Tuxian Road

Chapter 643 Conspiracy and Clues

"Junior Brother, why have I sent a message to the Cultivation Alliance these days, but have not received any reply? Could it be because neither of us has won the position of head, and the Cultivation Alliance is going to kill me?" Mo Jin saw Both Yang and Lei Wanxi were a bit haggard. It seemed that the competition a few days ago had dealt a heavy blow to them.After pondering for a long time, Mo Jinyang said furtively.

"Hey! It's very possible. Neither of us won the position of leader this time. I guess the Cultivation Alliance must be furious. Maybe they are planning how to get rid of us at this time!" Lei Wanxi suppressed the panic in his heart, said dejectedly.

"Actually, everything went smoothly in this fight for the position of leader. If that Feng Fan hadn't appeared, one of us would have already been the leader of the Feitian faction. That Feng Fan is really hateful. He even managed to defeat us even after being severely injured. " Mo Jinyang suddenly burst into anger, and said bitterly.

"This time, I really didn't expect that with so many treasures and talismans presented by the Wanyu Ancient Kingdom Cultivation Alliance, we would be able to lose to that Feng Fan with the cooperation of the monks in the Transcendence Tribulation Period. It seems that we are really doomed." Lei Wanxi He had completely lost his usual arrogance, his complexion was extremely pale, he shook his head helplessly, and said depressingly.

"Brother, I'm not reconciled, why can that Fengfan decide our life or death? Even if it's death, we have to drag that person!" Mo Jinyang let out a low growl with a look of unwillingness.

"Is there any other way? Even cultivators in the tribulation stage are helpless. It seems that we have no chance to kill this person. Even in the next life, we may not have this chance, unless we also have the brutal ghost banner, and other There are enough levels and numbers of ghosts inside." Lei Wanxi said with a little loss.

"It seems that we can only wait for the news quietly. This time, we can only resign ourselves to fate. After all, neither of us has obtained the position of the leader of the Feitian faction, and we have completely lost our use value. It is very likely that we will be completely abandoned by the Cultivation Alliance." Mo Jin Yang frowned and thought for a moment, then said sadly.The two of them didn't speak any more, they just sat quietly in their seats, looking very depressed.

"Yunshang, I just overheard a shocking secret through Wuxiang Yinling." Hearing the conversation between the two at first, Feng Fan was a little unbelievable. Yun Shang said.

"What's the secret? Tell me." Duan Yunshang's heart moved, she blinked her slender eyelashes, and asked charmingly.

"Both Lei Wanxi and Mo Jinyang have betrayed the Feitian sect, and now they are both spies of the Cultivation Alliance of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu!" Feng Fan narrowed his pupils.

"What? There is such a thing?" Duan Yunshang was a little stunned at first, and then exclaimed.

"It's absolutely true, not only that, even the assassination of us by the cultivator during the Tribulation Period earlier was related to these two people. Not only that, this time the two are also fighting for the head of our sect under the instruction of the Wanyu Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance Yes. Fortunately, I ruined the plan of the two of them, otherwise one of them would become the head of the Feitian faction, and the Feitian faction would be brought to a point of no return." Feng Fan said with a slightly changed face.

"Then how should we respond? Should we take action to eradicate these two secretly?" Duan Yunshang asked cautiously.

"Wait and see, this matter must be dealt with on the premise of having conclusive evidence. Otherwise, even if we secretly eradicate these two people, once the Flying Apsaras find any clues, they will deeply suspect us two And at that time, the Feitian Sect would not believe that the cultivation forces of the Ancient Wanyu Kingdom had plotted against us in the Ancient Golden Moon Kingdom." Feng Fan meditated for a while, then frowned and said in a low voice.

"Brother Feng is right. You said that these two people were extremely suspicious a while ago, but now it is finally confirmed that what you said is very reasonable." Duan Yunshang smiled.From then on, Feng Fan left the Phaseless Yin Spirit in Lei Wanxi's cave, and continuously monitored their movements.

There were three people standing in the main hall of the Cultivation Alliance in the ancient kingdom of Wanyu. They were Daoist Yudao, the old man in black, and Daoist Tianxu.

"Recently, I received news from the two insiders stationed in the Golden Moon Ancient Country, saying that Feng Fan, the head of the Feitian faction, won No.1 in this competition and became the head of the Feitian faction! You can't defeat Fengfan even after he was severely injured. He also attributed the reason to Fengfan's possession of countless kinds of talismans, so what's the use of keeping these two people, it's better to kill them!" Daoist Yu said with a look on his face. Said some ferociously.

"No, these two people are two important pawns after all. Although Feng Fan suffered heavy injuries, it is true that he has countless kinds of talismans. I still remember the competition at the Holy Pill Gate. Feng Fan also used many kinds of talismans. And the magic weapon. Moreover, killing these two people is extremely detrimental to our plan to kill Feng Fan in the future. So you can subpoena them and let them perform crimes and perform meritorious deeds, so as to prepare for us to find a good opportunity to kill Feng Fan." Daoist Tian Xu hurriedly discouraged.

