Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 248 Youth Movement

Late that night, Li Gang tossed and turned and could not sleep. www txt** He hadn't rested for several days, and his body was exhausted to the extreme, but now he couldn't fall asleep because of the worry in his heart.

"Great Governor Ming Jian, the so-called human rights and civil rights thoughts are against ethics, even if they can win the support of poor and lowly farmers and businessmen, they will eventually harm the world..." He wrote word by word, and it was already dawn before he knew it.

By this time, I had finished writing, and I checked it again, and felt that I had written out the thoughts in my heart, so I hurriedly sent this letter to Korea and handed it over to Wu Dong.

Wu Dong received this letter in mid-May. He read it carefully and found that there was not much new in the letter. It was nothing more than using some Confucian sages to refute Liangshan Thought.It seems plausible, but it's actually all cliche.It is said that the world should be orderly and everyone should not be equal.It is said that "the people can make them know but not make them know", the more the people know, the more they know, the less conducive it is to rule.It is said that the ideas of sages and sages are the truths that have been proven for thousands of years. They have been practiced in all dynasties and have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The governor should not violate these ideas.It is too late to look back now, and when "Liangshan Thought" harms the world, the entire nation will decline because of it.

After reading it, Wu Dong smiled and thought carefully. He also took out a piece of paper with only one sentence "Facts speak louder than words" written on it. Then he folded the paper and put it in an envelope for the It was handed over to Li Gang.It is really difficult for him to refute these Confucian ideas, but he believes that the facts will prove that he is right, and the nation will benefit from this "Liangshan Thought" in the future.

"In order to promote Liangshan Thought, it is a double-edged sword to mobilize young people now!" After dealing with all this, Wu Dong stood in front of the window, looked into the distance, and said secretly.

Young people are too aggressive and impulsive, so it is very difficult to take advantage of them.This is a torrent. If you master it well, you can drown the enemy, but if you don't master it well, you can drown yourself.He has been paying attention to the youth's affairs during this time, hoping not to make too much trouble.

In the city of Chungju in the south of Koryo, thousands of young people gathered to learn Liangshan thought together.Members of the thought remolding group at the top were chanting slogans loudly, and the young people below followed suit and shouted wildly, feeling extremely excited.

An hour later, these young people came out from the meeting place. They rushed to the street and started a parade, preaching Liangshan Thought.

For such things, the middle-aged and elderly people in Zhongzhou City are used to it. Only the five or six-year-old children are watching all this curiously. Sometimes these children also march with the young people. It's a game.

"The Great Governor said that no matter the Han people or the Goguryeo people, the Silla people, or the Baekje people, they are all members of a powerful and powerful country, regardless of each other! Only under the leadership of the Great Governor can we establish the most powerful just regime in history Let everyone be liberated, everyone be free!" A young man of seventeen or eighteen walked in the front and shouted loudly.

"Long live a powerful and powerful country! Long live the governor!" Behind him, a woman also yelled. The woman's face was full of excitement and excitement. She looked about 15 years old and was wearing very dirty clothes. Old, obviously from poor people.

"Long live! Long live! Long live..." The young people behind shouted in unison, and the entire Zhongzhou city seemed to echo with such a voice.

They went from one street to another, marching and shouting constantly, as if they didn't know how tired they were.

At this moment, they came to the east of the city. In a shop in the east of the city, several middle-aged people in their 40s looked at the scene here with unusually gloomy expressions.One of them had three long beards and worried eyes, said: "It has been two years since the old country was destroyed by the Han people, these young people not only don't think about restoring the old country, but are still shouting for the Han people! They are really confused. Don’t you know that Liangshan is the invader? Don’t you know how many gentry Liangshan killed and how much property was confiscated?”

A person next to him, who was older and had many wrinkles on his face, said: "This is the cunning of those Han people. They took away the property of the noble gentry and distributed it to the poor and lowly. Naturally, they can get the wealth of the poor and lowly. Support. Hey, we really have no way to deal with this trick of the Han people.”

The person who spoke before said angrily: "However, these young people should not be allowed to continue shouting like this! I feel very wrong! If they shout like this every day, how many people in Zhongzhou City will still miss their homeland? Work hard to restore the motherland?"

A literati dressed up next to him said: "But we have no way to stop them? These young people seem to be yelling like this under the auspices of the Han people. With the support of the Han people, we have nothing to do."

