Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 113 The Rock Ninja Blocking Battle

() Chapter 110 Three

Uchiha Akio inserted the Killing God on the side of the city rock, sat on a stone, sighed and said to himself: "It's the seventh day! Damn Tsuchikage, hey! I really don't know In this situation, I can stick to it for a few days!"

At this time, a Konoha Kaminobu walked up to Uchiha Aki with some food and said, "Eat something, my lord! Iwanin has retreated!"

Uchiha Akio patted his hands covered with mud and blood to take the food, and ate it without any scruples, and said while eating: "How many ninjas are left in the city rock that can still fight! "

Konoha Ninja thought for a while and replied: "In the seven consecutive days of fighting, we have found 300 casualties and more than 100 injured ninjas. Now, apart from the hundred ninjas in the rear defending the rain ninja's surprise attack, there are more It is responsible for protecting the wounded, so our medical ninjas are all very good, and none of the injured ninjas died. There are less than 300 ninjas left in the city rock."

Uchiha Aki found a relatively clean cloth from his arms, wiped his mouth, then nodded and said: "According to the current situation, we can still hold on for four days at most. If after four days, Konoha's reinforcements have not yet arrived." If it comes, we must retreat!"

At this time, Konoha Ninja suddenly asked: "Why didn't my lord use Kyuubi to suddenly attack the enemy camp to stop Iwano's attack rhythm! Why does my lord not like to use Kyuubi to fight so much!"

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "You have to remember that Kyuubi is not a weapon, and it also has the right to refuse. We want to be friends with it, not to dominate it. Besides, Tsuchikage has already been in a few days ago I have taken precautions in this regard. Kyuubi and I can only go back and forth. In the past, I was able to successfully stop Iwanin because neither Iwanin nor the third Tsuchikage knew me very well, but after the last battle , Tuying's understanding and defense against me have already been raised to a shadow-level vigilance!"

Konoha Ninja will think of the scene outside the city rock after Uchiha Aki returned to the city rock, huge rocks scattered everywhere, and deep pits over five meters everywhere, like the ground washed by the flood, even the high temperature Magma, the Kage-class war was fully reflected in front of everyone, and I was also afraid for a while. If Uchiha Aki had lost at that time, there would be no situation where Konoha blocked Iwanin at all.

After Uchiha Aki finished eating, he looked at the Konoha ninja and said, "Go and rest too! With me on the city rock, they should stop in a short time."

Konoha Ninja nodded and left the city rock, then Uchiha Aki pressed the ground with one hand again, used the technique of perception to check the surrounding situation and said to himself: "The retreat is thorough enough, the distance of [-] meters , can completely observe my every move! Fatty, you are really cautious!"

At this time, Nine Tails appeared in front of Uchiha Qiu and said, "How about it! Are you still refusing my help!"

Uchiha Akio looked at Kyuubi with a provocative tone and smiled back: "This is a war between Konoha and Iwanin. If the other party doesn't use Tailed Beast, you should go to sleep!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Aki with contempt and said: "Cut! It's not that I underestimate you, Aki, you are carrying on like this, how much can the Konoha ninja brought out by you return to Konoha!"

Uchiha Qiu lowered his head and looked at the corpses outside the city wall and said in a deep voice: "This is war, but it is also my pride. Even if I bring their ashes back, I will prove to you that tailed beasts are not weapons! Ye doesn't need the tail beast's help!"

Kyuubi stared blankly at Uchiha Qiu, then sighed and said, "Hey! I've never seen a ninja like you, self-respect, don't use my chakra if you have the ability!"

Uchiha Akio looked up at Kyuubi and smiled awkwardly, explaining: "It's different! Borrow! I'm just borrowing your chakra, at worst I'll give it back to you later!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Aki with contempt, and deeply felt the fact that the thickness of human skin is so thick that even his own tailed beast bullets cannot smash it.

Suddenly Uchiha Akio asked, "Kyuubi, can your chakra be transmitted to other people with my hand!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Qiu suspiciously and asked, "Why do you ask that, do you want to share my chakra with everyone?"

Uchiha Akiu nodded and said: "Iwa Shinobi's attacks are continuous. Because of the limitation of manpower, we can only defend passively and cannot take the initiative to attack. After all, our Konoha ninjas are not made of iron. If this continues, people will collapse. Already!"

Kyuubi thought for a while and said: "In the case of Jinchuriki, the berserk chakra of the tail beast can be diluted by Jinchuriki so that other people can also bear it, but your situation is different from mine. Basic! So it seems that there is really no way to solve the problem!"

