Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 263 Youth Series 1

"My lord, today's Goryeo is different from before! The young people are very aggressive, and what seems rebellious to you is incomparably sacred to them. "" If you rush forward like this, even if you are a member of the Military Aircraft Department , I'm afraid those young people will not let you go." The attendant next to him said anxiously.

"Let's go, let's go to the county government office and visit the county magistrate of Pyongyang! I want to ask him why these outrageous dramas are allowed to be staged in Pyongyang!" Li Gang gritted his teeth.

He took a group of entourages and strode towards Pyongyang County Government. Although Pyongyang is a big city, it is only one of dozens of county towns in today's Koryo.In today's Korea, except for Kaijing and Incheon, all other cities are "counties", and the chiefs are all county magistrates.

Soon, they entered the Pyongyang County Office, where they met the Pyongyang County Magistrate.This Pyongyang county magistrate is called Jin Qiang, who is from the Koryo nationality. He was originally a scholar. He used to be an official in Pyongyang.

At this moment, Li Gang was looking at him angrily, and said: "Master Jin, those young people are messing around and putting on some outrageous dramas, don't you care about them? As far as I know, you are also from Confucianism, how can you tolerate these things?" What about things?"

Jin Qiang is a middle-aged man in his 30s. At this moment, he said with a wry smile: "Master Li, I can't control those young people! The dramas they staged were all compiled by the Liangshan Thought Reform Group, and it was the Liangshan Thought Reform Group that made the youth They are staged everywhere! You have not been in Korea for a while, so you may not know how much power the reform team has. As the county magistrate of Pyongyang, I dare not go against the reform team.”

Li Gang frowned, stood up, and said, "I'm going back to Kaijing now, and I must convince the governor!"

The main purpose of his return this time is to persuade Wu Dong to stop promoting the so-called "Liangshan Thought".A few days ago, he saw the harvest scene in Goryeo, and he was a little excited and joyful for a while, so he almost forgot about Liangshan's thoughts.At this moment, these young people are putting on a drama in Pyongyang, which makes him wake up again. He is going to hurry on his way immediately, and must return to Kaijing as soon as possible.

Near Kaijing, Wu Dong is enjoying the scenery of the fields with a few "old friends".

These "old friends" were all well-known figures in Goryeo at the beginning, but now they can only be regarded as the old and the young. Although they live a good life on weekdays, they are no longer as beautiful as before.A middle-aged man was the original King of Korea, Wang Yu.Beside him were two old men, one who looked close to 60 years old was Li Haoran, an important minister of Goryeo, and the other was 70 years old with gray hair, and was Jin Dongqing, the grand master of Goryeo.

Now they are all in the field, the sun is very strong, Wang Yu, Li Haoran, and Jin Dongqing can't stand it anymore.

Wu Dong took his entourage and kept communicating with the farmers in the field. When he saw an old farmer who was over 60 years old and was still working in the field with a hoe on his back, the old farmer was sweating profusely, and Wu Dong couldn't help but leave. up.When the old farmer saw Wu Dong, he hurriedly bowed down. Wu Dong helped the old farmer up and questioned him carefully, only then did he realize that the old farmer had no son or daughter, and the only relative in the family was a grandson who was less than three years old.He originally had a son, but his son had already died in battle in Liaodong. After his son died, his wife ran away, and he didn't know where he went.

After hearing this, Wu Dong was very moved. He took the hoe from the old farmer and began to help the old farmer dig the ground himself.Unexpectedly, the old farmer knelt down on the ground and hugged Wu Dong's legs, not letting Wu Dong do this.

"Old man, I'm sorry for you. Your son died for Liangshan. I have an obligation to take care of your life, and I also have an obligation to help you with your work." Wu Dong helped the old farmer up.

"Great governor, how honorable are you, how can you do such cheap jobs?" the old farmer said excitedly.

Originally, the old farmer was also brooding over his son's death, and even resented Liang Shan and Wu Dong, but what Wu Dong did today made him feel extremely, and all the resentment in his heart disappeared.In ancient times, how could a country's leader help farmers work?Not to mention the leader of a country, it is impossible for any official to help farmers work.

The old farmer even felt that his eyes were a little wet, and hurriedly lowered his head to cover up his gaffe.