The person who spoke earlier stood up suddenly, and said: "No, I'm going to persuade them! Let them understand right from wrong! If you have the courage, then follow me to stop them!"

The rest of the people looked at each other a few times, some of them backed away a little timidly, but another two stood up and said loudly: "Okay, let's go together and persuade these young people! These young people are our Koreans. In the future, the restoration of the country will depend on these people, we cannot let them be fooled by the Han people!"

"Let's go, let's hurry up and catch up with those young people!" said the person who spoke earlier.

The three of them rushed out, and the other four stayed here. They all had embarrassing expressions on their faces, and one of them said, "Why don't we follow out quietly? If possible, help help them?"

"Okay, then go out and have a look quietly." The rest of the people also agreed with this person's statement. They would not dare to go if it was obvious, but of course there is no problem if they go quietly.

The previous three strode forward and quickly caught up with those youths.

"Stop! Stop!" The middle-aged man with three strands of long beard rushed in front of these youths, stretched out his hands to stop them, and shouted loudly.The other two followed behind him and stopped the young man along with him.

"What are you going to do, don't you know that we are promoting the Liangshan thought of the governor?" A young man asked coldly.

"Do you know that this is Goryeo, and you are from Goryeo! The so-called governor, he is an invader, and he brought disaster to our Goryeo! You should not support him, you should oppose him, let him go from Goryeo Get out!" The middle-aged man with long beards gritted his teeth.

When he said this, he thought that those young people would listen to him for a while, but the faces of those young people changed immediately, and the eyes of all the young people looking at him became extremely disgusted.

"Koryo Zionism! You are a Koryo Zionist! Damn it, damn it! Evil Koryo Zionism!" a young man said angrily.

"In the face of justice and evil, racial distinctions must be put aside!"

"The Metropolitan Governor established an unprecedented just regime. He is the savior of all Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje people! Whoever opposes the Metropolitan Governor is against the entire Goryeo people!"

"Korea Zionism is just for the sake of allowing that devil Wang Yu to continue to ascend the throne, ride on the heads of the people of Korea to do his best, and harm the people of Korea for thousands of years! Damn Koryo Zionism, those who support Koryo Zionism All be damned!"

"Kill them! Kill them!"

Thousands of young people expressed their dissatisfaction with angry voices. At the beginning, it was just someone shouting. In the end, countless young people rushed up. They pushed the three people to the ground and beat them hard with their fists and feet. Three middle-aged people.

The three were still resisting at first, and tried to stop the youths with words, but soon they were speechless and unable to resist.At this moment, they were all dying, lying on the ground and unable to get up, but the youths were still beating them.

"Stop, stop!" A young man suddenly shouted at this moment.

"Why do you want to stop?" The young man next to him was taken aback, and they all looked at the young man, and someone asked in surprise.

"Korea Zionism is a disaster to the world. We can't beat them to death. That would be too cheap for them! We want to parade them through the streets, publicize their crimes, and let all Koreans know their crimes!" said the young man. .

"That's right, parade! Take these three evil Zionists to parade! Let's go!" The rest of the youth shouted excitedly.

So the three middle-aged people were arrested again, they were tied up with ropes, and huge signs were stuck on their bodies, which read "Evil Zionism", "Supporters of the Evil Regime", The words "enemies of the people" and so on, their faces were blackened and smeared with dirt and ink, their clothes were taken off, and various words and pictures were painted on their bodies. It's funny and scary at the same time.

The young people paraded the three of them through the streets in agitated mood, constantly declaring their "crime".The four middle-aged people who came out before all felt chills when they saw the scene here.

"Shall we rescue the three of them?" one of them asked.

"I think it's better to forget it. These young people are too agitated. If we go up, I'm afraid we will be knocked to the ground too. Let's go back to our respective homes and never get together again to discuss the restoration of the motherland." The person next to him said with a pale face.

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and left here.The rest of the people looked at each other, stopped talking, and walked towards their home in silence.

The youth movement was in full swing, and not only the Koryo Zionists were beaten to the ground, but in some places, some school teachers were also beaten to the ground.These teachers are regarded as enemies by young people and criticized by young people just because they promote Confucianism, which is contrary to the human rights and civil rights ideas of Liangshan Thought.Governments all over the country wanted to restrain this kind of behavior, but the young people were managed by the thought reform group, and the thought reform group had Wu Dong's orders, so the government could do nothing.Even, in some places, some corrupt officials have been criticized.

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