Tuxian Road

Chapter 607 Joining forces and encircling

Feng Fan, who was retreating, was moved in his heart, and then he patted his body lightly. With the opening of a heaven-level high-level invisibility talisman, Feng Fan's figure disappeared instantly.In the invisible state, Feng Fan rushed towards the treasure forest. This time he returned with only one purpose, which was to use the Lingbao Mixing Spirit Devouring Orb to absorb the true essence in the walls made of crystal jade around the mysterious hall.

When Zhenbao Youlin belonged to the Feitian sect, it was difficult for Feng Fan to make a move because he was a disciple of the Feitian sect after all.But this time is completely different, since the demon cultivator has occupied the Treasure Forest, there is no need for Feng Fan to be relentless.

"Such a large range of crystal jade veins! There are about the equivalent of nearly [-] giant crystal jade mines!..." Some magicians took out some weird magic weapons to measure crystal jade veins. After that, there were all kinds of excited cries.

"Very good, now our four major cultivators have earned money!" Standing tens of feet away in front of the mysterious hall, looking at the surrounding scene, hearing the excited voices of some cultivators, Feng Nanhe looked at the others in high spirits. The leaders of the three major forces said.

"That's right, the first thing to do now is to set up restrictions around the Treasure Forest, and then fully exploit the crystal jade veins in it." Qin Bingyu said with a smile.

"Okay, after the restriction is set, our four major powers will divide the treasure forest equally, and then immediately mine the crystal jade in it." Luo Yanhong clapped her hands and laughed loudly.

"Brother, this time the Treasure Forest is occupied by demon cultivators, what should we do?" After leaving the Treasure Forest, Master Taiqing, who was at the center of many monks of the Feitian Sect, said to Master Huanyue listlessly.

"Flying monks are waiting on the road leading to Jinshi Valley, and at the same time recuperating, you, I, and Master Xu will immediately take the three groups of monks to notify the leaders of the other three major cultivating forces, and ask them to send monks to Treasure Forest. My immortal cultivating power will definitely fight to the death with the demon cultivating power!" Master Huan Yue's face was as cold as ice.Immortal Taiqing then dispatched more than a dozen people, divided into three groups, and led by Immortal Huanyue, Immortal Taiqing, and Immortal Xuxu, they headed towards Jinshi Valley, the Murong family, and the Fang family.

In Treasure Forest, Feng Fan, who was in a state of invisibility, came to the mysterious hall.The demon cultivators are all discussing things outside, so there is no one here.

Feng Fan's mind moved, and a gray bead flew out of the Five Elements Mystic Ring.Under the control of Feng Fan's mind, the Lingbao Hunlingzhu Yuanzhu flew towards the walls around the hall.The true essence in the wall made of super-grade crystal jade immediately swarmed out, frantically rushing towards the gray bead in mid-air.

Because the speed of the true essence gushing out was too fast, vortices formed one after another when it was close to the Lingbao, and the color of the Soul Devouring Yuanzhu was slowly changing: silvery white, yellow, green. . . . . . .

"Huh? I seem to feel that there is an abnormal fluctuation of true energy in that hall?" Qin Bingyu, one of the leaders of the four major cultivating powers who was discussing matters dozens of feet away from the hall, suddenly frowned and asked in surprise.

"I also seem to feel a kind of true essence fluctuation, and this fluctuation gradually becomes more intense!" Feng Nanhe said with a change of expression as he dispersed his consciousness.

"Let's go in and see what's weird in the hall!" Ling Qiancao said, and walked towards the hall first, followed by the other three leaders.

When the leaders of the four major cultivating powers approached the main hall, the soul devouring Yuanzhu became crystal clear, filled with true essence, and no longer fluctuated.Feng Fan pointed at the Hunling Devouring Yuanzhu from the air, and the Lingbao was instantly taken into the Five Elements Mystic Ring.Hearing the footsteps of the leaders of the four major cultivating forces, Feng Fan secretly sneered and hid secretly in a corner of the hall.

"Huh? There's nothing suspicious here? We all felt a powerful fluctuation of true energy just now, is this really weird?" Qin Bingyu spread his consciousness and scanned every corner of the hall, but found nothing What, he asked in a low voice in surprise.

"That's right, I also clearly felt the fluctuation of true energy in the hall just now." Ling Qiancao also said in disbelief.

"Everyone, the stone platform and the four walls of the main hall seem to be made of super-grade crystal jade, but the inner crystal jade has been worn out. It may be that with the passage of time, some of the true energy in the inner crystal jade has been lost. " Feng Nanhe carefully observed his surroundings, after a while, he exhaled lightly, and said calmly.

"Maybe we are suspicious!" Ling Qiancao said in a daze.

"By the way, should we resolve the issue of prohibition as soon as possible? Otherwise, once we are attacked by cultivating forces when we are mining crystal jade veins, we will lose sight of one thing and lose another." Luo Yanhong asked impatiently.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is right, we will set up restrictions now." Feng Nanhe nodded.The leaders of the four major cultivating powers then left the mysterious hall and walked towards the edge of the Treasure Forest.

