Tuxian Road

Chapter 275 The Lonely Soul Corpse

While Feng Fan was meditating, there was a burst of spiritual power fluctuations in the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring.Feng Fan immersed his spiritual consciousness into it, and felt that the one that emitted the fluctuation of spiritual power was actually the jade slip that recorded Zihong Immortal Mansion.

Feng Fan recalled that it was recorded in the jade slip that one month before the Zihong Immortal Mansion appeared, the jade slip would emit spiritual power fluctuations. It seems that the Zihong Immortal Mansion located in the ancient country of Wanyu will appear one month later.Putting his consciousness back, Feng Fan pondered for a moment, then left the cave and went straight to Duan Yunshang's cave.

Feng Fan arrived in front of Duan Yunshang's cave in a very short time, and lightly touched the restriction.After a while, the restrictions outside Duan Yunshang's cave dissipated.

"Brother Feng, seeing your expression is in a hurry, did something important happen?" Seeing Feng Fan, Duan Yunshang asked with a coquettish smile.

"The jade slip that opened the Zihong Immortal Mansion just now exudes bursts of spiritual power fluctuations. According to the content recorded above, this should be a sign that the Zihong Immortal Mansion will be opened in a month." Feng Fan's expression was full of surprise. .

"So you still have to go to the ancient country of Wanyu?" Thinking that Feng Fan might leave in a short time, Duan Yunshang said with a slight frown.

"That's right, Zihong Immortal Mansion will emerge from the ground in a month's time, and I'm going to hunt for treasure this time." Feng Fan said with a faint smile.

"It's just that there will be six monks participating in this treasure hunt this time. As a monk in the alchemy stage, you will definitely be in great danger." Duan Yunshang sighed softly.

"I have to go this time, because the Zihong Immortal Mansion only emerges from the ground once in 1000 years. If I miss this opportunity, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the treasure inside it again. The countless cruel ghosts will definitely be safe and sound." Feng Fan's voice was a little hoarse, but he was firm.

"Since this is the case, be careful in everything, and remember not to force yourself. After all, this treasure hunt is not only likely to face high-level monks, but also the Zihong Immortal Mansion may be full of dangers." Duan Yunshang's seductive eyes fluttered slightly, reminding softly In style.

"Don't worry, I will be careful, and I will return safely." Feng Fan said with a smile.After saying goodbye to Duan Yunshang, Feng Fan embarked on a journey to Zihong Immortal Mansion.

There are countless mountains around, each of which is straight into the sky, showing a grand momentum.The tops of all the mountains were shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was impossible to see clearly the situation above.

Feng Fan was suspended in the air in front of the mountains, prepared for a month, and finally arrived at the destination, feeling a little emotional in his heart.A few years ago, I used to condense alchemy in the ancient country of Wanyu, and today I returned to the ancient country of Wanyu, a cultivation area.

Gazing at the mountains ahead, Feng Fan can be sure that this is the symbolic location of Zihong Immortal Mansion recorded on the jade slips.After passing through these mountains, you will reach the area of ​​Zihong Immortal Mansion.After he collected himself, Feng Fan's mind was moved, and he put his bowl into the mountains.

After passing through the mountains, a vast expanse stretches as far as the eye can see.I can't see any scene in front of me, everything seems to be a piece of blue mist.After putting away the bowl, Feng Fan started to walk forward.

After walking for a stick of incense, Feng Fan was suddenly blocked by an invisible object.With a move in his heart, Feng Fan knew that he had reached the restriction on the periphery of Zihong Immortal Mansion.Feng Fan flipped his right hand, and the jade slip appeared in his hand with the operation of Feng Fan's spiritual consciousness.

Feng Fan recited the mantra silently, and at the same time poured true energy into it, and the jade slip exuded a dazzling light.And at the next moment, the restriction in front seemed to sense something, causing a wave of fluctuations, and then opened a passage that was about a square meter long, and Feng Fan calmly entered it.

After putting away the jade slips, Feng Fan looked far ahead, and what appeared in his sight was an endless area, surrounded by mountains, rivers and lakes, like a paradise.A very fresh breath came to the nostrils, making people linger and feel refreshed.

According to the jade bamboo slips, Zihong Immortal Mansion and its surrounding areas cover an area of ​​thousands of miles, and Zihong Zhenjun's Dongfu is located in the central area.Not only is the journey to the Zihong Immortal Mansion full of dangers, but after reaching the cave mansion, you will also encounter five other monks who entered it from different directions, because the entry directions indicated by the six jade slips are completely different.

No matter on the way, or in Zihong Zhenjun's cave, it is possible to find some precious things.Especially Zihong Zhenjun's cave, which contains countless precious treasures. After all, the leader of the Canghai Continent Cultivation Alliance thousands of years ago stayed at the peak level for more than a thousand years in the late stage of Consummation, and the treasures on his body must be countless number.A special restriction has been set in this area, and monks cannot fly here.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Feng Fan flipped one hand, and a brutal ghost banner appeared in his hand, and at the same time dispersed his consciousness.Now that you have come to a dangerous place, you must be extremely careful, otherwise you may lose your life.In front of it is a huge open land, on which grows many exotic flowers and plants, these countless flowers and plants seem to be made in nature, all kinds of flowers compete with each other and exude a strong fragrance.

