Tuxian Road

Chapter 128 Competition

Qian Zitong replaced it with a piece of super-grade crystal jade, and quickly absorbed the true energy in it.Feng Fan flipped his right hand, and a spear appeared in his hand. Now that the restriction of true energy has been lifted, Feng Fan is ready to attack the opponent proactively.

At the moment when Feng Fan's true essence swarmed out, blue flames burst out from the spear again, and the spear body was glowing with light blue light.

Qian Zitong's complexion changed slightly, and with the long sword in her right hand, with the influx of her true energy, countless white lights radiated again.The white awns quickly revolved around Qianzitong, and within a very short period of time, the white awns turned into countless pillars, almost enclosing Qianzitong in it.

Feng Fan's expression was stern, the spear in his hand was dancing wildly, the true energy in his body was still pouring into it, and the spear was shining brightly.With a sharp roar, Feng Fan swung his right hand, and the spear turned into a blue light, and flew towards Qian Zitong with a deep sound of piercing through the air.

Qian Zitong scowled coquettishly, and the white pillars around her body burst into light. With a sound of "Boom", the white pillar was wiped out by the violent blow of the spear, and the spear also flew back to Feng Fan under the huge shock.

Feng Fan raised his right hand without hesitation, flicked his right finger, and the spear shot back, like a hungry tiger just out of the cage pounced on the delicious prey, and went straight to Qian Zitong.

Qian Zitong brandished her long sword to meet the attacking spear. After countless crisp sounds, Qian Zitong stepped back several feet in a row before standing still.But the flame on the spear disappeared suddenly, the spear body changed from red to black, and returned to Feng Fan's hand again.

Qian Zitong's face was pale, and the two attacks she resisted just now made her understand the strength of the opponent.Qian Zitong quickly put the long sword into its sheath, and at the same time threw away the crystal jade that had been drained of its essence.

Qian Zitong changed the technique with both hands, and immediately a blue-yellow air mass gushed out.With the rapid expansion of the air mass, countless tiny wooden swords suddenly appeared.The wooden swords increased rapidly, and then flew into the air.

As Qian Zitong chanted the incantation, countless small swords quickly turned into a huge wooden sword several feet long, and every part of the wooden sword was composed of small swords.Qianzitong is a wood-type spiritual root, so what he cultivates is wood-type spells.At this time, what she was using was the giant sword phantom technique, which was extremely powerful, but it cost a lot of real energy to use.

When Qian Zitong cast the spell, Feng Fan quickly activated the mysterious ice world talisman, and a closed ice wall quickly appeared around his body.Feng Fan then quickly poured his true essence into the spear, and the spear quickly burst into red light.

"Chop." Seeing that the phantom technique of the giant sword has been completed, Qian Zitong let out a soft cry, and the giant sword slashed towards Feng Fan head-on.

With one hand raised by Feng Fan, the spear shot up into the sky, facing the giant sword.After a loud noise, wooden swords were flying all over the sky, the giant swords burst open amidst the dazzling red light, and the violent fluctuations of true essence rushed wildly around.

The spear fell on the stone platform under the impact of huge force, making a loud noise, like a thunderbolt blooming in the clear sky.The spear was deeply inserted into the stone platform, causing everyone's expressions to change.

Qian Zitong let out a rapid low groan, and a little bit of the wooden sword hovered over Feng Fan's head, and the wooden sword in the air immediately exuded countless murderous auras. "Fall." As Qian Zitong's hoarse voice reached everyone's ears, all the wooden swords fell like raindrops, exuding dazzling brilliance.

When the wooden sword and the ice wall met, the ice wall was instantly filled with bluish-yellow brilliance.Under the intertwined brilliance of the two colors, the sky and the earth shook suddenly, exuding a compelling aura.Countless bright rays of light scattered out as if they were about to tear everything apart, and rushed towards the surroundings as fast as lightning.

