Tuxian Road

Chapter 315 Trial

After a few breaths, a mummy suddenly appeared more than ten feet away from Feng Fan. This mummy had no skin, and the muscles on its body were severely festered. Eye.

"A thousand-year-old lonely soul corpse!" Feng Fan was extremely shocked. This time it even surpassed the time in Zihong Immortal Mansion. pinnacle level.After being shocked, Feng Fan felt a tinge of ecstasy in his heart. If he took this lonely corpse and refined it into a lonely corpse king, he would have another sharp weapon.

Feng Fan didn't hesitate any longer, his mind moved, a talisman appeared in front of him, Feng Fan pointed at the talisman, the talisman became invisible, and countless invisible ripples appeared in the surrounding space immediately, covering the area.Although Feng Fan originally didn't want to use the ruthless ghost banner, he couldn't care less when he met such ghosts, so Feng Fan opened an extraterrestrial illusion formation talisman, hoping to hide the aura of the upcoming fight.

The Lonely Soul Corpse looked at Feng Fan, and there was a strange look in that one eye. The cultivators who had been slaughtered for the past few days all panicked and ran away when facing it. I didn't expect this cultivator to be so calm. Zombies have always opened up some wisdom.

Feng Fan flipped his right hand, and a small black flag flew out of the Five Elements Mystic Ring.Grasping the magic banner tightly, Feng Fan poured true essence into it.The magic flag soared, exuding shocking spiritual fluctuations.

Feng Fan waved the ruthless ghost banner, and three humanoid puppets appeared like ghosts around the solitary ghost ruthless corpse on the opposite side.These three ruthless ghosts are the ruthless ghosts of the peak level in the middle stage of Dacheng, the initial level in the middle stage of Dacheng, and the peak level in the early stage of Dacheng.One of the brutal ghosts and the lonely soul brutal corpse are at the same level of cultivation, and the other two are half and one level higher than them respectively.Facing the solitary soul and brutal corpse in the Dacheng period, Feng Fan didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and instantly summoned the three highest-level brutal ghosts among the brutal ghost banners.

The consciousness swept across the three humanoid puppets around him, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the lonely corpse, but it was replaced by tyranny.With a pair of withered hands, the lonely soul quickly pinched several spells, and countless red mist appeared quickly. The moment his hands were turned over, the red mist turned into a huge ball of fire.The lonely soul and corpse muttered something, and pushed his hands outward, the fireball suddenly spread out, turning into countless sparks, most of them flew towards the three puppets around, and a small part even shot towards Fengfan through the gap.

Without hesitation, Feng Fan stretched out his left hand and patted his body, two high-level talismans of the Five Elements Realm were opened, and two layers of cyan shields were quickly formed before sparks flew.The sparks flying towards Li Ghost were blocked by two shields and a thick cyan ripple respectively, while the sparks flying towards Feng Fan were blocked by the cyan shield transformed from the Five Elements Realm Talisman.

After the sparks hit everything, there was no sound. Feng Fan was puzzled when suddenly countless explosions sounded, and then the cyan shield transformed from the Five Elements Realm trembled violently, the outermost shield trembling Afterwards, it became invisible, and the aftermath of the spark also disappeared at the moment it hit the inner protective shield.The inner cyan shield returned to normal after a slight tremor, and there was no sign of collapse except for the loss of true energy inside.The explosion near the Li ghost did not cause any damage to the three humanoid puppets. After all, the three ghosts were of extremely high levels, and they all used ancient treasures, treasures, and spells to resist.

The Lonely Soul Corpse let out a roar, and then opened its mouth, a thick black mist spewed out, accompanied by a stench, the black mist quickly dispersed, enveloping all the brutal ghosts in it.Feng Fan waved the magic banner, and the three brutal ghosts immediately launched a berserk attack on the black mist.At this moment, the lonely soul and brutal corpse rushed out of the encirclement, and instantly came to the front of Feng Fan's body.

Lonely Soul Corpse reached forward with one hand, and a miniature fireball flew out from his fingertips.The astonishing spiritual power fluctuations from above startled Feng Fan, Feng Fan slapped him without hesitation, and another Heavenly Level Talisman of the Five Elements Realm was opened.The moment the fireball flew out, the body of the lonely soul shot backwards like an arrow off the string. When its withered body was more than ten feet away from Fengfan, the fireball that stopped at the outermost blue shield burst open.The two layers of cyan shields outside Feng Fan's body let out two Chi Chi sounds, and then collapsed one after another. At this moment, all the power of the fireball disappeared.

Seeing Feng Fan continuously activate the heaven-level defensive talisman to resist the attack, which made the lonely soul extremely depressed. He obviously thought that he would spend a huge amount of real energy to cast a spell to temporarily trap three high-level ghosts in a short period of time, and then a thunderous blow would definitely kill him. He would kill alchemy-stage monks who manipulated ghosts, but he didn't expect the opponent to use multiple heaven-level defensive talismans in a row.

The moment the lonely soul and brutal corpse just stood firm, the three brutal ghosts had completely broken free from the siege of the black mist.In the middle of the Dacheng period, the peak-level Li Ghost took the lead in throwing out the dagger ancient treasure in his hand, and the dagger carried a powerful force and flew towards the Lonely Soul Li Corpse.The Lone Soul Corpse turned its head and opened its mouth, a dagger shot out from its mouth. After a loud noise, it was also Gu Bao's dagger that blocked the dagger's attack.