Uchiha Qiuxi thought for a while and said: "There should be a solution. When killing Jinkaku and Yinkaku, the ninjas around them seemed to use Chakra that had some shadows of you."

Kyuubi said with a smile: "Golden Horn and Silver Horn have absorbed my Chakra for more than 20 years. You must know that the two of them have integrated those two Chakras into their bodies long ago, turning them into instincts."

Uchiha Akira looked at Kyuubi who was beating him all the time and shouted: "Can't I think about it! Why do you always like to tear down my platform! If you don't even have the qualifications to think, you can still be called a human being." !"

Kyuubi suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the Land of Rain and said in a deep voice, "Why did Eight Tails appear here!"

Uchiha Qiu asked after hearing Ninetails' words: "Hayao! Isn't it in the Land of Thunder! How is it possible!"

In a mountain stream, Uchiha Qiu suddenly appeared at the entrance of a cave and said in a deep voice: "The third generation of Raikage is here, and I am sorry to welcome you!"

As soon as Uchiha Aki's words fell, a hearty voice came from the cave: "Hahahaha! Uchiha Aki, your perception skills are really at the peak, you know we are hiding from your army of Konoha! It's over!"

The third Raikage walked out of the cave and looked at Uchiha Aki and said boldly: "The old man came this time to make a deal with you!"

Uchiha Qiu smiled and said, "I'm satisfied that you didn't break your promise to attack our Konoha here! If you don't go to our Hokage-sama for a deal, come and make a deal with me, you'll be damned!"

The third generation of Raikage ignored Uchiha Qiu and smiled sarcastically: "Even if I go to trade with Hokage, can you still afford to wait! You can still stick around for a few days, if you think you can wait until I come! You can refuse me !"

Uchiha Akira looked at the third generation of Raikage and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do! What kind of deal!"

At this moment, several cloud ninjas came out of the cave one after another, and among them was a child under ten years old lying on a stretcher.

Seeing the child on the stretcher, Uchiha Shuu frowned and said, "Hachiuriki! You actually brought him here!"

The third Raikage nodded and said: "That's right! If it wasn't urgent, I wouldn't come here to see you in person!"

A figure sprang out from the woods, and then stood on Uchiha Aki's shoulders, looked at the child on the stretcher and said, "It's very compatible with the eight tails, but I can't bear the chakra of the eight tails, this kid Maybe it won't die, but it may be abolished, and of course it may survive smoothly. The odds are half and half!"

The third generation of Raikage stared at Uchiha Akiu's Nine-Tailed shoulder and said: "My five thousand Yunnin are ready to go, if you are willing to hand over the contract between you and Kyuubi to our Yunnin, I guarantee three Within days, Iwanin will retreat!"

The child on the stretcher suddenly said, "Yo... Lei Ying... Uncle...!"

"To shut up!"

The third Raikage punched the child on the mouth, then looked at Uchiha Aki and said, "Just give me an accurate word!"

Kyuubi said to Uchiha Aki with his mind: "He has no way to sign the kind of contract with Yao that you and I signed, and it doesn't make sense to tell him."

Uchiha Akio stepped forward, looked at the tearful young man covering his mouth, then turned his head and said, "If I help you stabilize Hachio! How about helping me restrain Iwanobu."

The third Raikage thought about it carefully and said: "You must ensure the life of this young man and his growth as a human being!"

Uchiha Aki nodded and said, "I never lie!"

The third generation of Raikage also said on his own: "I will do what I say!"

Uchiha Shuinen said to Nine Tails: "Do you want to disgust Eight Tails!"

Kyuubi immediately replied with a smirk: "I'm so happy!"

In a completely different sealing place from the original seal of Nine Tails, the steel pillars were respectively inserted on the eight tails, and several steel pillars were also inserted in the limbs and body of the Eight Tails.

Nine tails suddenly flashed in front of eight tails, looked at the suppressed eight tails and said with a concerned face: "It's very uncomfortable! This feeling is very uncomfortable!"

Eight tails saw nine tails stunned, then went berserk and wanted to struggle to pat nine tails, but the iron pillar held eight tails firmly, and eight tails yelled at nine tails helplessly: "Damn lama! Why did you come here! Did you come to see my joke!"

Kyuubi said with a concerned face: "I'm here to visit you! I care about you so much, don't you feel moved!"