Accompanied by bursts of ice-breaking bangs, the huge force caused many small cracks on the stone platform, and the restrictions around the stone platform also produced a slight fluctuation under the impact of the two huge forces, although the surrounding restrictions can resist True Yuan fluctuates, but it cannot stop the sound from spreading.The loud noise on the stone platform frightened all the onlookers, and all the onlookers couldn't help but change their expressions.

After a few breaths, all the wooden swords transformed from Qian Zitong's true essence disappeared into nothingness, leaving no trace of the wooden sword in the void, and the spear stuck in the stone platform remained motionless.

Feng Fan still looks calm, but the ice wall around his body has almost disappeared and become somewhat transparent.Qian Zitong's face was pale and bloodless, but without a trace of timidity, he changed the spells with his hands, and another ball of true energy emerged.With the rapid expansion of the True Yuan Group, countless bamboo arrows appeared in front of him, and then all of them flew up.

Seeing that Qian Zitong was still refusing to give up and was casting spells again, Feng Fan quickly switched spells with his hands.In just half a breath, countless ice picks appeared in front of Feng Fan, and the ice pick technique was completed.

Qian Zitong waved both hands, and the bamboo arrows turned into countless afterimages and flew towards Feng Fan.The icicle in front of Feng Fan went up to meet him, and after countless muffled noises, a huge force exploded and scattered like a raging sea.

In a very short period of time, both the ice pick and the bamboo arrow disappeared.The two suffered a huge impact, Feng Fan stepped back a few feet to stabilize his figure.Qian Zitong retreated a foot away before stopping, with blood dripping from her mouth, it seemed that she was seriously injured.

Feng Fan changed the formula with his right hand, dozens of blue flames appeared, and the low-level magic flying fire was completed.Feng Fan raised his right hand, and the blue flames swarmed towards Qian Zitong.

Qian Zitong's figure changed rapidly, dodging the attack of the flying fire technique, the flames were blocked by the restrictions around the stone platform, and quickly became invisible.

Feng Fan used low-level spells to attack the opponent, just to test the opponent's body skills or defensive ability. Seeing that Qian Zitong's body skills were still so fast, Feng Fan immediately began to cast the ice cone again.

Qian Zitong took out a piece of high-grade crystal jade in one hand, and took out a talisman with the other hand. The three words "Blue Light Shield" were sealed on the talisman. This was a high-grade talisman.Qian Zitong quickly absorbed the true essence from the crystal jade, and at the same time quickly activated this talisman.

Feng Fan's ice cone technique was completed, with a flick of his sleeve, all the ice cones shot out.Wan Dao Yinmang cut through the sky like a dragon emerging from the water, and swept towards Qian Zitong with violent killing intent.A cold light flickered in the void, and Sen Han's overwhelming killing intent locked Qian Zitong firmly.

Qian Zitong raised his right hand, and the talisman turned into a ball of blue light, and the blue light quickly turned into a shield, blocking Qian Zitong's body.That's not to mention, Qian Zitong made a tactic with one hand at the same time, and a closed blue mask suddenly appeared around his body.

Sensing the violent power contained in the ice cone opposite, this proud girl of Jinshi Valley not only opened a talisman, but also instantly opened the real essence shield.

Countless silver beams hit the blue light shield first, and after emitting a dazzling light and a deep sound, the number of ice cones decreased sharply.The blue light shield quickly became dim, and at the same time slowly shrunk, retreated slowly, and finally turned into nothingness.

The remaining icicles continued to move forward and hit Qian Zitong's true essence shield.After a muffled sound, it was already the end of the battle, and the ice picks finally disappeared.

Qian Zitong's true essence shield was also defeated, and the little power carried by the ice pick directly hit Qian Zitong.Qian Zitong's clothes were a little damaged, and her white skin like jade was exposed in some places.

Qian Zitong's real energy was insufficient due to injury, and only the high-level defense talisman was activated at the same time, so under Feng Fan's all-out attack, the blue light shield talisman seemed vulnerable.If Qian Zitong hadn't activated the True Essence Shield at the same time, the remaining ice cones would have severely injured her.

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