Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 231 Looting Population Again

After those commanders and commanders entered Wanyan Zonghan's camp, they couldn't help being surprised when they found that Wanyan Zonghan's face was very ugly and very pale. txt**

"General, what happened?" A ten thousand commander could not help but ask.

"I just got the news that the Huining mansion was taken down by the Han! Our parents and relatives are all in the Huining mansion, and it is said that no one survived the disaster!" Wanyan Zonghan gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"What?" Commander Qian and Commander Wan were all taken aback, and there was an unbelievable look in everyone's eyes.

"How is this possible? From Korea, or from Liaoyang, all the way to Huining Mansion, you have to pass through dozens of counties. Don't those counties even notice it at all?" A chief ten thousand immediately asked.

"I don't know, and I don't know how they went to Huining Mansion. In short, Huining Mansion was burned, and our real women are almost dead! All my wives, more than ten daughters, I am afraid that none of them escaped. I'm afraid your relatives are the same." Wanyan Zonghan clenched his fists and said.

"How could this be?"

"Impossible! No, I want to go back, I'm going to Huining Mansion now! I'm going to see what's going on in Huining Mansion!"

"We must kill those damned Han Chinese, we must not let them go!"

All of a sudden, all the commanders and commanders shouted loudly. Some commanders and commanders wanted to go back to Huining Mansion, while others wanted revenge. Everyone was impatient and unwilling to continue. stay here.

Huining Mansion is the birthplace of Nv Daoren, and as the Shang capital of the Dajin Kingdom, almost half of the Nv Daoren are there. Almost all the relatives of the thousand and ten thousand commanders here are in Huining Mansion. This time, Han Shizhong The Huining mansion was burned, and almost all their relatives were burned to death.

The commanders and commanders were emotionally agitated, in fact they were not the only ones, if those ordinary women and real cavalry learned the news of Huining Mansion, they would also be abnormally agitated and unbearable.

"They not only killed our parents and relatives, but also robbed all the wealth of Huining Mansion. Countless gold and silver treasures were robbed, and the food was burned. In addition, Huining The untouchables of all ethnic groups in front of Huanglong Mansion were also driven away by them." Wanyan Zonghan gritted his teeth.

"What? Have the untouchables of all ethnic groups been driven away?" These commanders and commanders were surprised again.

They were able to become commanders of thousands and commanders of ten thousand, naturally they had made countless military exploits, and they were all a group of people who followed Wanyan Aguda in the Liao Kingdom.At the beginning, every time they conquered a place, they had to move the people there to the north.They naturally knew the importance of these people, which was related to the long-term stability of the Jin Kingdom.How can you rule the world without people.

"These damned Han people! We must kill them all!" Every commander and commander gritted his teeth, filled with anger.

"Liaoyang City is too strong. Relying on our current strength, it cannot be defeated in a short time. So I am going to lead the army to the north, and I must grab the population. I finally understand why the Liangshan army went to the northeast a few days ago Now, they should be going to take care of those Han people who destroyed the Huining Mansion." Wanyan Zonghan said after being silent for a moment.

Naturally, no one objected to Wanyan Zonghan's order.These commanders and commanders also wanted revenge, but if they were allowed to stay in Liaoyang and continue to attack the city, they would not agree.

"Assemble the troops immediately, we will set off tonight." Wanyan Zonghan said.

Those thousands and ten thousand commanders left in a hurry and began to assemble the army. After the female real cavalry heard the news that the Huining Mansion was burned, everyone was also filled with anger, and they were immediately assembled.However, those new attached troops and slave troops rode on horses reluctantly. These new attached troops and slave troops have been attacking the city all day long, and they were already exhausted and unwilling to move at all. , they can't get up at all.

After a few days of brutal siege battles, the number of nv real troops also suffered a loss. Now nv real cavalry plus the new attached army and slave army total only 6 people, but 6 people are cavalry. Wanyan Zonghan is confident that with such More cavalry can fight the infantry from Liangshan to the northeast.

In addition, in addition to the army, they also brought 8 people of various ethnic groups when they attacked the city. Now these [-] people of various ethnic groups have suffered heavy losses due to the siege, and there are still [-] people.These people can't stay in Liaoyang City, they need to go to Guide Prefecture first.

But it will take too long to drive the people back.Wanyan Zonghan was very anxious, fearing that Han Shizhong had already driven tens of thousands of people from the north to Korea, so he was impatient to hunt down and kill Han Shizhong now, and had no time to drive these people back to Ludezhou.

"What should we do? Zongmei, you take [-] new troops, drive these untouchables to Lutheran State, and then return to join me." Yan Zonghan suddenly said after looking at the ten thousand commander next to him.

This person is called Wanyan Zongmei, and she is also a child of the clan, but the adopted son of Wanyan Wu begging for money.It's just that Wanyan Wu begging for money is dead, and now Wanyan Zongmei can only rely on Wanyan Zonghan.

"Don't worry, general, I will drive them all back." Wanyan Zongmei nodded.

It was pitch black, but the female camp all started to move.Naturally, it is difficult to deceive Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu in the city with such actions.Originally, they had all fallen asleep, but now they came to the city wall again.

"It seems that they don't seem to be attacking the city, but they seem to be leaving here." Yang Xiong looked into the distance and said.

"They must have received news from Huining Mansion!" Shi Xiu said sharply.

"Quick, send someone to check their whereabouts!" Yang Xiong was taken aback, and then immediately ordered the soldiers to investigate these real women.

Soon, news came back that the Nvzhen army was heading northeast, which seemed to be the same direction as Hua Rong had gone in the first place.In addition, there are [-] new attached troops driving the people of various ethnic groups towards the north, and the destination seems to be Lutheran State.

