Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 24 Big waves

If you want to go to sea, you must first buy a sea boat.

Wu Dong has now controlled all the wharves and ports in Terengganu, so it is of course extremely easy to buy seagoing ships.Soon they bought two huge sea-going ships, each tens of meters long, with a draft of about 200 tons, capable of carrying countless cargoes.

After seeing these two ships, Hua Rong, Ruan Xiaoqi, and Wu Yong were extremely shocked.

There are also a lot of ships in Liangshanbo, but the largest ship in Liangshanbo can't keep up with the seagoing ship in front of me, and the specifications are very different.Moreover, the boats in Liangshanbo run in the inner lake, and they are far less sturdy than sea boats. After everyone went up to see it, they all applauded in their hearts.

"There is such a big ship in the world, I, Ruan Xiaoqi, have learned a lot today." Ruan Xiaoqi said.

"This is not the biggest sea ship, I have seen bigger ones before." Wu Dong said.

"Is there anything bigger than this? How big should it be?" Ruan Xiaoqi asked curiously.

"A bigger ship, with a length of hundreds of meters and a draft of tens of thousands of tons... But such a ship did not exist in the Song Dynasty," Wu Dong said.

"Where is it?" Ruan Xiaoqi became more and more curious.

Wu Dong smiled and said nothing, of course such a ship is only available in modern society.There are no such large ships in the Song Dynasty now, and there are no such large ships in other places on the earth.

"By the way, it's not enough just to have a sea-going ship, we also need to hire sailors." Wu Dong said.

"Hire sailors? No need for this? We brought hundreds of soldiers to the sea this time. These soldiers exercise in the water every day. They are very good at water and can handle the boat, so there is no need to hire other sailors." Ruan Xiaoqi said .

"This is not possible... The situation in the sea is much more complicated than that of Liangshanbo. Only sailors who are used to running on the sea can really control the sea boat. This time you follow them and learn it well, and you don't need to hire them next time. Sailor." Wu Dong said.

"Oh." Ruan Xiaoqi replied, but he didn't take it seriously, still thinking that the soldiers at Liangshanbo must be able to control the sea ship.

"You will know when the time comes." Wu Dong smiled.

At present, Wu used to hire sailors. Two ships of this size required at least 100 sailors.It took a day to get hired.

The leader was a man named Xu Bin, about 40 years old, with very dark skin, apparently often running on the sea.He is a bit short and has a lean body, but his water skills are extremely good.

Xu Bin was brought in front of Wu Dong and the others. Seeing the strength of Kong Wu and Wu Dong and the others, he couldn't help being startled, and he became more cautious.

"Boss Xu, I will trouble you this time." Wu Dong said with a smile.

"What's the trouble? I also want to thank you for giving me a deal." Xu Bin said hastily.

This time, the money to hire them is quite a lot, each of them can get 3 taels of silver, which is a lot of money for the sailors at sea.

"We're going to Goryeo to sell some porcelain. After arriving in Goryeo, maybe we'll ask you to be our guide." Wu Dong laughed.

"That's easy to say." Xu Bin said.

Before seeing Wu Dong and others tall and powerful, he was still worried that the guests would not be easy to serve, but now he felt Wu Dong's gentleness and politeness, and he suddenly relaxed.

As for the goods, they have been prepared a long time ago, and many porcelains have been moved to the ship.

This time, Wu Dong just tried the sea route and learned about the situation in Korea, so he didn't bring many people with him.Wait until you have a thorough understanding of this road, and after you have a thorough understanding of Goryeo, send more people there.


Before leaving, Ruan Xiaowu came to see him off and told everyone to be careful.

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "Brother, don't worry, with me here, the chief will be safe. Don't you believe my water skills?"

The sea boat started heading towards Goryeo. Wu Dong, Hua Rong, Ruan Xiaoqi, and Wu Yong stood at the bow of the boat, admiring the sea scenery.

Among these people, except for Wu Dong, it was their first time to come to the sea, and they were all very excited. Of course, Ruan Xiaoqi was the most excited.

Ruan Xiaoqi has been fond of playing with water since he was born, and now he can't wait to jump into the sea and have a good time.However, since joining the army, his temperament has become much calmer, "all actions are under command", without Wu Dong's order, he would not do such a thing now.

Not long after, Xu Bin made arrangements for the boat and came before everyone.

"Boss, how long will it take to reach Korea?" Wu Dong asked.

"It will take about four or five days... Goryeo is very close to Dengzhou, only a thousand miles away, and the sea area in this section is also very calm, generally there is no storm." Xu Bin said.

Wu Dong clicked Tian, ​​looked at the sea in the distance, and suddenly remembered many things.Including those things in modern times before Rebirth.

Historically, the Ming Dynasty began to implement the "Forbidden Sea Order". At the most stringent time, "slabs are not allowed to enter the sea", and China was completely isolated from the sea.And at that time, it was the time when Western powers crossed the sea and seized overseas colonies.China has fallen behind the world since the Ming Dynasty.In the Qing Dynasty, it plummeted even more, and it was no longer a kingdom of heaven, and was even continuously bullied by European and American powers.

