Republic of China 1927

Chapter 5 Father and Son

() There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, although he was still a little tired, Du Yan still got up early and went to the back garden to exercise.

"Fifth brother, did you wake up so early?" Seeing Li Yunshan boxing in the garden with his upper body shirtless from a distance, Du Yan asked with concern, "Are you not used to living here?"

"No, no, it's pretty good!" Li Yunshan put away his fists, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's just that I've gotten used to it over the years, and I'll wake up naturally when the time comes."

"Fifth brother, it's boring to practice alone, how about I accompany you to do a few tricks?" Du Yan only knew that Li Yunshan was a martial arts man, but he didn't know exactly what his skills were, so he just tried it today. give it a try.

"Okay!" Li Yunshan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Come on!"

"Then it will begin!" Du Yan took off his coat and put it on the side to greet him.

The two of them practiced on the basis of you coming and going, and they were evenly matched at first.It is true that Li Yunshan is a master of martial arts. He uses Xingyiquan to show his strength, but Du Yan, who has been a man for two lifetimes, is not an ordinary person. The martial arts training at home, and several years of militarized training at the American Military Academy naturally made some progress.

"Fifth brother, good boxing skills!" But after a long time practicing Jiazi's advantages, Du Yan dodged Li Yunshan's fist with a back flip and applauded.

"Continue!" Li Yunshan didn't want to stop, he bullied him and attacked fiercely, which made Du Yan face dangers frequently, he could only parry but had no power to fight back.

"Tigers don't show their power, treat me as hellokitty!" Du Yan, who was forced into a hurry, had no choice but to make ruthless moves. Come out, and the situation will be reversed little by little.

Li Yunshan dodged to the side abruptly, avoiding Du Yan's heavy punch, but before Du Yan could retract his fist, he hit the small tree next to him and broke the thick wrist tree.

"Stop, stop!" Li Yunshan gasped and stopped, "Guanghua, your moves are too ruthless, but moves are killing people!"

"Isn't the purpose of practicing martial arts just to defeat the enemy and win? Naturally, you can use whatever you want!" Du Yan rubbed his sore fist and said with a smile, "Do you have to learn from Song Xianggong, and you have to put down the formation and start fighting one by one?" This is the difference between Du Yan and Li Yunshan. Du Yan can't hold up many moves in an upright posture, and Li Yunshan doesn't seem to be able to beat Du Yan who is always making killer moves.

"Guanghua's words are wrong!" Li Yunshan just shook his head and said: "The primary purpose of practicing martial arts is to strengthen the body, the second is to get rid of violence, and the third is to protect the family and the country. People who practice martial arts should behave in an upright manner..."

"Fifth brother, what you said may be right. You people in the martial arts have your own rules." Du Yan waved his hands with a smile and said, "But I am a soldier, and what a soldier has to do on the battlefield is very simple. It doesn't matter what method you use to destroy the enemy and protect yourself!"

"Try to make friends with martial arts, why did you get involved in the battlefield." Li Yunshan picked up the coat on the side and put it on his body while jokingly said: "Besides, you, a high-achieving student of the M*** Colonel, are not a polished commander!"

"Hey!" Du Yan, who was originally very interested, fell silent when he said this. Although everything in front of him is good, the future is uncertain.

"Guanghua, why don't you go to the south to join the National Revolutionary Army? With your talent, it's not hard to get reused!" Li Yunshan thought for a moment and suggested in a low voice: "The Beiyang regime may not last for a few years."

"It's not the time to come back!" Du Yan shook his head and said with a wry smile. If two or three years in the morning, he would have gone south to Guangdong without hesitation to seek a job in the Whampoa Military Academy, and then followed a certain headmaster to the Northern Expedition. It's too late now, too late. It's too late, let's not mention the bloody storm in a few months and the scuffle in a few years. Even if I am willing to be driven now, I am afraid that people will not have a good position to arrange me. If I am lucky, I can be a staff officer, a staff member, etc. , almost became cannon fodder.

