Tuxian Road

Chapter 895 Mysterious Region

"Heaven-level high-level teleportation array talisman!" Rufeng Modi's avatar whispered, and then pressed the blood-colored dagger with one hand in the void, and as the true energy in his body rushed into the special fairy treasure, the blood-colored dagger was shining coldly, The momentum was suddenly fierce.In an instant, the sword's glow was like waves, sending out patches of thick blood glow.

The speed at which the mask around Gu Huaizi's body shattered suddenly accelerated, and the bloody dagger was like a crazy beast, which had the potential to instantly defeat the remaining mask around Gu Huaizi and kill him.

Numerous strange runes emerged around the teleportation array under Gu Huaizi's feet. These runes moved quickly in a certain order. When a special pattern was formed, the surrounding space no longer fluctuated.

Gu Huaizi suddenly felt a burst of dizziness, and after losing consciousness for a short time, the feeling of dizziness finally dissipated completely, and Gu Huaizi's figure suddenly disappeared.

At the same time that Gu Huaizi opened the teleportation talisman, Fang Mushan beside him also quickly opened a talisman of the same type and level.At this time, as Gu Huaizi's figure disappeared, Fang Mushan also teleported away.

"I didn't expect this kind of talisman to be so common in the world of mortal cultivation! It's a pity that several forbidden techniques in the fairy and demon world have no restrictive effect on this kind of talisman, otherwise these two little monks in the tribulation period of the mortal world would not be so calm. Escape!" Rufeng Modi's avatar dispersed his consciousness and found that he couldn't feel the breath of the two monks who had just escaped at all, so he whispered resentfully.

After hesitating for a moment, Rufeng Modi's avatar began to search and capture the monks of the late stage of consummation.After less than a few hours, the avatar of Rufeng Modi captured dozens of consummation stage monks.Under his coercion and temptation, these monks all surrendered.

Of course, the premise is that the clone of the Devil Emperor is controlled by a special contract forbidden technique, and life and death cannot be decided by himself, and everything is in the hands of the clone of the Demon Emperor Rufeng.

In the next few months, a news spread in the vast continent that a clone named Rufeng Demon Emperor in the immortal and demon world continued to wander among the major cultivation forces in the vast continent, relying on the powerful power beyond the monks in the mortal cultivation world to conquer the world. One after another comprehension forces.

Anyone who resists will be instantly killed by this demon, even if there is a heaven-level high-level escape talisman, they will not be able to escape, unless they have the dust-turning talisman or the teleportation array talisman.All of a sudden, there was an endless bloodbath on the vast continent.

After more than three months, the avatar of Emperor Rufeng finally conquered almost all the cultivation forces in the vast continent.Not only that, but all the high-level monks who surrendered, that is, the monks in the transcending tribulation stage or the late stage of consummation, were all given a special contract ban by this devil.

It is said that the life and death of monks who have been given this kind of forbidden technique is not under their control at all, but in the hands of the avatar of Emperor Rufeng.As long as this cultivator clone from the fairy world has a single thought, the cultivator who has been banned by the contract will be wiped out physically and mentally.

For example, the avatar of Emperor Fengmo once tried it in public. When a monk who raised objections to it was moved by his mind, that monk turned into ashes, and both his body and his soul disappeared without a trace. nothing.

In a remote valley tens of thousands of miles away from the central area of ​​the vast continent, four monks gathered together. Among them, one woman and three men were Feng Fan, Duan Yunshang, Gu Huaizi, and Fang Mushan.

"Leader, three months ago, this old man and Fellow Daoist Mu Shan were in the Yi family. Suddenly, a monk broke in, and the entire formation of the guards was defeated by him. Later, we found out that this person is the clone of a Wind Demon Emperor from the Immortal Demon Realm. At that time, this person offered surrender to the two of us, and after being rejected, he blatantly attacked me. At that time, the old man instantly opened more than a dozen heaven-level defensive talismans. Under the attack of this demon, the defense formed by those talismans was like thin paper The terrifying power is still fresh in my memory. If you hadn’t given me two heaven-level high-level teleportation array talismans back then, and the old man opened one and fled, I’m afraid the leader wouldn’t have seen me today! "Gu Huaizi whispered feebly.

"That's right. Even though the devil didn't attack me at that time, that terrifying power definitely far surpassed all levels of monks in this world. I opened a card given to me by the leader of the alliance almost at the same time as Daoist Gu Huaizi. I escaped only because of the teleportation array talisman, otherwise I'm afraid I would be killed on the spot." Fang Mushan said solemnly.

"That's not to say, this demon has conquered almost all the cultivation forces in the vast continent in the past three months, and anyone who refuses to obey will be killed instantly by him. Even if he submits, he has been given a special contract ban by this demon. It is said The life and death of a monk who has been banned by such a contract is not controlled by himself at all, but in the hands of the demon. As long as the demon has a single thought, the monk who has been banned by the contract will be destroyed physically and mentally. Gu Huaizi frowned and thought for a moment, then said sadly.

