Tuxian Road

Chapter 272 Booby

Murong Yuanze's face was as sinking as water, and even the heavenly-level high-level attacking talismans could not defeat this magic circle. It seems that it will take a lot of trouble to get out of the trap.And Feng Fan was constantly changing various spells outside the formation, using all the spells he had mastered repeatedly, while countless attacks transformed from true essence in the formation flew towards Murong Yuanze mercilessly.

Compared with the overall consumption ratio of true essence, Feng Fan consumes a smaller proportion of his total true essence than Murong Yuanze. After all, the Five Elements Mysterious Formation uses the aura between heaven and earth to conjure various attacks, and Feng Fan It's just motivating and controlling outside the formation.

Gradually, the contempt on Murong Yuanze's face disappeared, replaced by a serious expression.An hour later, Murong Yuanze's face was a little ugly. At this time, he had already consumed half of his true energy, but the magic circle's offensive continued unabated, and it continued to launch the attacks of the initial level monks in the early stages of Huadan.

Murong Yuanze's mind moved, and a layer of golden light mask appeared outside the shield of true essence around his body. It turned out that Murong Yuanze saw that half of his true essence was lost, so he began to use various earth-level defensive talismans, but the golden light shield after several rounds It completely collapsed under the storm-like attack.In this way, after more than a dozen earth-level defensive talismans were defeated, Murong Yuanze no longer had any earth-level defensive talismans.

Murong Yuanze flipped his right hand, and a pile of crystal jade of various grades appeared in front of him. As Murong Yuanze quickly absorbed the true essence from it, the light blue true essence shield around Murong Yuanze's body became inflated.Feng Fan, who saw all this very clearly from outside the formation, sneered secretly, comparing Jingyu with him is simply looking for death.

Flipping with one hand, several pieces of extra-grade crystal jade appeared in Murong Yuanze's hands, and Feng Fan quickly absorbed the true essence from the crystal jade.Feng Fan consumed about one-third of his true energy at this time, far less than Murong Yuanze. After all, one-third of the true energy of the initial-level monks in the late Huadan stage and half of the true energy of the peak-level monks in the early stage of Dacheng were basically the same. two concepts.The crystal jade in the Fengfan Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring is extremely abundant. Although there are very few crystal jades left in the middle level and below, there are countless special-level and super-level crystal jades, and the two huge crystal jades are close to two tiny pieces. The amount of crystal jade mined in the crystal jade mine.

The two started to consume crystal jade, and another hour passed. After Murong Yuanze used up the last piece of crystal jade in the storage ring, Feng Fan used up thousands of super-grade and special-grade crystal jade.

Murong Yuanze's face showed incomparable horror, because all the crystal jade and earth-level defensive talismans in the storage ring were consumed.This magic circle untiringly launched violent attacks on him, and the few heaven-level talismans he had left were just a drop in the bucket. If he continued, he would die.Thinking of this, Murong Yuanze's face turned ashen.

"Boy, let me go out, I will definitely let the past go, if you have any conditions, I will satisfy them all." Murong Yuanze's voice was tinged with panic.

"Old man, why didn't you say these words when you chased me down? Go to hell." A voice full of killing intent came from outside the formation, and then countless ice picks shot at Murong Yuanze.

An hour later, Murong Yuanze consumed all the talismans, and while the frenzied attack of the large formation was still going on, Murong Yuanze's true energy was consumed so much that it was almost exhausted.Every time an attack falls on its true essence shield, it will bring waves of fluctuations to its defense, as if this layer of defense is about to collapse.

"Boy, if you have the ability, don't be a coward. Come in and fight this old man face to face. It's nothing to hide outside this bird formation." Murong Yuanze's desperate voice came from inside the formation.

"Haha, Murong Yuanze, wait for your death slowly, I will take your soul and refine your soul after your physical death, and I will definitely torture your soul to avenge the past." Feng Fan clapped his hands and laughed loudly. .

"Boy, if you let me out, I will definitely do anything for you." At this point, Murong Yuanze actually began to beg.

"No need, I will feel at ease only by killing you, an old monster." Feng Fan said jokingly, and then mercilessly controlled the formation to launch a quick attack.

A stick of incense passed, and Murong Yuanze's true essence was almost exhausted.Murong Yuanze turned his heart away, and immediately recited the mantra silently, his body turned into a streak of blood and galloped away.But after a muffled sound, Murong Yuanze, who was casting blood escape, was blocked by the formation, and Murong Yuanze's body fell heavily on the ground, his face as ashes.Exercising Blood Escape exhausted his last true energy, so Murong Yuanze was completely desperate.

Feng Fan who was outside the formation flipped his right hand, and a Qinghong sword appeared in his hand.Raising his right hand, the Qinghong sword shot into the formation under the control of a five-element profound energy.A blue rainbow flashed on Murong Yuanze's neck, Murong Yuanze screamed, and then his head was cut off.

A bloody arrow shot out, Murong Yuanze twitched a few times, and finally died of exhaustion.Before Murong Yuanze died, his face was full of dissatisfaction. He didn't expect to die in the hands of a cultivator at the alchemy stage. This ancestor of the Murong family at the Dacheng stage couldn't believe it until he died.

