Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 300 The Real Dream

Chapter [-]

"My lord, this is the itinerary for the two children for these two days." An Anbu ninja appeared in front of Chen and put a document on the table

"Well, I see, you pay close attention to them, but don't take any action, including when they are attacked or attacked!" Chen picked up the document and looked at Anbu Ninja and said.

"Understood!" Anbu Ninja said and disappeared into the office

"They're looking for something! Where will the fulcrum of this world be? Should I help them? If I don't help them, I'll return to reality. ash

"I said! Sakura, can we still go back!" Naruto said with a sense of loss on the way back to the hotel

"Naruto must have confidence! How could we have been trapped in this fantasy world! Don't you want to see your parents?" Sakura smiled and cheered Naruto

"Maybe this world is too beautiful! Don't you really feel this way! This world is really too beautiful!" Naruto said with a slight smile, looking at Sakura

"No matter how good it is, it's not real!" Sakura said in a deep voice.

A gray figure suddenly appeared, Naruto turned into a golden light and stood in front of Sakura, the figure quickly punched Naruto's neck, Naruto drew out his ninja knife and slashed at the figure, and the figure transformed into a small blue light with one hand An imaginary hand appeared to block Naruto's attack and directly pressed Naruto and Sakura to the ground

"Heaven guards the feet"

Sakura stomped on the ground violently to force the man back, but a black chain appeared in front of the man and pierced into the ground, the trembling ground instantly became calm, Naruto struggled out of his phantom arm, two hands condensed into two The spiral pill rushed towards the figure, and the figure stretched out the gray chakra with one hand, spreading out like fog from the palm of his hand, enveloping Naruto, and the spiral pill also dissipated


Seeing that Naruto was captured, Sakura threw out countless kunai to help Naruto, who knew that the shadow appeared with one hand and a black hole swallowed all of the kunai, and the shadow tore Naruto's shirt and saw Naruto's body A special imprint of Naruto directly drew out the long knife and cut off the piece of skin with the special imprint. The knife technique was so superb that no blood flowed out when cutting off Naruto's skin.

Naruto disappeared again and appeared ten meters away, clutching the wound on his abdomen, looked at the man and gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell are you trying to do!"

"Naruto" Sakura ran to the side of Naruto who passed out just after speaking, and used medical ninjutsu to treat the knife wound on Naruto's abdomen

"That's it!" The figure looked carefully at the mark on the leather and nodded.


A golden light appeared on the roof again, and Minato Namakaze appeared in front of the figure. Kunai stabbed directly at the figure's face. The figure blocked the attack of Minato Namakaze with a long knife in one hand, and Minato Namikaze disappeared behind the figure. Kunai quickly attacked again Stabbing at the waist of the shadow, the shadow tore off the robe and turned it into a shield between Namikaze Minato and himself, and kicked Namakaze Minato back with one hand on the ground, Namikaze Minato retreated a few meters and disappeared again, approaching the shadow with a punch Hitting the figure's abdomen, the figure was knocked into the air and at the same time grabbed Namikaze Minato's hand and dragged it into his arms. Namakaze Minato pulled out a special kunai from his waist again and stabbed the figure , the figure held Namikaze Minato's arm joints with one hand, and the red light flashed for a moment, and the sound of bone shattering came out immediately, and the figure kicked the crest Mizuna's abdomen and kicked him away. Namikaze Minato fell to the ground and quickly stood up, the figure Immediately, a sword pierced the place where Namikaze Minato just bottomed out.

"So strong!"

Namakaze Minato looked at the figure with a frown

"Flying Thunder God Slash!?"

Waving Kunai, the confident Namikaze Minato was suddenly stuck in the neck, and was directly smashed into the ground by a force. The figure disappeared into the night sky

"It hurts so much!" Namikaze Minato stood up and looked at the sky that there was no trace of that figure, and then walked to Naruto and Sakura and asked with concern: "You two are alright!"

Sakura shook her head and looked at the unconscious Naruto and said, "I'm fine, Naruto needs treatment!"

"Is he called Naruto too! It's the same name as my newborn son!" Namikaze Minato said, picking up Naruto and walking to the Ninja Hospital

Uchiha family residence

Chen appeared in his room out of nowhere, took off the black ninja clothes and burned them to ashes, then sat at the table and turned on the light, carefully looked at the bloody human skin mark in his hand and said to himself for a long time: " A quarter! So it is!"


"How is that child! Tsunade-sama!" Minato Namikaze asked concerned when he saw Tsunade pushing the door outside the emergency room

"You care about this child! Could it be your illegitimate child!" Tsunade joked while looking at Namakaze Minato with a smirk

"Sir, stop joking! It's just that I want to ask that child!" Namikaze Minato quickly explained

"It's nothing serious, it's just that there is a special chakra on the wound that disrupts his own chakra. It seems that the person who attacked the child should be a good player who uses Yin attribute chakra! You should also be careful, that kind of ninja is very good at Murder in secret!" Tsunade said seriously

"I see! Can that child see people now!" Namikaze Minato nodded and asked

"Wait a while!" Tsunade said and left the emergency room

"What a strange child! It feels so familiar!" Namikaze Minato said to himself with a smile, thinking of the sudden sense of intimacy that appeared in his heart when he met that child last night.


