Tuxian Road

Chapter 860 Next Step Action

Feng Fan in the cave more than a hundred miles away moved his mind, and the Formless Yin Spirit quickly returned.Feng Fan sneered secretly in his heart, Chunyu Daitian and Zongzheng Feisong actually wanted to make up their minds, the two were destined to be disappointed.Feng Fan relied on countless means, and it was impossible for the two of them to discover any clues.

Feng Fan's mind moved again, and the Formless Yin Spirit hurried forward towards the outside of the cave.From then on, Feng Fan controlled the Wuxiang Yinling to keep looking for Jun Dantong. As a monk with fairy roots, this woman not only has great potential, but also can display Jiuyou, which can completely return all the attacks of opponents of the same level and lower levels. Illusion Dafa, Feng Fan is not going to let this person go.

One is that killing this person can remove the hidden danger of a great chance to become a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Stage in the future, and the other is that if the girl can be searched for her soul, she may be able to obtain the cultivation method of this spell.

One day later, Feng Fan finally found Jun Dantong's cave through the Wuxiang Yinling.To Feng Fan's surprise, Jun Dantong returned to the cave.And through the aura sensed by the phaseless yin spirit, Feng Fan knew that Jun Dantong's injury was not healed.It seems that the First World War had a great impact on this woman, and she still failed to recover during this period of time.

Feng Fan has been controlling the Wuxiang Yinling and monitoring Jun Dantong's every move.After more than an hour, night fell.Feng Fan turned over with one hand, and a talisman suddenly appeared in his hand.

Crushing the talisman in his hand, Feng Fan disappeared instantly.Feng Fan, who had opened a piece of heaven-level high-grade dust-transforming talisman, had turned into countless particles at this time, and rushed towards Jun Dantong's cave in the void.This speed can actually reach the speed of flying in the sky, although it is not as fast as controlling the flying speed of ancient treasures such as the Wind Spirit Boat, it is still very fast.

Although the general altar of the Cultivation General Alliance has restrictions on flying, because Feng Fan exists in the form of particles at this time, this effective restriction on entities is useless to Feng Fan who has turned into particles, so Feng Fan can Fly freely.

A while later, Feng Fan came to Jun Dantong's cave.For Feng Fan, the ordinary restrictions around the cave seemed to be non-existent, and Feng Fan easily broke through.

Suspended in Jun Dantong's cave, Feng Fan saw that Jun Dantong was meditating and practicing, but he didn't notice his trace or breath at all.Feng Fan took out all the true essence in the Chenchen Talisman, and the Chenchen Talisman lost its effect because of the disappearance of the true essence, and Feng Fan's figure appeared instantly.

Raising one hand without hesitation, a black bead shot out and flew towards Jun Dantong opposite.Feng Fan issued a black magic bead with one hand, and with the teleportation technique, Feng Fan retreated a few feet instantly, and at the same time, a black magic bead exploded suddenly.

Sensing the powerful aura and killing intent, Jun Dantong opened his eyes suddenly, his face turned pale with fright from a black bead in front of him.Before Jun Dantong could react, the black magic bead exploded.

The powerful force lifted Jun Dantong out, hit the wall of the cave heavily, and then rebounded and fell to the ground.Jun Dantong, who was not unconscious, flicked his wrist, and a talisman flew out suddenly.

Seeing this, Feng Fan threw two black magic beads again without hesitation. Before Jun Dantong could open the talisman, there was another loud noise, and the terrifying force blasted Jun Dantong into the air again. out.This time Jun Dantong was not so lucky, under the bombardment of the powerful force, his body and spirit were completely destroyed, and even the soul of the Nascent Soul could not escape in the future.

Seeing Jun Dantong take out a talisman, Feng Fan was worried that it was the kind of teleportation array talisman or dust-turning talisman, so he launched another thunderous attack to kill it mercilessly.

Letting this girl escape is much more serious than not being able to search for the soul and possibly not getting the Nine Nether Illusion Dafa, and even if Jun Dantong is completely destroyed, half of them will get the Nine Nether Phantom from her storage bracelet. The opportunity for the phantom to look like the Jade Slip of Dafa.

It's a pity that Jun Dantong, a monk with fairy roots, has been going smoothly since he stepped into the realm of cultivation. With his extraordinary aptitude and many opportunities, he has reached the stage of cultivation in just over 1000 years.

I didn't expect not only to lose to a Dacheng stage monk in the competition, but also to die in the sneak attack of this mid-Dacheng stage monk's sneak attack. This is an extremely unlucky thing!

Because Feng Fan has already sensed that there are soundproof barriers around the cave, he is not worried about the sound of the huge explosion coming out.Feng Fan came to the place where Jun Dantong was blown to pieces, and began to search carefully.The ground was covered with finely divided flesh and clothes, finally Feng Fan found the storage bracelet in the pile of flesh and blood.

