Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 128 The Resistance of the Koreans

An hour later, the camp was set up, and the army brought by Wu Dong began to cook around the fire. ~~At a glance, the entire city of Kaijing is surrounded by fire lights, and countless hazy figures can be seen under the fire lights.

The soldiers on the city wall of Kaijing had already fallen asleep, but they were awakened again at this moment. When they saw the astonishing number of Liangshan "armies" in all directions, everyone was terrified. They wanted to rest at first, but now no one dared to lie down and sleep .

"Governor, why did you come in person?" Han Shizhong had already entered Wu Dong's camp to meet Wu Dong.

"Shizhong, you did a good job this time. You actually wiped out [-] troops from Goryeo, which is beyond my expectation." Wu Dong laughed.

"The governor's praise is mainly because the Goryeo people are too weak. Goryeo today is much worse than Goguryeo hundreds of years ago. The army is almost vulnerable, but the city walls are strong, otherwise I would be able to take down Kaijing. "Han Shizhong said.

Wu Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "We are here, you can rest for a few days."

Han Shizhong said, "Governor, will the siege start tomorrow? We are not tired at all, and we can continue to fight."

Han Shizhong is eager to make contributions, and he doesn't want to waste his time.So when he heard Wu Dong let him rest, he became anxious all of a sudden.

Wu Dong smiled and said, "We didn't come to attack the city. We brought so many people, but most of them are people from the grain transportation team. Some of these people don't even have weapons at hand. How can we attack the city?"

Han Shizhong froze there for a while, and said after a while, "Governor, what are we here for?"

Wu Dong said, "Siege the city, and then negotiate with the Koreans."

"Ah?" Han Shizhong couldn't believe it.

Wu Dong didn't explain this matter to Han Shizhong in detail, saying, "It's just a small trick, and you won't be needed for the time being. Your troops should rest and recuperate first, and continue fighting when there is a chance."

Han Shizhong left Wu Dong's tent in distress, and after returning to his own tent, he had a chat with Liang Hong, but they couldn't figure out what Wu Dong was thinking, so they could only give up.

In the middle of the night that day, Liangshan's army was resting under Kaijing City. In the early morning of the next day, when the sun was just rising, Wu Dong, accompanied by Wu Yong, Li Gang, Han Shizhong and others, came to Kaijing City and carefully looked at Kaijing City.

After a while, Wu Dong praised, "It's really a majestic city, worthy of being the capital of Korea!"

He had been to Bianliang City before, and had seen the majesty of Bianliang City. Although the Kaijing City in front of him was not as good as Bianliang City, it had its own advantages. 3∴35686688 It is very close to the Han River, so the moat here is extremely wide, so the defense of this city is also extremely strong.

Liangshan's navy has already gone to the Yalu River, and now relying on Wu Dong's 3000 troops and [-] grain transportation team, it is extremely difficult to conquer Kaijing.

On the city wall of Kaijing, Cui Mingyuan, Cui Mingshan, Zhang Yan and others all died under Han Shizhong's bow and arrow yesterday, so that people's hearts fluttered. Today Grand Master Li Haoran had to wait on the city wall to supervise the battle.When he saw the densely packed military camps in the distance, Li Haoran's face was like dirt.

In addition to Li Haoran, several officials from the Privy Council came up to supervise the battle. When these officials saw the military camp in the distance, they were also terrified.

Although Han Shizhong's troops were powerful before, they were only 2000 people, and the number was extremely limited. It was impossible to take down Kaijing.But now, the number of Liangshan troops has reached 4 to [-], and it is not impossible to take down Kaijing.

Li Haoran and others didn't know that most of the barracks were food transport teams, so they immediately made a wrong judgment.

"What should we do now?" Li Haoran asked the people around him in horror, but the people around him couldn't answer his question except they were afraid.

At this time, a big man suddenly walked out of Liangshan's barracks. This big man got on a raft and headed towards Kaijing alone.

"What is Liangshan going to do?" the Korean ministers on the city wall asked in surprise.

The big man was getting closer and closer to the Kaijing city wall, and the soldiers on the Kaijing city wall were also looking down in surprise at this moment, and did not attack immediately.

After a while, I heard the big man shouting "peace talks...peace talks..."

"What? The people in Liangshan want peace talks?" The ministers of Korea looked at each other in disbelief.

Rongzhou City in the south of Koryo, at this moment Hu Sanniang is leading an army here.

The smell of blood is everywhere in the city. Hu Sanniang has just executed a group of Korean civilians who tried to attack Liangshan's army.

She was with Mrs. Gu, surrounded by dozens of soldiers protecting her.When they had just reached a corner, suddenly an arrow "she" came towards Hu Sanniang. The arrow's power was very weak. Folded in half.

