Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 110 The Rock Ninja Blocking Battle

() Chapter 110

When the enemy pursues, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue.In front of the three generations of Tsuchikage, Uchiha Aki perfectly explained how powerful a ninja who is proficient in space ninjutsu is in harassing the enemy.

For three whole days, Uchiha Aki completely ignored the attacks of the third Tsuchikage, and constantly attacked Sao and harassed Iwanin from all directions. The third Tsuchikage could not find anyone at all. Kai and Kyuubi started a sneak attack, Sandai Tsuchikage appeared, Uchiha Shuu disappeared and then suddenly appeared from another direction to attack Iwa Ninja again. The Iwa Ninja had no way to march into the Land of Rain.

On the fifth day when Uchiha Aki-sao harassed Iwano, Uchiha Aki and Kyuubi hid in a secret cave. Uchiha Aki was sitting on the ground, opened his eyes suddenly, and put his hands on his chest. Before making the gesture of the three generations of Tukage to release Dust Dun, he suddenly shouted: "Dust Dun · The Art of Stripping the Original Realm", a quadrilateral block appeared between Uchiha Aki's hands, and then followed Uchiha Aki's hair The straight line of force turned the land a few meters in front of Uchiha Aki into nothingness.

Uchiha Akiu saw that he was able to release Dust Dun perfectly, and said with satisfaction: "The Second Tsuchikage is indeed a genius, and he was able to create this kind of monster that surpasses the barrier of blood successors and is stronger than it." The blood successor was eliminated! Of course I have to thank you! Nine Tails! If you hadn’t taught me this yin and yang escape technique, I would never have been able to create the six blood successors in such a short period of time, let alone learn it. Dust escaped!"

Jiuwei shook his head and explained: "It's nothing, you don't know, I told you at the beginning, the yin and yang escape technique I taught you is flawed! Because we tailed beasts and you humans The way of running chakra is different, so what I taught you is the yin and yang escape technique used by our tailed beasts. As a human being, you may not be able to use it. But now it seems that you can use it, which has to be said to be beyond me unexpected!"

Uchiha Qiu Ze smiled and said: "The secret technique of the Senshou Clan, Mu Dun, is a fusion of water, earth, and yang. In my eyes, the symbol of their Senshou Clan is Yang Dun! But my Uchiha Clan is It's completely opposite, illusion, the black inextinguishable flame, is completely the trait of yin escape. Without you, I'm still the idiot of yin yang escape!"

Kyuubi nodded and said: "Use the power of Yin Dun to create images from nothing with the spiritual energy that controls imagination as the source. Use the power of Yang Dun to inject life into the image with the body energy that controls life as the source. This is Yin Yang The fundamental meaning of the escape technique is that you have perfectly released the dust escape, that is to say, you can try to soften all the attributes together to create an unprecedented chakra attribute!"

Uchiha Qiuze shook his head and said: "I have just mastered the characteristics of the three attributes, and I am not familiar with them enough. I need to practice more in actual combat. And it is too early to try to soften the nature of the five elements. After all, I am now It is not considered to have fully mastered the five basic forms."

Kyuubi asked suspiciously: "Do you really want to become the second Six Paths?"

Uchiha Qiu asked rhetorically: "He created Chakra, and he can release ninjutsu at will regardless of all its attributes. Why can't I, Kyuubi, you underestimate people! You know, how can I They can be regarded as half descendants of the Immortals of the Six Paths!"

Jiuwei shook his head and said: "You don't even know why the Sage of the Six Paths is so strong. His strength is not reflected in your situation. You must know that the two most shining points of the old man are his double pupils of reincarnation, and As Ten Tails Jinchuriki!"

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "I am not my grandfather. I want to resurrect the ten tails to fill the lives of your nine tailed beasts. You must know that you are living for yourself now, and you are living individual lives. To kill nine lives for a ten tails, if you are not my friend, I might do it too! But now I will definitely not do it! Besides, even if the reincarnation eye is strong, I have the confidence to use my kaleidoscope Write Sharingan to go beyond it, one day I will tell the whole world! This world can be changed by me!"

Kyuubi said with a smile: "We'll wait and see! I want to see how you can change the world!"

Both laughed and left the cave.

"Report to the third generation! After our investigation, two city rocks appeared on the two mountain roads leading to the country of rain, and the Konoha ninja has completely launched its defense."

After listening to the report of the intelligence ninja kneeling in front of him, the third Tsuchikage cursed angrily: "Damn Uchiha Aki, this guy's space ninjutsu is really disgusting! It was less than half a day's journey, but let this The guy dragged us for four days, eh! Pass me an order, five hundred ninjas form two groups, a total of one thousand ninjas make tentative attacks on the Konoha ninjas on the two routes, don't go too deep!"

