Tuxian Road

Chapter 674 Sneak Attack

"This is..." The middle-aged monk who was flying fast was suddenly hindered by blue ripples, and then everything around him disappeared, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

Feng Fan, who was outside the formation, collected the formation flag, and with a thought, the Lingbao Hunlingzhu Yuanzhu flew out.When the middle-aged monks in the formation were in shock, a purple bead flew in.

"This is...my true essence!" The middle-aged monk's face turned pale and he exclaimed loudly when the true essence swarmed out of his body.Feng Fan didn't speak, but manipulated the Soul Devouring Yuan Orb to quickly suck up the middle-aged monk's true Yuan.

"Let me out, let me out..." The middle-aged monk sacrificed an ancient treasure, and after countless attacks on the terrifying bead in front of him, he couldn't shake it, so in desperation, Make a sharp cry.

"Puchi." With a sound, after the true energy of the middle-aged monk was quickly sucked dry, Feng Fan then sacrificed a magic weapon and cut off the head of the middle-aged monk.A blue Nascent Soul flew out of the middle-aged monk's body with an expression of extreme fear.

A black bag had been waiting above the corpse of the middle-aged monk. When the blue Nascent Soul just flew out, the soul-absorbing bag emitted a strong suction force and sucked the blue Nascent Soul into it.

"No, don't..." The scream of the middle-aged monk Yuan Ying was gradually annihilated due to fear.

Feng Fan came to the big formation and quickly searched for the soul of the middle-aged monk's Nascent Soul.Because Feng Fan's strength is stronger than that of middle-aged monks, he can directly search for souls without relying on the soul-leaving array.

After a stick of incense, Feng Fan removed the Five Elements Mysterious Formation, collected the soul-absorbing bag and the ancient treasures scattered on the ground, and issued a flying fire technique.The corpse of the middle-aged monk burned rapidly, turning into ashes in a very short period of time.

Feng Fan quickly arranged and scanned the surroundings, and then quickly walked towards Xingyun Island.On the way, Feng Fan swallowed a Changing Rong Pill and transformed into the appearance of that middle-aged monk.

"Open the restriction, I want to go back and get something." Feng Fan said indifferently, staring at a monk inside the restriction before arriving at the restriction on Nebula Island.

"Senior, please come in." The foundation-building monk had just let the middle-aged monk out. Seeing the "middle-aged monk" return at this time, he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly opened the restriction, and then said with a respectful smile.Feng Fan nodded and rushed towards Xingyun Palace.

In a cave near Xingyun Temple, an old man in black is meditating and practicing. From the aura emanating from this old man, it can be seen that this person is a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

This cultivator is one of the original two cultivators in Xingyun Island, who have not passed the tribulation for a long time because they have swallowed the Extended Tribulation Pill.The cave of this cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period is extremely spacious, with a radius of tens of feet.

The ground is paved with smooth mirror-like jade, with many simple patterns carved on it, which looks extremely gorgeous.The surrounding walls are also made of the same kind of jade, and there are many luminous beads hanging on it, making the cave look extremely bright.

The old man in black who was sitting and practicing in the center of the cave suddenly felt the restriction of the cave was touched, so he opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and walked towards the entrance of the cave with a trace of displeasure on his face.

When he came to the stone gate, the old man in black pointed at the stone gate, and the stone gate was slowly opened with a rumbling sound.There was a monk standing outside the stone gate, who was the style of a middle-aged monk who swallowed Gairong Pill.

"Elder Feng, why do you need me?" The old man in black cast a displeased glance at the "middle-aged monk" outside the cave, and asked coldly.

"This junior is ordered by the island lord to discuss an important matter with senior, can I let this junior in?" Feng Fan asked with a dry smile.

The old man in black waved his hand impatiently, the restriction was instantly removed, and then turned around and walked towards the cave.Feng Fan followed the old man in black for several feet, and with a wave of one hand, ten black magic beads shot towards the old man in black in front of him.At the same time, Feng Fan made a single-handed tactic, and with the use of the teleportation technique, Feng Fan had retreated more than ten zhang.

There was a loud "boom", and when Feng Fan's mind moved, ten black magic beads exploded instantly.The body of the old man in black flew out fiercely, hitting the jade wall in the cave, and his body was killed instantly.

"Why did you do this to the old man?" A golden Nascent Soul quickly flew out of the bloody corpse of the old man in black, staring at Feng Fan in the distance, hissed.

"Hehe, I will tell you the truth after taking your soul." Sen Han's words came from Feng Fan's mouth, and after another teleportation technique, Feng Fan came to the black-clothed old man Yuanying in an instant.With one hand raised, Feng Fan has already thrown out the soul-absorbing bag.

"No..." The golden Nascent Soul with the miniature appearance of the old man in black made a terrified voice, but then, under the strong attraction of the soul bag, the golden Nascent Soul and its voice quickly disappeared.If it wasn't for this cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period who suffered heavy injuries in this large-scale sea beast swarm, and he was not prepared at all, his body would not have been instantly killed by Feng Fan at all.

Feng Fan quickly took out two corpses, which were the bodies of two Xingri Island monks found in the tide of sea beasts, which were preserved by Feng Fan.Feng Fan turned over with one hand, and the Li ghost banner suddenly appeared in his hand.