The soldiers beside Hu Sanniang had already rushed forward, and after a while, a 15-year-old boy was caught.

The boy looked very thin, he was struggling constantly, and kept cursing in Korean.

When he was brought to Hu Sanniang's side, seeing Hu Sanniang's beauty, he was a little startled, stayed for a moment, and then continued to curse.

"What is he talking about?" Hu Sanniang asked calmly.

"He said...General, you are so beautiful, but you have a terrible death." A soldier next to him stammered.

In fact, this young man scolded very viciously, and it was really inconvenient for the soldiers to tell Hu Sanniang what he said.

"Kill it." Hu Sanniang said coldly.

After a while, the boy's head fell off, even so, his eyes still had a trace of hatred that could not disappear, and the bloody smell in Rongzhou City seemed to be much more.

During this period of time, Hu Sanniang has suffered many sneak attacks and plots.Although Liangshan has already laid down many cities, the resistance of the people of Goryeo was very fierce, which was beyond the expectations of the Liangshan army.

"Sister, let's go back first. What if something happens to you?" Mrs. Gu said.

"Don't worry, with so many people protecting me, it's impossible for something to happen. Besides, my martial arts are also very good, so I can protect myself." Hu Sanniang laughed.

"These Korean savages are quite vicious. They know they can't beat us, but they come to die. They are really a bunch of idiots." Mrs. Gu scolded.

Afterwards, she wanted to kill the child, but she couldn't bear it anyway.The child was too young for her to do it.

Later, she gave the child "jiao" to the Military Law Office, and she didn't know whether the child was dead or alive, and she didn't dare to ask this question.

But since then, she hated the Koreans so much that she didn't have the slightest trust in the Koreans, regardless of whether they were male, female, old or young.

Hearing Mrs. Gu's words at this moment, Hu Sanniang said, "We occupied their place and killed so many of them. They will definitely resist, and that's okay."

That's what I said, but in fact Hu Sanniang was a little worried.The city of Goryeo, the army of Goryeo, and the government of Goryeo were indeed vulnerable, but the people of Goryeo really caused certain casualties to the Liangshan army.

She came to Rongzhou City this time mainly because she got information that a man named Pu Huan gathered tens of thousands of ordinary people from Korea and started an uprising and rebellion in the mountains east of Rongzhou.She came to Rongzhou to destroy this group of rebels.

Walking on the road, I ran into Monk Chengguan from the intelligence department, and Hu Sanniang hurriedly asked, "Is there any news about Pu Huan?"

Cheng Guan shook his head and said, "Not yet, they are very cunning, hiding in the mountains. Moreover, the local Koreans also support them, so it is still difficult to find them."

Hu Sanniang thought for a while, and said, "I'll lead an army of [-] towards the mountains over there, and you will send the information back!"

Every military operation will be accurately transmitted to Incheon City, so that the Metropolitan Government of Incheon City can accurately control the military situation in various places in order to make better arrangements and plans.

"Hua" Rong's South Route Army also encountered some setbacks during this period. They had taken down many big cities, but encountered a huge resistance in a small city called Quanzhou.For more than ten days, the Korean people suffered heavy casualties. According to "Hua" Rong's estimation, the Korean people died and injured at least more than [-]. You must know that the total population of this small city is only more than [-]!But even so, the city is still holding on, which surprised Hua Rong.

Today, he was observing the small town again. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Who is the guard of this small town? According to the intelligence department's information, he should not be a famous person. Why did he persist for so long?"

The guard of this small town is a man named Li Yi, who is not worth mentioning in theory, and has no reputation at all, but he is so powerful, which makes "Hua" Rong unbelievable.

Because the resistance of this small city was too tenacious, Hua Rong finally made up his mind on this day, leaving 5000 people to continue attacking this small city, and the rest of the soldiers and horses turned to the other surrounding cities.

By September 9, most of the cities in southern Koryo had been conquered, but the few cities that had not been conquered resisted extremely fiercely.In addition, many Koreans formed a rebel army and fought in the countryside and mountains, which also posed a certain threat to Liangshan's army.

The most formidable one is the one called Pu Huan that Hu Sanniang dealt with. His rebel army has reached 10 people in just a few days, although these 10 people are untrained and have almost no weapons. The composition of farmers, but it should not be underestimated.

Hu Sanniang has already obtained information about this person named Pu Huan. He was originally a small official in Rongzhou City. When Rongzhou City was broken, he escaped and formed a rebel army.

"The resistance of the Goryeo people is so fierce, it seems that it will take time to completely occupy Goryeo!" Hu Sanniang secretly said.

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