Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 252 Technology Explosion 3

Soon, all the clothes on Wu Dong's body were taken off, and he stood there naked. Xiao Feifei blushed, stretched out his arms to wrap around Wu Dong's waist, and leaned his head on Wu Dong's chest.

In this situation, Wu Dong couldn't suppress his desire, he stretched out his hand to hug Xiao Feifei, and gently kissed "

Xiao Feifei had never experienced human affairs before. At this moment when Wu Dong kissed her, she felt hot all over her body, her body was soft, and she could hardly lift her strength, but she still restrained her shyness and waited for Wu Dong to finish bathing, and then began to bathe herself.

"Are you really the shinv of Yelu Dashi's family?" Wu Dong wiped her body clean, hugged her lightly, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, this servant girl grew up in Master Yelu's house." Xiao Feifei said softly.

"I don't think so." Wu Dong shook his head and said.

"Ah, why did Your Highness say that?" Xiao Feifei was taken aback, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Now that she was in Wu Dong's arms, Wu Dong naturally felt the slight changes in her body, and immediately laughed again.The reason why he thought that Xiao Feifei was not from a shinv was mainly because when she waited for others to take a bath, her movements were too jerky, as if she had just learned to serve others not long ago.And when you think about her temperament carefully, she doesn't look like a servant, but like a young lady who grew up in brocade clothes and food.

Wu Dong already felt that the batch of "gifts" sent by Yelu Dashi were not simple, maybe they were not just for him to enjoy, but also for other purposes.

"Let's talk about the Liao Kingdom, do you have any other relatives in the Liao Kingdom?" Wu Dong said.

"It's gone." Xiao Feifei's face showed a trace of sadness. She was far away from home and gave it to others as a gift. She might never return to Xiao's house. Even if she has relatives now, it's the same as having no relatives.

"What do you think is the difference between us Korea and Liao?" Wu Dong asked.

"Goryeo is prosperous, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and live a happy life. The Liao Kingdom has suffered several years of war, and the people have no means of living. It is dilapidated. The soldiers and horses of Goryeo are also stronger than those of the Liao Kingdom. You, the governor... are also more heroic than the emperor of the Liao Kingdom. A lot." Xiao Feifei gritted his teeth and said.

"In the future, I will let the people of the Liao Kingdom live a happy life in peace and contentment, so take your time." Wu Dong said.

"Ah? What does the governor mean?" Xiao Feifei asked in astonishment.

"What I mean is that you will be my woman from now on, don't have other thoughts!" Wu Dong laughed. <Go, suddenly a soft, tender feeling came.Xiao Feifei's body that was originally stiff due to nervousness became soft again at this moment, and at the same time became hot again.She closed her eyes, covered in lust, and it took a long time to calm down.

Xiao Feifei was lying in Wu Dong's arms, unable to get up.Her face, which was already extremely beautiful, now had a hint of charm after the storm.She didn't dare to raise her head at all, but just gently stroked Wu Dong's majestic body with her hands. This feeling made her feel shy and also had a strange sense of security.

Wu Dong is now extremely satisfied, no wonder Li Shishi said that as long as he tasted Xiao Feifei, he would not think about other women anymore.It seems so.The feeling Xiao Feifei brought was so good, it was like taking drugs.Even now, he still wanted to bully Xiao Feifei over and over again, just looking at her expression gave him a sense of conquest that he had never had before.

In the past, I often heard people say "beautiful women are troublesome". At the beginning, he could not bear the flirtatiousness of women because of the lack of self-control of men. As long as there are strong-willed people, there will never be "beautiful women".But now he knew that he was wrong, even with his own strength, after tasting Xiao Feifei, he felt that he could no longer give up. It seemed that such a peerless woman really existed in this world.

No wonder King Zhou of Shang Dynasty obeyed Daji's words after he got Daji until he died.According to historical records, before King Zhou of Shang got Daji, he was regarded as a generation of British lords, but after getting Daji, he began to act perversely.In addition to the reason of Shang Zhou himself, Daji should also be an important reason, presumably it should be similar to Xiao Feifei in front of him?

"I want someone to check Feifei's identity. I'm afraid it's not easy. Yelu Dashi sent such a beauty, and ordinary people really can't help it. I'm afraid they want to stay with her every day." Wu Dong smiled and shook his head.

After a while, Wu Dong suddenly said: "Hands are like catkins, skin is like creamy fat, collar is like grub, teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, gnat's head is like moth eyebrows, smiling sweetly, looking forward to beautiful eyes. This passage in the Book of Songs It's the best way to describe you."

