Tuxian Road

Chapter 669 Unifying 1 Ancient Kingdoms

"Okay, very good! The leader is really witty and decisive. In this case, we will convey the leader's meaning to the other three major cultivation forces. After all, the ancient kingdom of Wanyu is a piece of fat, and this time it will definitely fall into the hands of the ancient kingdom of Jinyue." Gu Huaizi laughed loudly.

There was a hint of fear on the face of the real person in purple, but it was quickly hidden by him.To be able to kill six cultivators in a cultivating country and injure five, even by relying on the brutal ghost flag and the brutal ghost, this kind of ruthlessness and courage is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

A few days later, under the leadership of Feng Fan, more than 1 monks from the four major cultivating forces of the Golden Moon Ancient Kingdom headed towards the ancient teleportation array in that remote place of the Golden Moon Ancient Kingdom.

Gu Huaizi went to the other three major cultivating forces respectively. When the ancestors of the other three major cultivating forces, Longyin Master, Murong Bai, and Fang Mushan learned that the Wanyu Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance was destroyed by Fengfan, they were all speechless.

In the end, under Gu Huaizi's lobbying, the other three major cultivating forces agreed to jointly conquer the ancient kingdom of Wanyu.In the end, it was agreed that each cultivating force sent more than 2000 monks, a total of more than 1 monks, to march towards the ancient teleportation formation.

When he came to the front of a green area, Feng Fan stopped.Flipping with one hand, the Five Elements Xuanmeng Banner suddenly fell from his hand.Feng Fan waved the flag, and violent waves surged in front of him.As the blue ripples rolled, a huge hole gradually appeared.

"The ancient teleportation formation is in this underground cave." Feng Fan accepted the formation flag and said with a faint smile.

"What size teleportation array is that?" Master Longyin asked lightly.

"This is a large teleportation array." Feng Fan said leisurely.

"Very good, the large teleportation array can teleport hundreds of people at a time, and can teleport across the realm of cultivation." Master Longyin said with a smile.

"Seniors, I want to teleport there first. There is also a large formation I have set up on the other side of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu. No one else can remove that formation except me." Feng Fan said with a smile.

"Leader, please go ahead." Master Longyin and others seemed to be enthusiastic. After all, after learning about this grand formation, they increased their direct contact with the ancient kingdom of Wanyu. It will bring great convenience to the entire Golden Moon Ancient Kingdom.

"Everyone, a group of 1000 people, go down the entrance of the cave." Feng Fan directed and walked into the entrance of the cave first.Because the entrance and the bottom of the cave are extremely spacious, Feng Fan knew that it would not be a problem to accommodate 1000 people at a time.

When the first group of monks followed Feng Fan into the entrance of the cave, Feng Fan's heart moved, and several luminous beads flew out of the Five Elements Profound Enlightenment Ring, and floated around Feng Fan.

When Fengfan Zhenyuan gushed out, all the luminous beads emitted a soft brilliance, and the surrounding immediately became brighter.When all the monks reached the deepest level, they were amazed.

I saw a huge teleportation array in the innermost part. The entire teleportation array covers an area of ​​tens of feet and is made of special jade.The teleportation array is a circular platform, and there are many simple patterns and some weird runes carved on the surrounding jade walls.There are as many as dozens of crystal jade grooves on the teleportation array, which makes it easy to see that this is a large teleportation array.

"This teleportation array can teleport 100 people at a time. I will teleport there with 99 people first. When we get there, everyone waits quietly until all the monks have teleported." Feng Fan first counted the 99 people, and then took the lead On the teleportation array.

Seeing that the remaining 99 people also followed, Feng Fan waved his hands, and dozens of super-grade crystal jades flew out, and under the control of Feng Fan's spiritual consciousness, they were accurately embedded in the dozens of crystal jade grooves.

When the last groove was inlaid with crystal jade, the teleportation array began to exude a shocking aura.At the moment of its rapid flashing, it began to rotate at the same time, and the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly became extremely chaotic, rushing here, causing countless bright spots to appear around.

Countless strange runes emerged around the teleportation array. These runes moved quickly in a certain order. When a special pattern was formed, the surrounding space no longer fluctuated.

The hundreds of people on the teleportation array suddenly felt dizzy at the same time. After losing consciousness for a short time, the feeling of dizziness finally dissipated completely, and the figures of the hundreds of people above suddenly disappeared.

Feng Fan opened his eyes, and what he saw was exactly the same scene as that of the Golden Moon Ancient Country.I saw that 100 people including Feng Fan appeared in another teleportation array in an instant, this teleportation array was exactly the same as that of the Golden Moon Ancient Country.

"Let's leave the teleportation array immediately and go up." Feng Fan yelled, left the teleportation array, and walked up with the rest of the people.

The surrounding area was still covered with mist. The Five Elements Xuanmeng Formation that Feng Fan had set up back then was still intact and did not collapse because the crystal jade essence that maintained the formation had not been exhausted.Feng Fan took out the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Flag, and with the swing of the flag, the original magic circle of the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Formation slowly dissipated.

