Naruto's Perfect World

Chapter 87 Start to change

()Chapter 87

Looking at the great hall where almost all the patriarchs of Konoha's families were accommodated together, Uchiha Akiu, who was standing on the roof, smiled and said to Shimura Danzo next to him: "This time I am the protagonist! I feel excited just thinking about it." Ah! I have finally surpassed the achievements of the second generation, and imprinted my figure in the great village of Konoha!"

Shimura Danzo also said with a smile on his face: "Thanks to you! I finally shined! I finally overwhelmed Ri once!"

Uchiha Aki jumped off the house and said in the air: "Your and my efforts will be the strongest boost to Konoha's rise! No one can erase your and my achievements! Now let us make history!"


From morning to noon, the assembly has been resolving some problems encountered by each family and conflicts of interest among the various families. Just before noon, an Anbu ninja handed a note to In front of Sandai Hokage who was handling things, Sandai Hokage looked at the content on the note, frowned slightly, then coughed twice to signal the patriarchs of the various families present to be quiet, and then said: "Uchiha Aki, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, has something important to think about. Families report, so we will not stop the meeting at noon."

After the three generations of Hokage finished speaking, there was a whisper in the hall, because Uchiha Qiu had never participated in this conference, but Uchiha Qiu was the initiator of this conference.

While everyone was discussing, Uchiha Akio slowly walked up to the podium, looked at the people in the hall and said with a smile: "It has been nearly 15 years since I initiated this family meeting! It is extremely helpless to imagine that time flies so fast!"

The Third Hokage looked at Uchiha Aki who was complaining, and immediately interjected: "Get to the point!"

Uchiha Akio nodded with a smile, paused for a moment and said again: "I am here today because I have two important things to do, and I need the help of all the adults here! And these two things will change our Konoha Even the structure of the ninja world and the fate of the ninja! Next, let me talk about the first thing!"

After finishing speaking, he signaled the ninja next to him to unfold a picture. On the picture was written three big characters "Medical Department" and under the Medical Department there were several small departments. The hospital, emergency department, and corpse disposal department were all taken listed in it.

Uchiha Akiu pointed to the picture and said: "As we all know, my teacher Naruto-sama is a powerful ninja, but you may also forget that my teacher is also an extremely powerful medical ninja, and his medical ninjutsu means It can also make the wound heal quickly without any traces! Then quickly join the battlefield again!"

Uchiha Akio was very satisfied to see everyone listening to his speech, and then said: "What I want to propose here is to improve my Konoha medical department, and I won't go into details. Here I want to propose The most important thing is that ninjas from various families who are good at using yin and yang chakra must join this medical department for free, and then form the backbone of this medical department so that it can develop rapidly!"

Hearing Uchiha Qiu's words, there was another commotion in the great hall, and then Ri said to the governor of the family: "Every family has its own interests and actions. If you send people to join this medical department, it will make people feel uncomfortable. We have more or less a shortage of manpower, Qiu! Wouldn’t it be better to leave this kind of matter to the doctors you summoned! There is no need to solemnly summon all family members to join here!”

Uchiha Akio shook his head and explained: "The doctors I summoned are not ninjas. Most of their medical methods can't meet my expectations. The reason why I want to establish a medical department is actually very simple. For example For example, in a war, if we have one or more medical ninjas who can quickly heal the injuries of our comrades, will our continuous combat capability be improved! Another example is a normal three-person mission team, adding a In the case of medical ninjas, can they lurk at the place where the mission is performed for a long time, can it increase the probability of the ninja completing the mission and the survival rate of the ninja itself! But among the doctors I summoned, there are very few such It is not an exaggeration to say that those who can adapt to war or missions are powerless! So I thought of the members of your family!"

The third Hokage said in a deep voice: "The war is approaching, we can't distract ourselves from building such a large-scale ninja medical department, and we don't have many resources in this area, the war may have already begun before this kind of ninja is formed! "

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "That's why I made this request at this conference! Gather all ninjas from various families who can use the yin and yang attributes of chakra, and train them quickly so that they can be Results can be seen in a short period of time, and I believe that with the concerted efforts of all families, we will be able to see this new type of ninja next year!"

