Tuxian Road

Chapter 256: The Dangerous Lore

Feng Fan quickly backed away, and quickly escaped from the formation.The figure of the opponent suddenly disappeared, and the expression of the old man in black changed.

"A magic circle!" The old man in black understood that he was trapped in an extremely powerful magic circle.

After accepting the Five Elements Xuanmeng Banner, Feng Fan flipped it over with one hand, and the Li Ghost Banner appeared in his hand.Feng Fan lightly waved the magic banner, and five ghosts of the peak level of the late Nascent Soul and five initial levels of the late Nascent Soul appeared in front of Feng Fan.

In order to kill the black-clothed old man in the formation as quickly as possible, Feng Fan used all the ghosts of the late Nascent Soul stage.Feng Fan recited the mantra silently, and the formation in front of him opened up a passageway of Zhang Xu.Feng Fan waved the magic banner, and ten human puppets swarmed in.

The old man in black who was in the big formation was a little suspicious when he saw the ten humanoid puppets that suddenly appeared, and his spiritual sense detected the aura emanating from them. This kid is so arrogant, it turns out that he not only possesses the treasures of the fairy world, but also possesses such a special ancient treasure as the ghost banner!The initial ridicule of the old man in black has turned into panic at this time. Facing ten powerful opponents, the old man in black has no chance of winning at all.

Feng Fan waved the ruthless ghost flag, and the ruthless ghosts in the formation, under the control of Feng Fan's ruthless ghost flag, launched a fierce and fast attack on the black-clothed old man.

The old man in black hastily opened the True Yuan Shield and a heaven-level defensive talisman, temporarily blocking the attacks of the ten humanoid puppets.The old man in black caressed the storage ring with his fingers, and a heaven-level sound transmission talisman appeared in his hand.With the injection of true essence, the sound transmission talisman was activated instantly.After the old man in black left a distress message on it with his spiritual sense, the sound transmission talisman flew out.

But to the despair of the old man in black, the heaven-level sound transmission talisman was blocked by an invisible object after flying not far away.The black-clothed old man's face was ashen. After all, the heaven-level sound transmission talisman could pass most of the restrictions.The reason why it was blocked by invisible objects shows that the magic circle set up by the opponent is extremely special.

The old man in black was extremely desperate after launching several attacks on the surrounding restrictions, because he found that with his peak level in the late Nascent Soul, he couldn't shake the surrounding restrictions at all.

Discovering that the heaven-level talisman turned into a protective shield trembled violently under the mad attack of the puppet, the old man in black no longer hesitated. With the circulation of his true energy, the black light on his body exploded, forming a thick black mist.

The fog quickly expanded to a certain extent and turned into five black giant pythons. The giant pythons circled and danced around the old man in black, as if impatiently preparing to rush out of the shield formed by the heavenly talisman.

At this time, there was a muffled sound, and the protective shield formed by the heavenly talisman around the old man in black was defeated by the puppet.The humanoid puppets rushed towards the black-clothed old man quickly, and the black pythons swarmed out. Under the control of the black-clothed old man's spiritual consciousness, they rushed towards the five humanoid puppets that were inhabited by the peak-level ruthless ghosts in the late Nascent Soul, forcing their attack to a halt. block down.

The remaining five ghosts of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul stage violently attacked the true essence shield around the black-clothed old man's body with the golden sword in their hands, and there were bursts of dull sounds, and the black-clothed old man's true essence shield trembled, but it seemed Still indestructible.

Under the continuous attacks of the golden swords in the hands of the five peak-level ruthless ghosts in the late stage of Yuanying, the five black pythons were cut into pieces. At first, they could quickly condense into shape, but this process gradually became slower.

The complexion of the old man in black changed, and he took out a red panacea the size of a longan without hesitation, quickly put the panacea into his mouth, chewed it quickly and swallowed it.The slightly pale complexion of the old man in black immediately turned rosy, and the five black pythons in front of his body surged instantly, and after being cut by the golden sword, the speed of agglomeration became extremely fast.

"Fungus Leaf Spirit Pill!" Feeling the breath of that spirit pill clearly outside the formation, Feng Fan let out a low voice in his heart. It seems that this fifth-grade spirit pill, which is on the same level as Xiao Nitian Pill, is not suitable for Yuanying-level spirit pills. Monks are not hard to come by.

Feng Fan turned over with one hand, and a high-level sky-level lightning-breaking talisman appeared in his hand. With the rapid influx of true energy, the talisman slowly shone brightly.The moment the talisman turned into a black sky thunder, Feng Fan raised his right hand, and the black sky thunder carried a five-element profound energy and shot at the black-clothed old man through the formation without hindrance.At this moment, the ten humanoid puppets retreated rapidly at the same time, away from the position where the old man in black was standing.

Seeing all the puppets backing away quickly, the old man in black was startled, and suddenly saw the black sky thunder flying rapidly, and the old man in black shouted in his heart: "The thunder breaks the sky-level high-level talisman!" The old man's hands felt the rapid change, and the five black pythons instantly condensed together, and then rushed towards the flying thunder.

