Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 238 Comprehensive Defense 2

Wanyan Aguda came to Guangning Mansion in mid-February, he hardly rested, and rushed to the city of Liaoyang with heavy troops the next morning.

To be honest, his army came here from Zhongjing, trekking all the way, physically exhausted, it is reasonable to take a rest, but now the women and real cavalry are so angry that they all want to seek revenge from Liangshan.In this case, even Wanyan Aguda was "kidnapped" by his own army and had to follow the will of all soldiers.

15 troops and countless siege equipment were transported over.He has attacked the Liao Kingdom over the years. In addition to the excellent army, all kinds of siege equipment have also become more and more sophisticated. Otherwise, he would not be able to capture so many cities.Countless trebuchets, siege vehicles, and ladders were brought in, and at the same time as he arrived, dozens of tall towers were also erected, soldiers could shoot bows and arrows inside, and suppress the enemies on the city wall.

In fact, when he came all the way to Liaoyang, he hoped in his heart to encounter the so-called "trench warfare".If such a situation really happened, Wanyan Aguda believed that with his invincible military skills, he would be able to completely defeat the enemies in the trenches, and then it would be much easier to conquer Liaoyang City.It's a pity that after arriving here, most of the trenches have disappeared, only occasionally encountering some traps, which caused them a little trouble.

Wanyan Agu frowned. After studying Liangshan's tactics, he felt that Liangshan was not the kind of army that would only focus on defense.When Yan Zonghan came last time, since they were able to fight in the trenches, why didn't they do it this time?

"Your Majesty, your reputation is unrivaled. These lowly Han people in Liangshan, when they heard that you were coming, they all hid in the city!" A ten thousand elder beside him said with a smile.

"I wish they would come out of the city and fight me." Wanyan Aguda shook his head lightly and said.

He didn't have time to express his emotions, and the female and real soldiers had already asked for orders to attack the city.So soon the brutal siege began.

He once attacked Liaoyang City, which was occupied by Khitan people at that time. After half a month of his onslaught, the city gate was finally opened.But this time he was facing Han people, and he didn't know if it would go as smoothly as last time.

The trebuchet continuously threw boulders towards the top, and along with the boulders came a rain of bobo arrows.Every soldier led by Wanyan Aguda carried bows and arrows, including the newly attached army.A bobo bow and arrow shot towards the top, and there were tens of thousands of arrows on it in a short time.For a while, the defenders above had to hide.

Soon, more than [-] troops set up ladders and began to attack the city frantically.

Wanyan Aguda only attacked in one direction, and used more than [-] troops to conquer this direction in one fell swoop.When he raised his troops, he only used [-] troops to attack Liaoyang City, but now it is three times as many as before. He thinks he should be able to take down Liaoyang City.

These more than [-] troops are much stronger than Wanyan Zonghan's army, mainly because the quality of the new attached army is completely different.The combat effectiveness of the new attached army carried by Wanyan Zonghan is too average, and the new attached army carried by Wanyan Aguda can almost compete with the Liangshan army.

At this time, all the heavy troops from Liangshan were also mobilized here.They also started to fight back against Nv Reality crazily.

Liangshan's armaments are only a lot more than those of the real women, and most of the real women can't rush up the city wall.Even if someone could rush up, they were driven down crazily by Yang Xiong and others.

From noon until the afternoon, Nv Zhenren launched more than 20 ferocious attacks, but was driven down by the Liangshan army every time.

Real Nv rushed upward almost desperately, if the Khitans were defending such a city, they would not be able to withstand such a frenzied attack for long.Even when they were attacking Zhongjing, the real Nv never made such a crazy and desperate charge.

Wanyan Aguda was riding on the horse, looking at the scene in the distance, he felt more and more bad in his heart.These Liangshan soldiers fought bravely and competed with their soldiers.In terms of bravery, Liangshan soldiers have indeed reached the level of real women.

The sun finally set, and it was already night, all the soldiers were exhausted, but Wanyan Aguda still did not give the order to retreat.He wants the soldiers to attack the city overnight and attack without stopping.This kind of attack can bring out the huge tenacity of female soldiers, and tenacity is also the reason why his army can rule the world.

