Tuxian Road

Chapter 794 Doubt

"Surprise surprise..." Feng Fan couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart anymore, because crystal jade veins are difficult to find, but spiritual veins are found in many families, so as long as you travel to different families, these spiritual veins In the end, they will all be sucked away by Feng Fan through the Soul Devouring Orb, and all of them will be transformed into crystal jade.

In the future, Feng Fan doesn't need to consciously look for crystal jade veins or crystal jade, he can continuously absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins to transform into real essence through the Soul Devouring Orb.It's just that I don't know what the result will be in a place where the spiritual veins are not abundant, that is, where the spiritual energy is thin. Feng Fan is going to find a place to test after leaving the Duan family.

Feng Fan immersed his spiritual consciousness into the Soul Devouring Orb, and carefully felt the fluctuation of the Lingbao.Feng Fan found that the rate at which the Hun Ling Devouring Yuan Pearl absorbs the aura of the spirit veins and transforms it into true essence is much slower than directly absorbing the true essence in the crystal jade, but this does not affect Feng Fan's excited mood.

Because although the rate at which the Soul Devouring Orb absorbs the aura of the spirit veins and transforms it into true essence is far slower than directly absorbing the true essence in the crystal jade, it is infinitely faster than the speed at which Fengfan absorbs the aura from the outside world and transforms it into true essence. times.

This meant that Feng Fan, who had been cultivating for nearly ten hours to absorb spiritual energy and convert it into true essence, would shorten this process greatly, and even absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world in a very short period of time.This also means that Feng Fan doesn't have to waste nearly ten hours every day in cultivation in order to temporarily saturate the true energy transformed by external aura.

This means that Feng Fan's improvement in the future will be significantly faster than in the past.After the true energy in the body reaches saturation, it takes several hours of transformation and absorption to integrate into the dantian qi sea.

Of course, in the process of integration, it does not affect any actions of this monk.Even though the absorption and transformation of the first step of cultivation has been greatly accelerated, the integration of the second step has not changed. Therefore, although Feng Fan's cultivation speed has been increased several times, it cannot be increased without limit.

Just as Feng Fan was frantically absorbing the spirit energy in the spirit veins through the Soul Devouring Orb and quickly transforming it into real energy, he suddenly felt waves of restraint coming from outside the hut, and noisy voices continued to enter cabin.Feng Fan returned to reality from being insane, collected the Soul Devouring Orb, and then activated the restriction.

"Let's take a look at your storage ring." When the restriction outside the hut was removed, more than a dozen monks dressed in the characteristic costumes of the Duan family broke in, and a big red-faced man at the head said in a low voice.

"I don't know why senior wants to see my storage ring?" Feng Fan asked in astonishment.

"Does our Duan family need to give you a reason to search for your storage ring?" The red-faced man shouted loudly.

"It's okay to show you." Feng Fan, who had guessed that it might be related to Duan Chuyang's death, said nonchalantly, then took off the storage ring on his finger and handed it to the red-faced man.This storage ring only stores some ordinary things, which are used to conceal people's eyes.

The red-faced man took the storage ring, dipped his consciousness into it, and searched carefully.After a while, the red-faced man withdrew his consciousness. "All foreign monks are not allowed to leave the Duan family within ten days, because Duan Chuyang, the patriarch of my family, was killed, and his natal soul card was shattered. We only found a pile of ashes in his cave, so the outsiders have to be in Stay here for ten days, and we will search carefully. If anyone disobeys this order, don't blame my Duan family for being cruel!" The red-faced man returned the storage ring to Feng Fan, then stared at Feng Fan fiercely, and said murderously, that The aura of the initial level monks in the late stage of consummation is undoubtedly evident.

"I see." Feng Fan said calmly.

"Let's go!" The red-faced man shouted, and left with a dozen monks from the Duan family.

After the red-faced man and a dozen people left, Feng Fan secretly sneered, and then reopened the restriction.After that, Feng Fan stayed in the hut and never went out again.Every day, he constantly drives out the mixed spirit devouring yuan beads, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy emitted by the spirit veins, and then transforms them into real yuan, and then injects the transformed real yuan into low-level crystal jade to upgrade it to super Order crystal jade.

In this way, a month passed by in a hurry.Apart from taking a little time every day to quickly absorb the true energy needed for cultivation in his body, Feng Fan also continuously absorbs the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins, then transforms it into true energy, and finally upgrades the crystal jade.

After a month, Feng Fan absorbed spiritual energy and converted his true energy to upgrade, which is equivalent to the number of crystal jade mined from five giant crystal jade mines. Jingyu's speed was not known how many times slower.

At that time, Feng Fan used the Soul Devouring Orb to absorb crystal jade veins during four hours at night to upgrade the number of crystal jades mined from twenty giant crystal jade mines, that is to say, twelve hours a day will It will be upgraded equivalent to the number of crystal jade mined from 30 giant crystal jade mines, and the upgrade will be equivalent to the number of crystal jade mined from 180 giant crystal jade mines in [-] days.

