Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 133 Returning to the North

Chapter 130 Three Return to the North


When Li Haoran sent a large amount of gold, silver, food, and war horses to the Liangshan military camp, Wu Dong was extremely excited. 4∴8065 So much gold, silver, and food are enough for the Liangshan army in Goryeo for several years, and the war horses can meet the urgent need for cavalry construction in Liangshan.

Of course, if Liangshan conquered the north and searched for it himself, he could also get these many supplies.But if that is the case, Liangshan will arouse strong dissatisfaction among the local Koreans and fall into the "people's war".Well now, everything is done by the Goryeo court, and many Goryeo people are extremely dissatisfied with the court.

"Governor, we have fulfilled all the conditions in the treaty, can you retreat now?" Li Haoran stood in front of Wu Dong and asked in a pleading tone.

"Of course, we will retreat soon." Wu Dong grabbed a handful of silver ingots and said with a big smile.

"I don't know when will the troops retreat?" Li Haoran said.This time he must get the exact time and the exact promise.

"Within ten days." Wu Dong said casually.

"Okay, thank you, Commander-in-Chief! From now on, Liangshan will be in the south, and our Goryeo will be in the north. We will always be Liangshan's subjects. I hope that Liangshan can also keep its promise and stop invading our Goryeo." Li Haoran said.

"It's natural." Wu Dong said with a smile.

Li Haoran left Liangshan's barracks with satisfaction, and Wu Dong's smile became even brighter after he left.

When I met such a weak court, such weak monarchs and ministers, I felt sorry for myself if I didn't bully them well.It's all right now, I got what I wanted, and I will rely on them to get more of what I want in the future.

"Governor, do we really want to retreat?" Luan Tingyu stood next to Wu Dong, a little puzzled.

"How is it possible?" Wu Dong sneered.

"Governor, in fact, it is also possible to retreat." Hua Rong said suddenly.

"Oh?" Wu Dong looked at Hua Rong strangely. He didn't believe that Hua Rong was such a pedantic person. He knew that Hua Rong must have his own explanation.

"Governor, it's freezing and snowy now. If we continue to stay outside Kaijing, we will freeze to death sooner or later, don't you think?" Hua Rong said.

"This is true." Wu Dong nodded.The current weather is indeed too cold. The weather in this era is generally much colder. Even Shandong is much colder than later generations, let alone the Northeast and Koryo.If they continue to be stationed here, it is very possible that people will freeze to death.

"So, Commander-in-Chief, I think we should capture the surrounding states and counties now. After 3∴35686688 has defeated all the surrounding states and counties, we will be stationed in the states and counties, and then we will surround Kaijing and wait for the northern part of Korea The army is coming." Hua Rong said.

"That's it... Our army left outside the capital city, and we have fulfilled our promise to retreat." Wu Dong couldn't help laughing.

"That's the truth." Hua Rong also laughed.

For a moment, everyone in the barracks was filled with laughter.

In the afternoon of that day, a large amount of gold, silver, grain, and war horses were continuously transported to Incheon City and handed over to Gongsun Sheng of Incheon City for management.

On the second day, Liangshan's army marched towards the prefectures and counties around Kaijing in different ways. Of course, [-] soldiers and horses were left under the Kaijing city to prevent the Koryo monarchs and officials from Kaijing from leaving.

In Kaijing City, no matter whether it was the emperors and ministers of Koryo or the people of Koryo, when they saw Liangshan's army leaving, everyone had a pleasant smile on their faces.Of course, they were still a little worried about the remaining [-] soldiers and horses.

In the palace of Goryeo, Wang Yu was also smiling today. He called all the ministers together to discuss the future.

Sitting on the throne, looking at the ministers below, Wang Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The army of Liangshan has finally retreated, and we are considered safe now. Grand Master, didn't you say to move the capital before? I See if it works."

When Liangshan first attacked the south of Koryo, Li Haoran suggested that Wang Yu move the capital to Pyongyang, but Wang Yu refused.However, after such a long siege, Wang Yu no longer wanted to stay in Kaijing, and now he wished to move the capital immediately and go to Pyongyang.

After Wang Yu finished speaking, the following ministers discussed a lot, but this time, all the ministers were in favor of the idea of ​​"moving the capital", and they really didn't want to stay in Kaijing anymore.It is too close to Incheon, if Liangshan wants to attack, he can come here at any time.Besides, all the gold, silver and food in Kaijing City have been looted. Many people may die this winter, and Kaijing City will definitely be full of chaos by then, and it is not suitable to continue to be a capital here.

Li Haoran said: "My lord, there are still [-] Liangshan troops in front of our door. We need to wait for the [-] Liangshan troops to leave before we can move the capital."

Wang Yu said: "Alright, let's wait a little longer. But the weather is getting colder and colder, and I believe Liangshan's army will not dare to stay outside for a longer time. Soon, their [-] troops will be able to leave."

Li Haoran nodded and said: "Okay, just listen to the king."

Wang Yu felt very happy and refreshed at the moment. He couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a while, he said, "When we arrive in Pyongyang, our northern army should also return. The 20 army, what do you think?" It is not impossible to destroy Liangshan? When we can restore the country, I will vigorously rectify the armament, enter the Central Plains, and strive to restore the glory of the Goguryeo era in the future!"

Wang Yu seemed to see a bright and brilliant prospect beckoning to him. At this moment, he felt that his heart was full of pride and ambition, and it seemed that there was no difficulty that he could not overcome.