"Why is it not the right time? Now that the Northern Expedition is powerful and sweeping across southern China, this is the time for heroes to use their force!" Li Yunshan asked in confusion, "I'm afraid this country will change color in a few years."

"What about you, fifth brother? Do you intend to go south?" Du Yan didn't respond to Li Yunshan's words, but asked rhetorically. He couldn't tell Li Yunshan that within a few months, there would be a split within KMT. There is no essential difference between the group's rapid transformation into a new warlord and the old warlord it eliminated.

"Me? Their people looked for me when I was in San Francisco!" Li Yunshan shook his head and said, "It's just that I'm a loner, and I'm not interested in these parties."

"That's right." Du Yan took out an envelope from his underwear pocket with a smile and said, "They also looked for me and gave me this back."

"This is?" Li Yunshan curiously took the letter and asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't plan to use the letter of recommendation from Boss Situ." Du Yan said lightly.

"Young Master, Young Master!" At this moment, Lai Fu yelled and ran over.

"I'm in a panic, what's going on." It's really time for Fulai, and Du Yan just ended this sensitive and tangled topic.

"Why are you and Mr. Li hiding in the back garden." Lai Fu took a breath and said, "Madam has people looking for you for breakfast everywhere!"

"Go ahead and say something, we'll be there right away." Du Yan turned to Li Yunshan and said, "Fifth Brother, let's go."


After a quick breakfast, Du Yan was called to Mr. Du's study, where Mr. Du was waiting for him.

"Father, what's the matter for calling me so urgently?" Passing through the door plaque of "Quiet Zhiyuan" and pushing open the door of the study, Du Yan walked in.

"I called you here, of course there is something to do." Mr. Du pointed to the chair in front of him and motioned Du Yan to sit down.

"Father, if you have anything to tell me directly!" Du Yan looked at the old man's serious expression and said with a smile.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, we'll talk about it when your Uncle Donglou and Uncle Xifeng come." Old Man Du still said with a serious face, "You're not too old anymore, so it's time to share some of the burden with me."

"Burden-bearer?" Du Yan asked suspiciously, maybe the old man wanted to let him intervene in the family's business.

The answer to the mystery was quickly solved, and Wang Donglou, the housekeeper of the Du Mansion, and Qin Xifeng, the general accountant, walked in with thick ledgers in their hands.

"Yan'er, you just came home, so you should have a good rest, but as the Chinese New Year is approaching, I will explain the family affairs to you in front of your Donglou and Uncle Xifeng. It's up to you!" At this time, Mr. Du said straight to the point: "

"Father is talking there! You are still young. I just came back from the United States and I am not familiar with everything. I have to rely on my father and uncles to teach me a lot..." Hearing that the old man intends to let him be the head of the family, Du Yan hurriedly Standing up and evading, "Besides, I'm interested in doing business..."

"Yan'er doesn't have to be like this. My father knows best about my father's body. The past few years have not been as good as each year, and this year is a little better. It's good that you come back. As a father, you can put the burden on your body and wait. Now that the situation is getting better, I have to go out for a while." The old man waved his hand, interrupted Du Yan, and said relaxedly and gratified.

"Xifeng, tell Yan'er about our family's property first! From now on, the family will be handed over to him, and you should report to him more about the accounts!" Old Man Du said with a smile.

"Okay, master!" Qin Xifeng was clearly prepared, took out a few account books in his hand and began to look through them. He is an old man of the Du family. He used to be the housekeeper. He started to manage the accounts a few years ago. It should be well known, but it is still carefully checked before speaking.

"The Du family's business mainly consists of land, real estate, various stores, new factories, mines, and investments in some companies," Qin Xifeng straightened his glasses and glanced at Mr. Du, and continued after getting his hint " : The land is mainly distributed in the villages and towns around Yishan, with a total of [-] mu, of which nearly [-] mu is irrigated, and the rest are mostly dry land and mountain woodland..."

"What? There are more than 3000 mu?" Du Yan couldn't help but exclaimed. He was born in a rural area in his previous life and his family had only more than ten mu, which is quite a lot in the village. The average Chinese only has one mu of arable land.

