Tuxian Road

Chapter 106 Leaving and Alchemy

"Defensive talisman!" the yellow-clothed monk on Feng Fan's left exclaimed.After all, the appearance of the defensive shield produced by the true essence shield and the fluctuation of true essence are very different from the magic talisman, so the monk in yellow can tell at a glance that the silver mask around Fengfan is formed from the magic talisman.

Feng Fan unhurriedly raised the Five Elements Xuanmeng Flag, and as the flag was waved, countless blue ripples washed out and scattered towards the surroundings.Seeing that the three people in front of him had murderous intentions, Feng Fan quickly set up the simple magic circle of the Five Elements Profound Enlightenment Formation, preparing to trap all three of them in the Five Elements Profound Enlightenment Formation first, and then kill them all.

The brown-clothed monk shouted: "Let's all shoot together, don't let him use that flag, as long as we break through his defensive talisman, everything on him will belong to us." The high-grade magic weapon and a dagger medium-grade magic weapon flew out of the storage bags at the waists of the yellow-clothed monk and the white-clothed monk respectively, and shot directly at Feng Fan.

The impact of the giant ax and the short sword on the silver mask only caused a wave of spiritual power, but did not defeat the silver mask.After all, the ones who attacked Feng Fan were only three monks at the peak level of the energy-gathering period. If the one who attacked Feng Fan at this time was a monk at the middle stage of foundation establishment and above, even if he used a low-grade magic weapon, Feng Fan's silver mask magic talisman It will also be broken in a short time.Because the power of attack and defense is not only related to the level of the magic weapon used, but also has a great relationship with the cultivation base of the user.

The five-element profound Mongolian formation simple formation has been set up, Feng Fan waved the formation flag, and the five-element profound Mongolian formation enveloped all the monks.Feng Fan received the Five Elements Xuanmeng Banner, and set out for the big formation.

The three monks suddenly lost sight of their opponents, and their magic weapons were all blocked by the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Formation, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. "Second, third, what about the kid?" the brown-clothed monk gritted his teeth and asked.

"Brother, I can't see the surrounding scene at all, and I don't know where that kid is? We seem to be trapped by a magic circle." The friar in yellow suppressed the panic in his heart, and said in disbelief.

"I also can't see what's going on around me." The monk in white said absently.

"You guys just wait to die in this formation!" Feng Fan's murderous voice suddenly came from outside the formation.

"Boy, let us go out quickly, you dare to provoke the Ling family, do you still want to live in the Golden Moon Ancient Country!" Hearing Feng Fan's voice, the brown-clothed monk yelled sternly.

Feng Fan put away the silver-covered talisman, turned his right hand, and the Soul Devouring Orb appeared in his hand. Feng Fan injected a five-element Xuanmeng Zhenyuan into it, and then raised his right hand, and the Soul Devouring Orb flew into the Five Elements Xuanmeng Formation.Soon, there were bursts of cursing voices in the formation, and the three of them found that their true energy was quickly sucked away, so they were frightened and angry.

"My true energy seems to be almost exhausted!"

"mine too!"

"Brother, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have provoked this kid! I didn't expect to meet a evil star."

"Big brother, little brother doesn't want to die!" After a while, all the cursing disappeared, and the panicked voices of three people came from inside.

"My lord, please let us go, we are blind, everything on us belongs to you..." Then came the brown-clothed friar's loud begging.

Feng Fan sneered secretly, just now these people were relying on their numbers to kill them, but now they saw that their true essence had been sucked out, so they begged again.Now that you have done it, you must not let the tiger go back to the mountain.Otherwise, when these people return to the family, they don't know how much trouble will be waiting for him.

The voice inside gradually disappeared, and the expressions of the three monks in the formation were extremely fatigued, almost drained of their essence, like three roosters who had been defeated in a fight.

Feng Fan made a move with his right hand, and the Soul Devouring Orb flew out of the Five Elements Xuanmen Formation, because it had absorbed the true essence of the peak cultivator in the three Qi-gathering periods, the bead body became brighter and grayer.

Feng Fan took the Hunling Devouring Orb and sacrificed three soul-leaving awls.Feng Fan poured three strands of five-element profound energy into the Soul-Living Cone, and softly called: "Go." The Soul-Living Cone roared and shot into the Five Elements Xuanmen formation.

Although the three monks looked horrified, they were already too strong to resist, and they were killed by the Lihun Cone in an instant, and their bodies and spirits were wiped out.

Feng Fan retracted the magic circle and soul-leaving awl, and took a few glances at the three monks, only to see that the faces of the three monks were full of horror, it seemed that they were greatly frightened at the moment before they died.

Feng Fan took away the dagger, giant axe, and dagger, and searched for the storage bags of the three with his spiritual sense, which made Feng Fan extremely disappointed. Except for a low-grade flying magic weapon in each of the three storage bags , and nothing else.

Feng Fan quickly figured out the reason. Among the monks he met before, the foundation-building monks must have some good weapons. As for the individual Qi-gathering monks, they must rely on their own sharp weapons to dare to enter Yimang Mountain alone.But the three people in front of them didn't have any treasures on them, so they walked together.The three of them wanted to kill and seize the treasure, but they didn't expect to take their lives instead.And before being drained of their true essence, the three of them used up all the crystal jade they were carrying.

Feng Fan buried the bodies of the three people, cleaned up some traces around them carefully, and copied a dagger in the Five Elements Mysterious Formation to generate a high-grade magic weapon.Feng Fan then closed the formation, and quickly left Yimang Mountain on the Frisbee.

Several hours later, Feng Fan came to Longshan, and went to the cave where he used to refine the Nine Ranks Guiling Pill.

After resting for a few days, Feng Fan set up a five-element Xuanmeng simple magic circle outside the cave, preparing to refine Huasui Pill.Before refining Huasui Pill, Feng Fan was going to copy the Illusory Golden Leaf Bone Grass.

Flipping his right hand, the Golden Leaf Bone Grass appeared in his hand.Feng Fan gently placed it on the ground, then concentrated his mind, and sent five elements of profound energy to the golden leaf bone grass.The true essence turned into a cluster of shining light spots, like stars in the dark night, surrounding the spirit grass.The light spots moved slowly, as if they were dancing.The light spots became more and more dense, emitting strong fluctuations of true essence.Although the light spot is very bright, it still cannot compare with the golden light emitted by the golden leaf bone grass.

Over time, the dots of light eventually completely surround the golden leaf bone grass and seem to be seeping in.Sweat oozes from Feng Fan's forehead, which is a sign of a huge consumption of true energy.Another seven-leaf golden spirit grass gradually appeared around the golden leaf bone grass. It was illusory at first, but in the end it turned out to be exactly the same as the original one!

Time is passing by quickly, and the days pass by in a blink of an eye.Feng Fan stood up slowly, although he was physically and mentally exhausted and spent a lot of real energy, but looking at the thirty or so golden leaf bone grasses on the ground, Feng Fan couldn't restrain his joy.

Copying the 2000-year-old spirit grass is indeed more difficult than other things, and it consumes so much real energy.If it hadn't been replenished from the Soul Devouring Orb and Crystal Jade in the middle, these spirit grasses would probably not be able to reproduce the phantom at once.

Refining Huasui Pill is extremely difficult, so Feng Fan spent a lot of real energy to copy and grow more than [-] golden leaf bone grass, so as to avoid the high failure rate of refining Huasui Pill and cause the predicament of no spiritual grass. As for the other five kinds of spiritual herbs for refining Huasui Pill, there are sufficient quantities in the five elements Xuanmeng ring.

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