Chapter 150 Four


Liangshan soldiers began to interrogate those real women, and soon the real women let out a scream, and the expressions of Han Shizhong and Yang Xiong did not change at all.

In later generations, torture has long been banned.In this day and age, torture is very common.Let alone the enemy, even if the government interrogates ordinary people, torture is usually used.

"The two generals, they said that they came to the Menggu Grassland on the order of Wanyan Aguda, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. The purpose was to read the imperial decree of Wanyan Aguda, so that all the ministries of Menggu would be loyal to the Kingdom of Jin, and they would pay their respects to the Kingdom of Jin every year. Pay tribute to the horses." Tong Wei came to Han Shizhong and Yang Xiong and said.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Is the female real woman going to get her hands on the Menggu Grassland?" Yang Xiong asked in surprise.

"The strength of female real people is getting stronger and stronger. It is certain that they will take the place of the Liao people to get involved in the Menggu grassland." Han Shizhong said.

The Menggu grassland used to be the territory of the Liao people. Of course, the Liao people did not implement direct notification here, but let the Menggu tribes profess their vassals and pay tribute every year.It now appears that the policies that the Jin people will adopt are similar to those of the Liao people.

"Apart from these people, has the army of real females come to the grassland?" Han Shizhong asked.

"Not this one." Tong Wei said.

"Kill them all, let's continue on our way." Han Shizhong said.

Soon the screams came again, and none of the real women survived.

Han Shizhong and others first put away Nv Zhenren's horses, and then put away Nv Daoren's weapons, food, and clean water.On the vast grassland, these are all necessary things for survival.In the end, they also found the imperial decree from these real women. Nv Zhenren's imperial decree was written in Khitan characters, none of the people could understand it, so they had to keep it and hand it to Wu Dong for review.

In addition, Han Shizhong pulled out the arrows they shot one by one. Now that they are on the grassland and have no supplies, these arrows must be used sparingly.If there is danger and there is no bow and arrow, then the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

"Duan Jingzhu said that he is in Menggu's begging beauty department. I don't know where that begging beauty department is. How can we find him?" Yang Xiong said.

"We'll know where the Begging Yan Department is when we meet meng ancients," Han Shizhong said.

The army is marching on the grassland, it is already May, and the weather is starting to get hot.Especially on this grassland, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, and it is very hot at noon, and everyone is sweating all over.

"We don't have much food, did we think that the number of people who can meet the ancients is so small?" Yang Xiong said.

"The number of meng ancients is not very small, there should be several 10 people. If we walk around again, we will meet them." Han Shizhong said.

In fact, in this era, the number of Menggu people has reached more than one million.Later Genghis Khan ruled the Menggu grassland, during which there were many wars, many Menggu people died, and the population at that time was around 150 million.Chances are there are more now than there were then.

Such a large population is naturally a great force.It's a pity that the Menggu people were not united enough and were divided into countless tribes. Many big tribes had feuds and fought with each other.Unless a hero like Genghis Khan can appear to unify the tribes of Mongolia, this may threaten the security of Liao or Jin.The current Mongolia is just a mess of loose sand.

The number of horses on the Mongolian grassland is very large. When Genghis Khan fought in all directions, he had 20 cavalry, and almost everyone had four or five horses, and they took turns to ride.The number of horses is greater than the number of people, and it can be regarded as the place with the largest number of horses in Asia in this era.

"General Han, it seems that a herd of beasts just passed by here." Tong Wei said suddenly.

"Oh, really? It would be great if there were beasts, we just need food." Han Shizhong was overjoyed.

"I'll go ahead and have a look, you guys hurry up and follow," Tong Wei said.

Tong Wei went forward, while his brother Tong Meng went the other way.Their brothers are excellent hunters, but that was in the mountains, and this was the first time they had hunted on the grasslands.Both of them were a little eager to try, constantly distinguishing the footprints and smells of the herd, and judging their possible direction.

After walking for about half an hour, a large herd of antelope suddenly appeared in front of them. It seemed that there were thousands of antelopes.

