Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 169 Seoul

Chapter 160 Nine Seoul


In this era, Japan has not yet developed the profession of "ninja". Ninja was only developed in Japan's "Warring States Period" hundreds of years later.Tool: No ads, full text, and now, there are some ninja-like samurai in Japan.These samurai never fight people openly, but assassinate in secret. They are called "dark warriors".

These dark samurai are contrary to the spirit of uprightness, glory, etc. of Japanese Bushido, so it is difficult for them to be accepted by the general mainstream society.

But now, these dark warriors can play a great role in assassinating Wu Dong.

After Konoe Sega expressed his thoughts, Emperor Toba was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a surprised expression on his face, saying: "Yes, this idea is very good! If we can assassinate that King Liang, we Dongying will It's really safe! Konoe-kun, I'm leaving this matter to you!"

Konoe Sega nodded and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I promise to complete this task! Today's Dongpu is facing foreign invasion, but with the efforts of His Majesty and me, we will definitely be able to drive away the foreigners, and at the same time let our Dongpu national strength thrive. Create a new situation unseen in a thousand years!"

Konoe Sega's words are full of confidence. For more than a thousand years, Japan has been a loose feudal system, and the emperor is threatened by the nobles of Kyoto. The whole country is in a state of disunity and cannot fully develop at all.But now, the samurai class has finally stepped onto the stage of history, and the country is about to be united in front of the emperor and him. He believes that the power of the whole country will be twisted together, development is certain, and it is certain to drive out the invaders. The Central Plains are all possible things!

"The affairs of the state are promising, Your Majesty just look at me!" Konoe Sega got up and said.

After he left the palace, he immediately issued an imperial decree from His Majesty the Emperor, summoning dark warriors from all over the place to fight for the future of Dongpu.

A few days later, thousands of dark warriors came to Konoe Sega's shogunate and began to accept Konoe Sega's special training, aiming at Goryeo's Wudong.

From morning to night every day, those dark warriors had little time to rest, and they kept training and fighting.The training arranged by Konoe Sega was incomparably cruel, and it was no different from actual combat. He set up countless traps and obstacles, allowing the two sides to fight each other.Not long after the training started, one fifth of the dark warriors had already died, but no one complained.

"My lords, the future of the empire is up to you!" Konoe Sega said with his eyes wet, looking at those dark warriors who were constantly training and seeing their clothes wet with sweat.

After Wu Dong came back from Japan, he stayed in Incheon City.

He personally feels that Incheon City is much more comfortable than Kaijing. One is that he has stayed here for a long time and he is used to it. The other is that there are all Han people here, and they are all his own clansmen. It is natural to be with the clansmen. kind.

"Master, why are you here?" Wu Dong was looking at the documents in the room, when Li Shishi came in, he couldn't help asking.

"I just played chess with sister Hu's sister, and she fell asleep, so I came here. Husband, do you need me to help with any official documents?" Li Shishi said.

"No, you should take good care of your body now." Wu Dong smiled.

After I went to Kudao with Li Shishi last time, for some unknown reason, Li Shishi's stomach finally responded.She was very happy in her heart, and her wish was fulfilled.During this period of time, she has also been in Incheon City, with Hu Sanniang, playing and playing with Hu Sanniang, but occasionally helping Wu Dong with official documents.She has been with Wu Dong for these years, almost equivalent to Wu Dong's secret, and Wu Dong asked her to do many things.

After Li Shishi left, someone reported that Li Jun and Zhang Heng had returned from Jiangnan and asked to see Wu Dong, Wu Dong hurriedly summoned them.

"How's the situation in Jiangnan? Has Fang La not rebelled yet?" Wu Dong arranged for the two to sit down and asked immediately.

"Not yet." Li Jun shook his head.

"Not yet?" Wu Dong was very surprised. He remembered that Fang La's uprising was in the second year of Xuanhe, but it was already August. Why did Fang La not revolt? Then when will it be.

"Governor, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is very bad. The people there are getting harder and harder. Many people have to change their sons for food. It's very miserable." Li Jun sighed.

Li Jun, Zhang Heng and his group were originally from Jiangnan. Seeing Jiangnan's current state, they were actually very uncomfortable.