"The people of all ethnic groups are very important. Without a population, a country will not be a country. Han Shizhong drove tens of 10 people from the north to the south. Let's stop these people too." Yang Xiong said.

"But they are all cavalry, and we are infantry. Fighting on the plains is too much of a disadvantage." Shi Xiu said.

"Cavalry, that is also the new attached army! If it is a female real cavalry, the number is tens of thousands, I will naturally not pursue it. But the new attached army, then don't be afraid of him." Yang Xiong sneered.

Recently, Yang Xiong's army suffered heavy losses in several successive battles.Now there are less than 4 defenders in the entire Liaoyang City. Yang Xiong mobilized [-] soldiers and horses, regardless of fatigue, chasing and killing Wanyan Zongmei who went north overnight.

Wanyan Zongmei drove the people of all ethnic groups forward with [-] new attached troops, but these people were in poor health, and they also experienced a day of siege. At this moment, many people could not walk. Wanyan Zongmei was behind with a whip Chou slapped hard.

"Tell them, run forward quickly! If this still happens, I will shoot with a bow and arrow!" Wanyan Zongmei said viciously.

After such an order was conveyed, the speed of the people of all ethnic groups was indeed much faster, but they had not yet reached Wanyan Zongmei's requirements.

"Come on, shoot the hundreds of people in the back to death!" Wanyan Zongmei said while slapping her whip fiercely.

After hearing the news about the Huining Mansion, he felt a sense of anger in his heart, and just needed to find someone to vent his anger on, and now he set the target of venting on these people of all ethnic groups.

Soon, countless new attached troops moved towards the back, and then the sound of "whoosh, whoosh" sounded, and countless people who couldn't move fell in a pool of blood. The people in front were shocked when they heard the sound from behind, Quicken your pace.

"Hahahaha, these damn untouchables! By the way, there are Han Chinese and Koreans in Liangshan. After arriving in Ludezhou, I will pick out all Han Chinese and Koreans, and then cut their stomachs open! If it is a woman , all to death! Han Chinese and Koreans, this is already the enemy of our real women! Sooner or later, our real women will destroy their country and species!" Wanyan Zongmei's face was extremely ferocious.

At this moment, a scout suddenly ran up to Wanyan Zongmei and said, "General, we found the enemy behind us."

Wanyan Zongmei was taken aback for a moment, and said, "The trace of the enemy? Could it be that they came out of Liaoyang City?"

The scout said: "Exactly."

Wanyan Zongmei frowned and said, "How many people are there?"

The scout said: "In the dark night, we can't see clearly, but there should be a lot of them."

Wanyan Zongmei pondered for a moment, and said: "Shouldn't the number be quite large? Hmph, it shouldn't be too many! The entire Liaoyang City doesn't have many troops! They are all infantry, and I still have [-] cavalry here! We real women are invincible in the world , Let’s kill all these chasers today!”

Now Wanyan Zongmei gathered the new attached army, except for 2000 people to guard the nearly 8000 people of various ethnic groups, the remaining [-] people followed him to attack Yang Xiong's army.

Yang Xiong was carrying 2 people, and now they had divided into three groups. He led 1 people to chase forward, and Shi Xiu and Jin Yuan each led 5000 people to move forward from the left and right directions.

And Wanyan Zongmei's army went straight to meet Yang Xiong's [-] troops.

"She!" In the dark night, the sky was full of wind and snow, and it was impossible to see the scene ahead, only the sound of countless horseshoes, Yang Xiong ordered the soldiers to draw their bows and arrows.

Arrows fell like rain, and countless cavalrymen on the opposite side died, but the bows and arrows on the opposite side were also shooting towards this side, but the new attached army is not the real line of women after all, and their number of bows and arrows is limited, so although there are also casualties on Yang Xiong's side, but Not as many casualties as the new attached army.

"Come on! Go up and kill them all!" Wanyan Zongmei laughed while leading the cavalry.

"Follow me, you must block the charge of these new appendages! Even if you die, you can't take a step back!" Yang Xiong led the most elite 1000 soldiers to the front, and he gave orders fiercely.

Soon, the new attached army rushed up, relying on the power of the horse, their attack was extremely fierce, but they were completely blocked by Yang Xiong's 1000 people!If Yang Xiong encountered pure female cavalry, it would be impossible to block them.But it is a new attached army, so there is no big problem.The gap between the new attached army and the female real cavalry is too obvious. If they follow the female real cavalry and use the female real cavalry as arrows, they can still play a great role.But they fought alone, and their strength was average.

"Damn the new attached army! These cowardly Khitan, Han, and Bohai people! Ah! Damn it!" Wanyan Zongmei went crazy with anger.He has been in the real female cavalry all year round, and this time he used the new attached army as the real female cavalry, but when he rushed up, he realized that it was not the case at all.The new attached army is too weak, and he feels powerless in commanding the new attached army.

"Retreat! Get out of here first, and then attack them from behind! We are still cavalry, and our speed is faster than them!" Wanyan Zongmei gave the order again.

It's a pity that the new attached army is now in a mess, and the soldiers behind keep rushing forward. Many commanders of thousands and centurions can't even find their own soldiers.The sky was full of wind and snow, and even during the day, it was impossible to see far away, let alone at night, the command system of the new attached army completely failed.

In fact, it's not just the new attached army, Yang Xiong also found that his command system is malfunctioning at this moment. In the snowstorm, even he can only see a distance of more than ten meters. This is because of his high martial arts skills and better eyesight than ordinary people many.Moreover, in such an environment, the sound cannot travel very far, there are shouts of killing everywhere, and it is impossible to hear what people are saying in the distance.

As a result, the armies of both sides fell into a luan battle.Not long after, Shi Xiu and Jin Yuan rushed over with the remaining 1 people, and they were also fighting at the moment.

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