Next, batches of monks were quickly teleported over. After more than 100 teleportations, more than 1 monks from the Golden Moon Cultivation Alliance have arrived in the ancient country of Wanyu.Under the leadership of Feng Fan, these monks galloped towards the cultivation alliance of the ancient country of Wanyu.

When more than 1 monks from the Ancient Golden Moon Kingdom entered the main altar of the Cultivation Alliance of the Ancient Ten Thousand Regions, they found that there was nothing there.After all the cultivators of the Ancient World Cultivation Alliance fled, no one dared to return.

Many monks searched carefully, and although they didn't find too many precious things, everyone seemed to be in high spirits.After all, the aura here is extremely abundant, which is very suitable for cultivation.

Not only that, but some middle and low-level spiritual herbs in the alliance are still intact.Because the Wanyu Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance withdrew in a hurry at that time, except for the high-level spiritual herbs, these middle and low-level spiritual herbs would not be able to be taken away in the future, so it was cheaper for the monks of the Golden Moon Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance.

"By the way, the conquest of the ancient Wanyu Cultivation Alliance this time can be said to be smooth sailing. Before that, Feng Fan, the leader of the Jinyue Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance, made great contributions to disintegrating the Wanyu Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance by relying on the ruthless ghost flag and countless ruthless ghosts. The old man thinks that the Wanyu Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance should be placed under the leadership of the Jinyue Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance, and the leader of the two major cultivation countries should be Feng Fan, what do you think of the three friends?" Dang Gu Huaizi, Master Longyin After , Murong Bai, Fang Mushan and Feng Fan gathered in the main altar hall, Gu Huaizi said meaningfully.

"Leader Fengfan has made great achievements this time, and he should become the general leader of the two major cultivation countries. We agree." The three masters of Longyin pondered for a while, and then agreed.Feng Fan and Duan Yunshang each have a ruthless ghost banner, which contains countless high-level ruthless ghosts, and what is even more frightening is that there are actually several ruthless ghosts in the two people's ruthless ghost banners. In the face of this powerful force, the monks of the Feitian faction and the three monks of the other three immortal cultivators could not object to Gu Huaizi's opinion at all.

"We should immediately inform the cultivation world of the Ancient Wanyu Country that the Cultivation Alliance has been occupied by the Ancient Golden Moon Country Cultivation Alliance. From now on, the Ancient Wanyu Country will be under the control of the Ancient Golden Moon Country. If anyone joins, they can get rich benefits. If there is Anyone who opposes will be shot to death!" Feng Fan said slowly, cupping his hands at Gu Huaizi and the other four Transcendence cultivators.

"Okay, follow the leader's wishes." Gu Huaizi and others agreed.

"There is one more thing I would like to discuss with you. Whether it is the ore veins discovered by the ancient kingdom of Jinyue or the ancient kingdom of Wanyu, in the future, our four major cultivating forces will jointly develop and distribute them equally. The purpose of this is to allow the major forces to quickly increase their strength. I am going to After recuperating for many years, leading the monks from the four major cultivating forces to expedition to the ancient country of Xinghai, what do you think, seniors?" Feng Fan thought for a moment, his heart moved, and he said with a firm expression.

"We agree with the leader's suggestion." Gu Huaizi and the others all agreed.This incident is no different from a happy event for the other three major cultivating forces except the Feitian sect, because Feng Fan, as a monk of the Feitian sect, has become the leader of the two major cultivation countries. At first, the ancestors of the three major cultivating forces thought Feng Fan will inevitably do something beneficial to the Feitian faction, so he is a little worried, but after hearing Feng Fan's words at this time, the worry in his heart is gone.

Afterwards, the entire Golden Moon Cultivation Alliance monks learned that Feng Fan became the leader of the two major Cultivation Kingdoms.After that, the Ancient Golden Moon Cultivation Alliance began to announce to the ancient Cultivation World of Ten Thousand Regions that all the Cultivation Families who obeyed the new alliance would pay [-]% less crystal jade each year than in the past.

When all the monks from the ancient kingdom of Wanyu knew that the alliance was occupied by the ancient kingdom of Jinyue, they had mixed reactions.Most of the Cultivation Families chose to remain silent because they received a promise under Feng Fan's instruction that the crystal jade they paid to the Cultivation Alliance would decrease by [-]% each year.

However, some cultivation families chose to rebel because their disciples died in Fengfan's battle to kill the alliance monks.After three years of war, these cultivation families were finally wiped out, and all the resources in the families were collected by the new cultivation alliance of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu.

In the past three years, whether it was the crystal jade collected from various cultivation families, the crystal jade collected through wars, or even the crystal jade mined from the newly discovered crystal jade veins, Feng Fan distributed them equally among the Feitian faction in accordance with the promise of the year. Including the four major cultivating forces of Jinyue Ancient Kingdom.

This action greatly increased the reputation of Fengfan and Feitian faction, thus arousing the fighting spirit and confidence of all the monks in the ancient golden moon country.Therefore, in just three years, the monks of the Golden Moon Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance completely unified the Wanyu Ancient Country. Not only that, Feng Fan's position was also completely stabilized.

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