There were so many antelopes, which made everyone very happy. Han Shizhong said: "Let's kill the sheep! Tonight we will eat the roasted whole sheep!"

These antelopes belong to the Mongolian saiga antelope. In later generations, these are endangered animals, and only the westernmost part of the Mongolian grassland has sporadic distribution.In this era, such antelope herds abound.

"Everyone, don't use bows and arrows, our bows and arrows still need to kill the enemy!" Han Shizhong reminded everyone while rushing forward.

Before, they got more than 300 horses from the real woman. At this moment, Han Shizhong led more than 300 cavalry forward, and the antelopes were already running forward, and everyone hurriedly chased them.

It's a pity that the speed of the antelope was so fast that Han Shizhong even had to get off his horse and performed his peerless lightness kung fu, killing more than ten antelopes by himself.

In the end, a total of hundreds of antelope were killed, and the rest all escaped.

However, these hundreds of antelopes are enough for everyone to eat for two or three days. Afterwards, you should be able to meet meng ancients and exchange food from meng ancients.

As it was getting dark, everyone found a relatively high place and camped here to rest.Some soldiers went to look for dry grass, branches and other things, but after searching for a long time, they could hardly find them.In the end, it was Tong Wei and Tong Meng who found a lot of cow dung and used the cow dung as fuel to start a fire, roast the antelope, and then everyone feasted on it.

"Menggu Grassland is really a good place. It would be great if we could meet so many antelopes every day." Han Shizhong said with a smile while nibbling mutton.

"General Han, such a large herd of antelopes should be relatively rare on the grassland. But there should be a lot of other prey. We will definitely not starve to death on the grassland." Tong Wei said with a smile.

Everyone laughed, at this moment, Yang Xiong suddenly said: "There is cow dung here, do you think there is a shepherd in front of you?"

Tong Wei said: "This is not necessarily the case. People on the grasslands are all moving around. The cow dung has already dried up, and it looks like it was a long time ago."

Both Han Shizhong and Yang Xiong showed disappointed expressions, at this moment a soldier suddenly shouted, "Generals, come and see!"

Han Shizhong, Yang Xiong and others strode up to the soldier, followed the soldier's fingers, and saw a faint fire in the distance, which was almost invisible unless one looked carefully.

"It's the fire, there must be someone over there!" Yang Xiong was overjoyed.

"I'll take the cavalry to have a look! Yang Xiong, you stay here first." Han Shizhong said.

At the moment Han Shizhong led 300 cavalrymen towards that side, while Yang Xiong stayed here, full of anticipation and anxiety in his heart.

The fire was so far away that Han Shizhong and others rode for nearly half an hour before arriving in front of the fire. <The people in the ancient bag must have heard the sound of horseshoes, and they all ran out at this moment, looking at Han Shizhong and his party vigilantly.The shepherds all picked up their bows and arrows, aiming at Han Shizhong and others.However, their bows and arrows are all made of animal bones, and their lethality is very average.

"Tell them, we are horse dealers." Han Shizhong said.

At that moment, Tong Wei said it in the ancient Meng language. When they heard that it was a horse dealer, those ancient meng breathed a sigh of relief and put down their bows and arrows.

"Come on, give them some brick tea." Han Shizhong said.

So immediately a soldier ran over and sent over ten pieces of brick tea.When they got these brick teas, the faces of those Menggu people showed expressions of infinite surprise.

On the grasslands, brick tea is extremely precious.The shepherds on the prairie mainly ate meat and cheese, and if they were not neutralized by tea, they would easily get sick.There is a proverb among the herdsmen on the prairie, "It is better to be without food for three days than to be without tea for a day." Since the Tang Dynasty, people in the Central Plains have conducted a "tea-horse trade" with the nomads on the prairie, exchanging tea for tea on the prairie. horses.In the Song Dynasty, there was also a tradition of tea and horse trading, and in order to check and balance the Khitan and Xixia people, the Song people often stopped the tea trade as a threat.

