() Chapter 140 IX

"Master Tsunade may be a little abnormal! This situation should be a mental illness. The death of my best friend will be a big blow to Master Tsunade!"

Dashewan took a look at the document handed to him by the doctor beside him and said, "Has there been any cases of this symptom before?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "Most ninjas will have this kind of situation. There are many such situations, but the state of the patients is different! Some people will lose confidence, and some people will stagnate in strength from now on, but Gang The situation of Mr. Hand is afraid...!"

The doctor didn't go on, Dashewan glanced at the doctor and said, "I don't want the third person to know about this! Do you understand!"

The doctor nodded and left the ward.

Orochimaru walked up to Tsunade who was in a daze and said aloud: "Although you have not experienced many wars! But there are not many! How did you become like this!"

Tsunade turned his head and glanced at Orochimaru and said, "I just think war is really boring! Although this has nothing to do with my symptoms, how about it! Can my symptoms be relieved!"

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade and frowned and said: "You should know that this is just a mental illness! It cannot be solved by outsiders like us! Heart disease needs heart medicine! Not external help! If you really step over by yourself, Tsuna You really don't deserve the same name as me!"

Tsunade casually glanced at Orochimaru and said with a smile: "If you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it! The war killed my brother! Even my man can't stay with me for a long time because of the war. Orochimaru, you really don't hate War! Your parents...!"

"Enough! What do you know! What is war! How do you know what's in my heart? Neither you nor Jiraiya have really understood what's in my heart! We can't stop facing war just because it's terrible Avoiding because of fear is not something a real ninja does! Tsunade! I hope you can understand! Without war, there would be no Konoha! Without war, there would be no you and me! The world will be peaceful because of war in the future! It seems There is nothing wrong with you! I should go too!"

"Autumn! Where did you go!"

Just when Orochimaru walked to the door of the ward, Tsunade suddenly asked

Orochimaru smiled and said: "He went to fight for the war! No big deal! You have a good rest! The war is over!"

Just when Orochimaru walked out of the door, Tsunade looked up at the roof and muttered to himself: "It's time to go for a walk! Rest and rest!"

"Enough! Qiu! Close your eyes! Quick! If you don't close them! This island will be gone! It's too big! This is my home!"

"You know I can't control it! It's okay! At least I can still use the wooden escape now! Growing trees is not a problem!"

"Get out! What do you bastard know! Can your Wooden Dungeon restore this environment! What the fuck has been burned by your fire! I'm not blind if you're blind!"

"Damn! You bastard! You are looking for trouble! I just can't see what's wrong! Believe it or not, I will blow up this island!"

"Come on! I want to see what you will do if you blow up this place! You must know that your space ninjutsu is not permanent in the outside world!"


Uchiha Qiu lay down silently on the spot and sighed, "If I'm really blind! What should I do!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Qiu with disdain and said, "Aren't you really blind now!"

Uchiha Akio stretched out his middle finger and turned back to the sky, "This gesture is for you! But being blind is also very beneficial! At least only I can despise you and you can't despise me at all! Haha! Because I can't see!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Aki helplessly and said helplessly: "Your mood is recovering very well now!"

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "I've been blind for more than three months! What can I do if I don't get used to it! The task now is to control this Amaterasu! It doesn't need me to provide mental power, it can do it by itself. Keep getting stronger! I'm afraid that if this continues, I myself will be burned to ashes by this flame!"

Nine Tails thought for a while and said: "Don't you really plan to goug out those people's eyes? Although they are members of your clan! But as long as you ask! No one will refuse!"

Uchiha Qiu shook his head and said: "Everyone has their own destiny! I am fortunate to lose my life! I don't know how to use the method Kyuubi you said! But to be honest, the eagle is coming to the mainland soon! It's been more than ten years God!"

Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Qiu and asked suspiciously: "Why are you going back in this state now! If you meet Madara! Your grandfather will play you to death!"

Uchiha Qiu explained: "I want to find Orochimaru! It is better to have a doctor for treatment! After all, neither you nor I are real doctors! My strength is declining, and this decline must be stopped, otherwise I will really become a doctor. It's a waste!"

Kyuubi taunted: "Can you see the road, you blind man! Still looking for Orochimaru!"

Uchiha Qiu said with a smile: "You are my eyes!"


"Go left! No! Go right! Yes! Go on!"


"Wow! You really can't use the technique of perception anymore!"

"Nine Tails!!! You are courting death!"

"Hehe! Just kidding! Just kidding! If you really do, you will lose!"