Eight tails yelled at nine tails furiously: "Don't look at me with that dirty expression, do you really think I can't see your inner thoughts! Damn lama! I'll bite you to death!"

Nine tails then said with a smirk: "Come on! I'm waiting! I'll just sit here and wait!"

At this time, Uchiha Akio slowly walked out from behind Kyuubi, looked at the sealed Hachio and then saw the kid lying on the top of Hachio's head, and said suspiciously: "You are actually protecting that child! I really don't understand. !"

Kyuubi also glanced at the child on the top of Hachio's head, and then said: "You ghost, you have fallen too! You have bowed your head to humans again and again! The bull ghost who was able to teach me how to compete with me has also disappeared. In history!"

Eight tails looked at nine tails and said: "What do you know, how can you understand my thoughts without emotion at all, there are still really good people in this world! They don't just want to use us as weapons, Senjujuma was such a person back then, your thinking is too extreme! Besides, don’t you bow to humans now! It’s still the family we hate the most!”

After speaking, he looked at Uchiha Qiu.

Kyuubi proudly said: "Didn't you realize that my true self is not here? I am Kyuubi! Can't you see the relationship between me and Qiu! Hmph! Bull ghost! Your brain is indeed made of ink ! I am still thinking of sowing discord! You must know that he is the apprentice of Senshoujujian!"

Uchiha Akiza frowned and looked at the child on the top of Hachio's head and said: "You can't save that child if you go on like this. He can't bear your will at all, so he becomes weak. Your current protection can only be reluctant. Just let him live a few more days!"

Yao glanced at Uchiha Aki and said, "If he can make it through, then I believe he will definitely be my best partner. Do you think I can do anything to help him now that I am like this!"

Uchiha Qiu looked at Kyuubi as if he was asking what Kyuubi meant.

Seeing this, Jiuwei said casually: "Although this guy is a bit dark-hearted, he is still a good opponent! Help him!"

Uchiha Akio nodded and looked at Yao and said, "I can help you, so I hope you don't resist!"

Eight tails frowned and looked at Uchiha Qiu, then looked at nine tails and said: "You won't take the opportunity to trick me! Lama, you really signed a contract with this guy, not a seal!"

Kyuubi said impatiently: "Nonsense!"

After Kyuubi finished speaking, Kyuubi entangled the eight iron pillars and pulled them out forcefully, then shouted at Uchiha Qiu: "Hurry up, this seal can't bear the strength of me and the eight-tailed beasts, too! It will collapse for a long time!"

Uchiha Shuya quickly formed his handprint "Yin Yang escape!"

The black aura scattered from Uchiha Aki's body, and then Uchiha Aki jumped up and jumped to the top of Hachio's head.

Uchiha Qiu said at this time: "I can help him speed up the ability to withstand your chakra, but this will also cause you to suffer some trauma, but these traumas will recover within four to five years!"

Eight tails nodded and said: "I agree! You can shoot as much as you want!"

Uchiha Akio pressed one hand on the child's head, and the black chakra slowly entered the child's body, then Hachio gritted his teeth and said: "Didn't you say some trauma! Why is it so painful! Bastard ! Kyuubi, you did it on purpose! Ah!!!"

Uchiha Akira opened his eyes again and turned to look at Sandai Raikage and said, "It's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

The third Raikage turned his head and glanced at a cloud ninja, the cloud ninja stepped forward to check the child's condition, then looked at the third generation Raikage and said: "It's back to normal, the rabbi will wake up in a while! But my lord My suggestion is to stay here for a few days!"

The third Raikage nodded and then said to the other cloud ninja: "Send the message eagle, drive all the way into Yannin village!"

Uchiha Akira looked at the Third Raikage and said, "If I'm not mistaken, your ninja army has already reached the border of the Land of Earth!"

The third Raikage laughed and said: "That's right, even if you don't help us, we will attack Iwano, but I know that you are the commander Konoha who is here to stop Iwao, so I want you to help us solve the problem of Hachio That's all!"

Kyuubi said with his thoughts: "You have unclean hands and feet! It will take at least ten years for the bull ghost to be completely controlled by that brat. You have indirectly disabled the tailed beast of the land of thunder for ten years!"

Uchiha Qiuze replied: "He will do the first day of the junior high school and I will do the fifteenth day. No one will be harmed. He can force me to help him solve the problem of the eight tails. Why can't I cheat him and not use the eight tails for ten years! My cheapness is not That's a good deal!"

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