In modern times, the Chinese are also trapped in the inland sea, surrounded by layers of American island chains. Even in the inland sea, there are many disputes with Japan and the South China Sea countries.

Until Wu Dong's rebirth, China's power in the sea was far inferior to those of the real powers, and it did not have its own maritime advantages.Many things make contemporary Chinese feel aggrieved.

"Since I have been reborn into this world, I, Wu Dalang, will never allow China to follow the old path of the Ming and Qing Dynasties... China must become a maritime power from now on." Wu Dong secretly said.

The maritime policy of the Song Dynasty is still very good. It attaches great importance to maritime trade, and the people are not opposed to going to sea.However, there is no dedicated naval army.

"In the future we will have a sea army to defend our ships." Wu Dong said.

"Boss, are you going to develop vigorously in Dengzhou?" Hua Rong said.

"Well, it's not only Dengzhou, but also Korea. In Shandong, we were trapped in Liangshanbo, and we couldn't attack the city at all. If we captured the state capital, I'm afraid the imperial court would use troops against us immediately. Even if we could stop it, we would The strength is greatly damaged. So we want to develop overseas, and my first goal is Korea." Wu Dong said.

This was the first time he really expressed his thoughts, but this was only his first goal.After conquering Goryeo, he will continue to develop abroad.

"Goryeo was originally the Kingdom of Shu in the Song Dynasty, but unfortunately since the rise of the Liao people, Goryeo has become a vassal to the Liao people." Huarong said.

"This is just right, it gives us a reason to attack them." Wu Dong Xiaodao.

"If you can occupy Goryeo, it is indeed a good place. The land there is also very fertile, and the population is large, which is equivalent to a Shandong province." Huarong said.

Hua Rong was also a little excited. He used to only think about how Liangshanbo would develop in Shandong. He never thought that he could go overseas and occupy Korea. But he admired Wu Dong more and more in his heart.

In fact, this is a matter of vision. Wu Dong comes from a modern society. Of course, he will not only focus on the country of the Song Dynasty, but focus on the whole world and the future development of the Han people. Naturally, he thinks more broadly.


The boat traveled quickly, and along the way, the Liangshan soldiers learned a lot of sailing knowledge from the sailors. Only then did they realize that sea boats and inner lake boats are indeed very different, and the handling methods are very different.If they were to steer the ship, the ship might be overturned by the waves within a short distance.

At midnight on the third day, Xu Bin suddenly broke into the cabin and said, "The weather is a bit bad. I'm afraid there will be strong wind and waves. Everyone, don't sleep at night, and be prepared to resist the wind and waves at any time."

Wu Dong and the others were slightly startled. They said earlier that this section of the sea is generally not stormy, but they didn't expect them to run into it.

Soon, a hurricane blew up, and countless dark clouds appeared in the sky, followed by roars of thunder, bursts of lightning, and then torrential rain.

The wind was blowing too hard, and the sailors on the ship were extremely anxious and began to steer the ship, fearing that the ship would be blown over by the strong wind. At this time, the soldiers of Liangshanbo naturally rushed to help.

The waves were like a mountain, hitting the hull continuously, and the hull was about to capsize.

It was the first time for Wu Dong and others to experience such a situation, and they couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

At this time, the boss of the ship ran over and said, "Boss, it's not good, the mast is about to fall. After the mast falls, we can only drift on the sea."

Wu Dong was taken aback, and said, "Take me there."

The captain of the boat, Xu Bin, took Wu Dong to run towards the mast, and saw the mast shaking constantly. Wu Dong came to him and grabbed the mast. After a while, the mast stabilized.

"What a lot of strength!" Xu Bin was taken aback at the moment. You must know that the mast of the ship is extremely heavy, and it is such a bad weather that it is impossible to catch it without the strength of a thousand catties.Their sailors at sea were helpless in such a situation, because Gein didn't have the strength of Wu Dong.

Wu Dong was originally born with supernatural power, and later he practiced Baji Locking Meridian Kungfu, he still has a thousand catties of strength in his hands, and there is no problem in holding the mast steady.

The wind was still increasing, Wu Dong stood here like a King Kong, motionless, Xu Bin was in admiration, but he still had to command the sailors, so he pleaded guilty and left.

Another quarter of an hour later, Hua Rong suddenly ran over and said, "Brother, it's not good, Wu Yong fell into the sea."

"What?" Wu Dong was taken aback, and said, "Can you save him?"

The rain was so heavy that Wu Dong's voice was in a trance, but fortunately Hua Rong was able to hear him because of his deep internal strength.

"Xiao Qi has already jumped down, I wonder if we can save him." Hua Rong said loudly.

At the bow of the boat at this moment, Xu Bin looked at the scene below in horror, only to see a figure tossing and turning in the big waves.

A wave of tens of meters high came over, and that person stepped on the wave and walked forward, like a god-man.


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