When Feng Fan's mind was moved, the sky thunder exploded.A deafening sound suddenly came out, and the sky thunder exploded after encountering the black giant python, and the giant python was blown up without a trace.The huge aftermath continued to rage around, all puppets trembled, and the brutal ghosts inside were slightly impacted.And the five elements Xuanmeng array outside did not respond except for a tremor.

The old man in black who was closest to Tianlei was not so lucky. The residual force from the explosion of Tianlei hit the old man's true essence shield, and a powerful force made the old man in black take a step back. The corner of the old man's mouth overflowed. A trace of blood.In fact, the thunderbolt did not cause much harm to the old man, but the old man in black suffered internal injuries when the thunder burst and destroyed the secret technique.

Treasures from the fairy and demon world, ruthless ghosts, and high-level talismans of the sky-breaking sky level!The black-clothed old man felt completely hopeless after these things appeared alternately in his mind. It seemed that he had met an evil star today.If it wasn't for the black python transformed by the black-clothed old man with a secret technique to block most of the attack power when the thunder burst just now, the black-clothed old man would have suffered heavy injuries at this time.

A sneer appeared on Feng Fan's face, he flipped his right hand, and two black magic beads appeared in his hand.With a flick of Feng Fan's right hand, two black magic beads shot at the old man in black with fierce killing intent.

Seeing the two black beads flying towards him almost at the same time, the old man in black turned his consciousness sharply, and the magic weapons of the two shields flew out almost at the same time, facing the black magic beads respectively.There were two more loud bangs, and the shield retreated rapidly, and soon hit the true essence shield around the body of the old man in black.

The old man in black took another two steps back, blood spurted from his mouth, his face was extremely pale.Originally, the old man in black who had the peak level in the late Yuanying period could completely resist the attack of a black magic bead when he was not injured, but the old man in black had already suffered internal injuries in the previous attack by Tian Leipo, and this time he was injured again. Two black magic beads, so the old man in black suffered heavy injuries.

Feng Fan waved the ruthless ghost banner again, and all the ruthless ghosts who were still at rest rushed up again crazily as if stimulated.The old man in black sacrificed five magic weapons to resist the five ruthless ghosts at the peak level of the late Nascent Soul respectively, and still let the remaining five brutal ghosts at the initial level of the late Nascent Soul unscrupulously attack his true essence shield.

After a stick of incense, the true essence shield around the old man in black was crushed by the brutal ghost.As the five golden swords pierced his body, the old man in black grunted, staring unwillingly at the magic weapon that pierced his body, and died with infinite regret on his face.

Feng Fan waved the flag of the brutal ghosts, and all the brutal ghosts escaped from the formation, and then disappeared without a trace.Changing the Li ghost banner to his left hand, Feng Fan flipped his right hand, and the soul-absorbing bag appeared in his hand.

Feng Fan quickly entered the formation and threw the soul-absorbing bag at the old man in black.After a while, a baby with the same appearance as the old man in black flew out of the old man in black.After sensing the breath of the soul-destroying bag, the baby showed a look of extreme fear.

"If you kill me, you will be hunted down endlessly by the Luyou faction!" The mini baby threatened Feng Fan while being terrified.

"How dare you speak hard when you are about to die." Feng Fan looked at the terrified baby emotionlessly, his words were full of murderous intent.Feng Fan raised his right hand, and the soul-absorbing bag flew out. The Nascent Soul of the old man in black let out a shrill howl, and was finally put into the soul-absorbing bag.

After collecting the heaven-level high-level sound-transmitting talisman at the edge of the formation, Feng Fan inserted the brutal ghost banner on the ground, then sat cross-legged, and began to search for the soul of the black-clothed old man according to the secret method of the Nine Nether Profound Scriptures.

After a long time, Feng Fan slowly opened his eyes with a complex expression on his face.From the memory of the old man in black, Feng Fan knew that these five people were the five elders of a large sect of cultivating demons in the ancient kingdom of Wanyu—the Luyou sect.Because the cultivation of magic arts is very special, it is necessary to refine the soul that contains resentment when advancing or even advancing.

By chance more than ten years ago, the old man in Tsing Yi met the monk named Li Benlei.Originally, Li Benlei was going to set up a trick to lure the old man in Tsing Yi into some crystal jade, but unexpectedly, the old man in Tsing Yi saw it through.The old man in Tsing Yi mercilessly cast a spell on Li Benlei called "Shadow Soul Locking Technique". The monk who was cast with this spell can only be loyal to the caster wholeheartedly.Otherwise, once this kind of spell occurs, the last person will die in body and spirit after a period of time.This kind of soul-locking technique can only be undone by consuming a huge amount of true energy, combined with special formulas, incantations, and a fourth-grade elixir called "Soul Relief Pill".

The old man in Tsing Yi later invited his four juniors to come here and set up various restrictions around them.Among them is a restriction against Blood Escape, and as the old man in Tsing Yi said earlier, several types of restrictions around this area must be cast under a certain spell, plus five monks at the peak level of the late Nascent Soul can be instantly lifted.If you don't know the spell, only a monk at the Dacheng stage can defeat all the restrictions around him by force.The soul locking technique is all recorded in a jade slip in the storage ring of the old man in Tsing Yi, and there are several Pills of Soul Relief in his storage ring.

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