After entering that mansion, the surrounding area was empty and nothing could be seen clearly. [This chapter is updated by friends]

Shi Xiu followed Jin Yuan and Pu Shan with the sound of footsteps, and found that they had entered a big house.

There was a dim fire in that house, and there were more than ten people sitting beside the fire.Shi Xiu was far away, even though there was fire light over there, she couldn't see the faces of those people clearly.He held his breath and listened carefully to the voice inside.The voice inside is also very small, and they all speak Korean, but in such a quiet night, they can still hear clearly.

"Commander Zhang!" Jin Yuan shouted respectfully as he gave a military salute as soon as he entered.

"Don't call me Commander, that's the name of the Liangshan Army. We are all comrades in arms of the Restoration Congress." A gentle voice sounded, it should be that "Commander Zhang".

"Yes, President." Jin Yuan saluted again, and said respectfully again.

"Sit down quickly. By the way, how many members have you developed this year?" Commander Zhang asked.

"Now there is a company commander and two platoon leaders." Sitting by the fire, Jin Yuan said.

"Too little." Commander Zhang frowned.

"President, it is really difficult to recruit new members. I dare not speak publicly to those officers and soldiers, otherwise there will only be a dead end." Jin Yuan said.

"Hmph. It's not that you are timid! As long as we see anyone who has the slightest dissatisfaction with Liangshan, we must take the initiative to identify ourselves, and then develop members! If we don't follow, we will kill! Such a simple thing, so long You only developed three officers in that time, damn it!" Jin Yuan's boss, the division commander Pu Shan, scolded.

Jin Yuan was speechless. In fact, at the beginning, Park Shan developed him into the Restoration Council, and he was very active.But now, he has regretted it more and more.He really didn't want to continue participating in such an organization, but unfortunately, it was impossible to quit.Exiting now is also a dead end, and being discovered is also a dead end.These days, he couldn't sleep every day, worried about it every day, and became more and more haggard.

"Tomorrow, the governor will come to Yuanzhou City. We have to take action. I have a battalion under my command. I have made great achievements this time. The governor will definitely go to that battalion to inspect. This battalion is all members of our Restoration Congress. When the Metropolitan Inspector inspects, we will kill the Metropolitan Inspector." Commander Zhang said.

"Only one battalion?" Jin Yuan was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"When the governor was inspecting the army, he had very few guards with him. It's not impossible to kill him." Commander Zhang said.

"However, I heard that the commander-in-chief is exceptionally strong in martial arts. A battalion may not be able to kill him? It's like the commander of Yang Xiong's army. Do you think our battalion can kill him?" Jin Yuan asked.

When Yang Xiong was mentioned, everyone was stunned.Yang Xiong's ferocity is well known to everyone, killing people among thousands of troops is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.Let alone a battalion, even a regiment or a division may not be able to kill Yang Xiong.

"Jin Yuan, you are really worrying too much. The so-called great governor's martial arts skills are just rumors, and those people in Liangshan are flattering the governor. Have you ever seen the governor do it? Never seen it before?" Zhang Jun said.

"This..." Jin Yuan nodded, he had to admit that everything was a rumor.

"Ordinary leaders don't have much force. It's like the king of Goryeo. It was rumored that he was a descendant of a god, but do you believe that he is a descendant of a god?" Zhang Jun said.

"This..." Jin Yuan shook his head.

Since Goryeo was destroyed, any deified rumors about the King of Goryeo have been shattered. Now Wang Yu has gradually faded from the hearts of the people of Goryeo. Only those diehards will remember this person.

"Therefore, it shouldn't be a problem for a battalion of troops to kill the governor. None of them are afraid of death, and they will sacrifice their lives without hesitation in order to restore their homeland. After I kill the governor, the Second Army will There will definitely be a big luan. At that time, you must control your own army well, and then assist me to obtain the power of the entire Second Army! At that time, it is time for us to fully restore the country. The great Goryeo belongs to us Goryeo people , not from the Han people." At the end of the speech, Commander Zhang's voice revealed unconcealable excitement and agitation.

"Yes!" The dozen or so people beside the fire also nodded in excited voices.

"Remember, you must control your respective armies. Also, when the time comes, you must convey your loyalty to Goryeo to the soldiers. You must tell them that Goryeo belongs to our Goryeo people, and you must incite the soldiers. " Zhang Jun said.

They stayed in the Second Army for a year, all of them were high-ranking officials in the army, so they naturally learned Liang Shan's inciting tricks.Especially the so-called Commander Zhang, who is a master among them.

They discussed it again and finally dispersed.

Shi Xiu has been listening outside.After everyone dispersed, he started to leave with Jin Yuan.

His mind was spinning sharply, he didn't know who that "Jun Zhang" was.Although the surname Zhang is not as good as the surnames Jin, Park, and Cui, it is also a relatively common surname among Koreans.The Second Army has ten armies in total, and ten army commanders. As far as he knows, there are three of them surnamed Zhang.And this is only the army commander, maybe that "Zhang army commander" is just a deputy army commander, then there will be even more people, and it will be even more difficult to know who it is.