Sensing those flowers and plants carefully, Feng Fan showed a little disappointed look on his face.Although there are many kinds of these flowers and plants, there are only a few of them that can be called spiritual grasses, and very few of them are thousands of years old.

Feng Fan was a little puzzled, this place was covered by a ban, and he didn't know how these flowers and plants grew.If it was planted by Zihong Zhenjun back then, it should have been at least thousands of years old now.

After pondering for a while, Feng Fan collected a limited number of millennium spirit herbs, and put them into the Five Elements Profound Enlightenment Ring.These types of spirit herbs are extremely common types and are only suitable for refining low-quality spirit pills.

Passing through the open land, there are two big mountains ahead, and a bluestone road several feet wide winds between the two mountains.Feng Fan slowly stepped onto the bluestone road, walking towards the seemingly endless front.

After Feng Fan had traveled several miles, thick black air suddenly appeared not far in front of him.After sensing it with his spiritual sense, Feng Fan's expression changed, because he felt a powerful aura rushing out of the black air.

"A monk at the initial level in the early days of Dacheng?!" This terrifying thought flashed in Feng Fan's mind.After stopping, Feng Fan waved the ruthless ghost banner, and the ruthless ghost who was at the peak level in Dacheng's early stage stood in front of him.

The black air dissipated a little, and a mummy appeared inside.This mummy was short in stature, and the clothes on his body had festered without a trace, exuding waves of unpleasant stench.There is a storage ring on the index finger of his left hand, from which amazing fluctuations of spiritual power are emitted.The most weird thing is that the eyes are as complete as a living person, and they emit terrifying gazes.

"The lonely soul and brutal corpse of the initial level in the early days of Dacheng!" Feng Fan swallowed, with infinite surprise in his heart, but mixed with a trace of speechlessness.It's really good luck that he encountered such a rare thing in a century when he just entered the periphery of Zihong Immortal Mansion.What surprised Feng Fan was the solitary corpse of the Dacheng period, which seemed a bit troublesome.Even if it relies on a ghost that is half a level higher than this lonely soul corpse, if it wants to subdue it, it will go through a hard fight.But now that we have met, we must not let go of this opportunity, because the Lonely Soul Corpse King refined by the Lonely Soul Corpse has some advantages over the Brutal Ghost.

A drop of human monk's blood is needed in the refining of the Lonely Soul Corpse. After the refining is successful, it is equivalent to a clone of the monk. No matter what order the monk gives, the Lonely Soul Corpse will complete it without hesitation.As for the control of the ruthless ghosts, human monks can only control the corresponding ruthless ghost banners and have enough crystal jade to replenish the true energy consumed by the ruthless ghosts.

Moreover, after ascending to the Immortal and Demon Realm, the Lonely Soul Corpse King can be used by the master without any hindrance without additional refinement.The ruthless ghosts are different. When the ruthless ghosts ascend to the fairy world, only the monks who have the corresponding ruthless ghost banners ascend and refine the ruthless ghost banners to refine the ascensioned ruthless ghosts into ruthless ghosts. Used by this monk.

This lonely soul corpse was a monk at the peak level in the mid-consummation stage before his death, but he failed to advance to the level because his lifespan had arrived a thousand or hundreds of years ago, and finally died here.This place is located in the yin vein, full of yin energy, which is just suitable for the formation of the lonely soul corpse, so a trace of the soul of this monk survived and formed the lonely soul corpse.

Although the memory of his life is very vague, he is very familiar with the use of weapons and treasures, so he has cultivated for thousands of years in the extremely strong Yin Qi in this Yin vein, and he has reached the initial level of the early stage of Dacheng.

And when Zihong Zhenjun sealed this place back then, he didn't consciously sweep his spiritual consciousness across the thousands of miles around, and this place was located on the outskirts of the Immortal Mansion, so he didn't find this lonely soul corpse.

Feng Fan waved the ruthless ghost banner, and the ruthless ghost who was at the peak level in the early days of Dacheng appeared beside him.Feng Fan then flipped his left hand, and a low-level silver mask talisman appeared in his hand. With the injection of true energy, a layer of silver mask appeared around Feng Fan's body.

Still worried, Feng Fan turned over with one hand, and another mid-level Heavenly Bone Shield Talisman and a high-level Heavenly Thunder Breaking Talisman appeared in his hand.The moment his true essence was injected, another white bone shield appeared outside the silver mask in front of Feng Fan's body.

Feng Fan grasped the sky with his left hand, and held the Heavenly Thunder Breaking Talisman in his hand. At the same time, he was on guard, ready to activate it at any time.Facing opponents at the Dacheng stage, Feng Fan dare not take it lightly even if it is a brutal ghost with a Dacheng stage cultivation level.

On the opposite side, the Lonely Soul Corpse who had already activated a certain amount of intelligence sensed the mask and shield around Feng Fan's body, and his eyes shot out a captivating light.The solitary soul and corpse made a tactic with both hands, and a black giant knife was formed instantly. The giant knife exuded bursts of powerful coercion, causing Feng Fan's complexion inside the silver mask to change.

Lonely soul and brutal corpse pointed at the huge knife with both hands, and the huge knife slashed towards the cruel ghost in front of Feng Fan.With a wave of the golden sword in his hand, Li Ghost blocked the attack of the black giant knife.With a loud bang, the black giant knife became invisible, while Li Ghost's body trembled slightly, and the light on the golden sword dimmed a little at this moment.

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