Tuxian Road

Chapter 327 Selling Monster Beast Inner Alchemy and Storage

"Your subordinate will take your leave first." Seeing Feng Fan glanced at him, the monk in the foundation building period immediately said something to the white-robed monk with interest, and then left quickly.

"You can speak now." The white-robed monk raised his hand and set a sound-proof barrier, and said casually.

"More than 40 first-class Phosphorous Fire Flying Magic Monster Beast Inner Pills and more than [-] second-class Phosphorous Fire Flying Magic Monster Beast Inner Pills." Sensing that the white-robed monk is the initial level of Dacheng, Feng Fan's expression did not fluctuate much .

"More than 50 monster inner alchemy?!" Although the level of the monster inner alchemy is not high, this number has already exceeded the psychological bottom line of the white-robed monk.

"That's right, if senior can buy it with crystal jade at one time, I won't go to other places. This time, I was appointed by the sect to sell the inner alchemy that has been accumulated for many years in the Holy Artifact Pavilion." Feng Fan said absent-mindedly, but in fact It is also secretly on guard, no one can guarantee that the high-ranking monk in front of him will not have the heart to kill and steal.And pretending that he was appointed by the sect to sell it, this would also make the white-robed monk less murderous.

"Very good, these inner pills can be swallowed by Xiaoyaogu, you don't have to go there again." The white-robed monk's face fluctuated for a few times, and finally changed into a smiling face.

"In this case, please senior inspect the goods." Feng Fan stopped talking, gently took off the storage ring on his right finger, and handed it to the white-robed monk. More than 50 monster inner alchemy were transferred from the middle.

"Very good, it really is more than 50 monster inner alchemy, your faction is really a big hand, if there are such good things in the future, don't forget to come to my Happy Valley to trade." After receiving the storage ring, the white robe The monk immersed his consciousness in it, explored for a while, then retracted his consciousness, raised his head and said with a smile.

"How much crystal jade are these inner pills worth?" Feng Fan threw out the most critical words of this transaction.

"Because the number of monster inner alchemy is too large, I need to call someone to help estimate it. Please wait a moment." The white-robed monk said and clapped his hands.After a while, a monk walked in. This person was dressed in black, and he was a monk in the alchemy stage.

"You count the number and level of inner alchemy of monsters in this storage ring, and then estimate a reasonable price." The white-robed monk handed the storage ring to the black-clothed monk, and ordered solemnly.

"Your subordinate obeys." The black-clothed monk took the storage ring and immediately immersed his consciousness into it. When he saw the huge number of monster inner alchemy, the black-clothed monk was shocked, but then he calmed down and began to quickly count stand up.Unexpectedly, the white-robed monk did not ask Feng Fan what sect he came from, and the two remained silent.In fact, Feng Fan had already thought about it beforehand. If the other party asked him what sect he belonged to, he would refuse to tell.

After a full stick of incense, the black-clothed alchemy cultivator finally took back his consciousness. "Senior, there are a total of 53 monster inner alchemy inside, and the estimated value is about 960 million low-level crystal jade." With a tired face on his face, the black-clothed monk handed the storage ring to the white-robed monk, said respectfully.

"You also know that the first-class monster inner pills are worth dozens of crystal jades, and the second-class monster inner pills are worth hundreds of crystal jades, so the price of these monster beast inner pills should be worth about the same as these crystal jades. I wonder if you are satisfied with the price?" The white-robed monk stared at Feng Fan closely, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Then make a deal quickly, I have other things to do." Feng Fan, who had already felt the murderous intent in the eyes of the white-robed monk, sneered in his heart. If the opponent plots against him, Feng Fan will definitely give him a share "surprise".After all, Feng Fan has two Lonely Soul Corpse Kings, one is half a level higher than the cultivator in front of him, and at this time Feng Fan uses a high-level disguise talisman, even if he drives the Lonely Soul Corpse King to kill this person, It won't cause too much trouble for myself in the future.Because the Lonely Soul Corpse King is not as shocking as the brutal ghost banner, there are many demon cultivators who own this kind of ghost.

"This is 5000 yuan super-grade crystal jade, please count it." The white-robed monk caressed a storage ring on his finger, and countless crystal jades appeared in front of Feng Fan's eyes. Order crystal jade.

"There is no need to count the numbers. I believe in Xiaoyaogu's reputation. Senior, please take out the inner alchemy." Feng Fan was not in a hurry to get back the crystal jade in front of him, but said full of vigilance.

"This is your storage ring, put it away." The white-robed monk put all the alchemy in Fengfan's storage ring into the storage ring on his finger, and then handed the storage ring to Fengfan.

