdraw to Shandong? At any rate, I can make a living by following you." Dong Chunke put his teacup and said: "It is said that it is an army, which is not as many as your two regiments. It was all done with the help of your independent division, at least much better than Ermao's team!"

"Brother Dong really wants to stay!" Du Yan thought for a while and asked seriously: "Xuzhou is indeed a big fire pit, it's easy to jump in and out, but it's very difficult. If Marshal Zhang doesn't move, we may face the attack of nearly 40 troops." Siege!"

"Pa" Dong Chunke slapped the table and stood up and said proudly: "You, Du Guanghua, are not afraid, what am I afraid of, we are also people who have died once!"

Although his mouth is full of arrogance, Dong Chunke's desire to stay is naturally not a whim. After Wang Dong's death, the strength of the Fifth Army has declined in a mess. It is difficult to call itself a system within the Zhilu Army. It is better to die than withdraw to Shandong and be annexed Seek to live and stay in Xuzhou.As for whether Xuzhou City can be defended and how long it can be defended, that is a matter for Du Yan to consider.Since he met Du Yan, this kid has almost no strategy left, he never fights a battle he is not sure of, and has no reason to jump himself into the fire pit.

"Brother Dong, do you want to lead the army or do you want to do something else?" Now that he decided to keep Dong Chunke, Du Yan began to consider the arrangement for him. After all, Dong Chunke also graduated from Lu University, so he still has real talents and practical learning.

"I'll help you as a staff officer!" Dong Chunke thought for a while and said: "I have 5000 troops, you can deal with them, and I have no objection even if they are directly merged with the independent division!"

"Then go to the city defense command to be the chief of staff." Du Yan said with a smile: "It's just that I'm a bit condescending to Brother Dong. You are a lieutenant general in the army and I am a major general."

Dong Chunke smiled angrily: "What time is it and you are still in the mood to make fun of it? I am now an ordinary soldier under your command, just give me orders!"

"It's not an order, you have to accept the mess in the staff department immediately, first come up with the city defense plan." Du Yan said directly: "Yunfu and the others have already made two sets of drafts, and you can revise them after you take office."

Dong Chunke nodded and said, "Okay, it's just that I have taken the job of Chief of Staff Zhu when I become the chief of staff!"

"Yunfu, I want to go down and lead the troops. There are too few generals who can stand alone." Du Yan took out a piece of paper on the table and said, "I want to reorganize the defenders inside and outside the city. What does Brother Dong have? Anyone who is available can recommend one or two?"

"Such a big move!" Dong Chunke took a look at the paper and said in shock: "This is basically a complete overthrow and reorganization! Will there be too much resistance?"

"No matter how big the resistance is, we have to do it, otherwise Xuzhou City may not be able to defend for a week." Du Yan said heavily, he didn't want to have to guard against his own people when fighting.These miscellaneous cards can't fight and are still light. When the time comes, they will turn against you before the battle and tear a hole in your defense line. You don't know how to die.

"I still have some confidence in persuading Xu Guangzhi, but people like Ermao and Zhang Jiwu may not be easy to deal with!" Dong Chunke frowned and said, "These people are already full of complaints about being left to defend the city. Make them obey orders..."

"I have my own way to deal with them. Didn't Marshal Zhang give me full authority to control Xu's various ministries?" Du Yan said nonchalantly, "Brother Dong, you will also participate in the night's operation. This way, pulling and beating should go much smoother."

"So fast, Marshal Zhang is only leaving in the afternoon, so you're going to do it here?" Dong Chunke's brows became more and more frowned.

Du Yan said helplessly: "Time waits for no one! We have at most three or four days to reorganize. Maybe as soon as Marshal Zhang leaves, the enemy will swarm over!"

Next, Du Yan briefly told Dong Chunke about the evening's arrangements, and arranged for Dong Chunke to sing the red face at that time, and he and Hu Dayan to sing the bad face.

After listening to Du Yan's words, Dong Chunke was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time before he said: "You, Du Guanghua, are the ones who are ruthless. You dare to take a chicken feather as an arrow! Are you afraid that someone will bring the lawsuit to Marshal Zhang?"

"Hmph! He also has to be ordered to fight this lawsuit." Du Yan said coldly: "As long as we keep Xuzhou, we can say anything. Even if we lose Xuzhou, as long as our team is still there, who dares to say anything!"

"I've convinced you, and everything is up to you!" Dong Chunke only nodded in agreement.

"Brother Dong, it's really unreasonable for Ermao, who has been corrupting the country and harming the people for more than ten years, not only has he not received retribution, but has become bigger and bigger!" Du Yan looked down at his watch and said, "Dashuai Zhang dares to leave, let's go to the station See you off."

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