Republic of China 1927

Chapter 8 The First Battle in Xin'an Town

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After two days of simple rest, Regiment Leader Du's supplementary regiment went south with the Fifth Army, and his brother-in-law Cheng Hao returned to Daguan Town with a few letters from Du Yan. Certain arrangements have been made for the next step of development; in the letter to the old man, the management of the Du family's family affairs is exchanged to the old man; in the letter to Qian Zhixin, he is asked to stop cashing, pay close attention to the current situation and start shipping... In short, it can be explained He tried his best to explain that Yishan and Du's family were his foundations and he could not afford to lose them. Even if he lost a lot in going south this time, he could still make a comeback if he returned to Yishan.

The first stop of the army going south was Tancheng. Ye Kaixin, the No.40 Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army stationed here, had already gone south to counterattack Xuzhou. Therefore, the Zhilu coalition forces "recovered" here without a battle and made a short stay. The army continued go south.According to the plan of the headquarters of the Zhi-Shandong Allied Army, of the four armies in Linyi, Wang Hanming of the Eleventh Army was stationed in Linyi, and the Yongchang Department of the Fourth Army, Wang Dong of the Fifth Army, and Liu Zhilu of the No. The sea railway, outflanking the rear of the Northern Expeditionary Army from the flanks, and occupied Haizhou, Suqian, Huaiyin and other places in camera.

After capturing Honghuabu, the last stronghold of the Northern Expeditionary Army in Shandong, the army officially entered the territory of Jiangsu, and also encountered the first stumbling block of the trip, Xin'an Town, an important town on the Xuhai Line.Xin'an Town is located in the northeast of Xuzhou, about 44 kilometers away from Linyi, Xuzhou, Suqian, and Haizhou. Yihe River, Longhai Railway, and Linsu Road (Linyi leads to Suqian) meet here. It has been a strategic pass for military strategists since ancient times. .Therefore, despite knowing that it is difficult to hold this important town, the 2000th Army still left a regiment of nearly [-] troops in this town in an attempt to let the troops in the town rely on the original fortifications in the town to delay the attack of the Zhilu Army in the direction of Linyi. Protect the flank of the Northern Expeditionary Army in the direction of Xuzhou.

Originally, he still had scruples about directly fighting the Northern Expeditionary Army. After all, it is the general trend for gmd to unify China in form.However, it seems that this scruple is much lighter on the way to the south. Since certain incidents, the so-called National Revolutionary Army has quickly degenerated into a new warlord fighting for power and profit. What is slightly better than the old warlords is that there is still a trace of self-confidence among the middle and lower-level officers. It's just the sentiment of the country for the people.

The attack on Xin'an Town started at dawn, and the three armies besieged from the north, west and east respectively.The battle was fierce, and lasted until dusk. The main position in Xin'an Town with the railway station as the core was still in the hands of the Northern Expeditionary Army, but the attacking ministries suffered a lot of casualties.The Fifth Army was in charge of the west, and the 21th and [-]st Divisions took turns in battle. They also attacked the town at one time, but the lack of backup and the poor cooperation of the other two armies eventually failed. <Ke's care, after a day's attack, almost all the seventh and eighth regiments under the fifth army went into battle, only Du Yan's supplementary regiment did not.Of course, Captain Du has not been idle, he has been watching the battle on the front line, and he really wants to get a closer look at the combat effectiveness of the regular army in this era.

The fifth army on the attacking side is considered a second-rate army in the Zhilu coalition army, and the Zhilu coalition army itself is a second-rate army in the northern army, so in general, it is considered a third-rate army in the northern regular army, which is better than being defeated. The bandits that were incorporated, and the ministries adapted from militias are just that.The 44th Army of the National Revolutionary Army on the defensive side was expanded from the Ye Kaixin Department of the Hunan Army. At the beginning of the year, it absorbed many defeated soldiers from the Lu Army.

The offensive and defensive battles fought by these two third-rate troops were naturally not very exciting, and the scene was quite chaotic, especially on the Lu army's side, which didn't even have a minimum line of skirmishers. They retreated in a swarm, over and over again.As for the preparation of firepower, it is even more out of the question. Whoever said that the Fifth Army has only one battalion of artillery that can be assigned to an army, and there are more than ten artillery pieces of various types. Not much more.Fortunately, the Northern Expeditionary Army trapped in the town also had no artillery, only a few heavy machine guns.

After resting all night, the Zhi-Shandong Allied Forces launched another attack on Xin'an Town in the early morning of the next day.The battle situation is similar to yesterday, but the resistance in the town is obviously much weaker.After two rounds of attack, Du Yan proposed that the supplementary regiment be the main attack for the Fifth Army.It's not that he intends to show anything, it's just that other troops take turns to fight, and the supplementary regiment has been idle all the time, so it's inevitable that others will gossip about Chief of Staff Dong. <Ke hesitated and agreed to his request. Originally, he didn't want this supplementary group, which is mainly composed of militia groups, to rush into battle.But the attack did not make much progress, and all the subordinate units suffered a lot of casualties. Originally, they complained about not directly replenishing the supplementary regiments to the divisions, but now there are more criticisms. <Ke repeatedly asked Du Yan to withdraw immediately if the attack fails.As someone who came from the foot of Yishan Mountain, he didn't want his fellow villagers to die in vain.

