Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 126 Siege of Kaijing

The cavalry led by Liang Hong's "yu" attacked the Goryeo army fiercely like a sharp sword. In a short while, the Goryeo army was completely defeated. 15

Cui Mingyuan was also stunned at this moment. The strength of Liangshan's army was beyond his expectation. If only Han Shizhong and his team were there, he might be able to stop it.But now that Liang Hong's "yu" appeared so suddenly, he couldn't resist anymore.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Cui Mingyuan said hastily.

At this moment, a rain of arrows "she" came, and a large group of soldiers around Cui Mingyuan fell down. Cui Mingyuan almost missed the arrow, but he was already frightened.

Cui Mingyuan escaped with dozens of people himself, and the rest of the Goryeo soldiers also fled in all directions.Cui Mingyuan had already decided to wait until he fled to a safe place before gathering his troops.Although Liangshan's cavalry is powerful, they are not many in number, and they may still have a chance of winning.

"Follow me and chase forward!" Liang Hong'yu saw that the Koryo army was fleeing, and did not join Han Shizhong immediately, but led the cavalry to chase and kill the Koryo army's fleeing army.

The husband and wife cooperated very tacitly. Liang Hong "yu" went to chase the defeated soldiers, while Han Shizhong ordered his men to rest on the spot.

The soldiers sat down to eat the cakes, with almost no noise, while the horses ate the grass beside them.

It was already dark, and after about an hour, Han Shizhong said, "Let's set off."

The battalion commander next to him said in surprise, "General, do you want to start now?"

Han Shizhong said, "It's natural. Although the enemy army is defeated, there are still a lot of them. We must eliminate all the defeated soldiers, and we cannot allow a single defeated soldier to return to Kaijing City."

At present, Han Shizhong took his soldiers and horses towards the direction of Kaijing, and continued to rest when he came to the area around the "men" shop in Banban, waiting for the arrival of the rout.When he heard the footsteps of the rout soldiers, Han Shizhong rushed over with his soldiers and horses, and charged for a long time.

The remnants of Goryeo were already exhausted under the pursuit of Liang Hong's "yu", and now they encountered Han Shizhong's troops again, and a large number of them were killed and injured immediately.

For the next three days, Han Shizhong and Liang Hong "yu" took turns to rest, taking advantage of the speed advantage of the cavalry to keep chasing and killing the remnants of the Goryeo army, preventing the remnants of the Goryeo army from having a chance to rest.The two of them are like shepherds chasing sheep, except that the sheep will not die, but the remnants of the Goryeo army they chased and killed continued to die, and the number of the remnant Goryeo soldiers was getting smaller and smaller.

In three days, the 2000 Koryo army was almost strangled by [-] cavalry, and few people were able to run to the city of Kaijing.

Han Shizhong has new feelings about the use of cavalry, and feels that the current cavalry seems to be more convenient to use.In fact, every good general is constantly improving in battle. If there is no battle, no matter how many soldiers there are, it is difficult to make a qualitative leap. ~~

When there were still 10 miles away from Kaijing, Han Shizhong and Liang Hong'yu finally met.

"Husband, Goryeo's [-] troops are no longer a threat, what should we do next?" Liang Hong "yu" came to Han Shizhong's side and said excitedly.

Liang Hong "yu" this is the first time to lead the army, and she is extremely happy to be able to achieve such a record.

Han Shizhong glanced at Liang Hong's "yu" a little dotingly, and said, "The next step is to attack the capital!"

"Ah!" Liang Hong "yu" was taken aback, and said, "Husband, we only have 2000 troops now."

"2000 troops is already quite a lot! Didn't Wanyan Aguda use 2000 troops to raise troops? Our 2000 troops are enough to do something big." Han Shizhong said confidently.

"Our military rations are limited. During these three days of hunting, our military rations are almost used up." Liang Hongyu said.

"There are so many Goryeo villages around, can't we snatch them?" Han Shizhong sneered.

"Uh..." Liang Hong "yu" looked at Han Shizhong in disbelief. As far as she knew, although Han Shizhong was a good soldier, he was also influenced by Confucianism. do things like this.

Seeing Liang Hong's surprised eyes, Han Shizhong said, "Red's yu, you can't pay attention to tactics in war...Look at those golden men, they all support war with war, and the more they fight, the stronger they become, not the tough ones." Waiting for the rations to arrive, don’t you think?”

It turned out that since Wu Dong told Han Shizhong about Wanyan Aguda that day, Han Shizhong studied the "nv" real person every day, and at the same time continued to learn the fighting style of the "nv" real person, so he even gave up many "principles" in his heart.

Liang Hong's "yu" couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay! We will attack the capital right now, but we still need to inform the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion so that the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion can know the progress of our march."

The 2000 soldiers actually started to attack Kaijing City. For a while, bows and arrows rained, and they headed towards Kaijing City. At the same time, countless soldiers made rafts, preparing to cross the Kaijing moat and climb the Kaijing city wall.

In Kaijing City, it was already [-] o'clock in the evening at this moment, and all the Koreans were terrified when they heard the loud shouts of killing outside.

In the palace, the king of Korea, Wang Yu, was trembling at this moment, wishing to escape from this place immediately.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Grand Master Li Haoran broke into the palace, found Wang Yu, and said anxiously.

"Hurry up and call Cui Mingyuan! I want to ask him, how did he lose [-] troops?" Wang Yu said hysterically.