"Damn the court, damn Zhao Ji, for harming the people in the south of the Yangtze River like this. I really want to lead troops to attack Bianliang and completely destroy the Song Dynasty court in Bianliang." Zhang Heng said fiercely.

"Don't worry, there will be that day sooner or later. You stay in Incheon City for a few more days, take a short rest, and then go to Jiangnan." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, we don't need to rest! The people in the south of the Yangtze River are working hard. If we can go to the south of the Yangtze River a few more times to attract more people, we can save these people from disaster!" Li Jun said.

Wu Dong nodded, thought for a while, and said, "How many people have you recruited this year?"

Li Jundao: "At least 30."

Wu Dong was taken aback and said, "So many?"

He couldn't believe it. They only recruited 20 people last year, and now they have recruited 30 people in August, which is much more efficient than last year.

"Great governor, the main reason is that the people are becoming more and more unable to survive! Now as long as you go to the south of the Yangtze River and tell them to give them a piece of steamed bun or a bowl of porridge, someone will follow me on the boat immediately. After we arrive in the south of the Yangtze River, there is almost no need to stop , The boat arrives on the same day, and the people on the boat can be filled that night! If there are no accidents, at least 50 people will come to Korea this year, and maybe even more." Li Jun said.

"Very good, the more population the better! What we need in Liangshan is population! You go first." Wu Dong said.

After Li Jun and Zhang Heng bid farewell and left, Wu Dong thought for a moment in the room, then called Li Shishi, took a group of guards and headed outside.Anyway, Li Shishi is just pregnant, and it can't be seen from the outside, so it's okay to go out with him.Master Li is really bored these days, and when he heard that he was going out, he was very happy in his heart.

"Husband, where are we going?" Li Shishi asked curiously.

"Take a look around Seoul! The people from Jiangnan are all there, let's see how they live." Wu Dong laughed.

Everyone rode on horseback, of course Li Shishi was sitting in the car.Wherever they passed along the way, the people saluted one after another, and Wu Dong also nodded.When I came outside Incheon City, I suddenly saw many children around ten years old holding weapons and training.

"Husband, these are the children in the school? Are they going to have military training now?" Li Shishi was a little surprised.

"Well, this is a policy that has just been formulated. All students have two days of military training every month, so that they can really get in touch with the army and understand the army. This is outside, and it is very likely that they will also go to the barracks." Wu Dong road.

"Now the whole people are really soldiers!" Li Shishi thought to himself.

In fact, in addition to the regular army, in addition to these students who have to participate in military training, there is also a large number of reserve troops.The instructors of the reserve army are all retired soldiers who can no longer go to the battlefield due to injuries. They have rich experience and almost use the regular army to train the reserve army.However, the reserve training time is very short, only training once every five days, and all training is in the evening.Of course, some reserve officers will increase the training time, and some even conduct training every night.

"When Han Shizhong came back from selling horses in Menggu, the Khan of the Menggu Begging Department said that China is a piece of Feirou. The Khitan people and Nv Zhenren want to go up and take a bite. If they Menggu are strong, they will also go up and bite. One bite! Hahahaha, how can we let those foreigners get what they want? As long as everyone works hard, everyone goes up, and all the people become soldiers, sooner or later these feirou will become muscles, and China will also become a giant, punching these ignorant alien flies They chased them away one after another." Wu Dong rode on the horse, laughing loudly.

Everyone laughed. Today, everyone is confident in expelling the Tartars and restoring the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties.Therefore, while being angry about Menggu Dahan's "feirou" statement, he is also very disdainful.

Riding the horse all the way, I soon came to the vicinity of Seoul, and here is another strange scene.

Originally it was just a piece of wasteland, but now the wasteland has turned into fertile fields. Countless farmers are harvesting crops here, and some people are planting autumn.

In some places, the land is being measured, and there are many farmers waiting eagerly. These should all be farmers who have just come from the south of the Yangtze River.

Wu Dong jumped off his horse and walked in the field to observe the situation here.

Because most of these farmers had just come from Jiangnan, and Wu Dong was in casual clothes, many farmers did not recognize him.

"Old man, how much land have you allotted?" Wu Dong came to an old farmer and asked curiously.

"Our family has divided 10 acres!" The old farmer said excitedly.

"How many days have you been here?" Wu Dong said with a smile.

"It's been half a month." The old farmer said.

