Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 169 Tranquility Before the War - Chunin Exam

() Chapter 160 IX

"Here! This is the Gravity Barrier! But the weakness is also obvious, that is, once there is chakra interference, it will be invalid!" Orochimaru walked up to Uchiha Aki and handed the scroll in his hand to Uchiha Aki

Uchiha Akio took the scroll and opened it and looked at it, "Well! Not bad! Simple and practical, Kai's last shortcoming has also been made up! From now on, it's up to him!"

"It hasn't come out yet! It's really slow!" Da Shemaru looked at an indoor gymnasium in front of him and said

"It's only an hour! It should be soon!" Uchiha Qiu said with a smile

"Mitekai's body was checked by me a few days ago. His current body alone can withstand the full thrust of ordinary ninja without any damage. You are creating a human-tailed beast!" Orochimaru said with emotion

"You and I are not the kind of ninjas who are pure body arts, and I can only give him some opinions. When I was reading in the Temple of Fire, I found that one of the books mentioned the saying of the flesh-bodied King Kong. I didn't expect it to be true. Maitekai succeeded!" Uchiha Akio said happily

"A masculine ninja is easy to break, but a ninja that surpasses masculinity is a human-tailed beast! Maitekai's strength will be immeasurable in ten years! Your teachings and the taijutsu data left by the second Hokage are really terrible !” Orochimaru thought for a while and said

Uchiha Qiu sighed: "Hey! It's a pity! I found only one person in this village! Even you and I can't bear the boring and lonely!"

Orochimaru also sighed: "It's really unimaginable, how could that child have such confidence! Hmph! What a wonderful flower!"

"How is your research on the information left by Beiliuhu! I have already found three people for you! You have received it!"

"En! I have absorbed it, and there are still two short. After the cycle of the five elements, maybe I can integrate the immortal law into it again. At that time, my strength will become the second strongest in the village! You are above ten thousand people!" Orochimaru He lowered his head and said confidently

"Congratulations! This kind of thing is really weird, have you figured out the name of the ninjutsu!"

"The original name was Onima Luo Zhiju, which was too childish. The ninjutsu I changed is called Hachi no Jutsu!"

"Hachi's Art!? Snake!"

"En! In the transformation form, because of the fairy art, my body will turn into a snake!"

"Really! Jiraiya transformed into a fairy and is a toad! You transformed into a snake! You two are born to be at odds!"

"I don't see him now, Qiu! After the war, you and I will fight!"

"We'll talk about it when the time comes! Depends on your mood! Ah! The disciple has come out! I won't chat with you anymore!"

After Uchiha Qiu finished speaking, he walked to where his apprentice and Kakashi were

"Teacher!" Maitkai quickly bowed when he saw Uchiha Qiu approaching.

"Cut! Who am I! Old man!" Kakashi looked at Uchiha Qiu with contempt


"I'm your godfather anyway! Be respectful!" Uchiha Shu slapped Kakashi on the head and educated

Then Uchiha Akio looked at the two of them and said: "Kakashi thinks you haven't given you any gift for so long, this time I will give it to you at once! Let's go, you two will go with me to the ninja training ground!"

Uchiha Qiu stood in the training ground and looked at Maitekai and said: "I told you once! You will become the strongest among the taijutsu ninjas! But I am not a taijutsu ninja, so I can only give You definitely have a suggestion, today is the time for you to become a teacher!"

After speaking, he took out two scrolls from his pocket and threw them to Maitekai, saying: "Among these two scrolls, one of them is a gravity enchantment, which can increase gravity for yourself! It is convenient for your future training, and the rest The next one is the physical scroll, which contains several physical attack ninjutsu. You must learn it before the second test!"

Maitekai bowed and said, "I will try my best!"

Uchiha Qiu smiled and sighed: "That's all I can help you with! The rest of the road is up to you!"

After speaking, he looked at Kakashi and said, "Your attribute is lightning, and I will teach you my strongest lightning escape today!"

Grab the lightning with one hand and condense it in your hand

"This ninjutsu is called chidori, maybe you have seen it before! Because I gave it to your father"

With a flash of white light, Uchiha Aki charged straight at a thick tree and chopped it off in half.

Then the thunder fire in his hand reappeared and charged straight into the ground for 1 minute.


The entire training ground shook violently for a while, and a large pit with a range of more than 40 meters and a depth of nearly [-] meters appeared in front of Kakashi

"This is a divine strike. It was not used in this way, and the effect is not very good. Chidori and divine strike are both single-body attack ninjutsu. Its nature is penetrating, and its power is only when it hits the target. It will only appear at that moment. You must be careful when using God Strike, because this ninjutsu is within the attack range of ten meters, and even the tailed beast may be killed!"

After speaking, Uchiha Qiu took out two scrolls from his arms and threw them to Kakashi

"Thank you! God... Godfather!"

Looking at the shy Kakashi Uchiha Qiu smiled and said: "Fun is fun, you study hard now! I'll go first!"

