Chapter 61

It took the people about ten days to come to the affiliated village of Rain Ninja Village in the Country of Rain. Under the enlightenment of these few days, Gu Jie did not bow his head and say nothing like before, but began to talk to everyone gradually. communicated.

After staying in a hotel, Mito Menyan saw Uchiha Aki talking with a strange man.

When the strange man left, Uchiha Aki turned around and saw Mito Menyan who was observing him and walked over with a smile.Walking closer, he smiled at Mitomonyan and said, "Brother, why have you become an Anbe ninja, and you are monitoring me too!?"

Faced with Uchiha Aki's ridicule, Mitomonyan did not fight back, but was silent for a while and said in a deep voice: "Sometimes I really don't understand! I really don't understand!"

Uchiha Qiuyi smiled and said: "I don't understand what! What you said is not clear, what do you not understand?"

"Gen! Why are you always keen to do such dark things! And you still enjoy it!" Mito said, looking at Uchiha Aki seriously.

Uchiha Akio smiled silently, looked at the endless stream of people around him and said with a seemingly casual smile: "Someone has to do it! Although these things make people feel dirty and shameful, but someone has to do it." !"

All of Mito's words turned into a sigh, and then he said: "Danzo is really a good manager, he has the qualifications and ability to become Hokage, but..."

Uchiha Akio interrupted Mitomenyan's words with a smile and said: "Many people have said this! Besides, don't remember things that have been settled. It is correct to look forward. Besides... .”

Uchiha Akio paused and looked at the surrounding crowd and said in a deep voice, "Brother Danzo has no chance, has he?"

Mitomonyan knew in his heart what opportunity Uchiha Akira was talking about, and sighed helplessly in his heart, thinking: "Yes! How could he still have a chance, whether it's you Uchiha Aki, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, or even It’s Tsunade, there are too many geniuses in Konoha, and when they all grow up, it’s time for the fourth Hokage campaign! It’s impossible for Danzo to have any more chances.” Mitomen Yan thought of this and laughed He smiled and shook his head, then sighed aloud: "Too many geniuses is a kind of misfortune!"

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "Maybe this is the fate of Danzo brother! Everything is not as good as competition, everything is perfect, but you can't always get the best results. These are now in the past. It’s worth mentioning, since you can’t become Konoha’s sun, maybe it’s a good choice to be a root buried deep in the ground, trying to protect it in obscurity.”

Mitomonyan smiled from the bottom of his heart and didn't speak, thinking about all the memories of the past in his heart, he thought: "Yes! Everything can't be competed with, but everything is perfect, Every time he is praised, it is always Riku, and what he does is always taken for granted. Even if the task fails, it will be considered a difficult task and will not be embarrassed and reprimanded. Hey Danzo! I really don’t know what to do What can I say about you!"


"My lord, Konoha's ninjas have reached the alert range of our Ninja Village, do you want to greet them personally?" A Urenin knelt down on one knee and said to Hanzo who was practicing.

Danzo, who was closing his eyes, suddenly looked at his eyes, and the sharp eyes pierced the ninja who reported to him, so he didn't dare to look at him, and then asked, "Who are all here?"

Yu Shino replied: "Konoha high-level Mito Menyan and the governor of the Uchiha family!"

After hearing this, Hanzo laughed at himself and said: "Even the name of a demigod can't make the major ninja countries look up to our Urenin village. The country of earth is like this, the country of wind is like this, and Konoha is like this. One day I will It will make a deep impression on you!"

Then he got up and walked slowly towards the door, saying as he walked, "Hide everything that should be hidden, and don't show any signs, understand! I'm going to meet Konoha, the ninja in the most powerful country!"


Everyone was eating in the dining room of the hotel. While talking and laughing, Uchiha Qiu suddenly looked outside the door and said, "Wow! You came to see us directly, shouldn't there be some etiquette!"

Mito Menyan, who was eating, was taken aback and said, "He's here?"

Uchiha Aki nodded.

Akimichi Torikaze looked at Uchiha Aki in surprise and said, "Your perception doesn't require any spells, it's comparable to your teacher's!"

Uchiha Akio smiled helplessly and opened his hands to explain: "It's not because I'm strong, but because of his domineering side!"

Immediately, Mitomonyan turned his head and looked around and said to Akimichi Haruka: "Go find Jiraiya and the others, and bring them to my room. It's best not to come out. You and Kosuke protect those three boys."

Akimichi Torikaze nodded, at this time Uchiha Aki said with a smile: "It's not a good way to show that the enemy is weak!" Then he shouted to the surroundings: "Kusuke! Kosuke! Go and kill them The three called to come and see God!"

"God? What the hell!" Qiu Daofeng asked suspiciously.

Then Uchiha Qiu pointed to the door with one hand and said, "Here we come!"

I saw a ninja walking into the hall suddenly, looked around after entering the hall, then saw Uchiha Qiu's uniform, and said: "Fire fans! You should be Konoha's messenger group, and You are the Uchiha's house governor!"

Facing Hanzo with a slightly provocative tone, Uchiha Shu casually leaned against the wall and said, "I was the one who gave you the order to attack the ninjas of the Land of the Wind back then! Sanshoyu Hanzo-sama!"

Hanzo frowned slightly and said, "It's no wonder that the governor of the Uchiha family is still as domineering as ever!"