At this moment, the old farmer had seen Wu Dong's extraordinary demeanor, and thought that Wu Dong must be a high-ranking official in Liangshan, so he didn't dare to neglect his answer.

"Has anyone bullied you?" Wu Dong asked.

"No, really not! Not only is the government very kind to us, giving us food and land, but the rest of the people are also very hospitable, and some people even help us build houses." The old farmer said happily.

"Is there anything else you need help with?" Wu Dong continued to ask.

"This... not for the time being! This place is much better than my hometown. People in my hometown can't even eat. In my original village, half of the people starved to death! Coming here, I don't have to worry about food. This is already It's heaven!" The old farmer said with emotion.

"If you need help, you can go to the village chiefs of the villages, or the township chiefs, or even Li Gang, and they will definitely solve it for you. If they don't solve it for you, then come to me .” Wu Dong laughed.

"I don't know who you are, my lord?" The old farmer asked timidly.

"I am Wu Dong, Governor of Liangshan." Wu Dong smiled.

"Ah? His Royal Highness King Liang!" The old farmer was taken aback, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, bowing to Wu Dong continuously.

"Get up quickly! You are so old, about the same age as my old father, I can't stand your kneeling." Wu Dong pulled the old farmer up and said with a smile.

"My lord, you are the savior of the people in the south of the Yangtze River. In my heart, you are greater than the emperor. How can I not kneel when I see you?" the old farmer said.

Wu Dong shook his head, and said, "After you have stayed in Korea for a long time, you will know that kneeling is not allowed here! Well, old man, you continue to take care of your fields, and I will go to other places to have a look."

Wu Dong left here, the old farmer looked at Wu Dong's back, couldn't recover for a long time, until someone next to him patted him on the shoulder, he turned around, and said: "Old Zhangtou, what are you doing with me?"

Another old man next to him, with full head of white hair and a pipe dangling from his mouth, kept puffing and puffing, saying, "Old Liu, what are you looking at?"

"Old Liu" said, "Do you know who I saw just now?"

"Old Zhangtou" said: "Who did you see? Why are you so excited?"

Old Liu said: "I saw His Royal Highness King Liang, the governor of Liangshan, and he is right in front!"

Old Zhangtou was taken aback, and said, "Ah! King Liang is in front? Why didn't you tell me earlier, I'm going to visit his old man too."

That old Liu Tou hastily pulled Old Zhang Tou back, and said: "Your Highness must have something important to do, don't disturb him."

But Wu Dong went all the way, and there were more and more people around him, until Wu Dong walked away, those people slowly dispersed.

Wu Dong continued to move forward with his troops, and gradually came to the location of the "Seoul City" under construction, where a new city is being erected, and countless workers are working in it.

Soon Li Gang, the person in charge of Seoul, got the news and rushed out to greet him.

"Great governor, do you need to go in and have a look?" Li Gang asked.

"Of course I'm going in! I came here to go in and have a look." Wu Dong laughed.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Master Li smiled when he saw Li Gang over there.

"See Madam!" Li Gang hurriedly saluted.

Everyone got off their horses and entered Seoul, which was under construction.Here are some buildings that have been completed and many more that are under construction.

"Governor, the entire city is divided into four parts. The first part is the Governor's Mansion and all the official offices. Goryeo's government affairs will be carried out here in the future. The second part is the commercial area. According to the plan, this place will become Goryeo's commercial center in the future, any business transaction will pass through here, and the third part is the place where civilians live, I have the blueprint here, please look at it." Li Gangdao.

He squatted on the ground and spread out the drawing, and everyone squatted down with him to look at the drawing together.

"It is very important to design drainage facilities well... Also, the city needs to grow trees and grasslands, and pay attention to greening... There must also be libraries so that ordinary people can go in and read books." Wu Dong said.

He just said what was in his heart, and Li Gang next to him couldn't help nodding.For drainage, Li Gang naturally had a design, but planting trees, grass, etc. surprised him, but he thought it was nothing, and it would not take much manpower, so he agreed.As for the "library", he was full of admiration, saying: "Grand Governor, if the common people can go in and read after the library is set up, it will benefit all people!"

Wu Dong said with a smile: "Actually, libraries can be set up in every city! If it is possible in the future, libraries can even be set up in the countryside! Let the common people read and open up the wisdom of the people, so that China can be truly take off."

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