Even so, if Feng Fan is near a certain spiritual vein, or even in the central area, by virtue of the heaven-defying effect of the soul devouring orb, he will get the same amount of crystal jade mined from dozens of giant crystal jade mines every year. In ten years, you will get the number of crystal jades mined from hundreds of giant crystal jade mines, and in 100 years, as long as this spiritual vein is not abandoned, Feng Fan will get the equivalent of thousands of giant crystal jades. The number of crystal jade mined in the jade mine.

Whether it is Fengfan's hundred years, ten years, or even one year, the number of crystal jade obtained is not a small amount for an ordinary monk.Feng Fan is at the periphery of the spiritual vein at this time, so the speed is relatively slow.

If it is in the Duanchuyang Cave Mansion, Feng Fan believes that this speed will definitely increase.Not only that, Feng Fan can also confirm that if he is on a larger and more pure spiritual vein, this speed will be further improved.

One month later, just as Feng Fan was about to go out and continue to pay part of the crystal jade, thus continuing to postpone, Feng Fan got the news that the Duan family no longer recruited casual cultivators to live in the family recently.Even those who have already arrived, as long as the deadline is up, they must leave and will no longer be allowed to stay in the family. As for the specific reasons, they did not mention it.

After Feng Fan got the news at the gate of the city, he was extremely depressed. He didn't know whether the Duan family made this order because of Duan Chuyang's death or other reasons.After being far away from the Duan family for dozens of miles, Feng Fan took out the Heavenly Soul Orb, drove out the phaseless Yin spirit, passed through the restriction of the city, and kept searching in the Duan family.

A few days later, Wuxiang Yinling unexpectedly ran into the red-faced man from the Duan family who searched his room.When Feng Fan's mind was moved, Wuxiang Yinling followed the red-faced man and walked forward.

The red-faced man walked for a while and came to a cave.After the red-faced man lightly touched the barrier of the cave, there were waves of fluctuations in the barrier of the cave. "Come in." The restriction opened up a passage, and a divine sense overflowed from it, sweeping over the red-faced man, and then the brocade-clothed monk's voice came from the cave.

The red-faced man hurriedly walked into the cave, only to see the brocade-clothed monk standing in the innermost part of the cave with a solemn expression on his face. "How's the investigation done recently? Are there any clues about the patriarch?" The brocade-clothed monk stared deeply at the red-faced man and asked listlessly.

"No clues? This murderer is simply unbelievable. He was able to kill the patriarch without a sound! And there was no trace of clues left after the incident. I really don't know who the murderer is. I doubt whether it is a monk from the fairy world or not." It's a clone or a distraction." The red-faced man said depressingly.

"Recently, misfortunes never come singly. The patriarch was killed and invisible a month ago, and his body and spirit were completely destroyed. It can be seen from the complete fragmentation of the natal soul card. Moreover, the family's spiritual veins seem to be showing signs of instability recently. It is a sign that the aura within it has been greatly consumed." The monk in brocade clothes frowned and thought for a moment, then said with a stiff face.

"It is reasonable to say that even if many families have practiced together with foreign monks for many years, this situation will not happen. After all, not long ago, the family sent people to survey the spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy in them is quite sufficient. Why is it such a short time? What about the instability of the spiritual pulse, and the leakage and passing of a large amount of spiritual energy? I am also very puzzled about this matter?" The red-faced man said a little absent-mindedly.

"I don't know if this matter has something to do with the death of the patriarch?" Brother Jinyi frowned and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"That's why I don't know. After searching for a month, there is no clue." The red-faced man shook his head and said a little dumbfounded.

"Forget it, guessing that there will be no results. I will continue to send a large number of monks to investigate this matter. Now I have ordered that I will no longer accept outside casual cultivators. Even the original casual cultivators will be allowed to leave when they expire. .” The brocade clothed monk said in a daze.

"I'll take care of it right away." The red-faced man respectfully agreed, then turned and left.And when he left the cave, the Phaseless Yin Spirit also followed this person and ran towards the direction outside the Duan family where Feng Fan was located.

After a stick of incense, the Phaseless Yin Spirit who returned quickly was collected by Feng Fan.From the conversation between the red-faced man and the Jinyi monk just now, Feng Fan understood that he had absorbed a month's spiritual veins through the Soul Devouring Orb, which finally caused a change in the spiritual veins, and at the same time made the Jinyi monk suspicious.

Feng Fan secretly smiled wryly, it seems that he should be careful in his actions in the future.Continuously absorbing spiritual energy to transform true essence and upgrade crystal jade for a month, and obtained the number of crystal jade mined from five giant crystal jade mines.

But it also caused the spiritual energy of the spirit vein to lose too quickly in a short period of time, which made the monk in Jinyi suspect it.Feng Fan then put this unpleasant mood to the back of his head. After all, with the addition of the five giant crystal jades in the mine, the Fengfan Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring now has the equivalent of seven thousand and sixty giant crystal jades. The number of crystal jade mined in the jade mine.

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