Tuxian Road

Chapter 884 Expedition to the Vast Continent

Feng Fan's body slowly flew up and landed on the teleportation array.Feng Fan kept waving his hands, and countless super-grade crystal jades flew out one after another, continuously inlaid into the surrounding crystal jade grooves.

When all the crystal jade grooves were filled with crystal jade, Feng Fan continued to strike with his hands, and countless ancient runes appeared around the teleportation formation.These runes began to be arranged in a certain order, and when a special pattern was formed, the surrounding space no longer fluctuated.But Feng Fan suddenly felt a burst of dizziness, and after losing his consciousness for a short time, the feeling of dizziness finally dissipated completely.

Feng Fan opened his eyes, and saw that he was already on another giant teleportation array, which was exactly the teleportation array located at the end of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu in the Canghai Continent.

Feng Fan flew out of the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Array, identified the direction, and flew towards the large teleportation array connecting the ancient kingdom of Wanyu and the ancient kingdom of Jinyue.Half a day later, Feng Fan teleported to the Golden Moon Ancient Kingdom through the teleportation array.Taking out the Wind Spirit Boat, Feng Fan stepped on it, and flew towards the Feitian faction of the Golden Moon Ancient Kingdom.

In Feitian Hall, there are six people gathered, five men and one woman, among them are Feng Fan, Gu Huaizi, Master Longyin, Murong Bai, Fang Mushan and Duan Yunshang.After Fengfan returned to Feitianpai's cave, he had a warm relationship with Duan Yunshang, and expressed his parting feelings, and then gave Duan Yunshang half of each talisman, one-time magic weapon, and panacea in the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring.

That is to say, Feng Fan and Duan Yunshang own more than [-] of each of the above three things.Feng Fan then summoned the remaining four cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period to the Feitian Temple to discuss the plan of expedition to the vast continent.

"Everyone, I have gained a lot in the vast continent in the past 110 years. Over the years, I have continuously separated the general alliance of cultivation in the vast continent, the major sub-alliances of cultivation and the cultivation families, and used the contradictions between them to provoke wars. Banners and the brutal ghosts in it continued to attack to balance the strength of both sides. So far, only the leader Chunyu Daitian is left alive among the eleven cultivators of the Cultivation General Alliance, while the ten major Cultivation Branch Alliances and multiple Cultivation Families All the 21 monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period died! Not only that, most of the monks of other levels on both sides were killed, and the rest also fled in all directions, and it is impossible to gather together anymore." Feng Fan's words were extremely radiant glow.

"I didn't expect the lord to do such an earth-shattering feat in the past 100 years! I really admire it!" Gu Huaizi nodded happily and praised hale and hearty.

"That's right, the alliance lord has contributed a lot to the separation of the major forces in the vast continent's comprehension world, causing heavy damage to the vast continent!" Master Longyin said with a smile.

"So the vast continent is already vulnerable?" Murong Bai asked hesitantly.

"Not exactly, because what I separate is only the two super powers in the vast continent, and does not include the remaining dozens of cultivation families. If these cultivation families unite, they will also pose some threats to our Canghai Continent. But even so, Our Canghai Continent can't wait any longer. If we wait until the vast continent recovers its strength, we will pay a higher price if we want to go to conquer. Therefore, I think that we should take advantage of the heavy damage to the cultivation world of the vast continent, Our Canghai Continent should bring out all the elites to completely defeat the Vast Continent, so as to unify it!" Feng Fan said boldly.

"The leader is right, I support the leader's proposal!" Gu Huaizi first agreed.After a little hesitation, the other three cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period also expressed their agreement.

"Since everyone agrees, this time we should send all the cultivators and most of the middle and high-level monks in the Canghai Continent to conquer the vast continent. We must succeed in one blow, otherwise if we fail to unify the vast continent in a short period of time, our morale will be destroyed." Great reduction. This time, I will also use more than 500 brutal ghosts in the ghost banner at the right time, which are equivalent to the strength of monks in the consummation period, and eleven ghosts who are equivalent to the strength of monks in the tribulation period, so as to help Canghai Continent obtain A decisive victory!" Feng Fan's words were filled with enthusiasm.I have been lurking in the vast continent for so many years just to wait for this day.When this day is approaching, Feng Fan is inevitably a little excited.

"There are actually more than 500 brutal ghosts in the leader's ghosts that are equivalent to the strength of monks in the consummation stage, and eleven ghosts that are equivalent to the strength of monks in the crossing tribulation stage!" Fang Mushan stared at Feng Fan, his eyes widened, and asked in astonishment .

"That's right, some monks from the vast continent and monsters in secret realms have been exterminated over the years, so I got some high-level brutal ghosts!" Feng Fan's words revealed a hint of pride.

"Very good, this time my Canghai Continent will definitely defeat the Vast Continent!" Master Long Yin said ecstatically.

