Tuxian Road

Chapter 809 Encounter

Feng Fan's forward speed is very slow. After all, sometimes haste makes waste. Whether he can meet other cultivators of the Cultivation Federation is not determined by the speed, but by whether the direction is correct.Feng Fan kept spreading out his consciousness and searching carefully, hoping to find traces of other monks.

A day later, Feng Fan finally scanned the aura of the two consummated monks with his divine sense, so he walked in that direction without hesitation.A dozen miles away, two monks were waiting quietly.One of the monks had a sharp-edged face and a cold expression. He was wearing a yellow suit and exuded the aura of a peak-level monk in the late stage of consummation.

The other monk has a calm face, a slightly fat body, and is wearing a brown suit. He also exudes the aura of a peak-level monk in the late stage of consummation.Although the faces of these two people are different, their facial features are vaguely similar.

"Cousin, judging from the aura of the cultivator more than ten miles away, he should be a mid-consummation initial-level cultivator. This person is approaching here. There are absolutely no cultivators from other cultivation forces in this mysterious land. It should be from our alliance." The other group of treasure-hunting monks. This person should be the same as us, a lost monk, how should we treat this person?" The yellow-clothed monk frowned and asked in a low voice.

"We should accept this person. He is just a small initial-level cultivator in the middle stage of consummation. Even if we get any treasure, the two of us can take it alone." The brown-clothed cultivator pondered for a moment and said calmly.

"It's just that once we steal the treasure, will this person tell the truth?" the monk in yellow asked with some doubts.

"Cousin, you're getting a bit stubborn. At that time, we can kill him after using this person to get the treasure. At that time, we will get the treasure without anyone noticing it." The brown-clothed monk He whispered coldly in the ear of the monk in yellow.

"My cousin is right. When the time comes, we will steal the treasure and kill this person. At that time, we will be safe." The yellow-clothed monk said with a grin.

"Hehe, the reason why we keep this person is because we don't know what kind of danger we will encounter in this mysterious place, so one more person will help us more." The brown-clothed monk let out a cunning laugh.

"Cousin is such a great idea! I admire it!" the brown-clothed monk said with a sinister smile.

When Feng Fan came a few feet away from the brown-clothed monk and the yellow-clothed monk, he stopped and stared at the two. "My fellow daoist, which group are you in? Why did you come here?" The brown-clothed monk asked with a smile, his look was completely different from what he said just now when he was preparing to kill Feng Fan at the right time Don't.

"I'm in the group of the elder Fei Huai. Because we encountered a large number of monsters, all of us were separated. I came here by accident. I'm really happy to see you two." Already feeling Seeing the faint murderous intent on the face of the yellow-clothed monk beside the brown-clothed monk, Feng Fan secretly sneered in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

"Very well, we are monks from Elder Nian Hexuan's group. Like you, we were separated here because of the impact of a large number of monsters. Since we are all alliance monks, we can be regarded as a family. , the three of us are walking together, how about fellow Taoists?" the brown-clothed monk asked with a malicious smile.

"I just feel that it is too dangerous to be alone, so I am very willing to go with you. And in the battle yesterday, because I suffered internal injuries, I can only exert the strength equivalent to the initial level of monks in the early stages of consummation. Your protection." Feng Fan had a bright smile on his face, and then walked towards the brown-clothed monk and the yellow-clothed monk.

The monk in yellow subconsciously pressed the storage ring on his finger with one finger, but after the monk in brown gave him a wink, he immediately released the finger that was tightly touching the storage ring.Feng Fan, who had already sensed this scene, sneered secretly in his heart. If the two small peak-level monks in the late stage of consummation dared to plot against him, Feng Fan would not mind killing them mercilessly.

"By the way, can you find Elder Nian Hexuan and the others?" Feng Fan raised the question that he was most concerned about. After all, it is more difficult to find a large number of monks by himself, so Feng Fan still puts his hope on On the brown monk and the yellow monk.After all, the two are just two little fishes, even if they are all killed, it will not have much impact on the Cultivation General Alliance, so Feng Fan plans to use the clues of the two to find other Cultivation General Alliance monks.

"Hehe, we learned from the blood soul talisman that the other monks in our group are extremely far away from here, so we don't need to rush to join these people, just move slowly in that direction." The brown-clothed monk said leisurely Said.In fact, since these two monks from the same cultivation family were separated from most of the monks, they are not planning to join these monks for the time being.One is that the strength of the two is considered to be at the upper level, and the chances of surviving in this mysterious place are relatively high; The rewards the two received were nothing compared to the treasures, so the two were going to hunt for treasure alone, so the monk in brown made up a seemingly reasonable lie.