With the waving of the magic banner, a cruel ghost in the transcending tribulation period and a peak-level cruel ghost in the late stage of consummation flew out quickly.Under the control of Feng Fan's mind, the two cruel ghosts escaped from the sojourning humanoid puppets and entered the corpses of the two Xingri Island cultivators respectively.After the two brutal ghosts entered the bodies of the two monks, the two corpses immediately came back to life.

Feng Fan threw two Changing Pills, which were caught by two invaded monks respectively.After the two monks swallowed the Changing Rong Pill, they changed into the appearance of Xu Hanyang, the island master of Xingri Island, and Yin Ziliu, another monk in the Tribulation Period.

"Very good, both the appearance and the breath are exactly the same." Feng Fan nodded with great satisfaction, secretly marveling in his heart.

After passing through a tribulation period and a post-consummation period, the peak-level ruthless ghost occupies the body and swallows the Changing Pill to change its appearance, and then others use their spiritual sense to scan, and it is impossible to distinguish whether it is the real Xu Hanyang from the tribulation period The monk is still pretending to be a ghost. As for the breath.

Although the cultivator of Xingyun Island had met Xu Hanyang and the cultivator during the tribulation period dozens of days ago, and had memories of the aura of the two of them, after dozens of days, the aura of the two of them had already changed greatly, so relying on dozens of It is impossible to judge that it is a fake at all with the unique aura of the monks before the day.Feng Fan put away the soul-absorbing bag, took out a heaven-level high-level invisibility talisman, and then crushed the talisman, Feng Fan's figure quickly disappeared without a trace.

"It's not good, island master, Xu Hanyang, the island master of Xingri Island, and a cultivator during the tribulation period broke into my Nebula Island and killed anyone they saw. Now we are getting closer and closer to the Nebula Hall." Xing Zuilan was In the Xingyun Hall, eyes were closed and a monk suddenly broke in. The monk shouted in horror.

"What? Xingri Island is so rampant, dare to break into my Xingyun Island!" Xing Zuilan couldn't help but change his face, and then flipped over with one hand, and three sound transmission talismans appeared in his hand.

With the influx of true essence, the three talismans shot out a beam of brilliance respectively.Xing Zui Lan injected the three divine senses, and a line of small golden characters suddenly appeared on the three talismans respectively: "The owner of Xingri Island broke into the central area of ​​our island and killed innocent people indiscriminately, please come quickly." Xing Zui Lan's spiritual sense The appearance of the three cultivators in Xingyun Island appeared in the middle of the scene, and then with one hand raised, the sound transmission talisman instantly disappeared into nothingness, and quickly moved towards the place where the three monks were.

"Let's go, take me to have a look." After Xing Zuilan sent out the sound transmission talisman, she followed the Qi-gathering monk and left the Xingyun Palace quickly.When Xing Zuilan came to the area a few miles away from the Xingyun Temple, he found that two monks were slaughtering the surrounding Xingyun Island monks.

"Stop!" Xing Zuilan came near the two monks and yelled.Seeing Xing Zui Lan's arrival, Feng Fan, who was in the invisible state, was moved, and the two cultivators who had transformed into ghosts suddenly stopped attacking.

"Continued island lord, even though Nebula Island and Guidao had some estrangements many years ago, we have not violated the river water these years, and we also agreed to wait for the large-scale sea beast tide to pass, and then we will go on an expedition together to Jinyue Ancient Kingdom and Ten Thousand Territories. Ancient Country Cultivation Alliance, why did you enter our island and kill so many monks on my island?" Xing Zuilan swept away with his spiritual sense, and one of the two monks surrounded by Xingyun Island monks was not only his appearance, but also his cultivation level. , and the spells used were exactly the same as Xu Hanyang, so he no longer suspected that the comer was a fake, and asked righteously.

"Hehe, the other three major islands suffered heavy losses in this wave of sea beasts. There are only more than 1 monks left on each island, and only my Xingri Island has more than 2 monks. The ancient country of Xinghai. Don't worry, after Xingri Island unifies the ancient country of Xinghai, I will definitely lead the monks of the ancient country of Xinghai to expedition to the ancient country of Jinyue and the cultivation alliance of ancient countries of Wanyu." "Xu Hanyang" let out a strange smile.

"You are too arrogant, do you think you and a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period can run wild here?" Xing Zuilan laughed angrily.

"Hey, a cultivator in Guidao has been killed by the two of us together. If your Xingyun Island surrenders, the two of us will consider letting you survive, otherwise your Xingyun Island will be flattened!" "Xu Hanyang" Sen Ran stared at Xing Zui Lan, and shouted fiercely.

"Hold these two people together, we can't let them run away." Xing Zuilan suddenly sensed the aura of two cultivators from Xingyun Island's Transcending Tribulation Period rapidly approaching here, so Bai Chi bit her red lip angrily, and her courage increased sharply. Angrily scolded.

"That's it for today, come back another day." Feng Fan, who was in an invisible state, was moved, and the two cruel ghosts under his control fled to the distance.

"Chasing, don't let the two of them escape." Xing Zuilan yelled sharply, and the other monks on Xingyun Island who also felt the fast approach of the two monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period rushed towards the two of "Xu Hanyang".

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