Feng Fan hid in the hall, turned his right hand, and the Sky Soul Orb appeared in his hand.Following the infusion of Feng Fan's several Taoist essences, the Heavenly Soul Orb emitted countless dazzling white auras.

Feng Fan dispersed his consciousness, and a figure with a slightly graceful figure and somewhat illusory figure appeared within the range of Feng Fan's consciousness. "Follow the four Nascent Soul stage monks outside the main hall, and see how they set up restrictions." Feng Fan issued a divine command to the Phaseless Yin Spirit, and the Phaseless Yin Spirit trembled slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly. .

Feng Fan quietly hid in the hall. Whenever the invisible talisman's true essence was about to disappear, Feng Fan would open a high-level invisibility talisman and continue to hide his tracks.Several hours later, Feng Fan's mind moved, and the Formless Yin Spirit quickly returned from the edge of the Treasure Forest.

During these few hours, Feng Fan has learned the whole process of setting up the formation and all the methods of opening the formation by the leaders of the four major cultivating forces through the surveillance of the Wuxiang Yinling.

After the leaders of the four major demon cultivating forces joined forces to set up a complete formation around the Treasure Forest, they carved special runes on the eight formation flags with their spiritual consciousness. In this way, the eight formation flags have a temporary Unlock the ability of large formations.

Of course, in addition to owning the array flag, you must also be a monk of Yuanying level and above to add spells.The reason why the runes on the banner are set like this is because the leaders of the four major cultivating powers are planning to send eight Nascent Soul stage monks from the four major forces to guard the eight areas around the Treasure Forest. The leaders of the four major cultivating powers are not at ease when the monks at the level and below guard the prohibition.Of course, all the incantations were also found out by Feng Fan through the phaseless Yin Spirit.

It wasn't until the leaders of the four major cultivating powers distributed the eight formation flags to the eight Nascent Soul stage monks among the four major cultivating powers that they began to divide the scope of mining crystal jade in Treasure Forest.

Feng Fan left the hall with a sneer on his face, looking for a very secluded place.Because the sky-level high-level invisibility talisman opened last time is about to expire, in order to prevent being found, Feng Fan swallowed a hidden qi pill.

Taking out the Five Elements Xuanmeng Banner, Feng Fan began to set up the original five elements Xuanmeng Formation.After half an hour, the formation was complete.Feng Fan came to the big formation, collected the formation flag, released the phaseless Yin spirit, and began to wait quietly.

The reason why Feng Fan didn't leave the Treasure Forest was because he was going to wait until the four major cultivating powers mined some of the crystal jade, and then he would know where the crystal jade was placed through the phaseless Yin Ling, and he was going to snatch a huge amount of crystal jade.In addition, once the forces of cultivating immortals come to attack Zhenbao Youlin, Feng Fan can also cooperate with the inside and outside.

A few days later, Feng Fan, who was monitoring the leaders of the four major cultivating powers through the Phaseless Yin Spirit, suddenly felt refreshed.It turned out that the leaders of the four major cultivating powers who were supervising the mining of crystal jade received news from the monks outside Zhenbaoyoulin at the same time that tens of thousands of monks from the four major cultivating forces had arrived in the east of Zhenbaoyoulin and were jointly attacking With the prohibition of Treasure Forest.

It turns out that Huanyue Zhenren and others went to the other three major forces respectively, which shows that there are reserves equivalent to a huge amount of crystal jade mines in the underground of Zhenbao Youlin, and now that they are occupied by the four major cultivating forces, the leaders of the three major cultivating forces immediately Unanimously, they exhausted all the monks in their forces, and then headed towards the gathering place of the Feitian sect monks outside the Treasure Forest.

After completely reuniting with the monks of the Feitian faction, all the monks of the four major cultivating powers gathered in the Zhengdong of the Treasure Forest, and launched an attack on the prohibition jointly set up by the leaders of the four major cultivating powers.

The leaders of the four major cultivators immediately led a few demon cultivators towards the east of the Treasure Forest, and came to the vicinity of the Treasure Forest Restriction. Through the restriction, one could see that tens of thousands of immortal cultivators were issuing rounds of blows to the restriction. *hit.

"Feng Nanhe, the leaders of your four major cultivating powers are really shameless. Treasure Youlin originally belonged to our Feitian faction, but you actually broke your promise and joined hands to take away this treasure land. Now our Feitian faction is going to cooperate with the other three major cultivating forces Mining here, if you are sensible, leave this place!" Lin Jingnan, who had already come from the Feitian faction, stood outside the restriction and shouted at Feng Nanhe in hatred.

"It's ridiculous. If you knew in advance that there are hundreds of giant crystal jade mines underground! How could it be possible to determine the ownership of this place with a small trial? As a matter of course, it is not enough for your Feitian faction to lose this place. If you are strong enough to defeat our four major cultivating powers with a single force, would you invite the other three major cultivating forces to come here?" Feng Nanhe bared his teeth. hissed.

"In that case, let's see who is more powerful. Friends of the cultivating forces, we will fight to the end today, and we cannot let the cultivating forces occupy this treasure land alone!" The master Qian Zitong yelled loudly.

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