Tuxian Road

Chapter 307 Entering the Outer Door

"Grandpa, how could this person have so many heaven-level talismans!" The young woman calmed herself down, and then said through voice transmission with her spiritual sense.

"Ziyue, if something happens in a while, you immediately activate the mid-level escaping talisman on your body to escape, and leave me alone." A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the white-haired old man.

"Grandpa, I will never leave you!" The young woman's eyes flashed with sadness.

At this time, the defensive shield formed by the white talismans finally collapsed, and the few remaining ice cones were shot at the white-haired old man under the control of Feng Fan's divine sense. "Puff..." After several muffled sounds, the remaining ice pick pierced through the white-haired old man's body-protecting True Essence Shield, piercing several holes in his body.The white-clothed old man snorted, and a miniature baby escaped from the white-haired old man's body.

"Activate the escape talisman!" the Nascent Soul of the white-haired old man screamed.

As if thinking of something, the young woman hesitated for a moment, then quickly took out a talisman from her bosom, and then slapped her body, the talisman became invisible.At this moment, the white-haired old man Yuanying quickly moved back, and when it hit the Demon Slayer Formation more than ten feet away, it exploded quickly.Under the impact of the spirit of the white-haired old man, the Demon Killing Formation immediately collapsed.

"Today's revenge will be repaid twice as much in the future!" A voice full of grief and indignation came from Feng Fan's ear, and the tear-stained young woman's body moved, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Heaven-level mid-level escape talisman!" Feng Fan, who had already felt the level of talisman used by the young woman, finally understood what kind of talisman it was.Feeling it with his spiritual sense, Feng Fan gave a wry smile to himself, it seems that the white-haired old man was already holding the mortal heart after being hit by the ice cone transformed from the Xuanbing thorn sky-level talisman, causing the soul and the soul to explode, thus killing the devil The shock broke apart, and finally saved the life of the young woman, otherwise the two of them would be doomed today.

Glancing around, Feng Fan quickly collected all the magic weapons on the ground, the young man's storage pouch and the storage ring left on the fingers of the white-haired old man's corpse, and then sent out the flying fire technique to burn the two corpses.

Finding that several powerful divine senses within dozens of miles were looking at this place wantonly, Feng Fan snorted coldly, flipped his right hand, and the golden bowl flying magic weapon appeared in his hand.Feng Fan threw out the magic weapon, the alms bowl soared, Feng Fan then jumped on it, and with the injection of true energy, a layer of golden shield appeared around the alms bowl.With Feng Fan's mind moving, the bowl carried Feng Fan and shot into the distance like lightning.

Hundreds of miles away, Feng Fan came to a secluded place.Putting away the bowl, Feng Fan let go of his spiritual sense, and found no monk's aura within a radius of nearly a hundred miles, so he took out the storage ring of the white-haired old man and immersed his spiritual sense in it.Apart from crystal jades of various grades worth tens of thousands of yuan and a few magic weapons, there is nothing else in it.

Feng Fan hesitated for a moment, took out the crystal jade, and put the other things together with the storage ring into the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring.Feng Fan carefully searched for the Five Elements Mystic Rings with his spiritual sense, and took out one of the heaven-level talismans that were relatively insufficient, and then began to copy the phantom while absorbing the true essence from the crystal jade of the white-haired old man.

Two days later, Feng Fan returned to Shengdan Gate, thinking of the experience of these two days, Feng Fan was a little speechless.It took a lot of heaven-level talismans to kill two alchemy-stage cultivators, and later I met a Nascent Soul-stage cultivator, who was even more dangerous, and almost died under the soul-shattering talisman.

From this battle, Feng Fan realized that no matter what cultivation level the opponent has, as long as he possesses special weapons, such as heaven-level talismans, he will pose a huge threat to him. The world of comprehension is really dangerous!

At this time, Fengfan's Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring had enough heaven-level talismans, but the 10 yuan crystal jades of various grades obtained from the white-haired old man were all sucked up by Fengfan.There is no way, if you don't absorb the true energy from the crystal jade, you can only consume your own true energy to copy the phantom life, which will affect the speed of improving your cultivation base.It seems that Jingyu is more important to me who has the ability to copy illusion than other monks.Thinking of the huge amount of crystal jade in the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring which is equivalent to the reserves of three large crystal jade mines, Feng Fan couldn't help but feel a little proud.

One day later, Feng Fan came to the place Lan Tingbi had agreed upon.There were only 13 people left among the 11 people who entered before, and Feng Fan was already here.Because everyone was not familiar with each other, they all kept a certain distance and did not talk to each other.

After more than half an hour, Lan Tingbi appeared in everyone's sight.When he came to the crowd, Lan Tingbi took a quick glance and found that there were two people missing, and there was no fluctuation on his face. "It seems that two people couldn't come because they couldn't get enough crystal jade. You give the crystal jade to me, and follow me to the deacon hall." While speaking, the beard on Lan Tingbi's chin kept shaking, Gives a very funny feeling.