"What is cheap work? Regardless of industry, agriculture and commerce, they are extremely noble occupations. In my heart, Wu Dong, there is no such thing as cheap work. Come here, take 100 taels of silver and hand it over to the old man, and let the villagers in the village Take good care of the elderly. From now on, young people in the village can help the elderly with farm work." Wu Dong instructed the people beside him.

But the old farmer hastily stopped him, saying: "Great Governor, there is no need. My family now has more than ten acres of land, and my old man can live for ten years. With these fields, I will definitely be able to raise my grandson! By then , my family is prosperous again! I don’t need your money, I appreciate the kindness of the governor.”

However, no matter what the old farmer said, Wu Dong still ordered his subordinates to do this.

After leaving the old farmer's field, he was still very emotional.In fact, soldiers in Liangshan have very high pensions, but this pension is only for the First Army.The Second Army was composed entirely of Koreans, and they went to the battlefield in a hurry, so the pension system has not yet been finalized.Wu Dong kept this matter in mind, and planned to study the pension system of the Second Army immediately after returning home, so that Korean soldiers and Han soldiers could enjoy the same pension system.

While Wu Dong was doing these things, Wang Yu had been standing in the distance blankly. He had never been in such a crop field since he was born, let alone helping others with farm work.He found it difficult for Wu Dong to understand what Wu Dong was doing.

"Your Majesty, from now on, we will stay in Kaijing City and not have any other thoughts that we shouldn't have." Li Haoran sighed.

Along the way, Li Haoran has seen Wu Dong's lofty prestige in the hearts of ordinary Koreans, and now it is impossible to restore the country, so he told Wang Yu not to have such thoughts.

"What did Master Li say? How dare I have such thoughts?" Wang Yu was taken aback, and hurriedly looked around. He was relieved when he saw only the three of them.

Seeing Wang Yu like this, Li Haoran was even more disappointed, thinking that the gap between Wang Yu and Wu Dong was too great, no wonder the whole country would be lost.

"Speaking of which, the governor of Liangshan has benefited the people of Korea." Jin Dongqing said suddenly.

"Blessing? Don't you know how many people have had their homes ransacked and how many people have been criticized?" Li Haoran sneered.

"The people whose homes were ransacked and criticized were very few people. Most of the poor people lived much better than before. I am also satisfied that I can see the poor people in Korea live so happily in my lifetime." Jin Dongqing said.

"Old Grand Master, have you read the Liangshan Thought that Liangshan is promoting now? That is really rebellious and violates the Confucian classics! Liangshan really deserves death!" Li Haoran said.

"Are Confucian classics necessarily correct? Can Confucianism be able to govern the country? At the time of Goguryeo, the culture of the Central Plains had not yet spread here, but the country was so powerful at that time. Emperor Sui Yang and Tang Taizong repeatedly invaded Goguryeo, but were blocked by Goguryeo. , but now?" Jin Dongqing said.

"This..." Li Haoran was silent and speechless.

"I have been thinking carefully during this time. In fact, giving the poor people status and dignity, allowing them to live better, and even letting them elect officials, actually has some truth. I am going to study Wu Dong's Liangshan Thought carefully. See See how he became so powerful." Jin Dongqing said.

Li Haoran kept frowning. Although he didn't agree with Jin Dongqing's statement, it's just that they are the survivors of Goryeo, no matter what they do, it's good to be able to live well.At the moment, he didn't continue to discuss with Jin Dongqing, but walked into the field. He had never appreciated such an idyllic scenery in his life, and gradually he became nostalgic for it.

They stayed outside for a day and returned to Kaijing at night.As soon as Wu Dong entered the city gate, he got the news of Li Gang's return. At this moment, Li Gang was anxiously waiting for him in the council hall.

Wu Dong smiled slightly, and immediately sent Wang Yu and others away, and then led them to the council hall.

Here, Wu Dong quickly met Li Gang, and he was about to ask Li Gang how he was doing in the past few months, when Li Gang actually talked about Liang Shan Thought.

"Great Governor, Liangshan Thought can no longer be implemented!"

"Li Gang, we can talk about state affairs tomorrow! I haven't seen you for a few months, and you seem to be a bit darker. Is there a lot of things in Liaodong?" Wu Dong hurriedly stopped him from continuing, but asked with a smile.

"Governor, I have to say! Liang Shan Thought is so rebellious, it must not continue!" Li Gang ignored Wu Dong's questioning and brought up the topic of Liang Shan Thought again.

