Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 164 The Future of This World

() Chapter 160 IV

"Can you really make an eternal loop power core for me!?" Scorpion asked suspiciously behind Uchiha Aki

"So much nonsense! I can extract chakra! This matter is very simple for me! Since you need it, follow me!" Uchiha Qiu said with his ear

Xie walked and said: "Loulan ahead! The longan there can really help me! But once the chakra in that place leaves a certain range, it will be completely ineffective! I tried it! It didn't work!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said, "I know that effect! I can control it! Kyuubi, explain to him!"

Scorpion glanced at the fox on Uchiha Aki's shoulder and frowned, "This little animal?!"

"Your whole family are small animals! I don't bother to talk to you!" The Nine-Tailed Roaring Scorpion grew a tail made of a tailed beast and swept towards the scorpion.

The scorpion dodged Nine-Tails' attack, and Nine-Tails opened its mouth to reveal a small tailed beast bomb.

Two people and one beast stood outside a stone house, and Uchiha Qiu quickly stopped Nine-Tails' attack, "Hey! Don't vomit, this place has a warning barrier! It won't be fun if it explodes!"

Scorpion looked at the surrounding environment and nodded and said: "The enchantment here is commonly used by Sand Ninja! But I have never heard of any connection between Sand Ninja and this country! How strange! I will untie it, this kind of enchantment It is specially set up to deal with the puppets! It can easily separate the chakra from the puppets, so that the puppets become a bunch of parts. But the disadvantage is also extremely obvious, the range is small, and it is extremely difficult to release!"

As he said that, Scorpion walked up to a wall and punched the wall, a layer of light curtain appeared, and then a layer of the same light curtain appeared on Scorpion's hand and blended into it, and disappeared in front of Uchiha Qiu.

After a while, the stone door in front of the two opened automatically, and Xie stepped out of it, looked at Uchiha Qiu and said, "Where is Longan!"

Uchiha Qiu shook his head and said: "Let's not go to the location where the longan is, what I want to do is to extract the chakra of the longan, and here is a fulcrum for the connection between Loulan longan and the earth veins, which can be used! You can also don't need to be disturbed! "

Uchiha Akio stood in the center of the stone house and looked around, then squatted down and pressed the ground with one hand, closed his eyes and said, "This is the fulcrum I want to find, it's very good! Take a look!"


The white samurai wrapped Uchiha Aki's whole body, waving a long sword with his limbs and piercing Uchiha Aki's surroundings respectively, forming an enchantment.

Uchiha Akiu emitted white silk-like Chakra from one hand and penetrated into the ground, and then a blue light was pulled out of the ground by the white silk-like Chakra. Uchiha Akio stood up and looked at the scorpion and said: "In our In this enchantment, everything is static, that is to say, even chakra will not dissipate, but will continue to run. I will help you make two small power cores to see how it looks! Anyway, I There is plenty of time now, this time I will help you solve this kind of thing at once."

Scorpion nodded and said: "As long as I look at a style first, I can determine what I need!"

Uchiha Akio put the blue chakra in his hand on his chest and continuously released the red chakra into it with both hands, and then the color of the chakra also turned into deep red, and then turned into a chakra less than the palm of his hand. The size of the chakra ball.

Uchiha Akiu pointed to the chakra ball and said: "A small chakra ball is created by the fusion of the chakra of the nine tails and the chakra of the dragon veins, which can form a small cycle. This one can completely destroy the entire Loulan. This is what I call the so-called careful power core! See how it goes!"

After speaking, he threw the chakra ball in his hand to the scorpion.

Scorpion took the chakra ball and asked very curiously: "How do you do this kind of thing, even I can touch this kind of thing with my hands!"

Uchiha Qiu smiled and said: "This kind of thing is wrapped by my ninjutsu Susano, all you can touch, feel free to check."

Scorpion looked at the chakra ball seriously for a long time before saying: "When I'm older, I don't think this kind of thing is permanent! What I want is permanent motivation!"

Uchiha Qiu thought for a while and said, "I can make one, just wait!"

Then Uchiha Aki pulled out the blue chakra from the ground again and fused it with the nine-tailed chakra again. The continuous fusion took longer this time, and the eyes of the chakra ball also turned black and red. Uchiha Akio carefully held the chakra ball in his hand and looked at the scorpion and said: "This is my limit! This kind of thing can be recycled indefinitely. As long as you don't use too much, it can continuously supply you to extract chakra! "

Scorpion walked to Uchiha Qiu and took the chakra ball and said, "This thing!?"

"Be careful, if this thing blows up, I may not be able to dodge it! Even I may not die and peel off my skin! You will definitely die!" Uchiha Qiujing warned

Suddenly a figure fell from the sky and hit Scorpion's body directly, and the chakra bullets fell along with it.



The moment the chakra bomb fell, the tail of the nine tails suddenly appeared and wrapped the chakra ball.