"No, we must report this matter to the governor to prepare." Shi Xiu frowned, then suddenly turned around and headed towards the center of the city.

After arriving here, he entered the government office with Yang Xiong's token.In the government office, he met Hua Rong and Yang Xiong, and then reported the matter.

Hua Rong already knew some information about the Koryo Restoration Congress in advance, so he was not very surprised, but Yang Xiong was stunned.

"Damn it, such a thing happened? There are still a group of rebels in my army?" Yang Xiong's face was full of anger.

"Legion Commander, what should we do about this matter?" Shi Xiu asked.

"Don't worry, since I already know about this matter, I will naturally not let the governor suffer any harm. It's just that how to lure the snake out of the hole and kill all the Koryo restoration elements needs to be studied carefully." Hua Rong said.

"Well, this is the most important thing. These people are hidden dangers of the Second Legion, and they cannot be allowed to continue to exist." Shi Xiu said.

"In the place you went today, the few people you saw were all core personnel. After all, there are not many people in the so-called Restoration Congress who can become division commanders. It would be great if someone could defect. "Hua Rong Shen Yin said.

At this time, a soldier suddenly reported outside, saying that a regiment commander of the Fifth Army surnamed Jin had an extremely important matter to see Hua Rong and Yang Xiong.

When the leader Jin came in, Shi Xiu froze there first, this person was none other than Jin Yuan!

After seeing Shi Xiu, Jin Yuan also had a surprised expression on his face, followed by terror!He knew that Shi Xiu had only recently joined his regiment, and he also guessed Shi Xiu's identity.

Wu Dong came to Yuanzhou City in the early morning of the next day, and he was very happy in his heart.

Now that they have finally marched into Liaodong, sooner or later they will reach the Central Plains.

"Central Plains is now in chaos. The imperial court and Fang La will fight for a year or so sooner or later. When the time comes, I will clean up the mess. When I go back, no one can stop me." Wu Dong said secretly. <.In his previous life, he lived a mediocre life, but in this life, he just hoped not to waste his time.It is best to change the historical course of the Chinese nation, so that the Chinese nation will no longer follow the same path.

"Governor, Shi Xiu is here. The other Koryo regiment leader, Jin Yuan, is also here." Yang Xiong came to Wu Dong's side and said.

"Let them come over." Wu Dong nodded.

He was on the city wall now, and soon there were footsteps behind him, Wu Dong turned his head and saw two people.

"See the Chief Commander." Shi Xiu said with a military salute.

"Long live the governor." Jin Yuan knelt down on the ground and said in fear.

"You forgot military discipline! This is the army, so you must give a military salute!" Wu Dong said coldly.

Jin Yuan didn't dare to look up at Wu Dong at all, he was incomparably terrified of Yang Xiong, let alone the governor of Liangshan, he kept kowtowing on the ground, and soon there was blood on his forehead, only to hear him cry: "Little Man deserves to die for his crimes. I beg the governor to spare his life."

Seeing his appearance, Wu Dong frowned, pulled Jin Yuan up immediately, and said: "Not only are you innocent, but you have merit. I will reward you greatly."

"Ah!" Jin Yuan froze there, unbelievable.

"Thank you for saving me." Wu Dong suddenly laughed.

In fact, he did have the idea of ​​going to the army to inspect. If Shi Xiu hadn't noticed the conspiracy of the Restoration Congress, he might have really gone there.At that time, even if you don't die, you may be injured.

"The villain doesn't dare." Jin Yuan said in fear.

"Stand up straight for me! You are still a soldier in Liangshan, always remember to demand yourself according to the military rules!" Wu Dong frowned and shouted.

Jin Yuan was startled, and hurriedly stood up straight, listening respectfully to Wu Dong's words.

"It seems that you are not yet 30 years old this year? To be able to become the head of the regiment at this age, you also have extraordinary talents. Tell me, how did you become the head of the regiment?" Wu Dong stared into Jin Yuan's eyes and asked .

"Reporting to the governor, the junior officer trained hard, surpassed others in martial arts, and passed the strategy test held by the army, so he became the head of the regiment. Moreover, a long time ago, I was a member of Wang Yu's army. He has made many military exploits." Jin Yuan said.

"Very good, this time I have an important task for you." Wu Dong said.

"I don't know what the task is?" Jin Yuan asked hastily.

"I order you to serve as the president of the Koryo Restoration Association from now on!" Wu Dong said.

"Ah!" Jin Yuan was stunned, unbelievable.

"Let's go. Let's go to the Second Army to have a look. Shi Xiu, you stay here and tell him everything." Wu Dong said.

Wu Dong took Yang Xiong to leave here, while Shi Xiu and Jin Yuan stayed here.

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