"Didn't I tell you before that facts speak louder than words? Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. In the future, you will see whether Liang Shan's thinking is right or wrong." Wu Dong said.

"But, Commander-in-Chief, it will be too late!" Li Gang said anxiously.

"Actually, even if I don't promote Liangshan Thought now, Liangshan Thought will spread widely and will never stop." Wu Dong thought for a while and said.

"Why is that?" Li Gang was taken aback and asked.

"For nearly a thousand years, the common people have been bullied and exploited. Readers, scholar-bureaucrats, landlords, and nobles have been sitting on them and dominating them! Now suddenly someone says that everyone is equal in the future, and you don't have to be bullied and exploited anymore. You say Can ordinary poor people be unhappy? Even if the dissemination of Liangshan thought is stopped now, it will still be secretly spread among the people! The longer the time, the more this view will be recognized by ordinary poor people. By then, there will definitely be some heroes The characters led the poor people to overthrow the scholars, scholar-bureaucrats, landlords, and nobles above them, and then establish a society where everyone is equal in Liangshan's thought! Rather than that, it is better for me to build such a country now." Wu Dong laughed on the road.

"This..." Li Gang stayed there. Although he hated Liangshan Thought in his heart, he couldn't help but admit that Liangshan Thought was very attractive to poor people.It’s fine if no one puts forward such an idea. Now that someone puts forward such an idea, it’s like lighting a torch in the dark, and it will definitely attract countless people to come.A single spark can start a prairie fire. Now that there is a fire, it is almost impossible to extinguish it.

"Great Governor, if you do this, the world will definitely be in chaos! How can the poor and humble people govern the country, how can they be given such a status? How can they be given equal status with scholars and scholar-bureaucrats? As for giving them Dignity is even more ridiculous, what dignity do they want? What dignity do they deserve?" Li Gang frowned.

"Li Gang, I want to persuade you, it is best not to have such an idea. If there were no peasants working in the fields, you scholars and scholar-bureaucrats would not even be able to eat, don't you think? Speaking carefully, all The peasants are the parents of scholars and scholar-bureaucrats." Wu Dong said.

"Great governor, the sage said that those who work hard will rule others, and those who work hard will rule others! We will work hard, and they will work hard, so that the world can be orderly! Those who work hard are naturally infinitely more noble than those who work hard!" Li Gang frowned.

He studied Confucianism since he was a child, and Confucianism has been deeply rooted in his heart, and it is extremely difficult for him to change.

"It's hard for me to convince you now, only in the future, you will see whether the country is orderly, whether the country can be luan, and you can also see whether the common people are qualified to manage the country, and whether they are qualified to have the status of reading people. In fact, by that time, poor people and reading people will no longer be antagonistic. At that time, everyone in the world will be able to read, and everyone will be reading people. Farmers, workers, and businessmen will all be reading people. It's impossible to be noble." Wu Dong said.

"But, Commander-in-Chief, how can a scholar go to farm, work, or trade again? Wouldn't that be a disgrace to him?" Li Gang said.

In this era, unless you really can't survive, you will never do those menial jobs. Such jobs are not in line with your identity.The first thing a reader can do is to become an official. If you can't be an official, then at most you can go to a private school to teach, go to the street to buy paintings, or work as a bookkeeper for others.Some readers would rather starve to death than go to the fields to work.Wu Dong frowned when he heard this, he felt that he and Li Gang couldn't communicate at all, Li Gang's thought really made him speechless.

"Alright, I called you here from Korea, not to discuss these things with you. Now I have an extremely important matter for you to handle." Wu Dong said.

"What's the matter?" Li Gang said.

"As for the establishment of factories, I plan to set up more factories, and I need to teach you all these matters." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, the so-called factory is just a bigger workshop. Do I still need to do this kind of thing?" Li Gang said in surprise.

"Factories are very different from workshops. To build a factory, you need a site, resources, and a reasonable management system! You also need to recruit and train workers! You can first visit the ironworks and ordnance factories in Incheon, and then Then build a factory." Wu Dong said.

"Governor, what factory do you want to build?" Li Gang said.

"You can set up a textile factory, an agricultural tool factory, a brick and tile factory, and a seasoning factory. As for what else, it's up to you to think about it." Wu Dong said.To watch the first release without advertisements, please go to ""

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