However, it was extremely difficult for the Meng ancients to obtain tea. They usually traded horses and Khitan people for tea, and the Khitan people got their tea from the Song people.Turning it down layer by layer, the tea leaves are almost comparable to gold.In the current Menggu grassland, only the nobles of those big tribes can drink tea every day. It is not easy for ordinary shepherds to drink their beloved milk tea.

Holding these more than ten pieces of brick tea in their hands, the hands of these Menggu men were trembling.

"Dear guest, please hurry up!" A leading Menggu has already shouted loudly.

Soon Han Shizhong, Tong Wei and several leaders were invited into the menggu bag, and the menggu people warmly entertained them.

"My name is Amur. I don't know the name of the distinguished guest? Where did he come from?" The leader of these ancient mengs asked.

"This is our leader, General Han. We are from the Song Dynasty and are from the Song Dynasty." Tong Wei replied to Meng Guren while translating.

"It turns out that you are from the Song Dynasty. Welcome. But if you want to sell horses, we can't provide you." Amor said.

They are just a few Mongolian bags, belonging to the smallest tribe on the grassland.There are only a dozen or so horses in total, and it is impossible to provide them to Han Shizhong and others.

"Do you know where the Begging Yan Department is?" Tong Wei asked.

"Begging Yan Department?" Those meng ancients showed astonished eyes, and Amur said: "We are the Begging Yan Department!"

"Ah?" Tong Wei was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Is there only a few of you in the begging department?"

"How is it possible? There are more than [-] people in the Begging Tribe...We are just the smallest tribe in the Begging Tribe." Amur said.

Now Amur explained that the Qiyan tribe is considered a tribal alliance, and there are many Mongolian tribes in it. The big ones have tens of thousands of people, and the small ones have no more than a few dozen people.The Qiyan tribe is just to the east of the grassland, and the tribes in the vast area here are all members of the Qiyan tribe.

Tong Wei told Han Shizhong and others while listening.Han Shizhong frowned secretly, thinking that the begging department is so big, how can he find Duan Jingzhu?

After a while, Han Shizhong said: "Where is the largest tribe of your Qiyan tribe?"

Tong Wei translated his words, and Amur said: "The largest tribe is the tribe of the Great Khan. You can find them along the river to the west."

The Great Khan is the leader of the Mongolian tribe or tribal alliance, and the "Great Khan" that Amur mentioned is the leader of the entire Qiyan tribe.

"Duan Jingzhu may be at the Dahan of the Begging Yan Department. Tomorrow we will continue westward!" Han Shizhong said.

That night, Han Shizhong led the cavalry back to Yang Xiong despite Amur's persuasion.After learning the news about the begging department, a smile appeared on Yang Xiong's face.

The next day, before dawn, Liangshan's army had already begun to move forward.They found the river that Amur mentioned, and found that it was a small river that was almost dry.But no matter what, they can finally supply clean water.

We went all the way and walked in the grassland for three days. In the afternoon, we suddenly met dozens of shepherds. Those shepherds were driving cattle and sheep, grazing in the grass.

Seeing Han Shizhong and others, all the shepherds became nervous.There are very few people on the grassland who are dressed like the Liangshan army, and they are usually the Khitan army.Seeing them, the shepherds thought that the Khitans had come again.

"Excuse me, is this the Begging Department? Is the Great Khan here?" Tong Wei asked loudly.

"This is the Department of Begging for Yan, and the Great Khan is here, who are you?" The herdsmen also shouted and asked.

"May I ask if a person from Song Dynasty called Duan Jingzhu is with you?" Tong Wei smiled.

"Ah? Are you Mr. Duan's people?" the shepherds asked hastily.

"Haha, Duan Jingzhu is indeed here! It's great!" Tong Wei didn't have time to answer the shepherds, so he hurriedly told Han Shizhong and others what the shepherds said.

Everyone became excited. After traveling for so long, they finally arrived at the destination, and they were about to meet Duan Jing!

"I don't know how many horses Duan Jingzhu has prepared for us? Can they meet Liangshan's current needs?" Han Shizhong secretly asked.

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