"Senior, what's the trick this time?" Master Yu Dao calmed down his excitement, and asked respectfully.

"The one who killed this time is not an ordinary monk. First, Feng Fan has become the head of the Feitian sect, so he must be protected by many people. Second, this person has a ruthless ghost banner, and there are many high-level ruthless ghosts in it, so this time we have to kill him." Send a number of high-ranking monks to trap and kill him with absolute superiority." Daoist Tianxu said with a smile.

"Okay, this time we will dispatch a number of monks from the Transcending Tribulation Stage and the Consummation Stage to kill this person." The murderous words of Master Yu Dao lingered in the ears of the old man in black and Daoist Tianxu.

"This time we have to send high-level monks who are proficient in space restraints, because once Feng Fan has a special escape talisman, it can also prevent him from escaping." The old man in black said murderously.

"Senior, I would like to trouble you to bring a number of cultivators from the Tribulation Stage and Consummation Stage to the Golden Moon Ancient Country this time. You should first inform those two of our alliance's plan, and once you have the opportunity, ask them to send a summons. We will act immediately. This is the token of the alliance, you go and call the high-ranking monks now." Daoist Yu took out a black token and handed it to the old man in black.

"Okay, I'll do it now." The old man in black took the token, turned and left the hall.

For the next few days, Mo Jinyang and Lei Wanxi practiced together all the time, and the two of them appeared to be in constant panic every day, as if they were worried about something extremely frightening.But other than that, there are no other clues.

On this day, Mo Jinyang and Lei Wanxi were waiting quietly in Lei Wanxi's cave, when a strange fluctuation came from Lei Wanxi's storage ring.Lei Wanxi dipped his consciousness into the storage ring, and a white crystal bead inside emitted a strange wave, and then formed a blurry image.As the fluctuations became more and more violent, the image above became clearer.

"The Flying Apsaras faction is fifty miles away, I'm waiting here, you and Mo Jinyang come here quickly." A powerful and familiar thought of spiritual consciousness was transmitted to Lei Wanxi's sea of ​​consciousness through the crystal beads, which made Lei Wanxi feel a sense of innocence. A deep shuddering feeling.

"Ah! The Ancient Kingdom of Ten Thousand Regions has finally sent an envoy. Let the two of us quickly go fifty miles to the east of the Feitian Sect, and the envoy will wait there." Retracting his consciousness, Lei Wanxi sighed softly and said with a sad face.

"Shall we go?" Mo Jinyang asked with a change of expression.

"It's a disaster that can't be avoided. We should go there. After all, the messenger is still the cultivator who passed the tribulation period last time. Even if he escapes this time, it is impossible to escape for a lifetime. If the Cultivation Alliance wants us to die, we definitely have no chance of living !” Shaking his head with a wry smile, he said helplessly.

"Senior brother makes sense, so let's go there immediately." Mo Jinyang gritted his teeth and said.

Fifty miles to the east of Feitian School, here is a miniature valley surrounded by overgrown weeds, showing a desolate scene.An old man in black stood quietly. From the aura emitted by the old man, it could be judged that the old man in black was a cultivator in the tribulation period!This person was the Tribulation Stage cultivator who had met Lei Wanxi last time and had sneaked into the Feitian faction to attack Feng Fan.

Two figures sneakily rushed towards here from a distance. When the two approached, the old man in black raised his eyebrows. "Senior, this is my junior brother, Mo Jinyang!" The two who rushed over were Lei Wanxi and Mo Jinyang. When they came to the old man in black, Lei Wanxi said timidly.

"This time the leader of the alliance learned that neither of you got the head of the Feitian faction, and he was very furious!" The old man in black gave Lei Wanxi a hard look, with a cold look on his face.

"Senior, calm down, this junior is incompetent, and has failed the great love of the alliance, please forgive me." Lei Wanxi's face turned pale, and then he whispered weakly.

"Originally, the two of you were going to be severely punished, but at the request of Daoist Tianxu, Master Yudao agreed to let you make atonement." The old man in black glanced at the two of them sideways, and snorted coldly.

"Thank you Tianxu and Yudao for your kindness! If there is anything that needs to be done, we will die!" Lei Wanxi and Mo Jinyang shouted in surprise.

"Monitor Fengfan, if this person leaves the Feitian faction, he must send a message as soon as possible. You can use the sound transmission talisman, and many of our high-ranking monks will surround and kill him." The old man in black said with a grin.

"Senior, please rest assured, the two of us will monitor Feng Fan closely, as soon as he leaves Feitian faction, we will immediately issue a sound transmission talisman to notify senior." Lei Wanxi said with a dry smile.

"You can go back." The old man in black ordered casually, and stopped talking.

"This junior is leaving." Lei Wanxi and Mo Jinyang said as if they had escaped from hell, and then hurriedly left the valley.

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