Everyone paid the crystal jade, and then flew at low altitude under the leadership of Lan Tingbi.Except for Lan Tingbi, the other ten people kept a certain distance from Fengfan intentionally or unintentionally, not only because Fengfan didn't need to pay the crystal jade, but mainly because Fengfan's spiritual root level was too high, which gave people a sense of inferiority reason.

"Junior Lan Tingbi pays homage to Taoist Master Tianxu." Lan Tingbi stopped in front of a tall palace, with a few respectful expressions on her face, and said loudly.As soon as Lan Tingbi finished speaking, a powerful sense of consciousness radiated out, and this wave of consciousness rushed towards the 11 people except Lan Tingbi like a stormy wave. Except for Feng Fan, the remaining ten people were all in a row. Back a few steps or even a dozen steps.They seemed to be under a fierce attack, and some monks even let out a slight muffled sound when they retreated.

Feng Fan felt as if a heavy weight was pressed on his chest, his face was slightly pale, and his whole body and mind seemed to be completely exposed to this divine consciousness.Enduring enormous torture, Feng Fan scattered his consciousness back.

"Hey!" There was a low exclamation in the palace.Feng Fan already sensed that there was a peak-level cultivator hidden in the palace, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart. It seemed that Lan Tingbi brought them here to verify his identity.

"Come in." Just as everyone was feeling extremely tormented, all the pressure suddenly disappeared, and an old voice came from the palace. "Of order." Lan Tingbi respectfully agreed, and slowly entered the palace with Feng Fan and eleven others.

At first glance, the palace looks unremarkable, but it is true in the details: there are smokers, incense pavilions, and candlesticks on both sides.Standing in the middle was an old man in green clothes. This old man was short in stature, with a tall and straight nose, bloodless lips, and although his clothes were sloppy, he looked arrogant. Taoist.

"Daoist Tianxu, these 11 disciples have been recruited in the past few days, please ask Taoist Tianxu to have a test, so that his subordinates can take them into the outer sect." Lan Tingbi changed his attitude towards Feng Fan and the others. Domineering, when facing the old man in Tsing Yi, he was completely amiable.

"Very good, this time there is actually a cultivator with the spiritual roots of the five elements, and he is still at the peak level in the early days of alchemy! You have made a great contribution." Daoist Tianxu scanned the crowd, and then set his eyes on Feng Fan body, and finally said to Lan Tingbi slightly moved.

"This time, the younger generation is also lucky to have such monks at the spiritual root level admitted to the Holy Pill Gate." Lan Tingbi said flattered.

"The old man has seen it just now, and there is nothing wrong with these people for the time being, so they can be safely accepted into our sect." Daoist Tianxu said leisurely.

"Since the senior said so, the junior will formally accept this person as a foreign sect." Lan Tingbi cupped his hands and said respectfully. "What is the origin of this five-element spiritual root monk?" Lan Tingbi just finished speaking, and the voice of Taoist Tianxu's spiritual consciousness immediately came from his mind.

"This person claims to be a casual cultivator, and the other juniors don't know anything about it." Lan Tingbi was slightly startled, and immediately echoed with his spiritual sense.

"Hmph! The Five Elements Spirit Root cultivator is still a casual cultivator at the alchemy stage. This person can really stand loneliness. You should pay attention to this person from now on. Even though this person looks normal, other sects will not be so stupid. Send a five-element root cultivator as a spy, but you have to be extra careful." In Lan Tingbi's mind, Taoist Tianxu's dissatisfied voice sounded.

"Subordinates obey." Lan Tingbi replied.

"You can go down now." Daoist Tianxu revealed a little impatience, and suddenly said.

"This junior is leaving." Lan Tingbi said in a deep voice, and left with Feng Fan and others.

Next, Lan Tingbi brought everyone to the main altar to register, and then distributed an identity token to everyone, and told everyone not to lose it, otherwise they would be executed as spies in the Shengdan Gate.In the end, Lan Tingbi led everyone to meet with the alchemy elders of Shengdanmen respectively, and divided the 11 people into six groups, among which Fengfan was in one group alone, and the remaining ten people were in groups of two, respectively following the six elders of Shengdanmen.The elder Feng Fan followed was named "Miexu", the peak level of Nascent Soul in the early stage.This person is bloated but neatly dressed, with a bulbous nose, and a smiling face that makes people feel extremely funny.

"Junior Feng Fan, please take care of Senior Mie Xu." Feng Fan resisted the urge to laugh, and said with a feigned respect.

"Very good, it turned out to be at the five-element spiritual root cultivation level. This time the old man was lucky. By the way, Feng Fan, do you have any experience in refining elixir?" Elder Miexu shook his head, and the smile on his face became even stronger. concentrated.

"The younger generation knows a thing or two about refining elixir, and has refined third-grade elixir." Recalling that he was trapped in the Zihong Immortal Mansion for 15 years, alchemy has been promoted to a new level, and he can easily refine third-grade and elixir. Feng Fan said with a smile about the spirit pills below the level.

"Third Grade Spirit Pill!" The smile on Elder Miexu's face suddenly froze, revealing a look of astonishment.

"Not bad." Feng Fan replied confidently.

Please collect and flowers!

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