Du Yan himself didn't care. In his opinion, it would not be too difficult to capture such a market town without strong fortifications, defenders and heavy weapons.The reason why it has not been able to win is that on the one hand, the quality of the officers and soldiers of the Zhi-Shandong Allied Army is too poor, even worse than that of the Jingwei regiment that I have trained for two or three months. Many soldiers are shooting at the sky. Of course, this kind of situation is also quite common in the melee between the civil lords. In the past few years, the two Sichuan armies fought for Chengdu for several months. On the one hand, the ministries did not have a unified command. Although Fang Yongchang was designated as the commander-in-chief of the East Road, except for the Fourth Army, he could not command others at all. After a while, when I saw that the bones were harder, I retracted to preserve my strength.

After the simple shelling of the Artillery Battalion directly under the Fifth Army ended, the reconnaissance company of the Supplementary Regiment began to attack, and Du Yan led Zhu Qigui's infantry battalion closely behind.It stands to reason that letting the brothers of the reconnaissance company do the business of attacking the city is a bit exorbitant, but it is also a helpless move.Although the infantry battalion was also trained by Zhu Yunfu in accordance with the training outline, and the bandits in front also went out to cooperate several times, but after all, it was the first time to participate in such a large battle.

The reconnaissance company and the Jingwei company are all handled by the head Du from the selection of personnel to the selection of weapons to the daily training, but it's just that the time of joining the army is still young and the experience is insufficient.

To meet the bullets fired from the town, Du Fei led the more than 100 young men of the reconnaissance company into multiple skirmish lines, and temporarily attacked in a wave shape.There is a distance of 300 meters from the attack point to the outer positions of the town. I saw them crawling forward sometimes, and sometimes relying on the terrain to brave their waists. The soldiers of the Northern Expeditionary Army held down firmly on the ground.

"Da da da..." Several heavy machine guns arranged in the west of the town suddenly rang out. Although they had been mentally prepared, two or three soldiers were shot, and the rest immediately lay down close to the ground.

"Fire the mortars!" The two 81mm mortars attached to the infantry battalion immediately returned fire. Because Regimental Commander Du personally stabbed the knife, one of the opponent's heavy machine guns was directly hit and exploded into the sky, and another shell directly hit the trench. Caused no small casualties to the opponent.

"Da da da..." The four heavy machine guns of the infantry battalion also continued to suppress the opponent's firepower, so that the firepower in the town was completely suppressed.

"Follow me!" How could Du Fei let go of such an excellent opportunity, and immediately took the lead and rushed out, followed by the first wave of soldiers rushing up, quickly capturing the first front line.

However, according to the tactics formulated last night, Du Fei and the others did not take advantage of the victory to pursue after occupying the first-line positions, and started to consolidate the captured trenches.

Seeing that Du Fei succeeded, Zhu Qigui immediately led an infantry company equipped with two heavy machine guns and followed up.After the follow-up troops caught up, Du Fei launched an attack on the second line of defense.Using the same tactics, the second line of defense was soon breached, so that the Zhilu army in the west could approach the core of the town.But at this time the supplementary regiment stopped attacking and continued to consolidate its position.Their purpose of doing this is obvious, relying on superior firepower to gradually erode and squeeze the living space of the defenders, forcing them to counterattack.

Due to more than a day of fierce fighting, more than half of the defenders in the town have suffered casualties, and they have to deal with attacks from three sides. At this moment, their strength is obviously insufficient.However, in order to repel the attack from the west, the commander of the defenders still took advantage of the gap between the other two attacks to withdraw almost a company of troops to counterattack the supplementary regiment that broke into the town.It is undeniable that the counterattack is relatively sharp, but it is unlucky to meet the supplementary regiment. Commander Du has already expected this, and the opponent used this tactic two or three times yesterday.After a fierce battle, only certain casualties were caused to Zhu Qigui's men, and the rest of the soldiers were killed by the guns of the supplementary regiment.

The 44th Army and the 2000th Army also found that they had made significant progress in the west and increased their attack power. Soon the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Army were defeated and put down their weapons one after another.In fact, relying on less than [-] people to drag more than [-] people from the three armies of the Zhi-Shandong Allied Army for a day and a half, and caused more than a thousand casualties to the opponent, it is considered a good completion of the task.

After the No.20 Division of the Fifth Army arrived, Du Yan withdrew his men.He is not interested in the looting below and the looting and distribution of loot, and even if he is interested, not many will fall into the hands of the supplementary group.

Five people were killed, seven people were seriously injured, and 15 people were slightly injured. This is the price of the first battle since the establishment of the supplementary regiment, especially the two deaths of the reconnaissance company.

m. to read.

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