"Young master is already quite a lot, but it is indeed a little less than the previous few years!" Qin Xifeng obviously misunderstood Du Yan's meaning and hurriedly explained: "In the past two years, banditry in southern Shandong has been prevalent, and Governor Zhang's violent expropriation has left the people in dire straits. Master not only Instead of taking advantage of the fire to rob, the rent was lowered, so that the fields basically had no income.

"The Du family also owns a dozen or so real estates. Besides the Du Mansion in Daguan Township, there are two more in Linqu and Qingzhou counties; there are also three in the Tianjin Concession; two in Jinan, the provincial capital, and two in Qingdao... "

"The Du family has dozens of stores of various types, mainly distributed in various counties around Yishan. The most important thing is the Zhongxin Bank in Qingzhou City. I won't introduce them one by one to the eldest son. Please take a closer look at it when you have time!" <Sprouted out like bamboo shoots, and our family has also opened a few, but the output is not large, only [-] to [-] tons a day, but I just got it from the Americans in Tianjin not long ago Order a new batch of machines and they'll be here in two months! "Qin Xifeng briefly introduced one by one.

"Our family still operates a coal mine. Where is the mine?" Damn, it turns out that my family is not only a big landlord, but also a Shandong coal boss. Du Yan thought happily, it seems that being a businessman is not bad.

"Just in Yi County, about a hundred workers are employed, and the output is really low. It is only seven to eight thousand tons a year, and the annual profit is only ten thousand yuan after the new machines are installed. There should be a substantial improvement, and this time we hired American technicians to come with us." Wang Donglou obviously wanted to know more about the situation of the coal mine, so he took the words and introduced.

"The new factories were mainly established in the past few years. There are several small oil mills and flour mills in Daguan Town, but the output is relatively low. There are not many cities around the main area, and the sales volume is limited. The factories are located in several big cities such as Jinan and Qingdao, among which Qingdao has the largest investment, and it has spent about 30 to [-] oceans, but there are more and more places set up by Ri himself in Qingdao, and the competition is very fierce." Qin Xifeng continued. Yiyi said: "At the beginning of the year, we just bought a small cigarette factory in Yidu, and it is operating well."

"Our family still has a cigarette factory?" Du Yan became interested when he mentioned this. Wherever there is a cigarette factory in later generations, it is equivalent to having an extra banknote printing factory.In fact, Du Yan is rare and strange. Weixian, Lechang, and Yidu are the earliest tobacco planting areas in China. There are hundreds of large and small cigarette factories, and the number may be only a little less than Shanghai.

"Yeah, it's just that the scale is too small to be successful. In addition to the factories run by our family, some of the master's old relations run companies, build factories and mines, and most of them will raise shares from the Du family. The master can't shirk it, and it looks like a good investment." A few. Among them, the largest investment is Zhongxing Coal Mine Company in Zaozhuang, the Du family accounted for [-]% of the shares, and last year they took nearly [-] yuan in dividends!" When it came to the shares of Zhongxing Coal Mine, Qin Xifeng was very happy and his eyebrows were beaming. talking.


It took nearly an hour for Qin Xifeng to explain the property of the Du family. According to uncompleted estimates, the total assets are more than one million, and he is also ranked among the top richest in Luzhong. However, the speed of industrial development has slowed down significantly in the past two years.

"This is the key to the family's warehouse. The business of the above family depends on you!" After Wang and Qin left, Mr. Du took a large bunch of keys from his body and said with emotion: "You, a talented economics student studying abroad , to expand the Du family's family business and realize revenge for the father's business to save the country!"

"Father, I..." Du Yan didn't take the key, and said hesitantly, "I don't know much about this business..."

"What? You, a high-achieving economics student studying in the United States, don't understand?" Mr. Du said displeasedly: "Your father and I are almost sixty, and you still expect me to help you survive for a few years..."

"Father, there is one thing I forgot to tell you." Du Yan said bravely, "I did not study economics in New York during my stay in the United States, but studied military affairs at the Virginia Military Academy!"

"What? You went to study military affairs!" Mr. Du stood up in shock, and then slumped on the Taishi chair.

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