Dust left Konoha alone and spent three days rushing to a small island at the border between the land of thunder and the land of water. Looking at the surrounding environment, Chen slowly walked into the woods and walked through the woods for about 10 minutes. There is a magnificent palace in sight

The Konoha logo shone on the gate of the palace, and there were four gigantic giant King Kongs all around, with angry eyes. As soon as Chen raised his legs and wanted to walk towards the palace, a gloomy aura spread from the palace, knocking Chen to the palace. windbreaker

"So that's it! It's my own enchantment, Naruto used my technique to hide the loopholes in this world!" Chen took two steps back and said to himself with a smile

"Psychic · Di Shitian"

A huge stone man fell from the sky, and all the four King Kongs guarding the palace rushed to the dust. Di Shitian swept the subduing magic pestle and knocked out one King Kong.

"Rakshasa God"

Behind Chen, a Vajra phantom appeared with four arms and held down the two Vajras. At this moment, the golden light flashed and directly scattered the Rakshasa, and Chen's hands quickly formed a complex formation at Chen's feet.

"Yin and Yang!" Chen yelled loudly and quickly took out Naruto's skin from his arms. The mark on the skin emitted a golden light, and the four King Kongs turned into golden dust and dissipated, and the palace collapsed immediately. A glass ball appeared above the ruins

Chen walked up to look at the nine Gouyu eyes in the glass ball and frowned and said, "It's not the leader. It seems that Ah Fei didn't use the eyes of reincarnation to control the world. The pupil beast doesn't know which one is better, you or Zhulong." strong!"

A huge explosion appeared in front of Chen and directly blasted Chen away. Nine tailed beasts appeared at the same time and opened their mouths to condense the tailed beast jade.

The dust grabs the ground and slides back dozens of meters, quickly forming a print

"Psychic·Great Freedom"

A huge gap was torn in the sky, a four-armed vajra sitting on a rosette appeared, and a huge swastika appeared in the sky with four arms together, directly crushing the tailed beast.

The tailed beast jade and the swastika seal collided with the nine tailed beasts, and the whole island was blown up, and the dust stepped on the water surface, and his body was wrapped in golden light, rushing towards the nine tailed beasts

"Give me something!" The man in the animal mask appeared and shouted at Chen


King Kong punched the first five-tailed and four-tailed beasts, and then the red King Kong appeared and threw four chains of fire in his hands to hit the four-tailed beasts. Suddenly a storm blew up in the sea. Di Shitian rushed out from the bottom of the sea and flew directly into the sky. He grabbed Jiuwei by the neck and pushed him into the sea. Then Shuhe quickly appeared behind Chen Chen and swept him away with his tail. Dust The moment he was knocked into the air, he disappeared again, and then Raksha Tianzun appeared from the top of Shuhe's head with four arms and combined two fists, directly smashed on the top of Shuhe's head and sent him into the sea

"The Big Spiral"

A black rotating spiral pill appeared in front of Chen, and directly shattered the fantasy of Luosha Tianzun, smashed it on Chen's arm, and blew it up directly. Chen laughed wildly and swung one hand quickly, chopping at the animal mask man's waist cut it in half

The two-tailed cat took advantage of the dust falling from the sky again, opened its mouth wide and swallowed the dust directly into its stomach, but in only three seconds, the two-tailed cat had to open its mouth again and spit out the flame dust, and directly penetrated the second-tailed cat's stomach with its naked upper body out

Five-tailed King Mu quickly approached Jiao Dingchen from a distance, Xu Zuo Neng appeared four swords and directly cut off King Mu's horn, and then Luosha Tianzun appeared again and knocked King Mu into the water

Not far away, Nine-Tails roared wildly, opened its mouth wide and bit off one of Di Shitian's arms forcefully, and for this he received dozens of punches from Di Shitian, and the teeth in his mouth kept falling out. Ti Shitian grabbed his neck and pressed him to the surface of the sea

Chen's one-handed hand imprinted green rays of light, and the right arm shattered by the black spiral pill quickly grew by itself, and then looked at Erwei and Wuwei who were lying on the ground and smiled and said to the animal mask man: "You have not yet Tell me what's your name!"

"What's your real name!" the masked man asked in a deep voice

"Uchiha Qiu! I never lie! Until death!" Chen said with a smile

"Mianma!" The face-faced man also came out and said his name.

"You can't die! These tailed beasts were collected by you! It saves you trouble, you are the source of all evil in the whole world, you can't die! Because without you, the source of all evil, how can I highlight my justice? ! Live well! Now you are no match for me at all! I will keep this thing!" Chen lightly smiled and shook the glass ball in his hand, then disappeared into his numb eyes

ps: The new year is here, and it can be regarded as a traditional festival. Congratulations on finding your other half (friends) in the new tomorrow!

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