At this time, Mito Menyan said aloud: "Master Hanzo, as the leader of Urenin Village, is it too impatient to meet here today?"

"In the mountains and fields of the country of rain, there is not so much spare money to go through the so-called ceremonies. Three days later, our country of rain will hold a simple ceremony in Yuren village to declare my position as the leader of Yuren village! Today I'm being reckless, so I'll leave now! See you in three days!" Hanzo said with a smile, turned around and left the dining room.

Seeing that Hanzo had already left, Akimichi Tekkaze said mockingly, "He doesn't even have the slightest bit of temper to order such a thing, this time he may really have found a ghost!"

Mitomenyan thought for a while and said: "What does he mean? This sudden visit and then hastily left, it seems that even if there is nothing tricky here, for this leader, we have to change our strategy towards the Land of Rain !"

Uchiha Qiuqi walked out and said: "I'll go outside to have a look, you don't have to worry about me, oh! That's right! I didn't pay for the meal!"

After finishing speaking, he flashed away and disappeared at the door, Akimichi Torikaze gritted his teeth and said, "This damned bastard, is he an iron cock! He did such an obscene thing, I'll go after him!" Before Mitomonyan could react, Then rushed out of the dining room.

Mito Menyan looked at the two fleeing people with contempt and said to himself: "These can be reimbursed, what two idiots!"


The sky is constantly raining lightly, and it has never stopped, rain!rain!rain!There has never been a place in the Land of Rain that does not rain. Uchiha Aki walked slowly on the street, walked out of the village, and stopped in a dense forest.

I saw Uchiha Qiu said with a smile: "Don't release the illusion in front of our Uchiha family!"

At this time, ten meters in front of Uchiha Qiu, many raindrops gradually formed a human figure, and then a voice came out, "It is indeed a bit of a trick to release illusions in front of your Uchiha family! But the old man still wants to see it and convey it to me." Is the ordered Konoha ninja qualified?" The person who came was the Sansho Hanzo who hurriedly left just now.

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "I'm so happy!"

Just after Uchiha Qiu replied, the raindrops around Sansho Hanzo turned into a purple sword and stabbed Uchiha Qiu.

The space around Uchiha Akio also began to distort, overflowing black flames formed a shield, put all the water swords down, then looked at the bumpy ground and said with a smile: "Wow! It turned out to be poisonous, sir, such a temptation It's a little too much!"

Sansho Hanzo smiled and said, "I have the antidote! Mystery: Poison Dragon Bullet." A purple water dragon formed behind Sansho Hanzo and rushed towards Uchiha Aki.

Uchiha Qiu said not to be outdone: "My flame will not be extinguished! Black Flame · Fire Dragon Bullet Art" spouted black flames from his mouth to form a fire dragon, rushing towards the purple water dragon that was pounced on him , the two collided together, canceling each other out, and then Sanshoyu Hanzo suddenly flashed in front of Uchiha Akira with a sickle in his hand and slashed at Uchiha Aki's neck, a long knife appeared out of thin air in Uchiha Akio's hand to block the sickle After the slash, a long knife appeared in the other hand and swung towards Sanjiao Hanzo.

Sanshoyu Hanzo, surrounded by a purple mist to form a shield, Uchiha Akio slashed on the shield with a long knife in his hand, only to see that the purple shield actually corroded the long knife in Uchiha Akio's hands and stained his hands There was a trace of purple mist, and then Uchiha Qiu felt a tingling pain in his right hand and quickly gave up the long knife, and his body retreated violently.While stepping back, he formed a seal with one hand: "Psychic Art Raksha Tenzun" A black gas with a hateful face appeared behind Uchiha Qiu, and then Uchiha Qiu smiled again and said: "It's so powerful, This poison will also do great harm to your body!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo reappeared behind Uchiha Aki with a "flash" and a sickle was hooked on Uchiha Aki's neck. When he was about to cut off, Raksha Tenzun was floating behind Uchiha Aki Suddenly, two giant axes formed from both hands and slashed at Sansho Hanzo. < Ren shape, then dodged back and gave up the idea of ​​attacking.

Uchiha Qiu said with a smile: "It's not just you who can become a hedgehog! I'm also a very tricky existence!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo replied with a smile: "As expected of being the governor of the Uchiha family, the ninja technique is so weird, I'm here today, and I'm leaving!"

Then it disappeared into the rain, and at this time there was a voice, "The poison in your hand is the antidote, you must take it quickly, otherwise it will be cut off even if you take the antidote if it takes too long!"

Something in the air rushed towards Uchiha Qiu, Uchiha Qiu took the rushing object, opened it and saw a medicine inside, and quickly ate the medicine inside.Looking at his right hand, Zihei disappeared without a trace in a short time.

Uchiha Akio looked seriously at the direction where Sansho Hanzo disappeared, solved the psychic technique and said to himself: "What is your purpose! Your strength is indeed extremely powerful, and there are no ninjas who can defeat you in the world today. There are five of them! And I’m afraid there isn’t a single ninja who can kill you!”


ps: Typos are the most important thing, if I really scribbled and scribbled, I can still notice, if I get used to the typos, I’m not happy, don’t you guys feel bad about it!If there is a mistake, you must mention it. Isn't it much more comfortable for people who bring it up and read it later!

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