Uchiha Akio broke into a cold sweat immediately, and shouted angrily at the person who appeared suddenly: "My mother! Who is it! You scared me to death!"

"Hey! Here it is!" The man stood up and looked around, then he saw Uchiha Qiuyi.


"Go away!" Scorpion, who was stepped on by the man, was furious and directly swept the boy away.

Scorpion just wanted to attack again, but Uchiha Qiu directly stopped him and said, "Can you sense his existence?"

Scorpion was taken aback, then frowned and shook his head.

Uchiha Qiu said again: "It's so close, I can't even perceive the existence of this guy. You must know that my perception technique is the best in the world!"

Kyuubi jumped onto Uchiha Aki's shoulder, then looked at the man who was smashed against the wall and said, "He has my aura on him! Something is wrong! This aura is very similar to the contract you and I signed, But I don't remember who I signed a contract with besides you!"

The man who was hit by the scorpion got up from the ground and looked at Uchiha Qiu and shouted: " are the grandfather in the portrait!"

"Portrait!? Autumn! Are you dead! Grandpa! Hahaha! This kid is actually calling you a grandfather! Hahaha!" Kyuubi fell directly from Uchiha Aki's shoulder to the ground and laughed

Uchiha Qiuze was very puzzled, "Naruto! How could he be here! The fourth generation is not married yet! It's really strange, even now I still don't perceive his breath, what is the situation!"

Uchiha Akio looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a frown and said in a deep voice, "How did you get to us! It's so silent!"

Naruto was very happy looking at Uchiha Qiu, knowing that Uchiha Qiu was surrounded by Uchiha Qiu and said, "It's really grandpa! Why is grandpa in such a place! It's so strange !"

Uchiha Qiu looked at Naruto's expression as if he was visiting a zoo, kicked him away and said, "Where did you come from! Tell me clearly."


Several puppets broke through the roof of the stone house and fell from the sky towards Uchiha Aki and the others.

Uzumaki Naruto was about to fight back, when Uchiha Aki waved a black flame with one hand and appeared out of thin air, directly burning all the puppets to ashes.Uzumaki Naruto looked at Uchiha Qiu in surprise and shouted: "Grandpa is so powerful! So strong!"

Uchiha Qiu looked at Scorpion and said: "This should be enough for you. If it's not enough, go to Konoha to find me. Didn't I already tell you the codes and other signs! Then you go to the city with that token." Just find me!"

Scorpion nodded, took the two chakra bullets in Uchiha Aki's hand, sealed them in the scroll and said, "I got it! I'm going first! This brat!"

Uchiha Akio shook his head and pointed at Uzumaki Naruto's forehead and said: "My Konoha's ninja, although I have never seen it! But! This forehead is a symbol!"

Scorpion then turned around and disappeared in the sight of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Akio.

"What's your name, brat!" Kyuubi looked at Uzumaki Naruto and asked

"Hey! Lama! You are here too! No! Why didn't my body sense it! How strange! You don't even know what my name is!" Naruto looked at Kyuubi with contempt and mocked

Uchiha Qiu looked up at the broken skylight of the stone house and said, "It's time to go! There are a lot of locusts appearing again! How annoying!"

As he spoke, he raised Uzumaki Naruto with one hand and disappeared in place.

In a forest, Uchiha Qiu appeared again with Uzumaki Naruto, then threw it on the ground and said, "Little devil! Answer my question! Where did you appear from!"

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the woods and then knelt in front of Uchiha Qiu and said: "Konoha Kamizu Yamato and Tenzo have met adults, he is Konoha's Genin Uzumaki Naruto!"

Uchiha Akio frowned and looked at the ninja who appeared, and said in confusion: "I can't even perceive you! What method did you use, Konoha's Jonin, I shouldn't forget your face !"

Just as Yamato Tenzo was about to speak, there was a burst of space fluctuations, involving Naruto and Yamato Tenzo, and disappeared in front of Uchiha Aki.

Uchiha Qiu looked at the two people who disappeared and said in a deep voice: "It's not space ninjutsu! It's time ninjutsu!"

Kyuubi also said in a deep voice: "That brat said you were on the portrait just now! If it's a time ninjutsu! He should be from the future! Seeing that he is only a teenager! Qiu! You died very early!"

Uchiha Qiu smiled and said: "I don't think so, hehe! I want to die! I will change history! And the time wormhole they were involved in is not going back to the original, but sending it back to a point again, I can still find them! This time, I must ask clearly! I didn’t ask about the most important thing!”

Kyuubi wondered: "The cause of your death!"

"That brat who calls me grandpa, who are the parents! Could it be Kushina's son!?" Uchiha Akio gritted his teeth.

"You care about your daughter so much!"

"Fuck! That's my daughter! I can't even ask who my son-in-law is! As long as it's not Namikaze Minato, or marry a beggar! I don't mind!"

"...! Don't say I know you!"

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