Feng Fan picked up the storage bracelet, and then began to carefully search other locations in the cave.After a while, after Feng Fan was convinced that he found nothing else of value, he took away the formless ghost still lurking in the cave, and then sent out flying fire to burn the flesh and blood on the ground to ashes.Afterwards, Feng Fan completely wiped away the traces on the ground, then opened a dust-transforming talisman, and returned to his cave.

Feng Fan returned to the cave, extracted the true essence from the Chenchen Talisman, and quickly changed back to the form of a monk.Feng Fan took out the storage bracelet and immersed his consciousness into it.After some searching, Feng Fan was extremely disappointed.

During this search, Feng Fan did not find the jade slips of the Nine Nether Illusion Dafa.This can only explain one problem, that is, Jun Dantong may have learned this skill from others by chance, or the jade slip with this spell has been destroyed after he successfully practiced it.

As for the other elixirs and talismans in Jun Dantong's storage bracelet, they are all of the kind owned by Feng Fan.As for a few ancient treasures and some magic weapons, they are not too valuable for Feng Fan.

But Feng Fan finally found seven soul cards in his storage bracelet!This kind of thing is something Fengfan lacks.Originally, Feng Fan had one soul card and three demon soul cards, but after this competition, Feng Fan used that soul card when facing the Ghost Formation cast by Zhan Yufeng.

Moreover, in the last round of competition against Shi Zhenhuan, Feng Fan also used one of the three demon soul cards in order to temporarily improve his cultivation so that he could effectively trap the opponent after opening the ancient spirit void array talisman , now there are only two demon soul cards left, and the soul card and the demon soul card are two one-time consumption items that Feng Fan cannot copy.

In addition, the Jundantong storage bracelet contains the number of crystal jades mined from more than ten giant crystal jade mines. Adding the original crystal jades, Fengfan now has the equivalent of more than 110 crystal jades. The number of gems mined from the giant gem mine.

Feng Fan collected all of Jun Dantong's belongings, and then began to think about his next plan.Up to now, Feng Fan's cultivation base has been raised to the peak level in the mid-stage of Dacheng.

With this cultivation base, Feng Fan can display the strength equivalent to that of a peak-level monk in the early stages of Consummation.If Feng Fan lays out the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Formation Suggestion Formation, it can trap and kill monks at the peak level and below in the late stage of consummation.

That is to say, in this world, except for the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage, Feng Fan can instantly trap all levels of monks, and kill them in the simple magic circle of the Five Elements Profound Enlightenment Formation after a certain period of time.

If Feng Fan used the Soul Devouring Yuan Orb, he could also absorb the true Yuan of all mortal cultivators except those in the Tribulation Stage.As for the deployment of the five-element mysterious formation, Feng Fan can trap and kill monks of all levels in this world.

Not only that, Feng Fan now has countless means, such as countless talismans, ancient treasures, magic weapons, and one-time attack weapons, the Black Demon Orb and the Purple Jade God Orb. Its strength is much stronger than any comprehension sub-alliance or any large-scale comprehension family.

Now Feng Fan has been promoted to the inner sect elder of the Cultivation General Alliance, second only to the core elders of the inner sect and the leader Chunyu Daitian, plus the current strength of the Cultivation General Alliance is greatly reduced, so Feng Fan is ready to take action.

Fengfan's next plan is to create some conflicts, so as to intensify the contradictions between the Cultivation General Alliance and the major sub-alliances, as well as the Cultivation Families, so as to try to trigger the Great Continent Cultivation War.

At present, the overall strength of the top ten sub-alliances of cultivation is stronger than that of the general alliance of cultivation, plus some cultivation families, their strength is even stronger than the latter.Therefore, Feng Fan is going to pretend to be the core elder of the inner sect of the Cultivation General Alliance, and launch a surprise attack on several important figures of the Cultivation Sub-Alliance. It is best to kill a few cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period, so as to cause a big conflict, or even a big battle of cultivation .After making all these plans, Feng Fan fell silent in the cave.The next day, Feng Fan left the Cultivation Federation.

A certain hall tens of thousands of miles away from the Cultivation General Union, the inside of the hall looks magnificent, the walls are carved from silver-white jade, and the ground is paved with white-grained rock.

Various patterns are engraved on it, showing the noble and gorgeous here.The spiritual energy here is extremely strong, and any monk can find that there is a large spiritual vein around here with a quick glance.

In the main hall stood a middle-aged monk, wearing a sapphire crown, tall and tall, and wearing a gorgeous silver robe.There is a sharp gaze in the eyes, which seems to be able to penetrate all the cause and effect and the truth in the world.This person is Yang Sitian, leader of the First Cultivation Branch Alliance, and he is in the meeting hall of the First Cultivation Branch Alliance.

Standing outside the main hall were two alchemy stage monks. These two monks were responsible for guarding the main hall and summoning them.Because Yang Sitian often used sound transmission talismans when summoning a certain monk, and because no comprehension force dared to harass the First Cultivation Branch Alliance, the two monks had nothing to do all day long, and their expressions at this time seemed a little strange. lazy.

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