Next, Feng Fan discussed the details of the operation with Duan Yunshang and the four monks during the tribulation period, and then began to dispatch troops.More than ten days later, more than 60 monks from the Canghai mainland gathered in front of the giant teleportation array in the ancient country of Wanyu.Among them, there are a total of 19 monks in the transcending tribulation period, and the rest are monks of Huadan level and above.After all, the foundation-building period and the energy-gathering period did not play much role in the cultivation war, so in this expedition, low-level monks of these two levels did not participate.

After Feng Fan distributed more than 50 pieces of magic tools, magic weapons and a small number of ancient treasures, more than [-] pieces of various talismans, and more than [-] pieces of various elixirs seized from the Cultivation Alliance to these monks, he took out the Five Elements Xuan Mongolian flag.Feng Fan waved the formation flag, and the Five Elements Profound Mongolian Formation arranged around the giant teleportation formation slowly spread out, in a dormant state.

"A group of 1000 people, fly to the teleportation array to teleport. I will teleport to the other end with the first group of monks, and then remove the large array around the teleportation array at the other end." Feng Fan shouted, and then took the lead to fly to the teleportation array.

After hearing Feng Fan's words, Duan Yunshang also flew up.Next, the Canghai Continent monks began to transmit sequentially. It only took more than an hour for more than 60 monks to teleport all of them from the ancient kingdom of Ten Thousand Regions in the Canghai Continent to the other end of the vast continent.

Under the leadership of Feng Fan, hundreds of thousands of cultivators from the Canghai Continent Cultivation Alliance flew towards the main altar of the former Vast Continent Cultivation General Alliance.A few days later, Feng Fan and other 60 monks successfully entered the Cultivation Federation.There is still no one here, showing a lifeless look.

Feng Fan and all the cultivators in the tribulation period immediately organized the monks in the consummation period to allocate cave houses for hundreds of thousands of monks, and within a few days, all the hundreds of thousands of monks were settled properly.Afterwards, Feng Fan and several monks in the tribulation stage joined forces to set up a large formation around the general altar of the Cultivation General Alliance, so as to resist possible attacks in the future.

Next, Feng Fan drafted a notice announcing that the comprehension circles in the vast mainland would obey the orders of the new comprehension alliance.All the leaders of the cultivation families need to come to the cultivation alliance to discuss matters within one month, and the cultivation families who do not arrive will be exterminated.Feng Fan ordered the Canghai mainland monks to make thousands of copies of this notice, and then sent more than 1000 monks to secretly post it all over the vast continent.

One month later, to the shock of all the cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance, none of the leaders of the cultivation clans in the vast continent came to discuss the matter, which meant that all the remaining cultivation forces in the vast continent were preparing to start a war with the invading comprehensionists from the Canghai Continent.

Feng Fan, Duan Yunshang, and the nineteen monks during the tribulation period gathered in the main hall of the Cultivation Alliance, and all of them looked solemn. "Leader, it seems that the comprehension community in the vast continent is preparing to start a war with my comprehension practitioners in the Canghai continent." Gu Huaizi said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice, grinning his teeth.

"It should be like this, otherwise, after more than a month, no comprehension force will come to our cultivation alliance to pay homage!" Feng Fan said with a sneer.

"Since the comprehension community in the vast continent refuses to surrender, we might as well kill them all!" Master Longyin yelled, stomping his feet.

"Senior, don't worry. As far as I know, although the two major cultivation forces in the vast continent are almost completely wiped out, including the General Cultivation Alliance, the Ten Cultivation Sub-Alliances, and the Xing Family, Yi Family, Chu Family, and Tian Family Four There are three large-scale cultivation families and several medium-scale cultivation families, but there are still dozens of medium-sized and small-scale cultivation families remaining. These cultivation forces, together with some casual cultivation alliances in the vast continent, will form a It is extremely powerful. If we make a rash move and encounter resistance from this powerful force, even if we win in the end, we will be severely injured. This is not what I want to see." Feng Fan said slowly.

"The leader means..." Murong Bai asked with a frown.

"What I mean is that everyone stay here first, and I will go to the major cultivation families alone to find out the situation, and then make plans." Feng Fan said calmly.

"Will the leader go to inquire about the situation alone, will he encounter any danger?" Gu Huaizi asked eagerly as the former senior of the Feitian sect.

"It doesn't matter, I have many means, even if dozens of cultivators are besieged, I can calmly escape." Feng Fan said with a complacent smile.

"Since the leader has made this decision, we have no objection, and please be careful." Many other monks in the tribulation period nodded in agreement.

"Brother Feng, you must be careful!" Duan Yunshang said with a slight frown.

"Yunshang, I will be careful." Feng Fan laughed softly.

"Then please take care, leader!" . . . . .The other monks in the tribulation period said one after another.Feng Fan nodded, then left the meeting hall and flew towards the outside of the Cultivation Alliance.

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