Tuxian Road

Chapter 899 Repel

Seeing Feng Fan's continuous use of talismans, Feng Modi's avatar was finally forced to use all kinds of heavenly talismans to defend against the attacks of sixth-level puppets.Because the avatar of Rufeng Modi has searched for many things from the mortal world over the years, the talisman of the mortal cultivation world has always been a scarce thing for him.

More than half an hour passed, and Feng Fan, who had used thousands of talismans for defense, was still so calm.Feng Fan fought more and more courageously, and the initial uneasiness about facing the monks in the fairy and demon world had already been thrown out of his mind.

On the opposite side, the avatar of Rufeng Demon Emperor had an extremely ugly expression, because with the passage of time, the thousands of talismans in his storage ring had been consumed.Seeing that the opponent was still taking out a huge amount of talismans for defense, the heart of the clone of Emperor Fengmo sank to the bottom.

The opponent has countless talismans to defend against, and he is already invincible. In addition, the opponent's ruthless ghosts at the level of cultivation during the tribulation period seem to be endless, and it seems that his situation is very unfavorable.

Not only that, the avatar of Emperor Rufeng discovered that the opponent actually possessed countless crystal jades.Because the real energy needed to launch a blow equivalent to that of a monk in the fairy and demon world is very huge, and Feng Fan's control of the sixth-order puppet of the fairy and demon world needs to consume the same amount of crystal jade mined from a giant crystal jade mine. For example, the avatar of the Fengmo Emperor consumes almost the same amount of true energy each time it sends out a blow equivalent to the initial level of the late Earth Demon cultivator.

As the overlord of the mortal world, the avatar of Rufeng Demon Emperor has countless crystal jades, but the opponent does not know his identity, but actually has countless crystal jades, which makes Rufeng Modi avatar a little surprised.

With Feng Fan's mind moving, the puppet of the Immortal Demon Realm clasped his hands together, and a dagger transformed from true essence suddenly appeared in his hand.Pushed by the puppet with both hands, the dagger suddenly rose sharply, and then slashed towards Rufeng Demon Emperor's clone.

For example, Feng Modi's avatar tapped the shield in front of him with one hand, and the shield rushed forward.The giant knife slashed fiercely on the shield, and the clanging sound of gold and iron colliding could be heard endlessly, emitting a dazzling cold light.The shield retreated steadily, and was shot down by the giant knife when it was close to the clone of Rufeng Demon Emperor.The shrunk giant knife opened its teeth and claws like a monster, and rushed towards the clone of Emperor Fengmo, exuding a chill.

Rufeng Modi's avatar raised his hand in a panic, and a layer of cyan mask suddenly appeared in front of him.The hastily formed Zhenyuan shield seemed to be hit hard. When the lightning flashed, an indescribable impact raged wildly in this instant.

With a sound of "puchi", the hastily formed defense of the avatar of the Rufeng Demon Emperor, whose true essence and consciousness had been greatly consumed, was defeated by the giant sword.Once again, the dagger, which was reduced to a length of one foot, slashed fiercely on the left shoulder of Rufeng Demon Emperor's avatar, immediately blood spattered, and a strong fishy smell spread out.

Rufeng Modi clone's face was as pale as paper, and his body trembled violently.Although the blade light disappeared without a trace in an instant, in addition to slashing his left shoulder, the huge power contained in it also damaged his meridians.

Feng Fan raised his hand, and more than a dozen black magic beads shot out.Just like Feng Modi's avatar pointed with one hand, a true essence shield was formed in front of him again. With a sound of "Boom", a huge force rushed towards the surroundings, and even tore apart the true essence shield formed by the clone of Emperor Fengmo.The remaining power surged towards Rufeng Modi's avatar, and Rufengmodi's avatar trembled again, stepped back a foot, and a trace of blood flowed out of its mouth.

Originally, the True Essence Armor formed by a cultivator at the level of the Demon Emperor's avatar was not something that could be defeated by any attack in the mortal cultivation world, but because the previous Fengmo Emperor's avatar had been severely injured, the power of this defense had dropped significantly, so it could resist Can't resist the attack of more than a dozen black magic beads.Seeing this scene, Feng Fan waved his hands, dozens of purple jade beads flew out, and with a loud bang, the avatar of Rufeng Demon Emperor was hit hard again.

"Boy, I will one day extract your soul and refine your soul, and torture you for a hundred years before you stop!" Rufeng Modi's avatar hissed and roared, and then he made a tactic with one hand, and countless runes suddenly appeared around his body.These runes were quickly arranged in a certain order, and finally formed a strange pattern.

Seeing this scene, Feng Fan waved his hands, and countless black magic beads flew out, outflanking the clone of Emperor Rufeng.Because Feng Fan guessed that the opponent might be casting some powerful spells, he attacked him again in order to interrupt the spell casting of Rufeng Demon Emperor's avatar.

When the black magic bead flew to a distance of one zhang from Rufeng Modi's clone, a black passage appeared above Rufengmodi's head, and in a split second, Rufengmodi's clone shot toward that black passage at an unimaginable speed.In a very short period of time, the black passage was completely closed, and the avatar of Rufeng Modi disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the avatar of Rufeng Demon Emperor had escaped with a secret technique, Feng Fan did not detonate the black magic orb with his consciousness, but with one hand, all the one-time magic weapons flew back.Feng Fan collected the defenses made of talismans around his body, and then began to carefully search the cave where Emperor Feng Modi's avatar was located.