A rock ninja nodded and left the camp, and then another rock ninja said aloud: "My lord, why don't we concentrate on breaking through one place, you must know that the number of Konoha ninjas should not be too many! Besides, we don't need to break through at all!" Attack the Land of Rain at this time!"

Three generations of Tsuchikage said: "There are few examples of their Konoha ninjas winning more with fewer! You must know that their current ninjas are all trying their best to compete for military achievements! Ninjutsu Gym! Thanks to Konoha who can think Come out, tens of thousands of ninjutsu are all shared, this kind of courage is not comparable to our Yannin village! The damned Uchiha clan and their family are best at collecting ninjutsu! If you can’t do it this time Defeating Konoha in the war, there will be more Konoha elite ninjas in a few years! By then we will be waiting to destroy the country!"

Yan Ren said suspiciously: "Why don't we invade the Kingdom of Fire from the Kingdom of Grass instead of going through the Kingdom of Rain! We don't need to fight a war of attrition here!"

The third Tsuchikage snorted coldly: "Can we go! Believe it or not, we are going ahead! That kid Uchiha Aki should have led [-] Konoha ninjas straight into the belly of the land of the earth. He doesn't need to attack us at all. Iwanin Village, as long as we kill the daimyo of our earth country, our entire Iwainin Village will collapse directly! That kid is a very difficult character!"

Konoha was defending the rock, and a Konoha Kamishin looked at the fireworks coming from a distance, and shouted: "Iwa Ninja is found in front, it should be a probing attack, all ninjas, get ready!"

And an unknown ninja who is the commander of the defensive rock here said: "We planted nearly 20 detonating charms in the front, and ate their vanguard ninja army in one shot! Send an order, and the scouting ninjas in front will do their best to harass the enemy. Marching progress! Buy us time!"

On the other road, Uchiha Aki suddenly appeared in front of Commander Konoha and said, "What's the situation now!"

Konoha Ninja Commander saw that it was Uchiha Qiu and quickly bowed and said, "There are about five hundred Iwa Ninjas heading towards us!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "Iwanin's army has about 7000 people, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers. They probably want to test our strength and try to eat all of their five hundred vanguard ninjas in one go! "

Konoha Ninja Commander asked: "We don't have an absolute advantage to eat these ninjas! If the detonating talismans were handed over to us, maybe we could still do it, but those detonating talismans are all on the other side of the city. middle."

Uchiha Qiu thought for a moment, turned around, walked out of the tent, looked at the surrounding environment, pointed to a high mountain and said, "Look! Set up a pool there, and I need a ninja who can escape water with all his strength to release ninjutsu to create water, do you understand? , there should be two hours before they arrive, I need you to create a lake within two hours that is equivalent to the water storage capacity of a lake in our Konoha Death Forest! No problem!"

Konoha Ninja Commander nodded and said, "Don't worry, my lord, there are only a few more!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "I'll go over there to have a look, remember that if there is an emergency, tear up that scroll, and I will be there in an instant!"

After Konoha Ninja Commander signaled his understanding, Uchiha Aki disappeared from his sight.


Uchiha Akira appeared again on the Konoha defensive rock on another road, and the commander who found Konoha Ninja asked, "How is the situation here."

Konoha's ninja commander replied: "I planted 20 detonating charms in the woods a kilometer ahead, and the enemy five hundred rock ninjas are almost reaching the woods. I'm going to eat them all at once!"

Uchiha Akira looked at the commander speechlessly and said: "You just used up all 20 detonating charms! That's the amount used by our five thousand Konoha ninjas! You use 20 detonating charms to blow up five thousand Hundred Ninja, do you think you have too much money!"

The commander said embarrassingly: "At the beginning, I considered it based on the enemy's full attack on our channel! I made a mistake in this matter!"

Uchiha Qiu waved his hand and said: "Forget it, just give them a big gift! But we still need to save some, after all, the place we are in now is a place without supplies!"

The commander nodded, and then asked aloud again: "My lord, what should we do if the enemy attacks our way with all our strength!"

Uchiha Qiuxi thought for a while and asked, "How many ninjas know the Four Purple Flame Formation!"

The commander replied: "Sixteen people, we deployed ten medical ninjas and 16 formation ninjas on the two roads."

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "In a few days, I, Konoha, will enter the Land of Rain in a big way. As long as we stick to it for ten days, reinforcements will surely arrive!"

At this time, bursts of roar came from a distance, and the explosion and strong fluctuation of the detonating symbol a thousand meters away also caused the city rock where Uchiha Akira was to shake violently.

Uchiha Akira looked at the place where the explosion occurred, and thought with pain in his heart: "The 20 detonating charms are just gone!"

Also in the air of the Iwanin camp thousands of meters away, Sandai Tsuchikage looked at the explosion and cursed in his heart: "At least there must be the power of 10,000+ detonating charms! Bastards, you Konohas can't do it even if you have money." Such a show off!"

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