Uchiha Qiu covered his head and scolded angrily: "Bastard! This is the first time! I believe you unconditionally! You still hate me! You are a beast!"

Kyuubi said casually: "Don't you think I'm human! Cut! Change the curse words! These words! I'm already immune!"


Nine Tails smiled and said: "Go! Otherwise you and I will sleep in this jungle again when it gets dark!"

Uchiha Qiu got up depressed and patted the dust on his body, saying: "This is actually the land of frost! Fortunately, it is not the land of water! Otherwise, I would really die without a place to die!"

Suddenly Nine-Tails cautiously looked into the distance and said, "En! This smell!?"

Uchiha Qiu asked: "What's wrong! What's going on!"

Kyuubi said: "You once said! That brat in Kakuzu is a medical ninja!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "Nonsense! Kakudo is a very good medical ninja, what are you asking him for! No! He is nearby!?"

"Well! He is nearby! Do you want to see him!? But in your current state! It would be bad if he betrayed!"

Uchiha Qiu smiled and said: "Money will never betray the master! Whatever he wants! I can give it! Kill me haha! Thinking too much! Even in this state! I am not at the mercy of others! "

"Little devil!"

The figure of Kyuubi came from behind Kakuzu, and Kakuzu turned to look at the fox on the tree and asked uncertainly, "Kyuubi!?"

Kyuubi impatiently jumped onto Kakuzu's shoulder and said, "It's not me! Who else! Go away, kid!"

Kakuzu looked around and said, "Uchiha Aki is nearby! Why are you looking for me! I have already cleaned up half of those ninjas! Isn't your Konoha war already over!"

Kyuubi explained: "I've encountered a little trouble! I need your help!"

Guided by Kyuubi, Kakudo walked out of a cave, looked outside the cave and saw Uchiha Qiu standing outside the cave and sneered, "Why do you have the time to come here to find me! What's the matter!"

Uchiha Qiu said, "Come in and say!"

After speaking, he walked into the cave

Jiaodu followed into the cave. In the dark cave, Jiaodu summoned a fireball with one hand and said in confusion: "What the hell is going on? You don't even light this cave!"

Uchiha Aki turned and pointed to his own eyes and said, "Because I'm blind!"

Jiao Du was taken aback, then frowned and said: "There is no information about your being attacked and injured! Didn't you defeat the Kingdom of Wind! What!?"

Uchiha Qiu explained: "Our family's problems! These are not the most important things now! I want you to help me!"

Jiaodu lowered his head, and the murderous intent flashed past, but it dissipated with the coughing sound from his shoulder.

"The one sitting on my shoulder is Kyuubi!"

Looking at Kyuubi's movements, Kakuzu knew that the distance was so close. If he was slapped by Kyuubi, he would be disabled even if he didn't die.

Then he walked to Uchiha Qiu's side, held Uchiha Qiu's wrist with one hand, and said in silence for a moment: "You are very weak! This situation must have lasted for a long time! I can't help you in this environment! Need Instruments and medicinal materials!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said, "I know! That's why I asked you to help me!"

Jiao Du sneered and said, "My price is very expensive! How much is your life worth!"

Uchiha Qiu said with a smile: "You should have accepted the country of receiving waves by now!"

Jiaodu nodded and said: "Not bad! Your roots! You have helped me remove all obstacles! I got it!"

"Besides the Land of Waves, when the war begins, the Land of Urls belongs to you! The economy belongs to you! The land belongs to Konoha!"

Kakudo thought for a moment and said: "That's it! Now you help me build the economy of the Kingdom of Waves! I want 60.00% of the economy of the entire country! The same is true for the Kingdom of Vortex!"

After listening to Kakuzu's words, Uchiha Qiu smiled and said: "You are very shrewd! But! It's not the time yet!"

Jiaodu nodded and said, "I know! All I want is money! Now I only collect tens of millions a month! What I want is more!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "Got it! I promise you! Now you help me find someone first! There should be a secret base in the northwest! Take me there! But before you go, write a letter for me and send it to Roots!"

Jiaodu asked suspiciously: "Send the letter! Why didn't you write it yourself!"

Uchiha Akira looked at Kakuzu with disdain and said, "A blind man writes a letter! Who can understand it! Don't you let me count on it!" After speaking, he pointed to Kyuubi.

Just as Kakudo was about to turn his head, he heard Nine Tails growl

"Don't look at me! Brat! Qiu! I'm a beast! Not a human! How can I know your human words!"

"Sacred Beast!? Disaster! Who in this world is stupid enough to say that you are a divine beast! Pull it out for me!"

"Screw you! You are just a blind man now! You have no right to blame me!"




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