The body quickly escaped into the formation, and then threw out the soul-absorbing bag.A one-foot-tall Nascent Soul with the exact same appearance as Murong Yuanze flew out of Murong Yuanze's body, and feeling the breath of the soul-destroying bag, the Nascent Soul made a frightened voice: "Feng Fan, if you dare to destroy My soul, my Murong family will not let you go, even if you ascend to the world of immortals and demons in the future, you will be hunted down endlessly."

Feng Fan pointed at the soul-absorbing bag, and a blue light was emitted from the soul-absorbing bag, and Nascent Soul, who looked exactly like Murong Yuanze, was sucked in.Feng Fan is a little bit emotional, the Nascent Soul of the monks of the Dacheng period is much bigger than the Nascent Soul of the monks of the Nascent Soul, from the appearance, if the Nascent Soul of the monks of the Dacheng period is a baby, then the Nascent Soul of the Dacheng period The monk Nascent Soul is a teenager.

Feng Fan set up the soul-leaving formation according to the contents recorded in the Nine Nether Profound Scriptures, and then searched for Murong Yuanze's soul according to the method above.An hour passed, and Feng Fan took back his consciousness.Although there is a little tiredness on the face, it is more excited.Because through the soul search, Feng Fan learned many secrets of the Murong family.First of all, the Murong family has a number of Dacheng and Consummation stage monks. Most of these monks have returned to the family due to the turmoil in the ancient Golden Moon Kingdom.

In addition, there are two places where the Murong family stores crystal jade, one is a temporary crystal jade warehouse, and the other is a secret crystal jade warehouse.The secret crystal jade warehouse stores most of the crystal jade of the Murong family, and it is located in a huge cave in the center of the family.There are special restrictions in it, which are set by the consummation period monks in the Murong family. Even Murong Yuanze is subject to some restrictions on entering it. The crystal jade obtained by the Murong family is first stored here.

The other temporary warehouse is located between the outer and central areas of the Murong family, where the amount of crystal jade mined from a medium-sized crystal jade mine is stored, including crystal jade of various grades.

Under normal circumstances, when the Murong family needs to use crystal jade, it will be allocated from this temporary warehouse.When the number of crystal jade in this warehouse decreases to a certain level, the high-ranking monks in the family will transfer some crystal jade from the secret warehouse to supplement this temporary warehouse, which is basically similar to the situation of the Qin family.

What made Feng Fan happy was that Murong Yuanze's clan protection formation was mainly set up by Murong Yuanze, and the other Nascent Soul stage monks only played an auxiliary role, which meant that Murong Yuanze could A monk who does not pass the guardian formation.

Feng Fan immediately made a bold decision, using the disguise charm to pretend to be Murong Yuanze, and then entered the Murong family to steal the crystal jade from the temporary warehouse.Because Feng Fan learned from the soul search that the temporary crystal jade warehouse is guarded by two monks at the initial level of the early stage of alchemy and four monks of the initial level of the early foundation. A monk in the foundation building period, who rotates every ten days.

Because it is not too far from the center of the Murong family, and the Murong family is heavily guarded, there are not many monks guarding the Jingyu warehouse.Although Murong Yuanze can enter and exit the clan protection formation at any time, two situations are required to activate the clan protection formation.One is that Murong Yuanze can open it by virtue of his cultivation at the stage of great achievement, and then cooperate with spells and formulas; if he is a monk who specializes in guarding the formation, he needs to use a special array card, and then cooperate with spells and formulas.This kind of formation card is personally supervised by Murong Yuanze, and every time it is used up, it must be handed over to the next group of monks who guard the big formation of the clan.

Feng Fan thought about it for a while, and prepared to refine Murong Yuanze's soul into a cruel ghost, because if he wanted to open the clan protection array without an array card, he had to add incantations and formulas by a monk in the Dacheng period.Feng Fan obtained the incantations and formulas through soul searching. As for the monks in the Dacheng period, Feng Fan planned to refine Murong Yuanze's soul into a brutal ghost and then drive him to open the clan protection formation.

Feng Fan turned over with one hand, and the Li ghost banner appeared in his hand.Putting the Li ghost banner on the ground, Feng Fan started refining.After more than an hour, Feng Fan gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, a smile appeared on his face.There was finally a breakthrough in the banner of the ruthless ghost, and a ruthless ghost of the peak level in the early stage of Dacheng appeared.

Feng Fan was a little bit emotional, it took a lot of crystal jade to refine the souls of Dacheng monks into ghosts, it seems that if there is no crystal jade in the journey of cultivation, it will be difficult to move forward.Whether it is refining tools, exchanging items, or fighting, the role of crystal jade is extremely important.Especially for Feng Fan, who can copy all things in illusion, crystal jade is more important.If there is enough crystal jade, relying on the sufficient true energy in it, Feng Fan can copy the phantom to produce countless things he needs, including various panacea, weapons, etc. without consuming his own true energy.

Murong Yuanze was unlucky too, he met Feng Fan who possessed a magic circle, otherwise a hundred Feng Fans would not be enough to kill Murong Yuanze.But now one of the ancestors of the Murong family died at the hands of Feng Fan, and his soul was refined into a brutal ghost.If this matter gets out, it will definitely shock the cultivation world.Feng Fan will also be hunted and killed by all the forces endlessly like the Nascent Soul Stage monk who owned the ghostly ghost banner hundreds of years ago in the ancient Wanyu Kingdom, and will be hunted down by all forces until he dies. After death, all the treasures on him were divided up in a grand manner.

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