The officials below, starting from Li Haoran, all felt Wang Yu's confidence.They are also very happy at this moment. In the feudal Confucian dynasty, the king is everything.If a king knows how to inspire, it is impossible for the country not to rise.Li Haoran even burst into tears, couldn't help but knelt down, and said: "Your Majesty, you have such an ambition, it is really a blessing to Korea! Liangshan is nothing, we will definitely be able to restore our homeland!"

After Li Haoran knelt down, the rest of the ministers also knelt down one after another, saying in unison: "Long live the king!"

Wang Yu laughed again.

But he didn't know that after Liangshan besieged Kaijing, he would never be given a chance to leave again.Unless Liangshan took down the entire Goryeo, he would have to stay in Kaijing to attract the Goryeo army.All his "high ambitions" are nothing more than his own wishes.

Liangshan's army is currently attacking the cities around Kaijing. Wu Dong has already arrived at Jinchuan in the north of Kaijing, and Luan Tingyu of the Second Army is in charge of attacking here.

This Jinchuan city was built extremely solidly, and the city walls were also extremely thick. After all, it was an important stronghold around Kaijing.There were originally 2000 soldiers stationed here, but when Cui Mingyuan led an army to attack Incheon, these 2000 soldiers were also taken away by him, and almost no one was able to return to Jeonju in the end.Now the guards here have assembled a group of ordinary Goryeo people, distributing weapons, hoping that these Goryeo people can block Liangshan's attack.

Liangshan's trebuchet threw a large boulder, which was covered in blood all of a sudden, and the Korean people scattered towards the surroundings crying.They don't have formal training at all, and they can't guarantee discipline at all in the face of a crisis, and they can't guarantee that they can continue to stand there and defend the city.

The Liangshan army set up the ladder and rushed towards it frantically.

Luan Tingyu's three disciples were leading, Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, and Zhu Biao. The three of them held big knives, and they were all very sturdy, especially Zhu Biao. With a kick, he jumped to the top, and then grabbed it hard, turned over and entered the wall of Jinchuan City.

"Great, this kid Zhu Biao really didn't disappoint me!" Luan Tingyu commanded the battle, and didn't attack the city himself. After seeing Zhu Biao's performance, he couldn't help admiring the victory.

"That's right! The Zhu family's three heroes really deserve their reputation." Wu Dong also smiled from the side.

At this moment, he was also very relieved. He felt that Liangshan's army had fully matured, and everyone in Liangshan had the brave spirit of a soldier.

In the Song Dynasty, one of the important reasons why the army was getting worse and worse was that the army gradually lost its bravery.After the founding of Zhao Kuangyin, in view of the fact that Jiedu envoys in the late Tang and Five Dynasties worked as luan, he began to implement the rule of martial arts with civil officials. The status of civil officials is getting higher and higher, and the status of military commanders is getting lower and lower.At the same time, in order to prevent the generals from being luan, layers of officials were set up in the army to monitor each other, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of "the soldiers don't know the generals, and the generals don't know the soldiers".And in order to prevent the frontier generals from acting as luan, all the forbidden troops of the country were placed in the capital. There are 80 forbidden troops in the capital, but they rarely participate in wars. They fight and fight in this Huahua world every day.

By doing this, the danger of the Song Dynasty army generals rebelling against Luan was completely eliminated, but the army was basically abolished.Without the spirit of valor in the soldiers, and without the spirit of valor in the whole society, the nation would be abolished.

And it's not just the Song Dynasty, hundreds of years after the Song Dynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties and even until now, this country has not recovered the spirit of martial bravery it once had.When bullied by foreigners, they often show cowardice and retreat, only passive defense, and never dare to take the initiative to attack.

It can be said that Zhao Kuangyin's policy "benefited" the descendants of the Zhao family, but it harmed the entire nation.

"During the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing dared to attack tens of thousands of Huns with hundreds or thousands of people and chased and killed them for thousands of miles. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Emperor Yang of Sui conquered Khitan and Tubo. It was called "Heavenly Khan" by foreigners from all over the world. At that time, our Han people took the initiative to attack, and those who violated China would be punished even if they were far away. But in the Song Dynasty, when the Khitan people came to attack grass valleys, the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty only dared to Hiding in the city wall, I dare not go out at all, without the slightest bit of bravery! Since I came to this world, I can't let history continue like this." Wu Dong thought to himself.

In just a few days, all the seven cities around Kaijing were captured, and most of Liangshan's troops were stationed in these seven cities.However, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses patrol outside every day to prevent the rulers and ministers of Goryeo from escaping from Kaijing.

Along the Yalu River, countless Korean soldiers are crossing the river at the moment.

In winter, the surface of the river has been frozen extremely hard, but the road is very slippery, and it is snowing, so I dare not march in a hurry.

Moreover, the quality of the Koryo army is also very low, even if they march quickly, it is difficult for them to do so.

The lineup of Koreans was very long, it seemed that there were more than [-] people.

The Korean generals were all riding tall horses, and several of them gathered together.

"I don't know what's going on in the country? We were blocked here by Liangshan's navy for several days, so there must be wars everywhere in the country?" A general said wearily.

"Don't worry, when we go back, we will be able to wipe out those Liangshan troops. They are just a group of grass bandits, a group of pirates, how can they compare with my regular army in Korea?" A general beside him laughed and said, following this One laughed, and the rest laughed too.

At this time, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance, saying: "All of you come over here, and meet the girl's real friend."

These generals ran towards the person who called them. That person was Li Shangen, the general of North Korea. At this moment, there was a female nobleman standing in front of Li Shangen.

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