"Your Majesty, we suffered too many casualties in this kind of siege! We don't have many girls. Do you think we should let the newly attached army attack alone, and our girls will retreat first?" A counselor came to Wanyan Aguda Beside him, he said worriedly.

"No, no one is allowed to retreat! Liangshan's soldiers are indeed very strong. If our daughter Zhenerlang retreats, the new attached army alone may not be able to take down Liaoyang City! I must defeat Liaoyang, as long as this place is conquered , the rest of the city will be much easier to conquer. Let the soldiers bear it a little longer. We have an unyielding will like steel and strong tenacity. Relying on this, we defeated the Khitan people, and now we have to The Han people hurry back!" Wanyan Aguda said through gritted teeth, holding a steel knife in his hand.

For a whole night, the Nv Daoist attacked the city frantically, launching countless attacks one after another.Arrows rained down from above, and they charged upward against the rain of arrows.Seeing the female soldiers continuously falling in a pool of blood, Wanyan Aguda felt his heart was bleeding. There are only so few real nv left, and every time one dies, the population of nv real people will decrease by one.He was unwilling to attack the city with such ferocity, but he had no choice but to use Liaoyang as a breakthrough point.After knocking down here, slowly regain all the cities in the north.

He tightly held the knife in his hand, his tendons were protruding, apparently exerting extreme force.

His soldiers have the toughness of steel, but the performance of Liangshan soldiers is no worse than his soldiers.

Liangshan soldiers also fought from day to night, and none of them retreated. Sometimes real women rushed up, and they would use their bodies to push those people down.Some people even fell from the city wall with those real women in their arms, and died together with the enemy.

Before dying, many people thought of the heroic deeds mentioned in the book of the strong army. Those people did not hesitate to die for the rise of the country. Today they also want to learn from those heroes.

"Death is nothing. Everyone has to die. It may be heavier than Taishan, or lighter than Hongmao! Today I died to guard the soil, and I only have joy in my heart!" A Liangshan soldier had been hacked several times, and his intestines were dragged On the ground, he roared and rushed towards a real female soldier, hugged the real female soldier, and pushed him off the city wall with all his strength, and he also fell off the city wall tens of meters away with the real female soldier , It is simply impossible to survive.

"Wang Wu!" A comrade-in-arms shouted loudly beside him, and the comrade-in-arms was already in tears.But now, there is no time to be sad, he wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve, and rushed towards the real female opposite.

Hua Rong spent the whole night commanding the battle on the city wall to prevent accidents.

Lu Junyi was also on the city wall, but he was not a soldier of Liangshan, so he could only follow Hua Rong to look around.

"Mr. Lu, what kind of business do you mainly do? What goods do you have?" Hua Rong noticed Lu Junyi and couldn't help asking.

"There are a lot of goods, cloth, food, and even some weapons." Lu Junyi said.

"Can you sell us Liangshan? We Liangshan will trade with you fairly, and we won't treat you badly." Hua Rong said.

"Okay, no problem." Lu Junyi nodded and agreed.

He didn't want to do business with the rebels at first, but after staying with the Liangshan army for many days, his views changed a lot.Now this anti-thief has great potential, so he has naturally become his investment target.He is loyal to the imperial court, but the businessman seeks profit, and there is no foolish loyalty like Confucian scholars.Doing business with Liangshan is naturally nothing.

By the next morning, Wanyan Aguda's siege had still not stopped.This large-scale crazy siege continued until the morning of the third day, when Wanyan Aguda finally retreated.

He finally realized that such a siege would have no effect. Apart from killing a large number of his soldiers, it was impossible to take down Liaoyang City.He has only a few soldiers now, and he can't consume any more.If it is consumed, there is simply no place to replenish it.Most of his people were burned to death in Huining Mansion, and even the people of all ethnic groups were taken away, so it was difficult to expand the new army.

Now he regrets it very much. If he knew that Liangshan would be so powerful, he should not have continued to attack Zhongjing in the Liao Kingdom at all. Instead, he returned immediately to wipe out Liangshan when Liangshan first appeared, so as not to let Liangshan become bigger in the northeast.He left Wanyan Zonghan, thinking he was safe, but unexpectedly he was defeated, which almost made him unable to cope with the situation in front of him.