"I didn't expect that the mortal cultivation world would encounter this catastrophe just after hundreds of years of prosperity. It seems that the monks in the fairy and demon world should have discovered a new space passage through the mortal world and the fairy and demon world." Recalling the narration of Daoist Sheng Yuan, Feng Fan's face was as cold as ice.

"It is estimated that after this demon agrees to the vast continent, the next step will be to conquer the Canghai continent. I wonder what the leader's plan is?" Fang Mushan asked hastily as soon as Feng Fan finished speaking.

"Go to the Canghai Continent immediately and tell all the monks to hide." Feng Fan said resolutely.

"That's the only way to go, hide all the monks in the Canghai Continent, and then observe the next plan of this demon, find out the purpose of this demon's coming to the mortal cultivation world, and then talk about it." Gu Huaizi nodded in praise.

Somewhere on the border between the Canghai Continent and the Vast Continent, this place is extremely remote, and the endless wasteland is extremely desolate, and it looks extremely desolate.In this vast area, more than 50 monks have gathered.

After Feng Fan, Duan Yunshang, Gu Huaizi, and Fang Mushan returned to the Canghai Continent, they immediately notified all the monks in the three major cultivation countries, announcing what had happened to the Vast Continent.Then led the volunteers and came here with all the resources.

Fengfan distributed two heaven-level high-level teleportation array talismans to all the monks in the tribulation period and the later period of consummation. Not only that, but according to Gu Huaizi's memory, Fengfan organized tens of thousands of monks to make jade that looks like the clone of Emperor Fengmo. Jane, so that all monks know what this demon looks like.The teleportation array talisman was created by Fengfan using the Alliance Crystal Jade and the God-replenishing Pill to copy the phantom. He did not use any of the five-element Xuanmeng Ring's talisman.

"Yunshang, now that the two continents of comprehension in the mortal cultivation world have been discovered, the only thing I haven't dabbled in is the turbulent space area between the two continents, so I am going to use the five-element space teleportation technique to enter the space rift and investigate carefully. Come on, take a look and see what secrets are inside? Maybe there will be some gains." Feng Fan, who was standing beside Duan Yunshang, said calmly at this time.

"You want to enter the turbulent flow of space, which is extremely dangerous. Even monks of Dacheng level and above can sense the space rift, and they will fall into it to a large extent!" Duan Yunshang said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter, relying on the five-element space teleportation technique, even in the most dangerous places, I can save the day." Feng Fan said with a calm smile.

"Since you have decided, then take me with you, you can take care of each other with me by your side." Duan Yunshang whispered.

"It's fine for me alone. After all, you can't use the Great Teleportation Technique of the Five Elements Space. It's not safe to rely solely on the teleportation array talisman in the turbulent space." Feng Fan laughed softly.

"Well, since you decided to take the risk by yourself, I won't stop you anymore." Duan Yunshang said helplessly.

"Everyone, I am going to explore the space turbulence area between the two continents. You can wait here with peace of mind. I will return as soon as I have any major discoveries." Feng Fan then called all the monks in the tribulation period and announced Plan your next step.

"Is it too dangerous for the leader to go deep into the turbulent space area alone?" Gu Huaizi shook his head and asked hesitantly.

"I've made up my mind!" Feng Fan said resolutely.

"Since the leader has decided, we will wait for the good news of the leader!". . . . . .Seeing Feng Fan's resolute attitude, all the monks in the tribulation period said one after another.Feng Fan then bid farewell to Duan Yunshang and all the monks in the tribulation period, and left this area.

At the edge of Canghai Continent, Feng Fan looked at the hazy area ahead, feeling the strange fluctuations coming from inside.After a little hesitation, Feng Fan made a formula with one hand, and at the same time he recited the mantra silently, his body suddenly turned into a startled rainbow, which flew across the sky very quickly, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

When Feng Fan opened his eyes, he found that the surroundings were full of floating rock fragments, mixed with chaotic whirlpools.The surroundings were extremely dark, and if it wasn't for his divine sense, he wouldn't be able to see the surrounding scene at all.

Without hesitation, Feng Fan made another one-handed tactic, and with the use of the Great Teleportation Technique of the Five Elements Space, his body teleported to more than ten thousand miles away again.After Feng Fan teleported several times in a row, he suddenly stopped.There is a vast area in front of you. There is no disordered atmosphere here, and it looks extremely calm and peaceful, and it is extremely bright.

Feng Fan looked carefully and found that the ground was paved with super-grade crystal jade, and there were luminous beads inlaid at intervals.The surrounding aura is so dense that it exceeds the concentration of the aura in the Cultivation Continent.Not only that, there are countless caves and attics around, and the styles of these caves and attics are quite different from those in the cultivation world outside.

"Could it be that this is a paradise?" Feng Fan dispersed his consciousness and found that the area was hundreds of miles in diameter, so he murmured in a low voice.Feng Fan's mind moved, and his body actually flew up.Feng Fan then flew over this area while carefully inspecting the area below.

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