Uchiha Akira sat on the bench in the secret room and looked at Orochimaru who was doing the experiment and said: "I haven't found the body of the ten tails, and I can't use the natural technique of reincarnation! Hey! It's annoying!"

"You are annoying! Can you not bother me! I am very busy! Really! Do you use this as your complaint room! Why do you have to ask me to listen to your complaints! Do you dare to get out!" Da Shewan while doing experiments

"Oshemaru! You are so heartless!"

A very greasy voice suddenly appeared close to Orochimaru's ear


Orochimaru shook his hand and made a mistake in an experiment, and the huge explosion directly blew him away

"Get out! Get out! I really want to kill you! This is an experiment that I have been working on for half a year! Uchiha Qiu! You are a bastard! Evil snake winding!"

Orochimaru, half of his face blacked out, looked very embarrassed, but he cursed at Uchiha Aki with seals on his hands

"You're busy! You're busy! I'll go first!" Uchiha Akira looked at the furious Orochimaru and thought that he had overplayed himself, so he turned and fled towards the secret room

Uchiha Qiu escaped from the secret room, looked up at the sky and sighed: "Hey! It's so annoying! Who should I go to?"

A cold sweat suddenly broke out behind the heads of the Konoha executives

Uchiha Qiu didn't go to anyone again but returned home and sat in the gazebo meditating

At this time Nine Tails suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Aki, turned his head very cryptically and blinked

Kushina's figure appeared in the corner of Uchiha Qiu's eyes, and Kushina quietly left again

"I said! That boy named Namikaze Minato is still very good! It's really not wrong for Kushina to marry him!"

"What did they treat you to eat!" Uchiha Qiu asked suddenly

"Not much! It's only a ton of barbecue...!" Kyuubi immediately covered his mouth

Uchiha Akira opened his mouth and made a knowing expression.Then he looked at Kyuubi with disdain, "I'll buy you off with a ton of meat! You're really cheap!"

"Cut! Uncle's future food will be provided by them for free! Eh! I'm that kid who's more pleasing to the eye, no other meaning! At least he's more generous than you, Kushina has been begging me for three days!" Nine-tailed heart still Even if Uchiha Aki sees through, he will stop talking nonsense

"Where did the two of them get so much money! I'm stingy, all of Jiu Xinnai's money is mine, and with your stomach, the millions they earn for each mission is enough for you to eat! Cut! I'm too lazy to say , what you ate was all reimbursed by our family! One ton will send you away! I invite you to eat ten tons of barbecue, how about you go to be Konoha's door god!" Uchiha Qiu looked at Kyuubi and said mockingly

"Hey! Really! I am upset now, I don't bother to take care of their affairs! As long as Namikaze Minato can do what I want, it is not difficult to get them married. I don't have time to take care of their affairs now!" Uchiha · Qiu sighed and said again.

"What's the matter! You've been restless for the past few days! Tell me!" Nine Tails asked suspiciously

"I was thinking that if I can use the natural reincarnation technique at the beginning of the war, then our Konoha will be invincible soon!"

"Invincible! You think too much!"

"Think about it! Every time the war is over, I use the natural reincarnation technique to resurrect all the dead teammates! What a cool thing that is, the ninjas will rush forward without fear of death, and will become more powerful than others. Now it's even fiercer and fiercer!"

"Qiu! You are crazy! Even if you can use the innate art of reincarnation, it is impossible to release it unlimitedly! I have never seen the old man release that kind of ninjutsu infinitely, you are crazy!"

"I'm just thinking about it! But now I don't even have a heretic golem! It can't be used at all! Really!"

"If you have the ability, create another ten-tailed one!"

"Hmm! What did you just say!"

"You are crazy!"

"No! Next sentence!"

"Make a ten-tailed one, no... no! You... what do you want!"

Uchiha Qiu stood up and looked at Nine Tails and said, "Why didn't I think about it! Since the Six Paths Sage can create your nine tailed beasts with ten tails, why can't I recreate them based on your nine tailed beasts?" Ten tails!"

"Don't play around! Do you want to kill us!?" Kyuubi looked at Uchiha Shuna's glowing eyes and said guiltily

"No! No! That's not what I mean! Use the nature of your tail beasts to fuse to create a small ten-tailed, no! Dragon veins should also help! The chakra there is almost infinite! If you charge it If so! Maybe I can create a perfect ten-tailed! Haha! When the old man wants to surprise Konoha Station and get arrogant at Konoha’s gate, the teacher, teacher’s wife, and the second generation will all stare at him! Quack! Look! What would his old man think!"

Uchiha Akigoshi said the more excited he looked at Kyuubi and said again, "Kyuubi! Help me!"

Kyuubi covered his face on the table and said speechlessly: "You killed me! I don't want to live anymore! Am I burying the detonator? Let me blow it up!"

Uchiha Akio grabbed Kyuubi who was about to run away, pressed him on his shoulder and said, "Start with Yao first! Get his approval!"

"Can I die first! It's enough for me to look at you! Crazy!" Kyuubi wailed helplessly

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