Xiao Feifei was unusually shy, and said in a very low voice: "Your Highness's praise."

Wu Dong said: "You don't need to call me Your Highness. From now on, I will be your man. Just like Master and the others, call me Husband."

Xiao Feifei was startled, and said: "But..."

Before she had time to think of a reason for her refusal, Wu Dong had already hugged her tightly and said, "Look at how your husband will create a new era. Now, sleep obediently."

At that moment, Wu Dong fell into a deep sleep with his arms around her, not caring about anything else.Tonight, Wu Dong's body and mind were extremely relaxed, but Xiao Feifei had been riding a horse for a whole day, and after going through such a thing at night, he was also extremely exhausted, and soon fell asleep.In the dreamland, Wu Dong seemed to have turned into a big demon, and she had no choice but to be bullied by the demon.She wanted to fight the devil, but she couldn't fight at all.As a result, she struggled with nightmares all night, and was too tired to wake up from the dream.This night, she had an extremely difficult life.


"Your Highness, I'll wait for you to wash up." Xiao Feifei didn't dare to look at Wu Dong, and lowered his head and said softly.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday? I asked you to call me husband." Wu Dong said.

"However, I'm just a servant and maid, how can I call Your Highness like that." Xiao Feifei said timidly.

"How many times do you want me to remind you? I usually only say once when I give orders to others! Today is the second time I've said it to you, and I hope you don't want me to say it the third time." Wu Dong said coldly the way.

"Yes, but...but..." She was so anxious that she was about to cry. She came to Korea to perform a mission, not to really find a man.If Wu Dong really became her "husband", how can this task be completed?Although "husband" is just a code name, it means a lot to her.Over the past 200 years since the founding of the Liao Kingdom, the Sinicization has been very strong. There is also an imperial examination system in the country, and Confucianism has also prevailed in the Liao Kingdom.As a daughter of the Xiao family, Xiao Feifei is different from ordinary women. She has also been familiar with poetry since she was a child, so she naturally knows the truth of marrying and obeying her husband.If she doesn't call out these two words, she is still a palace lady, even if her body is occupied, but that is only a sacrifice for the country, but if she calls out these two words, she is afraid that it will last forever, and she will really take the martial arts. If Dong is a husband, that would be bad.

"Do you dare not listen to me?" Wu Dong stared at her coldly, which made her feel tremendous pressure, and she was almost out of breath. After a long time, she tremblingly said: "Husband."

"Very good, you finally didn't let me down again. Seeing that you are a little weak, you will stay in the room today. I will ask someone to find you some books to relieve your boredom. If you need it, I will find some women to come and accompany you You. If you become my wife, I will not treat you badly." Wu Dong said flatly.

"Thank you, Your Highness..." Xiao Feifei just said this, and felt Wu Dong's cold gaze, and was startled at the moment, so he could only say: "Thank you, husband."

Wu Dong has already left, but Xiao Feifei is still sitting there, she is frowning, she tried her best to youhuo Wu Dong before, wanting Wu Dong to occupy her body.But after this incident really happened, she felt that everything seemed out of her control.Not only is she unable to control Wu Dong, but it is very likely that she will completely control Wu Dong.After all, she is just a girl under 20 years old.

Ling Zhen was already waiting for Wu Dong. After seeing Wu Dong's arrival, he wanted to explain his new discovery in fire medicine, but Wu Dong stopped him and said, "Let's go to the iron factory first."

In fact, Wu Dong felt a little ashamed. He brought a lot of information about Huyao from Ling Zhen yesterday, but he was infatuated with beauties, so he didn't pay attention to it in the end.If I discuss it with Ling Zhen now, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain why I came here. I'd better wait until I go back and read the information carefully before talking to Ling Zhen about fire medicine.

A group of people headed towards the ironworks, and they could see the billowing black smoke from the huge chimney far away.Seeing these chimneys, Wu Dong felt as if he had returned to the industrial age in the [-]th century, everything was so novel.

As for Ling Zhen, he was extremely excited. Every time he saw these huge chimneys, he seemed to see the huge steel production capacity and the booming steel industry.

"Ling Zhen, you also put a lot of effort into the ironworks?" Wu Dong said.

"Yeah, since the construction of the ironworks, I have to come here every few days. Every time I come, I have to stay in it for a long time. I also personally participated in the blast furnace blast research, which is the blast furnace drum. Only when the wind problem is solved can we bring about a fundamental change in ironmaking technology. Now the iron we smelt is much harder than before, and can almost reach the level of [-] steelmaking. However, there are still many problems in the blast furnace It needs to be solved, some blast furnaces generate too much heat, and many people need to keep cooling them with cold water, even so, the blast furnace must be extinguished every once in a while, which is a problem.” When it comes to technical problems, Ling Zhen seems to be Forgetting everything around him, he quickly fell into his own world.