In the next few days, Wanyan Aguda still did not leave Liaoyang City.This time he used many strategies to attack the city.He made people dig tunnels and wanted to suddenly enter Liaoyang City, but was discovered by Hua Rong.He wanted to use the rocket attack, but it didn't have much effect.He even ordered the soldiers to wear Liangshan's army and attack the city in the dark, trying to mihuo the Liangshan soldiers. At the beginning, it did cause a certain amount of chaos, but they were quickly driven off the city wall.

Wanyan Aguda set up more and more towers in front of Liaoyang City, and many archers climbed up to shoot arrows at the city.So Huarong also set up many towers on the city wall to confront each other, and the two sides won't win or lose.

If this kind of siege was against the Khitans, Wanyan Aguda would have already defeated them.But facing the same brave Liangshan army and Hua Rong with the same extraordinary commanding ability, it is impossible for Wanyan Aguda to defeat him without several times the strength.However, Liaoyang City now has [-] troops, and Wanyan Aguda is only in the early [-]s. In front of Liaoyang City's strong city walls, these troops do not have much advantage.

After several days of attacking the city, Wanyan Aguda's soldiers suffered heavy losses. Finally, Wanyan Aguda could not persist. He led his soldiers to evacuate Liaoyang City and began to attack the rest of the city.However, the rest of the cities are also extremely tightly defended. Under Hua Rong's strict orders, all the cities are mainly defensive. Even though Wanyan Aguda deliberately exposed the loopholes several times, and wanted Liangshan to attack in front, Liangshan's army did not act. .

The entire Liangshan army in the northeast is like a tortoise, with its head, tail, and limbs all shrunk into its shell, and it does not engage in field battles with them at all.Even though Wanyan Aguda is a peerless hero, there is nothing he can do at this moment.

Moreover, most of the population of the dozen or so cities that Liangshan now occupies has moved out, and almost all the troops have been concentrated in a few big cities.The rest of the cities are guarded in name, but in fact there are not many people.

On this day, Wanyan Aguda's general Wanyan Chang led an army of tens of thousands to attack Hanzhou. After entering it, he found a dangdang empty area. The nv real person kept walking into the city, but after reaching the center of the city, someone soon found out that something was wrong.

"General, it's on fire!" A female soldier said in panic.

"Where is it?" Wan Yanchang asked, taken aback.

"All directions! Look, there are flames everywhere!" The soldier said in surprise.

"Damn Han people!" Wan Yanchang looked around and found that the city gates on all sides were full of thick smoke, he was shocked at the moment, and cursed loudly at the same time.

He guessed that this must be Liang Shan's conspiracy, and he was extremely angry in his heart, and immediately led the soldiers to leave Hanzhou City.Fortunately, he left earlier and was not blocked in the city, but was just taken aback.

After a period of time, the nvzhen army found that Liangshan soldiers were concentrated in four big cities.

From Xianping Prefecture to Guide Prefecture, then to Liaoyang Prefecture, and then to Chengzhou in the north, a line is formed from north to south.Almost all the population migrated to these cities.Of course, there is still a large population in Tianfu City, but Tianfu City is located in the desolate northeast region, and Wanyan Aguda didn't even notice that place.

Liaoyang City has [-] troops, and the rest of the cities, Xianping Prefecture, Guide Prefecture, and Chengzhou, also have approximately [-] to [-] troops.The reason why there are so many troops is that on the one hand, Liangshan has increased a large number of troops, and another reason is that Liangshan has urgently recruited local troops.They even mobilized the local people to participate in the defense of the city.

These people have all accepted the rule of the real woman, so they naturally know that the real woman is cruel. If the real woman breaks the city, although they will not die, they will not end well. Nv Zhenren belonged to a semi-primitive and semi-slavery society when she was in the mountains and forests. After Wanyan Aguda unified Nvzhen's ministries, the Jin Kingdom established now also belongs to a slavery country, and has not yet transformed into a more advanced feudal system.In slavery countries, these people of all ethnic groups are slaves, and their treatment can be imagined.

The four cities formed a defense line that stretched for nearly a thousand miles from north to south, tightly blocking Nv Zhenren to the west of Liaoyang, preventing Nv Zhenren from advancing an inch.

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