Then Uchiha Qiu didn't wait for everyone to think about it and said again: "I have searched for many ninjutsu scrolls over the years. Except for most of these ninjutsu are five-element ninjutsu, I still found a very small part of yin and yang. Attribute ninjutsu, among which there are more than a dozen kinds of healing ninjutsu. Maybe we can't cultivate skilled medical ninjas and develop medical ninjutsu belonging to Konoha, but we can definitely make the medical ninja system now Transformation! You must know that the establishment of medical ninjas is the top priority now! The medical ninjas I collected can still meet the needs of our medical ninjas in a short time!"

If others say this, they may be counterattacked or rejected by everyone, but Uchiha Aki's proposal is different. His Uchiha Aki's identity makes everyone have to think deeply about his proposal. The powerful Uchiha Aki The family finally unfolded their stature that had been lurking for nearly 15 years, and began to use the power of the family to influence Konoha!Dedicating the ninjutsu treasured by countless other ninja families, in order to force the Konoha families to hand over their family talents, this kind of naked conspiracy is also why many families have been silent about Uchiha Aki for more than ten years The disciples of the first generation of the target are admiring! <He Mitomonyan said aloud: "Start voting now! Families who agree with this plan raise their hands, and those who disagree don't need to raise their hands!"

Representing the Senju Clan is Tsunade. As soon as Sandai Hokage finished speaking, she couldn't wait to raise her hands and looked at Uchiha Aki with a smile.

After Uchiha Aki nodded to him, he turned his head to look at the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, and saw that the Uzumaki clan's patriarch was extremely embarrassed, and Uchiha Aki looked hairy and raised his hand helplessly, while the old patriarch of the Hatake family, Banner Mu Shuanyue also raised her hand with a smile, and with the consent of the two families, the families that had a very good relationship with the Uchiha clan all raised their hands to express their agreement.

Uchiha Akio looked at the many families who did not raise their hands and said with a smile: "As far as I know, both the blood-succession family and the secret art family will have their own family's weaknesses more or less. It is possible to solve it! For example, there is no dead angle defense!"

ri Xiang Jiajia inspected Uchiha Qiuzheng and looked at him with a smile, knowing in his heart that this guy was thinking of ghost ideas again, knowing that this guy was talking to him, he raised his hand in desperation to express his agreement, and then followed Uzumaki, Rixiang, and Senju Konoha's current most powerful families all expressed their approval, and this proposal was passed.

The third Hokage looked at the back of Uchiha Shukage and thought silently: "Teacher! The dream of you and the first generation of adults is gradually being perfected in the hands of Qiu! He has become a ninja who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you two! In the near future , maybe he will inherit your will and become the guardian of this village!"

Uchiha Akio looked satisfied with the Sixia family who passed his unanimous vote and turned to look at the third Hokage with a smile.

Seeing Uchiha Aki looking at him, the Third Hokage said with a smile: "Then it's settled. After three days, all ninjas who can extract Yin Yang Chakra from Konoha must gather at the No. 13 training ground! Now say Talk about your second big thing!"

Uchiha Qiu nodded and said: "Before I say the second thing, I will announce a news. I am here to make an important thing. I am here to record the wind, fire, thunder, earth, and water recorded by the Uchiha clan. Hand over all the five elements of ninjutsu, more than [-] kinds of ninjutsu, and build a huge ninja ninjutsu hall in Konoha, and learn from Konoha ninjas!"

The Third Hokage stood up directly, looked at Uchiha Aki seriously and said, "Aki! What you said is true! You are really willing to contribute!"

The patriarchs of the families around looked at Uchiha Aki's words in shock, and they were all in a state of panic. In this world, ninjutsu is the most cherished by every family. Its secrets, illusions, ninjutsu, physical There are only three ways to learn. Ninja schools can learn several basic ninjutsu of ninjas, ninjutsu inherited in the family, and the rest can only be learned through their own ninja mentors or apprentices. Now there are copy The Uchiha clan, known as the most complete ninjutsu, actually made all these ninjutsu public. This will make the big family no longer able to win people's hearts because of ninjutsu, and Konoha will also enter a new pattern. Ye's family was hit hard by Uchiha Qiu again, and even because of this incident, they will not be so important in the village!