"Who is in charge of technology research and development in the ironworks?" Wu Dong asked.

"It's mainly craftsmen from our Great Song Dynasty, and there are also some craftsmen from Dongying. There are dozens of them. To be honest, Dongying's ironmaking technology has developed rapidly, and it is almost no longer inferior to our Great Song Dynasty." Ling Zhen said.

"Oh, I will personally meet these craftsmen later." Wu Dong said.

They had already entered the ironworks at this moment. The first thing they felt here was a noisy sound, and then they felt that the air here was abnormally turbid.There are countless iron ore stacked outside, and there are many iron ingots that have been refined in the warehouse. The shape of those iron ingots is very similar to the iron ingots in modern society, and they all come out of the mold directly.

Ling Zhen led them into the huge "workshop". At the end of the workshop, the iron-making blast furnace stood there. The height of the iron-making blast furnace was more than ten meters. The bottom was in the workshop, and the top had passed through the workshop. Countless coals were thrown into the blast furnace, and on the other side, red molten iron flowed out of the blast furnace, and then flowed into molds, where it cooled and turned into iron ingots.

This is the first time in human history that a magnificent ironmaking machine appeared. The ironmaking methods here have completely got rid of the slow and inefficient ironmaking methods of small workshops, although the scale is not as good as that of the modern ironmaking industry in later generations. A lot, but the technology used is not much different.Originally, this should have appeared in Europe in the [-]th and [-]th centuries, but now it appeared on the Asian continent hundreds of years in advance.

The weather in June is very hot. With such a blast furnace here, it is even hotter.It’s okay for Wu Dong and others, they are far away from the blast furnace, but those workers are working there in cotton clothes, sweating profusely.

"Dean Ling, why are they wearing cotton clothes?" A soldier couldn't help asking.

"The molten iron over there will splash out from time to time. If you don't wear a cotton coat, the molten iron splashes on a person's body, and a large area will be burned immediately." Ling Zhen said.

Only then did these soldiers understand what was going on, thinking that those workers must have worked extremely hard to stay there in such hot weather, they couldn't help admiring them at this moment.

"Is the charcoal enough?" At this time, Wu Dong asked.

The so-called coal is the ancient name of coal. The ancient people did not pay enough attention to coal. Wudong also specialized in ironmaking to find coal mines, and then transported them here from the north of Koryo.

"It's enough. In fact, there's too much charcoal brought over, we can't use that much at all." Ling Zhen laughed.

"How much iron can be produced now?" Wu Dong asked.

"Every day there are about [-] catties." Ling Zhen said.

"Is this a little bit?" Wu Dong was stunned. The steel output of later generations is measured in tons, but here it is ten thousand catties. No wonder Wu Dong couldn't get used to it all at once.In fact, it is normal to think about it carefully. The ironmaking technology of later generations has developed to the apex, and it has only just appeared now, so the output naturally cannot be compared.

"Great Governor, it's already quite a lot! According to my estimates, the annual iron production of the Great Song Dynasty is only 200 million catties. Our iron production in just over a month can almost catch up with the annual production of the Great Song Dynasty. This iron-making blast furnace It's really a good thing, without this, it would be impossible to achieve such an output!" Ling Zhen said overjoyed.

"The designers of the blast furnace and the managers of the factory must be rewarded vigorously! According to the regulations, they will be given as much gold and silver as they should take, and they must not be deducted!" Wu Dong said.

"Naturally, how dare I withhold these rewards?" Ling Zhen laughed.

"With iron, many things can be solved! We can make a lot of swords and weapons, and we can make a lot of agricultural tools! In the future, with the continuous development of science, iron will be used in more and more places." Wu Dongdao .

The role of steel in this era is already very important, but in later generations, it is even more important. The ships, automobiles, air conditioners, etc. of later generations all use steel, which is almost an indispensable material for human development.

Over the years, Liangshan's weapons are mainly spears, and there are not many other weapons such as swords. In addition to the important role of spears in war, another reason is the lack of iron.Spears only need steel for the spearhead, and if a large number of swords are assembled, the amount of steel required is too much. Liangshanbo at that time could not provide so much steel.And now, this problem has finally been solved.

For the whole morning, Wu Dong and others were in the ironworks. They visited more than a dozen workshops one after another to observe the situation of the ironmaking blast furnace.

Everything satisfied Wu Dong, and in the afternoon, they headed towards the ordnance factory.

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