Feng Fan quickly waved the magic banner, and the Li ghost of the middle stage of Dacheng, which was refined from the three-eyed flying leopard, roared wildly, the third eye between the two eyes suddenly opened, and a dazzling golden light shot out.The lonely soul opened its mouth, and a stream of black air swarmed out, turning into black dragons on the way.The black dragon quickly pounced on the golden light, and with a "bang", the black dragon hit the golden light, but was blocked for a moment, and the black dragon collapsed under a full blow equivalent to a peak-level monk in the late stage of Dacheng.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, the lonely soul screamed in horror, and instantly opened the true essence shield.The golden light shrunk a few minutes and continued to move forward, directly landing on the true essence shield of the lonely soul and brutal corpse. With a sound of "stabbing", the real essence shield of the lonely soul corpse was torn off like thin paper, the golden light shrank a little and hit the target, and the lonely soul corpse fell to the ground without any suspense.

The attack from the third eye of the Three-Eyed Flying Leopard is equivalent to a cultivator one and a half levels higher than it, so its power is huge, but this kind of attack is very limited, it can only be used once a month, and every time it is used, it is extremely exhausting It takes a month of recuperation to fully recover the true essence and depleted consciousness.

Under the blow equivalent to that of a peak-level monk in the late stage of Dacheng, the Lonely Soul Corpse couldn't bear it at all, and was killed directly, and the aura emitted by the brutal ghost who issued this blow immediately became extremely weak.This is because Feng Fan issued an order through his spiritual sense to make the ghost made by the three-eyed flying leopard not to attack the important parts of the ghost corpse, otherwise the ghost corpse would be completely destroyed by the blow just now.

Feng Fan quickly threw out the soul-absorbing bag, and the black magic weapon hovered over the lonely soul corpse for several weeks, and saw a blue Nascent Soul flying out in a panic, feeling the breath of the soul-absorbing bag, the blue Nascent Soul There were waves of terrified roars, but in the end they were still taken in by the soul-destroying bag.After collecting the magic banner, cruel ghost, and soul-absorbing bag, Feng Fan pointed forward, and the illusion in the sky flew back into his hand in the form of a talisman.

After receiving the talisman, Feng Fan nodded in satisfaction.This time, the subjugation of the thousand-year-old lonely soul corpse was much smoother than last time. After all, the strength of the brutal ghost used this time far exceeded the last time, so it was so smooth.When he left Bifeng Mountain and refined the soul in the soul-absorbing bag into a ghost corpse king, he had an extra helper.After all, the Lonely Soul Corpse King is much more convenient to use than the Violent Ghost Banner. The appearance of the Violent Ghost Banner in the realm of comprehension will definitely cause countless bloody storms, while the Lonely Soul Corpse King is just a single ghost, not like the one that can drive the Violent Ghost. The ruthless ghost banner is so shocking.

Feng Fan walked towards the place where the mushroom leaf spirit grass was, and a fresh fragrance came over his face.Feng Fan stopped in front of a stalk of grass, and saw that this stalk of spirit grass was orange-yellow in color, with four leaves, and each leaf had red spots on it, and those spots exuded a lively aura.The dewdrops on it have not yet dried up, and they emit crystal bright spots under the sunlight.

Sensing the fungus leaf spirit grass in front of him carefully with his spiritual sense, Feng Fan heaved a sigh of relief. Obtaining this spirit grass is equivalent to obtaining countless plants for Feng Fan who can copy the illusion.And having countless strains of the seven kinds of spiritual grass for refining the mushroom leaf elixir means that the elixir - the mushroom leaf elixir will be refined.Thinking of the efficacy of this panacea, a smile appeared on Feng Fan's face.

Slowly bending down, Feng Fan carefully collected the 4000-year-old mushroom leaf spirit grass, and finally put the mushroom leaf spirit grass into the Five Elements Mystic Ring.Having gathered the seven kinds of spiritual herbs for refining the mushroom leaf elixir, and got many other kinds of spiritual herbs, Feng Fan is going to hide them, copy some precious things, and wait until the trial is over, it will be considered a success.

When he came to a secluded place, Feng Fan first scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense to confirm that there were no other monks within a hundred miles, Feng Fan flipped over with one hand, and a talisman appeared in his hand.With the infusion of true essence, the talismans dissipated, and the Great Formation of the Illusory Realm outside the sky was instantly activated.

Feng Fan sat down and waved his sleeves. The fungus leaf spirit grass and a few pieces of super-grade crystal jade that he had just obtained flew out of the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring, and finally landed on the ground in front of him.

Feng Fan put one hand on the super-grade crystal jade, and the other hand slowly pointed to the fungus leaf spirit grass.As the true energy in Feng Fan's body gushed out like a flood, countless bright spots of light quickly appeared around the mushroom leaf spirit grass on the ground.These light spots first gradually expanded, completely surrounding and covering the mushroom leaf spirit grass.

After a while, the light spot began to shrink, and left the place where the fungus leaf spirit grass was.Gradually, the spots of light condensed into a tiny ball of light.The light sphere is translucent, and after the true essence from Fengfan's body continuously poured into it, the light sphere gradually materialized and turned into a crystal long strip.As time went by, the crystal-clear strips began to diverge, and finally separated into four sheets, whose shape and appearance had some traces of Mushroom leaves.

Please collect and flowers!

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