"In that case, it's up to you to decide." Feng Fan blinked and said calmly.

"Okay, since you have no objection, let's go in that direction." The brown-clothed monk said without changing his expression.In fact, the direction he pointed was completely different from where most of the monks in Nian Hexuan's group were located. According to that direction, the three of them could only be farther and farther away from Nian Hexuan and most of the surviving monks in this group.Feng Fan nodded, and followed the two towards the direction pointed by the brown-clothed monk.

"Cousin, why do I feel a faint sense of killing intent and oppression from this person, as if we are facing a cultivator in the transition period." After walking forward for an hour, the monk in yellow suddenly turned towards the monk in brown. Divine Consciousness Transmission Channel.

"Cousin, you are worrying too much. This is just an initial-level cultivator in the mid-stage of Consummation, and this person said earlier that he was injured and can only display the strength equivalent to the initial-level cultivator in the early stage of Consummation. So you don't have to worry too much. With the strength of the two of us, any one of us can kill him with a wave of our hands." The brown-clothed monk echoed with his spiritual sense dismissively.

"I just have a feeling of uneasiness. After all these years, I have experienced countless life and death fights. This feeling is a little sharp, so I have this idea." The yellow-clothed monk replied with a smile.

"By the way, the facial features of the two are somewhat similar, are they monks from the same family?" After walking forward for a while, Feng Fan suddenly asked tentatively.

"Hehe, although we are somewhat similar in birth, we are not monks of the same family, but the three of us are monks of the Cultivation General Alliance, there is no doubt about it." The monk in yellow was about to speak, but the monk in brown snatched it away. Huatou.

"I don't know what kind of monsters the group you two encountered encountered? It caused you two and Elder Nian Hexuan to be separated?" Feng Fan asked casually.

"Hehe, less than a day ago we encountered countless one-eyed silver-tailed vultures. Although most of these monsters were of the fifth level and below, but because there were too many of them, a hundred of us went through a hard fight, and many of them were killed or injured. The two of us managed to fight a bloody path, and finally escaped." The brown-clothed monk narrowed his eyes and said.

"So that's how it is!" There was a smile on Feng Fan's face, but he was secretly sneering in his heart.

There was a biggest loophole in the brown-clothed monk's words. Since the two men fought a bloody path and rushed out, it shouldn't be just these two who fled, other monks may also gather with these two.

In addition, even if these two people fled to one place, they should wait for the arrival of other monks, or take the initiative to contact other monks afterwards, which is impossible as the brown-clothed monk said just now.

Judging from the blood soul talisman, the two of them are extremely far away from other monks, which is extremely contradictory at all.Either these two people left other people privately, or these two people consciously stayed away from everyone after killing their way.

All in all, the two of them had absolutely no intention of gathering with other monks in the same group, otherwise it would have been a day, why are they still so far away from everyone?Although Feng Fan knew it well, he didn't reveal the matter.

The three of them walked for a day and came to a cave.There is no door in the cave, and the inside is extremely dark, exuding a gloomy atmosphere. "Hehe, go ahead and explore the way." The brown-clothed monk changed his amiability just now, and said to Feng Fan with a trace of coldness on his face.

Feng Fan didn't say anything, but went straight into the cave.Even if the brown-clothed and yellow-clothed monks did not let him enter, Feng Fan would not stay outside. After all, some kind of treasure might appear in the cave. Since he came to the mysterious place, Feng Fan didn't want to return empty-handed.Feng Fan took out a luminous bead, poured real essence into it, and the surrounding area of ​​ten feet suddenly lit up.

Feng Fan looked around, only to see that the surrounding walls were jagged with strange rocks, exuding a breath of confusion under the tempering of years.The cave is very humid, and water drops can be seen everywhere from the top of the cave.The bottom is paved with bluestone slabs, and there are countless small pits on it due to the continuous dripping of water from the roof of the cave.

Feng Fan walked forward slowly, and after a while, Feng Fan keenly felt that the brown-clothed monk and the yellow-clothed monk had also followed in, and he couldn't help sneering inwardly.After walking forward for a while, an extremely open secret room appeared in front of him.

This place has come to an end, and there is no more way in it.There are some luminous beads inlaid on the walls around the secret room, and these luminous beads actually exude a faint brilliance!

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