Cui Mingyuan returned to Kaijing City at noon, and when he arrived at the palace, Wang Yu discovered the scars all over his body.Cui Mingyuan's face was full of tears, and he cried, "My lord, I'm sorry for you!"

"You did a good job! All the left-behind soldiers and horses in Kaijing were handed over to you, and you didn't bring a single person back! You should be damned!" Wang Yu kicked Cui Mingyuan "viciously" and cursed angrily. .However, he, the King of Korea, is really poor in physical fitness. Cui Mingyuan didn't even feel any pain in his kick.

"Your Majesty, the plan for now is to quickly defend the city." Cui Mingyuan said.

"You said, how to defend the city?" Wang Yu asked, panting heavily.

"We still have 2000 soldiers and horses in the city. In addition, we can recruit people to defend the city wall." Cui Mingyuan said hastily.

"Okay, it's up to you! You and your younger brother Cui Mingshan will do the matter of defending the city. You must defend it! Otherwise, you will be killed." Wang Yu said weakly.

In the entire Kaijing City, there are crying sounds everywhere. Kaijing City has not experienced war for 200 years, and the people here have an instinctive fear of war.

"What should I do? My child, I went out with General Cui, and I haven't come back yet." These are the families of the [-] Korean soldiers.

"Are we about to be killed by the Han Chinese?"

"What should I do?"


There was such crying everywhere, and at this moment, a pair of men and horses rushed out in front, and they shouted coldly, "You, and you, all of you, go to the city wall! Follow me to defend the city!"

"Ah!" The people on the street were astonished, and at the same time terrified. They were unwilling to go to the city wall, but they had no choice. The soldiers had already drawn them towards the city wall with knives. They had to assist in defending the city. .

After they came to the city wall, someone immediately distributed weapons to them. In just half an hour, the number of Koreans participating in the defense of the city had reached tens of thousands.

"We must defend Kaijing!" Cui Mingyuan looked at the Liangshan army that was constantly attacking, and gritted his teeth.

Han Shizhong's offensive is astonishing, but unfortunately it is still impossible to break through Kaijing.The city wall of Kaijing City is very strong. In addition, one side of Kaijing City in this era is the Han River, and the moat on the other three sides is also formed by the water of the Han River. The moat is too wide, and it is extremely difficult to climb the city on a simple raft.

At this time, with the help of the navy, it is not impossible to conquer Kaijing. However, most of the navy is now in the area of ​​the Yalu River. It is impossible to help Han Shizhong to prevent the main force of Goryeo from going south.In fact, the original battle plan never thought that Han Shizhong would be able to directly hit the Kaijing city of Goryeo. This can be regarded as an "emergency".

"Your Majesty, please wait on the city wall and supervise the battle." In the palace, Li Haoran grabbed Wang Yu's arm and said.

Although Han Shizhong was unable to capture Kaijing City, the soldiers and civilians in Kaijing City didn't think so. Now Kaijing City is full of "hun" and "luan", so Li Haoran wants to invite Wang Yu out to calm the morale of Wang Yu.

" can this be?" Wang Yu tremblingly asked.He dared not go out for fear of dying outside.

"Your Majesty, it must be like this!" Zhang Yan, the minister of the Privy Council, also rushed in at this time, knelt on the ground, and said painstakingly.

Now with the support of Li Haoran and Wang Yu, Wang Yu left the palace and headed towards the city wall.

Along the way, walking on the street, many people looked at Wang Yu coldly, and Wang Yu felt more and more terrified in his heart.

"Your Majesty, go and have a few words with them," Zhang Yan said.

"Okay." Wang Mata said.

Wang Yu walked up to those people, looked at those people with cold eyes, and then heard the shouts of killing outside, for some reason, he couldn't say anything, after a while, he collapsed on the ground, The feces "niao" flowed together.

He originally wanted to boost morale, but instead of boosting morale, it made the people in the city even more desperate.

Li Haoran, Zhang Yan and others couldn't help sighing when they saw Wang Yu like this, and hurriedly helped Wang Yu away.

The morale of Han Shizhong's troops was extremely high. Knowing that it was impossible to take down Kaijing, they still charged forward bravely.Several times, he had to rely on improvised rafts and ladders to rush to the city wall, but was barely knocked down again.

"This Liangshan army is simply another "female" real person! So powerful, how should we deal with it?" Cui Mingyuan stood on the city wall, feeling more and more terrified in his heart.

Although the opponent only has 2000 people, he feels that the entire Goryeo may not be able to stop these 2000 people.If it weren't for the tall city walls and wide moat, Kaijing would have been breached long ago.

At midnight, Liangshan's offensive finally came to an end, but the horns of Liangshan's siege were still sounding outside.

Hearing the sound of the horn, the people in Kaijing couldn't fall asleep at all, they were extremely frightened, while the Liangshan soldiers were eating and then began to rest.

"Husband, Kaijing City is the capital of Koryo, and we can't take it with 2000 people." In the barracks, Liang Hong said to Han Shizhong.

"It's impossible to take them down, but there's nothing wrong with scaring them. I've sent the news back to Incheon City, and I believe the governor has already made a decision," Han Shizhong said.

His information was transmitted through carrier pigeons, and the carrier pigeons were extremely fast. Wu Dong had already fallen asleep, but was woken up, and then began to read Han Shizhong's information.

Looking at the information, Wu Dong was very pleasantly surprised, and at the same time began to think about how to use this opportunity to get the benefits he wanted.

After thinking about it, Wu Dong said, "Call Wu Yong."

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