"This junior is farewell." Feng Fan's heart moved, and with the use of the Great Strength Technique, the crystal jade in front of him was quickly put into the storage ring in Feng Fan's hand, and then quickly left the attic.

"You wait here, I'll go and find out about this kid." Feeling that Feng Fan had left the attic with his spiritual sense, the white-robed monk gave orders to the black-clothed monk, and then hurriedly followed him out.

"Hey, you don't have the qualifications to follow me!" Feng Fan snorted coldly when he noticed the powerful spiritual sense of the white-robed monk, and quickly opened a heaven-level high-level escape talisman, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant. .At this time, Feng Fan's cultivation base is already equivalent to the initial level of Yuan Ying's early stage monks, and he can exert greater power when casting high-level heaven-level talismans. Now it has increased by hundreds of miles.Feng Fan was already nearly a thousand miles away, which completely exceeded the scope of spiritual consciousness of a cultivator at the Consummation Stage. Although he could not escape the tracking of a cultivator at the Transition Stage, it was more than enough for a mere cultivator at the Dacheng Stage.

"I was fooled!" Seeing Feng Fan cast a talisman, and then his figure disappeared, the white-robed monk immediately knew that Feng Fan had used a high-level escape talisman.The white-robed monk immediately understood one thing. The alchemy stage monk just now was definitely not selling inner alchemy on behalf of a certain sect.If it is a sect appointment, there should be a high-level monk to respond after leaving here, or a high-level monk should be sent to handle this matter directly. After all, this is more than 50 monster inner alchemy, which is not a small sum.

"I should have left it just now. Firstly, I can ask how the inner alchemy of so many monsters were obtained, and secondly, I can get these inner alchemy for nothing." The white-robed monk thought regretfully in his heart.But fortunately, the white-robed monk did not put this idea into action, otherwise, once Feng Fan drove out the peak-level Lone Soul Corpse King in the early days of Dacheng, it would definitely deal a huge blow to the white-robed monk.

Nearly a thousand miles away, Feng Fan stabilized his figure, and inserted his spiritual sense into the storage ring on his finger. After a long while, Feng Fan withdrew his spiritual sense, and there was indeed 5000 yuan of super-grade crystal jade inside, Xiaoyaomen Sure enough, he was generous, but the big sect was different, and all the crystal jades traded were super-grade crystal jades.In fact, in order to win over Feng Fan, the white-robed monk deliberately traded all of them with super-grade crystal jade, and it was also for the reason that Feng Fan would come to Xiaoyaomen to trade if he had such things again.

Feng Fan put the crystal jade into the Five Elements Profound Mentality Ring, and took out several storage rings from the Five Elements Profound Mentality Ring. Looking at these storage rings, Feng Fan thought of several high-ranking monks who had been killed by him.

After hesitating for a while, Feng Fan put all these storage rings into the storage ring in his hand.Feng Fan then used another high-level heaven-level disguise talisman, changed his appearance a bit, and then drove the wind spirit boat to gallop towards the holy artifact.

Two hours later, Feng Fan came to the Holy Artifact City again.After receiving Feng Lingzhou, Feng Fan felt a little emotional.In the past, it took more than a dozen hours to travel a thousand miles, but now with the improvement of cultivation and the quality of the flying treasures used, it only took two hours to cover a distance of nearly a thousand miles.If his cultivation is improved again, it is estimated that this time will be greatly shortened.

Feng Fan returned here again, but the monk at the Dacheng period did not notice it.Firstly, it is impossible for this monk to think that the low-level monk who used the disguise talisman would dare to return quickly before the aura did not change; It will cause you a lot of trouble.

Walking in the crowd, Feng Fan carefully observed the things placed in the peripheral area, most of them were low-level things.Feng Fan came to a pavement, and behind the pavement stood a middle-aged monk in black at the early initial level of Huadan.

"Fellow Daoist, is there a place to buy storage rings here?" Feng Fan asked in a deep voice.

"If you buy this kind of thing in the centralized trading area, if the price is moderate, it will be sold immediately." The black-clothed monk looked at the storage ring on Feng Fan's finger, and his expression showed no contempt. , this is an extremely rare situation, the person in front of him is either an elite figure of a certain sect, or the darling of a certain family.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for your guidance." Feng Fan thanked casually, and then walked towards the centralized trading area calmly.After more than an hour, Feng Fan left the centralized trading area with a smile on his face, and there were hundreds more super-grade crystal jade in the storage ring on his finger.


Originally in the Golden Moon Ancient Country, each storage ring could only be sold for about 50 pieces of low-grade crystal jade, that is, 50 yuan of super-grade crystal jade, but here each storage ring can be sold for 100 yuan of super-grade crystal jade , it seems that the differences in cultivation areas and the war in this cultivation area have caused the prices of various materials and weapons to rise a lot.

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