After a stick of incense, Feng Fan got nothing.It seems that the avatar of the cultivator from the fairy world brought all the previous things with him, and did not leave anything of value.

Feng Fan took away the puppet from the fairy world and the ghost flag, feeling a little depressed.Although this battle severely damaged Rufeng Modi's avatar, it failed to keep or kill it.

After this battle, Feng Fan lost countless pieces of talisman and the brutal ghosts who were nearly equivalent to the level of human beings in the tribulation period. At this time, only a few brutal ghosts were left in Feng Fan's violent ghost banner!Not only that, but the Black Demon Orb and the Purple Jade Divine Orb also cost a lot.

Feng Fan left Rufeng Demon Emperor's avatar cave, left the Cultivation Alliance, found a secluded place, set up a five-element mysterious formation and simple magic circle, and then started to copy the phantom life.

Several hours later, Feng Fan collected the Five Elements Xuanmeng Formation and left the secluded area.After the battle with Rufeng Demon Emperor's avatar, Feng Fan lost nearly [-] brutal ghosts who had been repaired at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

This is not counted, because the puppet of the fairy and demon world launched nearly [-] attacks, and Feng Fan lost nearly [-] crystal jades mined from [-] giant crystal jade mines.

Not only that, Fengfan copied all the loss talismans, one-time magic weapons and other things of Huansheng, which also consumed the amount of crystal jade mined from more than a dozen giant crystal jade mines.Excluding the consumed crystal jade, Feng Fan now has the same amount of crystal jade mined from [-] giant crystal jade mines left in the Five Elements Xuanmeng Ring.

Feng Fan was not in a relaxed mood at this time, although he severely injured Emperor Rufeng's avatar, he let him escape.Rufeng Modi's avatar not only knows his appearance, but also sets special restrictions on himself. He knows where he is at any time. It seems that it will be difficult for him to live peacefully in the future.

But Feng Fan is not afraid, because he has a sixth-order puppet in the fairy and demon world, and has the power to compete with the clone of Rufeng Demon Emperor.In addition, Feng Fan has countless talismans, so he has the ability to protect himself when facing the avatar of Rufeng Demon Emperor.

Although the opponent can defeat the defense formed by more than a dozen sky-level talismans every time he attacks, Feng Fan, who has countless sky-level defense talismans, is not afraid of the fierce attack of Feng Modi's avatar.

Near the space passage in the Immortal Demon Realm, six monks were gathering together.One of them had a ruddy complexion, a middle-aged man in a brown suit.The second person was a monk dressed as a Confucian scholar with a kind smile on his face.The third person is an old man, this old man is hale and hearty, and looks extremely strong.These three people all exude the aura of cultivators, and the cultivation bases of the three are all at the peak level of the late immortal emperor!The brown-clothed man is the clone of Immortal Emperor Haoran, the Confucian scholar is the clone of Immortal Emperor Baizhu, and the old man is the clone of Immortal Emperor Qingwen.

There were three other people standing opposite the three of them. One of them looked like a strong man with a swollen face, showing a vicious look.Standing next to him was a girl in red with a graceful figure. This girl had a charming face, and her eyes seemed to be seductive.

Standing next to the girl was a middle-aged monk, who was wearing a fine attire with a dignified expression.All three of them exuded the aura of demon cultivators, and the monks of the three were all at the peak level of the late emperor!The strong man is the clone of Demon Emperor Qingcang, the girl is the clone of Demon Emperor Yuanshuang, and the middle-aged man in fine clothes is the clone of Demon Emperor Ruiyuan.

"Everyone, some time ago my deity used a thousand-year-old blood spirit to calculate that there should be a new space channel in this area. This channel leads directly to the world of mortal cultivation. Since everyone is sent here by the deity, it is also predestined. If The fight between our six immortal emperors and the devil emperor's avatar seems to be an extremely unwise behavior. Why don't we join forces to defeat the restriction here, and then deploy a powerful magic circle together to seal this place, and then come to the mortal cultivation world together How about it?" Yuanshuang Demon Emperor's avatar smiled sweetly, and the sound resounded like the sound of heaven, making people feel extremely comfortable.

"Since Demon Emperor Yuanshuang said so, I, Immortal Emperor Qingwen, naturally have no objection!" Immortal Emperor Qingwen clone said with a cunning smile on his face.

"We have no doubts either!" . . . . .The remaining four agreed.

"In this case, let's all take action to break the restriction in front of us. After all, the cultivator who set up this restriction is at the same level as ours, and it is just a low-level restriction. It is entirely possible for the six of us to work together to break it." Demon Emperor Yuanshuang A brilliant smile appeared on the clone's cheek, and soft laughter rang in the ears of the other five people.

Then the six of them shot together and launched a violent attack against the restriction in front of them.Countless attacks suddenly appeared, falling like raindrops.All kinds of light began to transpire on the restriction, and countless afterimages shot out.

With a sound of "Pu Chi", less than a stick of incense later, there were bursts of violent tremors following the restraint, and finally collapsed under the joint attack of the six clones of the immortal emperor and devil emperor in the immortal and demon world.

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