Uchiha Akira turned his head and nodded to the Third Hokage, then looked at the Great Hall and said: "In my vision, ninjutsu is completely divided into four stages, non-combat auxiliary ninjutsu, B-level and Combat ninjutsu below B-level, A-level ninjutsu and non-forbidden jutsu, and the last is forbidden, super-S-level ninjutsu! It is also the lower ninjutsu and the middle ninjutsu that can learn the ninjutsu of the first two stages, and the upper ninjutsu To be able to learn the third stage of ninjutsu, only elite jounin who have obtained the permission of Hokage or have made great contributions to the village can learn it!"

Ri Xiang Jiajia frowned and looked at Uchiha Qiu and said seriously: "Autumn! Do you want to take out your family's secret technique too!"

Uchiha Qiu replied with a smile: "Of course! I will take out all the ninjutsu that are not used by Sharingan, and my second proposal is to ask everyone to contribute all of your own treasures!"

The patriarch of an unknown family stood up and said out loud: "This is impossible, such things must be stopped, why use those ninjutsu, ninjas are all stealthy actions! Once all their ninjutsu are shared, they will What is the prestige of our families! Mr. Qiu, I think it would be better for you not to do this!"

Uchiha Akio sneered: "My current proposal is that you can match me or reject me! But whether you refuse or cooperate, you can't stop me!"

Seeing the suddenly domineering Uchiha Akira, the elder patriarch suddenly flashed the second Hokage in his mind, as if the second Hokage was speaking on the podium now.

Uchiha Akira looked at the family patriarchs seriously and said: "It's not a good phenomenon to cherish your own broom. There may be some truth in that chaotic era, but now our Konoha has entered the most powerful stage of development. We can It is said that we have reached a bottleneck! Why don’t we create more powerful ninjas without instigating war! Whether it’s your small and medium-sized families or our Uchiha clan, why can’t we let go? These selfish intentions create ninjas from ordinary families who cannot become strong because they cannot learn more ninjutsu! Think about it, we have given up the great price of ninjutsu, but what we have exchanged is to let ordinary people Families can also have the conditions for powerful ninjas to appear, I believe that in the near future, Konoha will have a large number of powerful ninjas from ordinary families, since the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, why not do this!"

The patriarch of the oil girl clan said: "How can our family help you with this matter? The characteristic of our family's secret technique is to prevent the enemy from knowing the efficacy of our bugs. This is also our family's hole card, so Sorry!"

Uchiha Qiu explained with a smile: "My lord is wrong, I am not asking you to contribute the secret arts of your own family! Take our Uchiha clan as an example! Even if we announce the secret arts of Sharingan, Can those who learn it use it! Do we have to contribute our eyes too! This is impossible! My proposal here is to apply everything to ordinary people. Contribute your ninjutsu! So, my lord, you are overthinking!"

Akimichi Torikaze, who has become the patriarch of the Akimichi clan, said with a smile: "Yes! Do you have to eat as well as we do when you learn our family's secret arts? I support you, but our family's ninjutsu is not good. how much!"

Uchiha Akio replied with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Tokaze!"

Then I looked at you and explained again: "My lords, listen to the explanation below. What I want to say is to use all kinds of ninjutsu that ordinary people can learn to create more powerful Konoha. You must know that the world's largest Ordinary people, our families are just a very small part of these ordinary people! In order to make Konoha develop faster, the popularization of its ninjutsu is an inevitable trend. In any case, we should not hide those ninjutsu privately ! So now it's up to you to choose!"

Uchiha Akio spread his hands and looked at the crowd with a smile, but there was a long silence around and no one made a sound of support.

At this moment, Shimura Danzo coughed twice and said in a deep voice: "On behalf of the root organization, I will contribute [-] kinds of ninjutsu, and I will hand them over to Uchiha Qiuhe to build a ninja ninjutsu hall!"

As Shimura Danzo's words fell, the patriarch of the Kurama clan also said in a deep voice: "Our family is willing to call out those illusions of our own! Help Konoha develop better!"

With the publication of the opinions of many ninjas such as Akimichi, Kurama, and Genbu Ninja, this issue has been brought up. Agreeing is to help Konoha's development, and disagreeing is to hinder Konoha's height. In this state, many family patriarchs They were forced to agree to the proposal.

When Uchiha Akira's ninjutsu gym proposal was approved by many families, Uchiha Akio smiled and said to everyone: "Today your decision will bring more talented ninjas to Konoha, and it will also make our Konoha Become the best and strongest village in the world!"

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